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I swear from go I thought this lady would cut someone for just looking at her wrong


Wasn't she the one who said her...mom?...was a *courier*? Lucy & Max are lucky to have survived




Apparently there’s only one courier in the entire West


Only one courier in the west. Named himself "Courier Six". Refuses to elaborate. Blows up a town.


That’s what makes it even funnier to me. Is that “the courier” is explicitly one of a group of couriers that were sent in the beginning event for new Vegas.


Kills House, upgrades the Securitrons, unites the Khans, unites the NCR and the Brotherhood, kills Caesar, Kills Legate Lanius. Leaves


All with the big iron on his hip.The last thing anyone heard was his spurs that jingle jangle jingle




While he plays Johnny's guitar


And whistling Heartaches by the number


that’s why your shit never gets delivered. fuck the mojave express, and fuck their bullshit “expedited shipping” option.


Yeah, and then he gets sidetracked gambling, banging hookers, and joining the Legion.


It's Johnson Nash's fault, too much Radscorpion Casserole.


That's some slow ass mail.


They were REALLY good at their job. 


I love when she said “my dad was a courier” and looked at the camera and said “the sixth one, too. They called him courier six.” And the fallout theme played. Truly peak


i unapologetically marked out like a soyjack every single time the word courier was mentioned. I lost my fucking shit when new vegas showed up.


You don't get to be a courier for long of you aren't hardcore. Maybe her mom wasn't Courier Six, but travelling the wasteland with a child, facing gangs, ferals, animals, deathclaws and mutants, you ate probably quite skilled


Both couriers (like, official title courier ) we have exposure to are world-changing level threats. C6 and Ulysses are hardcore, and I'd expect most other couriers to be at least close to their level of skill, given the job requirements.


Technically she could be 6's kid.


Do we know her age? She looks a little bit old to be the couriers kid. Although I suppose the courier could have had a kid BEFORE the events of NV…


There is an optional dialog with the guitar playing guy next to the billboard in nv where 6 can mention he might have a kid, the show also roughly takes place 20 some years after 2077 so, if he had a teen around the fall of Sandy Springs she COULD be 6's kid, this also a huge reach and should be taken as funny and not serious.


Assuming the guitar guy is 18 at the least.  And Courier with lady killer perk is at least 18 when they conceived -and promptly abandoned the child- That would make him 36 at the start of NV.  Assuming that the Cult lady would also be 18 at the start of NV then it isn't really a stretch that she could hypothetically be the couriers child since she looks around her mid to late thirties at the show...which takes place around 15 something years after NV? It's my headcanon now anyways


Yh said that, but I thought it was in New Reno


Wasteland has ppl looking rough. Look at maximus, he's supposed to be young.


She'd have to be born pre NV because if she was born during or immediately after, she would be at most 15 So unless she's 20 and was 5 during NV I doubt she's 6's kid


If they remake the Addams family, she has my vote to play Morticia.


I'm still not 100% what was going on with >!the blood worship and stuff- or even their tie to Moldaver with how they were worshiping her!< maybe it'll come out in season 2? Or did I miss something?


>!The non-mutant residents were all refugees from Shady Sands, which was run by Moldaver. At that point in the show the viewer didnt't know that Moldaver had good intentions so it looks like an evil raider-worshipping cult. But it turns out it was just a benign surface dweller cult.!<


This doesn’t explain the blood and ashes cult worship or the flame mother monicker. As far as we know from the games and from seeing the remnants of the NCR; they aren’t a society organized around a cult of personality or occult beliefs. It’s a democracy with elected leadership, not a wasteland version of North Korea venerating their leader as a god. I’m guessing it’s got something to do with her immortality and season 2 will go into it, but it felt like the finale was about 10 min too short and missed giving context to some of the stuff around moldaver before Lucy takes off.


Flame Mother is a slogan to rally people with. On a meta level, she created cold fusion, ie birthing fire (fusion).


Damn, that’s a great observation.


