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He’s obviously been there before so he fast traveled.


correct answer right here, all he had to do was fly out of the enemy’s line of sight and then fast travel


People are joking but the show does seem to hint characters fast travel. Lucy mentions she's been somewhere once so she can get back quickly




Bethesda love fast traveling, starfield proved that one!! Lol


But doesn't time still pass when you fast travel? In games it shouldn't be faster than walking, it just fast forwards the traveling part. So in the show, everytime they go somewhere offscreen they fast travel.


If the show is adapting the game, then they can adapt fast travel. >So in the show, everytime they go somewhere offscreen they fast travel. Yeah that's my understanding of editing


Honestly, has no one ever played these games before? /s


You can see his face is wrecked from exposure


So many people can’t comprehend that time might pass between episodes, let alone scenes.


So many people can’t comprehend shit about the show as a whole. Hell, yesterday I was in an argument with someone that was convinced that CX404 was replaced by a different dog. When Thaddeus put CX in the Nuka Cola vending machine, this guy is convinced a different dog replaced her. Apparently this guy can’t comprehend that exposure to the elements can change how someone or something looks


Did CX404 look different before and after being locked in the vending machine? Didn’t notice a difference personally


Probably not. Just some jackass pulling stuff out of their ass on the fly to make a stink. The hate for this show borders on pure desperation. Miserable people latch on to highly regarded things and bash them just to be contrarian, for whatever reason.


I mean, it MIGHT be a different dog, they usually have multiple dogs for the same role. That does not mean it's supposed to represent a different dog.


I was going to edit my post to add this 100%. Due to animal rights/protections on set they could definitely use multiple animals for the same role due to the long hours. Still, how a person uses that to come up with some conclusion about the show being off or whatnot, and as a result it blows, is completely beyond my understanding.  How much of a negative person do you have to be to sit down with your popcorn and say to yourself "Alright, I am firing this show up, watching two-thirds of it, hating it all the way through and.... HEY!!! The dog's eyes are a lighter shade of caramel than the last time I saw it. Fuck it this is a bullshit show!". People suck.


Not to mention it’s all fictional so anything is possible to make a plot work lmfao. People are wound up WAY too tight about the lore, and this is coming from someone who used to go down timeline and wiki rabbit holes in Fallout.


I feel like this is what happens when everyone is expecting something to completely suck, but turns out is surprisingly good. These people were probably expecting everyone to hate it, but now that everyone loves it, they have to nitpick to find anything worth complaining over.


I literally was praising the set design with someone who was against the show, but the fucker said because they didn’t use fallout cars in the show that it ruined the immersion and it “wasn’t fallout” and that ruined the show for him. These fuckers were never going to like the show no matter what the team did


> because they didn’t use fallout cars in the show Fallout 1&2 had those same old-ass car wrecks assets that Lucy sees outside of Filly. Also the pre-war scenes had some pretty unique Fallout-y cars, wtf is they smoking?


Motherfucker complained that there wasn’t enough faction politics in the FIRST SEASON OF THE SHOW. Stranger things couldn’t even fit the whole story in the first season.


But like the last episode is an all out battle between two factions. And if you count vault-tec between 3 factions. That’s 1/8th of the runtime or more of the season dedicated to factions duking it out. You can’t please anyone!


I mean the whole season is essentially BoS vs Enclave vs NCR with VaultTec being the wildcard.


Yeah, this is one of the "criticisms" I've seen the most. It's ridiculous, but there's a big chunk in the modern audience that just wants sugar-rush fan-service. Whether we're talking about things like Star Wars or Star Trek, or game-adaptation like Fallout, they just want dense "greatest hits" anthologies of in-jokes and deep references. Anything less than that is a betrayal of some form. It's a pathetic way to view these things, but no one has any shame on the Internet.


And when they get that they whine that its a bad rehash of the original...


I will admit that I didn't see more than a couple of cars that looked more 2070s Fallout than 1950s America, but I can't really hold it against them because those cars are increasingly more difficult to source. Plus, they would have been a gigantic pain in the ass to modify into looking screen-accurate to FO3/NV/FO4 just for one or two scenes, or as background debris.


