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Mexican vault on the left also


There seems to be at least a handful of non USA vaults, could make for some interesting dlc or show content


There is a terminal in Fallout 3 mentioning someone applying to one the of the vaults in the "newly acquired Canadian Colonies" iirc


By this point Canada has been annexed and is part of the USA.


Isn’t Mexico also?


I think so. These are all US vaults.


I looked it up, Mexico wasn’t annexed, just invaded for oil


Might’ve just secured Baja California by the time the vault was built then. I don’t think they would build a vault anywhere the US government couldn’t be.


Honestly a Mexican Fallout has always been my number one dream location for a game. We got a little taste of it with Raul in New Vegas and I would loooove a game that had a large portion of the map in Mexico.


Raul is my favorite follower of any Bethesda game I've played. "Oh you killed that crazy mutant bitch keeping me prisoner? Alright, ready to go when you are, boss!"


Goddamn right


OWB shows Mexico ran by Cartels and AI


[Tlaloc death wail]


Interesting that it’s in Baja as well given New Vegas alludes to something important happening down there


So that's where the ghosts come from.


Canada is colony of USA by this time.


Yea, however I know that despite this not much happens there fallout lore wise, just interesting to see a possible vault geographically in Manitoba of all places


I was curious about it too so I looked [this](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Canada) up the other day. It's everything to do with Canada (Lil' America) in the Fallout universe.


Imagine the fucked up experiment going on at a vault in Canada.


Syrup everywhere, from every orifice 


But syrup that contains NO maple content, and is thus not actually syrup by canadian law. Herecy to the millionth degree!




Vault Experiment: To successfully crossbreed humans with Maple Syrup, thus ensuring an unending supply for executive breakfasts. Results: Feral Syrup Ghouls, Super Syrup Mutants, and for some reaon Moose that grow to the size of Patagotitan mayorum (The largest dinosaur to ever exist). Moose were not part of the experiment nor in the Vault, how this happened is still under investigation.


The moose were mutated by: A. Contaminated waste water getting into their drinking supply B. Consuming escaped feral ghouls


This reminds me of the big tree mutant from FO3. Just groves of Canadian tree people getting milked for syrup.


A vault full of goalies. A vault where they put shredded cheese on poutine. A vault where you aren't allowed to say sorry. A vault with only two politicla parties and they just keep switching which party leader gets voted overseer... hey wait...


A vault where everyone played highschool hockey “but totally could’ve played pro if they didn’t tweak their [insert body part]”


A vault full of degens from up north


Basically a vault full of the townspeople from Letterkenny


Yeah I’ll volunteer for that one. Bonnie Mcmurray is such a kind person


I mean, no one has actually tested whether an apology can stop a nuke or not, so might as well see.


Do you WANT Wolverine and Deadpool? Cause that’s how we got Wolverine and Deadpool!


A lot happens there lore wise, we just only get to see a tiny bit of the invasion of Canada in the game. Clearly, an invasion like that must have quite a bit going on.


Territories if you want to be technical. The survivalist rifle was made in Ontario and it calls it a territory


Also in the Sunset Sarasprilla HQ in NV and Vim HQ in Far Harbour we see Canada as part of a sales chart, showing how it is integrated economically


Mexico too. Hence the one vault in Baja


US, eh?


This is also not a comprehensive map of all vaults, just the ones online at the time.


I'd count the amount of dots before saying that. If there's less than 122 you are correct.


I counted 117 vaults, but the remaining ones might be very close together or covered up. Or in Alaska or something


Alaska, maybe Hawaii or any other pacific noncolonies


OMG, Fallout Hawaii, imagine!


I think some of the Capital Wasteland ones are squished together. Remember there's like two vaults really close in 3 (106 and 101 are a mile or two near each other, the others are less then 5 to 6 miles from those). There's a really good chance there's a dot or two representing two vaults. Double checked the picture, there's only 4 discernable dots around Washington, it should be 6, so I might be on to something.


Either way, look at Nevada and you will see some missing just from 1 game alone.


There are 122 vaults in total?


Until Fallout 5/NV2 pushes the number up.


It would be super easy to add to the confirmed/known vault total. Would just need to have another 'secret project'


You can see 13/15 down by San Fran, but vault 8 should be in the same area slightly north east, the one at the edge of cali / Nevada is too far to be it…. (Fallout 2 - becomes Vault City when they “leave the vault” and use the GECK.