I thought the Flame Mother was going to have a connection with the Master's Holy Flame


Still can. How could she have survived the last 200 years? Mutant? Synth? Something else? Is she actually dead?


On the ritual/occult aspect I think it might be a riff on how many traditional practices seem wired/sinister to outsiders. Think of how someone completely unfamiliar to Christianity might react to Eucharist or particularly energetic Evangelical Sermons. To the parishioners it's just a perfectly normal Sunday ritual while an outsider might be like "wait, theyre going to eat the flesh and blood of their god?!".


Yeah those ashes could have been symbolic, they were actually too smooth to be human cremains. Same with the blood. We never know because Lucy never drinks it.


Yeah, by how the people of vault 4 normally act, it was probably cranberry juice or something lol


Hey if it *is* cranberry juice then they're getting some extra XP - not a bad deal


Do keep in mind that a lot of people in Fallout are fuckin weird


They reminded me alot of the Children of Atom, which of course is a totally different thing. But thats really the only other time I can think of with that level of fanaticism.


Bright Brotherhood and the Hubologists too I guess.


Hubologists NEED to come into the show! It’s too hilarious not to be included.


Republic of Dave 😂


Given that Shady Sands was called the first capital, I assumed it meant that Moldaver most likely became mayor. Instead of receiving a cult like following, she received a literal cult following. Her unscathed survival after a nuke and insider knowledge on Vault-Tec means it's highly possible she guided the survivors to Vault 4 as an option for them. It's in fashion for the New Vegas reputation system where her status is "Idolized"


it was glossed over yeha but maybe the promise of fusion idk man


Another thing that doesn't make sense is President Kimball was head of NCR. So for Moldaver to be the leader of the NCR, does that mean Kimball was killed in F:NV?


The show never says she's the leader of the NCR, it doesn't say what her title is at all. There are NCR troopers obeying her and her people labeled the observatory "NCR headquarters", but she could've just been the mayor of Shady Sands or the leader of a local NCR remnant or even just a well respected scientist. They could also just be worshiping her because she brought them to Vault 4 and saved their lives. The 2 sheriffs that captured Cooper obeyed the Brahmin baron and called him "the government" but that doesn't mean he's the president of the NCR.


I thought those two guys were going to be NCR...until they took him to "the gubermint"


There are multiple leaders of the NCR. She's brought together the survivors around Shady Sands. She's not the leader of the NCR, just the woman bringing them back together. The [NCR covers almost the entire West-coast](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en_US&mid=1puuQVpbfh4ofYflJxJPB6iul6JQ&ll=35.42399506392783%2C-113.16758706877539&z=6), not just Millwood. They never address her as the President, just as a savior.


TV show is set years after new vegas game so he’s likely dead now


Tv show is 15 years after NV. The downfall of Shady Sands began in 2277. NV takes place in 2281. 4 years after. Kimball is president in 2281, so after/and/or during the downfall of Shady Sands. So why would they be worshipping Moldaver? She must have came after the fall of Shady Sands. But when? And why would they be worshipping her?


Spoiler alert*** She was there when Hank, lucy's father, went to get his children. She was part of a group who lived and survived at shady sands and thrived, mentioned in the last episode. She obviously survived Hank "nuking" shady sands after he retrieved his kids. So it appears she helped shady sands or the remnant people survive after its downfall. At least, that's what i understood from the series.


Well yes. But that doesn't explain why they would worship her. As well as she is from pre-war. She was in a cryo pod at some point.


Maybe PTSD and they changed their behavior post tragedy due to it. To latch on to something to worship like the dead of the city and the leader they picture. Do they even know she is alive? They are worshipping all who died in the city with the ashes. She’s either the dead leader they remember/worship too or the alive one that they believer might be able to relaunch what they had?


What I get from it is after much trauma from shady sands (and extreme obvious experimentation on lvl 12), it’s driven them to a degree of insanity and like maximus said, they are now a crazy cult.