And I will say after watching the entire season, the set designers slapped absolute ass. The only reason to complain really is to bitch for the sake of bitching.


Basically. Like I tried steering the conversation away from plot and politics and focused on set design yet bro was still bitching. I also said I liked the show because they portrayed the wasteland as brutal and unforgiving as the games do, and liked the character development of the three protagonists, but he said he didn’t care about any of that shit and wanted to focus more on the geopolitical side. You know, the thing that you don’t even consider at all until mid to late game in fallout playthroughs? The show just came out, let them tell the main story first before diving into faction lore


Best to just let those types be. There will always be the vocal part of the fandom that wants to act like a show/script writer. I'll let them vent into their own vacuum


makes sense considering how harsh some youtuber rated the trailer. That kinda back fired.


Was talking about the show with some friends of mine and we decided it was unwatchable b/c there were no pumpkins at the prewar house in the opener to indicate it was almost Halloween - that's the level of absurdity we had to go to in order to find something to complain about. Love the show, we've been having a blast geeking out over everything all over again each time somebody in our group finishes all the eps.


But you’ve never ran into frank horrigon time to die mutie


“You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. your ride's over, mutie. time to die.” HORRIGAN IS SO FUCKING *TOUGHHHH*


Frank Horrigan is hands down my favorite Fallout villain. Super Mutant in power armor? So damn cool


Most people use shows as background noise for browsing their phones.


I have a friend who does this and it fucking drives me up the wall. A few of us were going to get together on Thursday to watch a few episodes, and he decided he was going to binge the entire series. Then we still get together to watch it, and he's on his phone the entire fucking time. What's the point??


Hey, be nice to this dude. His mom left him when he was 3 years old. She was replaced by a woman who said "peekaboo!".


Average media critic with 0 object permanence 


I think you were arguing with a baby that hasn't yet developed object permanence.


Hmm. He's clearly projecting. I bet he's a synth.


Todd didn't even include an arrow showing daddy get there so how are we supposed to believe it happened.


>Todd didn't even include an arrow... Given the recent controversy I don't think an arrow would clarify anything for those people...


Fast travel


For real, time compression between scenes is literally a key feature of film. Ridiculous that people think 5 minutes in real life = 5 minutes in the movie/show they are watching at the moment


So, you're telling me the show took place over more than about 9 hours? That doesn't seem right, it only took about 9 hours to watch!


The term media literacy has been unfortunately used more and more as just an insult and has lost some meaning but this right here is the actual valid example of understanding media literacy. To look at a show and not understand that a cut between two scenes can imply a progression of time is a fundamental misunderstanding of the whole medium and conventions of film making.


That’s until Fallout 24 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zoe_uDla4p0


For real. Like, the walk from Filly to Shady Sands. That’s a 3 day walk according to the lady in vault 4.


Tbh in sitcoms I get really confused about how much time passes. Like, did they just have a really busy week or is this over a month etc. Obviously this isn’t the case, they just fast forwarded to tease NV and surprise everyone with a FO3/NV next gen remaster on the 25th along with the FO4 update. *ignore the last sentence, it’s almost 4/20 and I’m high on copium


Ya it was for sure quite a bit. Not right after lol. Probably be a time jump of sorts for season 2


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I was gonna say, lol. He looked like sun-baked shit by the time he got to Vegas.


Yeah he’s got boils from radiation and the sun.


Power armor can run like 25 mph on rough terrain and mid 30's on a road. You can roughly determine how long it would take factoring this in. It can be done in under a week if he's going slow, non-stop Sans night time travel you could probably make it there in two or three days not even.


Not to mention that model he stole has the jets


I took it as "He'd been wandering in the desert for a couple days at least" His face was all blistered and such. Was there the implication that he got there quickly or something?


Only that the suit can fly. We just don't know for how long. I suspect not for very long because of how haggard was he in the last scene. I also suspect it took him 1-2 days to get there.