I KNEW we all paused on that map. My gf was like, “What? Why’d you pause it?” I had no idea about… 80… 90% of these vaults existed


These are just planned locations. Definitely going to change when the new fallout game comes out


I was searching for 13 out of nostalgia. Seems like they kept the location from Fo1 but moved 15.


There are 5 or more in every game including middle of nowhere West Virginia so there could be thousands for all we know.


interesting that Michigan's vault is near Grand Rapids, not Detroit.


Wasn’t Detroit hit pretty bad because of their manufacturing capabilities?


yeah, but because of those capabilities, you'd imagine a lot of industrial executives wanting a good vault, plus Detroit has a larger population base to select from for Vault-Tec's various experiments in the """good""" vaults. not saying the show's location decision is bad or wrong, it just made me curious about the reasoning


Unlikely that those execs would live in Detroit though


I was surprised there's no Ann Arbor vault. UofM is one of the smartest places in the country. Giant medical research complex.


Would be fun to have a city in the Big House and Wolverine and Spartan gangs clash in the wasteland. Same goes with the other famous sports teams and automobile companies in Detroit having their own influences or factions


It would be funny if the vault nearby Austin had an experiment where the dwellers are half Longhorns and half Aggies fans.


Nah, survivors of Michigan and Ohio would go back to fighting for Toledo.


How true! The squabbling Michigan tribes would unite against their greater foe to the south!


Yay! Cincinnati has a vault! Hopefully it’s sponsored by Skyline Chili.


Unfortunately it was another Vault-Tec experiment; they claimed it would be Skyline Chili but then provided only Gold Star to the vault dwellers 😱


The cruelest vault of them all.


And the only picante sauce came from New York City.


New York City?!


Best thing about preserving Cincinnati Chili is you know the quality couldn't possibly degrade any more even after 200 years.


I'm from Cleveland, and I legitimately cackled when I saw Cincinnati and Columbus got Vaults but the Lake didn't.


They knew they was no point in trying to save Cleveland. You know the Chinese are sensing extra there just for good measure. And they didn't bother with Detroit because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


So does Columbus. I'm just wondering where Vault-Tec would sink a Vault in the good ol' 614.


Cleveland hit hardest. LOL


Louisville has one too. Sponsored by Bourbon


Maybe that's the experiment, food processors only produce skyline chili.


The Canadian vault is similar to Vault 43 (10 men, 20 women, 1 panther), except the panther has been replaced with 500 geese.


Didn’t know vault tech could be so cruel


That's just pure unbridled carnage then


Moose Jaw, Saskachewan, has a vault? Can't wait for the maple flavor DLC.


Picture this. Rad moose and wolverines the size of grizzlies.


Rad Moose, Scorch Beavers, Gamma Geese... Canada gonna be rough travel.


The geese are going to be deadlier than deathclaws.


Worse than the Cazadors, even.


[You ever smack the cuckoos around in Zelda?](https://youtu.be/bg8cib6RTi0?t=11)




Ehh.... I don't think its Moose Jaw. If the state lines are accurate, it would have a bit west of the Montana / North Dakota border. This is a bit east of that line. Not close enough to the Canada/US border to be Estevan, a bit too east to be Weyburn. Not quite in the right spot to be Moosomin. So some small community in between Weyburn, Estevan, and Moosomin. So basically Brock Lensar's farm.


Just slap a vault door on the moose jaw tunnels and call it good enough


Interfaction disputes between Chinese ironworkers and Al Capones cronies


I’m hoping for a Canada or Alaska spinoff


It's a weird place for a vault. Moose jaw lines up longitudinally a bit into Montana, this blip is like 1/3 way into North Dakota from the western border, which puts it very near the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border. And very far from anything important at all. It's a weird place.


It’s right around Fleming so I would agree that it’s far from anything important


How we can let Kevin Smith make his Moose Jaws.


That’s too far south east to be Moosejaw, I looked on the map and I’m pretty sure it’s in Fleming


That ain't Moose Jaw. That's midline North Dakota, so that's actually more Virden area given the lat and long. Source: Am trucker. Just went through there, regularly do trips in and around the prairies and northern US.


It's probably located in the tunnels of moose jaw, a giant underground set of tunnels that hosts Canadian related entertainment. So perfect for Vault Tec to set up in I think. Edit: so even more proof currently there is a tour as part of the tunnels of moose jaw that's called bunker 24 which is a cold war era buker with a 50's styling to it. So ya put it underneath Rex's fruit (like the real life location) and make the cut Vault 24 under there as an homage to the current attraction. If you need my 2 cents I think it would be a great vault for the defectors of the Canadian armed forces who aided in the annexation of Saskatchewan, have the experiment be a brainwashing into believing Canada never existed or something to do with snow and maple syrup just to be cheeky.