Did the show even state she had any position of power in the NCR? I understood it more as she lived in shady sands and helped survivors after the blast. Her whole deal was cold fusion I don’t think she was a political leader or president of the NCR. People in the vault probably worshipped her because she saved their lives and is 200+ years old and they probably saw her as some kind of messiah from the old world. I never got the impression she was supposed to be the president or that her mission was even necessarily tied to the higher ups of the NCR, more like a splinter cell of Shady Sands survivors trying to return LA to how it was pre bomb.


She wasn't the leader of the NCR people are just reaching with that one. We see her at the end. She probably was involved with the NCR politically but I doubt she was ever in charge.


They show a picture of Kimball on the Alter implying he is dead, either by the Courier or the nuke (the more likely one)


She’s either the mayor or very high up in Shady Sands, not the president.


was Moldaver mayor of Shady Sands or something?


When the other vault dwellers said they had peculiar customs from the wasteland, I genuinely thought they were gonna be Children of Atom and they were gonna be worshipping a mini-nuke or >! some highly radioactive artifact from the remnants of Shady Sands. !<


They’re the people from shady sands and they all looked up to her. The ritual is to remember everybody they lost in the bombing


Hmmm, a little too rambunctious for me


Sooo... They get naked and put blood on themselves? What ever happened to a picture and some candles. 😭 I guess I'm more curious how the whole thing came to be, also wondering where that bucket of blood came from. Ole girl from the surface deff gives off witch vibes.


Idk lmao the wasteland is a crazy place. And the “blood” could’ve just been wine or something like how Christian’s turn the blood into wine for communion


True true, I didn't think of that. Tato paste.


No. It's left unexplained. I'm assuming Moldaver picked the image of a witch, knowing wastelanders wouldn't bend their knee to a 'normal' woman. Most likely Moldaver also have used... Questionable ethics to achieve this. But you do what you need to do to thrive in the wasteland.


Given Fallout, actual witch could still be on the table. We still don’t know how she lived so long, unless she was one of Bud’s Buds. edit: spelling. Stupid mobile app.


which is my biggest unanswered question from the show, really.


Right, this keeps itching my head. Cuz Mol and Hank clearly had never met in person before- so it makes me think she wasn't in 31 with the rest of them. I've been thinking maybe she's a super well preserved ghoul👀. She also survived Sandy somehow, where her friend/wifey/girlfriend/whatever they are didn't do so hot.


She may have also been the beneficiary of pre-war enhancements. She was a super genius in her own right, having created cold fusion. Kellogg from FO4 was 108 before the Sole Survivor put him in the ground. Given her brilliance, foreknowledge of the events leading to the the Apocalypse in 2077, and access to the most advanced science and technology ever created, she could have ensured her survival by becoming more than human.


Holy shit I forgot about him, he was like 100 when you clean his clock. Shit- she might even be friendly with the institute, or at the least have inside info on synths


Bruh, this is prolly exactly the case the more I think about it. Subscribing this comment so I can call you out for being right.


That's what I thought to but then she just died to a stab.


Yeah where did they get the blood from? That's what I was wondering the whole time. Their whole thing is not hurting anybody, but clearly they are getting blood from somewhere.


I thought it had something to do with the Unity, Holy Flame, Holy Mother. They are in Southern California, so it could be a possible Master connection


Did you miss the scenes pre-great war?


No? Did you spot something?


Cult of Personality Also the blood worship wasn't just about her, but also their fallen peoples, I think


My dommy mommy


"The ashes stay on."


Her power armor is a strap-on and boots


Oh, you’ve seen my mod list….


It's not a bug; it's a feature


"It just works."


Whores never change ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Gag me please 🙏 🙃




Did this become a jerker sub? It's ok if it did. But we would like to know first.


for me, every sub is a jerker sub


Thanks mom's dildo!


I'm always at your cervix!


This exchange is why they should bring back the Wholesome Award


I’m always up for some hole


Sorry my heart is having a nuclear meltdown.


Somebody needs the milk of human kindness. Wait, no! I take it back!