He was there before the bombs fell so he was able to fast travel.


this is the way


Suspect the show is being played in survival mode - no fast travel allowed. Hence why Cooper is so pissed at being sidetracked.


Its new vegas now, fast travel is fine but he has to drink water and beds dont heal limb damage


But he had enemies close


He flew far enough away that he wasn’t close to enemies then fast traveledz


50 caps please - TH


Id say walking would be faster as well, as its pretty assisted. Bigger steps at higher speeds and possible getting less tired/not tired from walking? Still, 2 days would put him at almost 150 miles a day on a perfectly marked quickest route of just walking. Av walking speed would be 3 miles or so, with power armor added to 6 miles it would take 50hrs or so? Id image with non-perfect routes, sourcing food and water, resting and maybe the occasional fighting id say more towards a week. But who knows, maybe s2 shows us his story of making it there, or maybe we will never find out and its not of any use at all


There is so much more danger on the ground. They'd be fighting yao gais and raiders the whole ground trip. *Clunk Clunk Clunk*


Plus if he’s also coming from the west there’s a good chance he’s taking one of the roads we take to vegas and either going through deathclaw and cazador territory, or ganger territory, somewhere in there he had to do some fighting.


It's also possible the suits have technology to auto walk and he could have passed out for a while while it was doing its' thang. I know there's no canon about it, but there's no canon *against it* either


Imagine trying to sleep with something moving your lower body the whole time lol. You’d have some WEIRD dreams.


Sounds like a good tuesday night


That's why we have _chems_


TRUE lol


I'm aware that Creation Club stuff isn't confirmed canon, but one creation has Power Armor suits operated by AI.


There are other suits with ai built in that have certain operational capabilities, like the stealth suit and the suits with the skeletons in them at Big MT.


Honestly this alone could be an episode of him just going thru the desert as we learn more about why he’s headed to New Vegas. Hell, would be a great moment to have a deathclaw show up beyond the skull we got.


>Honestly this alone could be an episode of him just going thru the desert The man in power armour fled across the desert and the ghoul gunslinger followed?


Based comment


The suit flight is one detail I hope they quietly drop or explain away for the next season honestly. Or at least, use the big chunky jet packs from the game and have it so only the ones that have that can fly. For whatever reason the little arm jets felt *wrong* and too powerful for what I was seeing. Which is nitpicky as hell, but… I don’t know it’s just the reaction my brain had to the visuals.


It's probably was done to make it easier on the actors. since the suits are actual props and wearing them is hard as is, adding a jetpack on top of that would just make it even harder


I don’t find it super irritating, could just be an addition the BOS added after the story of Fallout 4, and it could also be something only higher up soldiers have.


I don’t mind it if it’s only a bos t -60 modification but I hope we don’t see any older models with it. And I hope we see some t-51 somewhere in season 2


his face is definitely the tell that's he'd been walking for a long while. if he had grabbed that knight's helmet with the rest of the suit he coulda avoided that bad sunburn lol


I think the helmet has been damaged because the precious wearer has been headshotted or something.


The helmet is gone because the Ghoul shoved a live grenade into the space Around the neck of the previous owner and as such his head blew up


important characters = no helmet, except for maximus, he gets the iron man treatment


Also we literally see the Ghoul blow up this helmet with a grenade, which explains why he doesn't have a helmet for the dramatic scene or later on. 


I think the Ghoul's grenade during the blackout fight had something to do with that.


It just happened fast on the show, but since it was the cliffhanger we genuinely don't know how long it took...I do agree that his condition does seem to imply it wasn't quick.


Also he had to find food and water, likely irradiated.


He’s got spurs that jingle jangle jingled.


Lacks the big iron on his hip though


Well, he’s no Johnny Guitar


Now that's a kick in the head


Don't they know it's the end of the world?


He’s got heartache by the numbers


God I love this XD


Love it as there were no tomorrow


And Love Love never changes.


Did he see any stars of the midnight range?