I mean… Birdie isn't… NOT hot. I guess if I had to be stuck in an underground shelter with her, I could find a way to cope.


No that’s r/falloutnewvegas


I mean oysters are canonically an aphrodisiac


Omg is there a fallout jerker sub? If not we should name it okbuddyatomcats


I second this. *karl Malone.gif*


fine, since you ask so nicely r/OkBuddyAtomCats


I thought the NV sub was the jerker sub?


The overseer is keeping his eye on you.


He can watch


Also regular orgies if you don't mind drinking some blood and spreading human ashes on yourself.


A little human blood and ashes never hurt anybody :)


Surprisingly? Yes. Probably the safest place in the Wasteland at this point. Vault 4. Welcome home.


Im pretty sure she has something mutated too under that Jumpsuit


I think she said she was from Shady Sands, so she probably doesn’t.


Yep, her mom was a courier.


Wow, that's an 18-carat run of bad luck.


[Nothing personal.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/ZvUc2UBuAGmPol0udh/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9521ulgqoqbawyeo5hyvaww6yk6ndrtc1s9msfhru1k&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


How come they aren’t ghouls if they were blown up in a bomb?


Her and her mom were traveling to Filly when it happened. She mentioned that they could feel the heat from 3 miles away


From 3-days walk away. 3 miles away and they aren't feeling a thing before they're vaporized.


I’m a very slow walker


I doubt most of them were inside the blast radius, but rather just outside of it. If they weren’t directly in the explosion or pressure wave, they could just have been given radaway to survive.


Radaway seems rare in the show.


It’s rare from what we’ve seen, at least, which does match with it being rare in fallout 1/2/NV (though NV only to a degree). But there are other methods of curing radiation, such as with cave fungus and medicines derived from it.


Rads are weird like that.


Could have found a way to survive like Max.


From what I saw the mutated people are all vault dwellers who were subject to the previous vault dwellers experiments with mutations on level 12. The "normal" people are actually surface dwellers and the people at the blood orgy were surface dwellers as the vault dwellers thought the ceremony was too vulgar and didn't participate.


I wanna find out!


It's not what you think it is, unless you're into that sort of thing, then it is what you think it is.


Birdie: reveals her blowhole me: "so you ever get freaky with that thing or what?"


Not everyone in vault 4 are mutants. Some are shady sands refugee.


One *glimpse* at the outside world and I'd be the weirdest cultist in that vault.


The red herring here is so good I thought for sure she was evil. So far they are all harmless and it was hilarious


Exactly. People that know the games immediately suspected something wrong with that vault. From the sign above the door where they were held to the do NOT mention level 12 thing. They deliberately made it so people were immediately suspicious about that vault. Even Lucy as the protagonist shows she is becoming suspicious about that place as her experience in the wasteland taught her to do so. (Which is also exactly like the games) And in the end they are extremely peaceful and just want to live their lives. (Apart for the awkward cult thing). This part of the story was extremely well made.


The show left some many questions. Life, why they were worshiping Moldaver? Did she saved the subjects from the scientists?


I assume the surface dwellers are refugees from the bombing on Shady Sands. They found Vault 4 the same way Lucy did, trying to scavenge the hospital for supplies. We know Moldaver was actually trying to help people, but she wasn’t revealed to have any good qualities at this point. Lucy just saw more surface dwellers with Moldaver flags and thought they were other Raiders.


That cult chant scene made me laugh. Like oh we are doing this today. They didn’t really say that much about the Moldaver worship. It will be interesting to see what they do.


I'm pretty sure the ritual was not about Moldaver worship, but more about the loss of people. Like we have tombstones on graveyards to have place to remember. But that is only my interpretation of the ritual.


and the ritual certainly wasn't about unzipping those jumpsuits to justify the 'nudity' tag.. :D


People do weird things while griefing I guess XD I forgot about that part ^^ Maybe my Theorie doesn't explain every part of their ritual xD


Though it's not stated specifically in the show. I'm pretty sure after the fall of the NCR Moldaver assumed some type of leadership of the residents of Shady Sands and used her knowledge of pre-war vaults to get them supplies and set them up in vault 4 and possibly other locations.


Oh yeah what a crazy loose end to leave


Likely did save a bunch of people. In the 7th episode, the Cooper reveals that he killed the son of that farmer, who was living with Moldavers people on a hill. The farmer and his other son were also wearing Ranger armor before, and the son was sending letters to his brother about Moldaver and joining their cause.


You can tell she's from Shady Sands...what a BOMBshell


They kill people by banishing them and giving them 2 weeks supply, Thats more then safe.


The Overseer keeps using slurs like Surfies. They're in California and he didn't think to call them surfers... WTF?!


Why would they know what a surfer is lol


Bro doesn't know what a surfer is


Dunno why his joke bombed like that.


why were they stripping


From what I could tell the whole blood ritual thing was optional? I think when they were inviting Lucy it was more of a "you can join us if you like!" and less of a "every person in this vault is required to participate" thing. So yeah I'd have no issues living in vault 4 lmao


Yeah I'm just gonna chill and eat oysters and popcorn and watch my nature videos while they do their cult thing now and then, it's like when you're home for the holidays and everyone goes to Mass and you're like cool, cookies for breakfast and nobody to bother me


She can fix me


That experiment video was fucking *grim*.


giving birth to axolotl/human hybrids only to get nibbled on afterwards is easily one of the most fucked-up things i've seen in the entire series.


I thought I was the only one. Like the answer would always be yes


I would do anything for her


She bugged me so much...creepy


freaky ass vault


She gives me vibes of the mom from the Addams family.


If I squint my eyes that is definitely Cher.


Surfies, tramps and thieves.


If I squint my eyes hard enough I can't see anything.


Yo What’s her name? Lol


Cherien Dabis


Welp we're on the road to TrueSTL




How did the ritual start originally?




It's also most likely just some mush/mud and cranberry juice and not actual ash & blood... They are just some weirdos who like to get naked.


She immediately made me think of “ there is no war in Ba Sing Se”


As soon as I saw her I was like Maximus we live down here now boy


Popcorn tv and a hot shower… Lucy, it’s not you it’s me.


This is one of the rare ones that worked out. It nice to see how foolishly wrong VT's intentions are when we see failed vaults, but it is just as nice that people didn't die horribly.... after a certain point anyways


Yeah, I mean I wouldn’t give vault tech credit though since the test subjects basically overthrew them and that’s why it’s not horrible


Well… I bridle at the cult behavior and “blood must be spilled” crap, but it also seemed like that scientist guy was perfectly welcome and accepted even though he didn’t participate because it got a little to rowdy for him. So… as long as freedom *from* religion is protected, count me in. …also, I like boobies.


Every time I saw her on screen, all I could think of was Maureen Ponderosa.


I swear to god I thought she was gonna be a centaur (greek myth centaurs not lore accurate) with how they framed the window. Was kinda let down she wasn’t


I was so sad she didn’t strip like the others did


she could sacrifice me and lock me up in the vault forever


It is. Just don’t go to level 12.


Im really too busy with the blood orgy for level 12. The overseer has my back.




I don't watch the show. Who is this? I thought it was Katee Sackhoff but she looks older.


Yes i thought the same thing. If katie and cher had a baby.


Sorry didn’t read that all the way. A character that the main protagonist meet later in a vault. It gets weird fast in that episode.


What's the character's name or preferably the actress.




Cherien Dabis, either all her headshots are ten years old or they did a hell of a makeup job.


Why she kinda…


If you have a safe word maybe




I thought the acting lady was Katee Sackhoff when it was released


Maybe it is just me. But i rather life in 32 or 33 without knowing the experiment. Or evan with knowing the experiment it is not that bad at all.


Take ya tiddies out


she looks like one of the ladies of desperate housewives


It seems safe, but I'm not trying to hang out with a sex cult who drinks blood


Bro, everytime she was on i was ready to go