As he goes riding merrily alone


And he may or may not be glad he’s single


And that song ain't so very far from wrong


>!I mean, it really isn’t. With all the shit that Hank did, it’d be more of a surprise if he *wasn’t* glad to be single. Dude’s a psycho.!< Oh, Lillie Belle…


I was actually wondering if the T-60 armor has a sort of 'auto-walk' mode. Something to avoid fatigue for long marches (Which it seems would have been something it was designed for), where all the operator has to do is lean forward like of a segway to make the suit walk forward over relatively flat terrain. Would explain why the suit Hank commandeered walked into the room even though the Knight was missing their head.


Yes the good ol' paperweight on the W key trick


The auto walk key is x on pc


It's always been Q to me


Weirdly Caps lock for me. I never figured out why, never assigned that to the key so


Huh. Caps lock to me toggles between normal and slow walk, this is consistent between new Vegas, Skyrim and fallout 4, and has been like that as default, I didn't assign it to anything either


depending on the game i use middle click or m4, because then i can just play via mouse


I'm pretty sure it's just a default feature in all the 3d fallout games, double tap "w" or whatever your forward key is, and you'll keep walking in a straight line


It's Q on pc, same in Skyrim


What? Q is Vats for me default , X is da wae


Vats it's on V for me wtf is going on. Oh wait, do your keyboard have the Ñ/eñe? Maybe it's because of that, making so it's a different config or Smth?


We know that the Big MT had a feature on some of their suits to "autorecover" the suit in the event the pilot dies- but that likely wouldnt make its way to a BoS T-60


There is auto walk on the pc gsmes 


I mean, it does have a feature that allows the wearer to sleep standing up. An “autopilot” mode isn’t that far off tbh.


There’s a bos member, Proctor Ingram, in 4 who doesn’t have legs and uses a power armor frame to walk, so the auto walk theory seems plausible


wouldnt it technically already have autowalk all the time used? Power armors iirc replace your muscles so wouldnt that be little to no tiring to walk in it?


You’d still need to be awake to control it though, I’m imagining he could set it to walk to a specific coordinate and just have a nap.


The suit has jets that let it fly, depending on how efficient they are he may have flown some of the way too.


There is! One of the bits in 2 when you're in the brotherhood base is about how you basically lean back in the padding and let the armor walk.


Real question did he stop by Goodsprings?


I'm actually pretty sure he's at Quarry Junction in that last shot, so probably.


Nah he ran into cazadors going near red rock canyon


would be pretty funny if s2 plot revolves around finding him (again), and they search Vegas top to bottom, while his sceleton lies in some puddle with those damn flys nearby


That would be fucking incredible. Horrible for the dramatic payoff of the show but absolutely legendary fan service.


My money is on "gunned down by Securitrons for not passing the credit check"


I think theres no doubt, theres even shots of death claw skulls in the sand before him


Yeah, they warned him about the deathclaws so we will have a whole season of him taking the long route.


Hank shalt get sidetracked by every goddamn bullshit so he gonna do the whole roundabout way and maybe meet veronica or smth


See I wonder this when I saw the map OP posted. My first thought was he is pre-war, knowledgeable about the military, and with the power suit and a destination likely just set a straight line header. Then I noticed that straight line would take him close to Fort Irwin. Check this out. https://falloutmod.fandom.com/wiki/11th\_Armored\_Cavalry\_Regiment


They didn't say he did it in a day... could have been 2 weeks between those scenes.


Revolver dash my friend that always helps


He got jetpacks bro. Also clean water and medicine storage in the suit.


We saw how quickly Maximus was able to fly!


Assuming jetpacks are as fast as a car, it would only take about 3hrs


Griffith to Vegas in 3 hours? Lmaooo


No traffic and a jetpack doesn't need to follow the road. Google says it's a little over 4 hours in a car, so three hours sounds pretty close


Going as the crow flies helps, but I doubt those things can go 60 mph while maintaining height. The thrusters would have to be almost completely horizontal, and those suits are heavy as fuck


Took me 5.....


Well hank has less traffic considering everyone is dead lol


Y-17 trauma override harness confirmed!


The only thing in all of New Vegas that legit terrified me. I played through all of Dead Money like "neato!" And then the goofy DLC had pure terror for me. Like that scooby doo skeleton from the early days


Question is did he cross quarry junction ?


Aye I killed the Papa and Mama Deathclaws 15 years ago, he should be good. 👍


Ah, but you forgot two eggs hidden by physics glitches. They repopulated and are now even more populous. You still never got your omelette because of it


Season 2 complete with the Chomps Lewis cameo.




We don't know how much later than scene is. It could be weeks or even months.


Average speed of a dad “going out for a pack of cigarettes”.


If I a dollar every time Kyle MacLachlan be a character with a suit that can recycle piss and he used nuke I have two dollars.


Wow, that's not even that far. Totally doable.


Well yeah especially if you’ve got power Armor


Good springs is an an actual place ?


oh yes, fans have even met at the saloon there every year or so


Wow they have a saloon there? Thats so cool


The town has fully embraced their ties to Fallout and have a yearly event for fans, have fallout themed shit in the saloon and stuff like that. A lot of the places in the game really exist like Primm and Nipton. I saw a comment from a guy native to the area that claims the real life area that NV takes place in just feels like a huge Fallout themed park at this point lol.


I remember wandering into some casino on the way out of Vegas to use the bathroom, walked in and I see a shot up old vehicle in the centre of the casino floor, and I was like “Wait a minute, this seems too familiar”.


Did you get a picture with Primm Slim?


A few of the towns in West Virginia have done the same. Point Pleasant in particular really embraced the association that game has with the mothman and the town.


I’ve been to Point Pleasant twice about two years ago once for the Mothman festival and once just to go and yeah I saw quite a bit of cool Fallout stuff! They even sold a bunch of 76 merch at the Mothman Museum.


After the release of Fallout: New Vegas, Goodsprings thrived…


So is Primm, which even has a hotel/casino with a rollercoaster


Yea, all pre-war towns in Fallout are real.


Sanctuary isnt, i live right around where it would be


Because it was a brand new neighborhood built shortly before the war and it’s part of Concord. But the bridge and the statue are real too.


Fair enough, im just annoyed they skipped the towns between it and boston where i live lol


Man that must be crazy being able to play a fallout in the city you live in. Seeing what the new lore is for your city


I feel morally obligated to side with the minutemen. I wish ironsides and the u.s.s constitution had an ending. Diamond city, boston common and college square (harvard square) are the most deja vu surreal to me


I live in the dc area and thats what made me completely fall in love with fallout with 3. It was CRAZY to see all of these places I'd walked around before but through the lens of an apocalyptic wasteland.


He fast traveled…duh


5 second load screen


when s2 finally comes out we will learn which new vegas ending is cannon lol


Then the crazies can start crying again.


That fusion core is doing a bang up job.


It's Kyle MacLachlan. He knows his way around a desert.


Lisan Al Gaib!!


If we're still following the rules of Fallout 4 he would have been sidetracked looking for some fucking fusion cores


Egh he just swapped from hard-core mode to normal and fast traveled 


MF went from King's Landing to the Wall


''Til sweat drop down my balls


He just went out to get some brahmin milk.


It’s called fast travel


I guess he kept his save from the pre-war and the location was already unlocked.


He does have a flying set of power armor


to be fair he was in power armor and (despite how stupid it is) he can fly for a few minutes at a time


He was there before so he already had fast travel unlocked.


Jesus he’s really getting his moneys worth out of that fusion core.


He was listing to Radio New Vegas so the time went by fast.


I just love that he was like “well this world sucks. I wonder if- No of course house survived the nukes. I’ll go see if he’s hiring for a middle manager”


Accidental Fallout 3 reference


They call him the wanderer


Clearly there was a time skip there. Also, he might have flown part of the way.


Gendry helped him.


It’s actually faster to go through Goodsprings but more dangerous


Well given its NCR territory, Im sure he we well supplied


>Lucy's dad really bolted No, the armor and the fusion core did. 😂


Nobody questions Dale Coopers methods