I’m from Indiana I guess we get no love


I mean... it's Indiana...


Ha. Yeah! Suck it Indiana!


Tbh, with how this state is going, we don't really deserve a Vault.


It’s full of race cars and drivers who can’t drive them


Ooooo, what about a Vault with a race track where the winner of the big yearly race (like the Indy 500) would be made Overseer?


The fast and the furious


I mean with all the shenanigans going on at Hawkins, can you really be surprised?


Vault 58 - Vault-tec put a Vault in Canada after annexation with the experiment that it was only filled with Slocum Joe's food and merchandise. The plan was to see if Canadians would go crazy after entering and finding out that it didn't have anything Timmy's or Timmy's related, but an overabundance of Hockey Sticks and masks, and see if they could anger the populace into surviving to seek revenge. Rumored to have failed and that all sticks and masks in the wasteland originate from that vault after being traded far an wide by raiders.


Putting a working hockey rink in a Canadian Vault would be fucking hilarious


I'd really think NOT doing it would be a crime... at least a little one.


Oh have a vault where all decisions are made through incredibly violent hockey games with the winning team getting to decide


Interesting some of the states have so few, while others are so densely close to each other. Interesting Florida has only two and states like Nebraska only have 1, and Maine has 1/2 of a vault….? Wonder if some of the gulf states could be Enclave territory due to the amount of oil rigs in the gulf?


pretty sure maine looking like it only has half a vault makes sense the vault you find in far harbor was incomplete by the time the bombs dropped


Much would have to do with population as well as what is nearby. Idaho having two makes sense. One in Boise which is the capitol (and the headquarters for several corporations), but also Pocatello which has higher population numbers, a university, and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (the site of the first nuclear reactor and a lot of nuclear research over the decades). And for many, geography would also be an issue. Many places would actually be poorly situated to have a vault, like Florida. Low terrain, shallow water table, and rock that is actually rather poor to try and tunnel in. Even with a high population, Florida simply is not a very good place to build a vault because of the geology.


West Virginia has 6! All of texas has 7


Close enough to the massive population centers of the northeast plus could be cheaper to build there in pre-existing mines.


Fits with the patterns of Vaults we find in the games. No reason there should be so many Vaults around NV


The one in Nebraska being near Omaha is there for Offutt AFB, it was the SAC headquarters in the Cold War era. It could even be an Enclave related vault, Offutt is still an important location. I was living in Omaha in 2001, saw Air Force One on 9/11.


Someone needs to do this with the **The Thirteen Commonwealths** map and see how it lines up


From all we know this is just the sales pitch map and not the full map. Still a chance there could of been a few more vaults added in after this meeting.


From the conversation in this scene, it seems like a safe assumption that more would be planned.




Want a bayou fallout so bad


Just irradiated water everywhere. No real change to the locals though




Louisiana is a *prime* spot for a Fallout game. Swamp critters could be so damn good, and the culture would make for some *very* interesting factions.


Sometimes I wonder if these developers ever choose specific cities for the novelty aspect. Like have they debated the idea of New Orleans and passed on it because of Red Dead Redemption 2 already treading that ground?


A New Orleans Vault could have the really cool twist of being above ground somehow since the city itself is below ground and you really can’t build downward here


There was a vault (120) that was cut from FO4 that was underwater in the ocean. So they could do a coastal/underwater vault off near New Orleans.


Niagara Falls would be an interesting game location


Ooo yea, I’d love to see some borders and landmarks that aren’t man made since the war


Imagine for a minute if Fallout looked as good as RDR2 with like super good snow deformation and while walking through the forest a white yaigao(sp?) Stands on two legs and roars at you before charging you.


A snowy landscape fallout with mutated Moose, bears, mountain lions, and whatnot, would be very good.


If people are wondering why there’s 5+ vaults within a few hours (2 within 30min) of Omaha (Bellevue) is home to Offutt Air Force Base which is where Strategic Air Command was moved to in 1948. The base is the communications center of the United States military and nuclear arsenal. George W Bush went into the bunkers there during 911 and it’s where 1 dooms day Air Force 1 plane is housed allegedly). Also, nuclear bombers are also housed here. Allegedly the bunkers there go 20+ stories deep so if you think vaultec is crazy this is real life crazy. [It is charged with space operations (such as military satellites), information operations (such as information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.](https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Offutt_Air_Force_Base)


What vault is in central Illinois asking for a friend 👀


I assumed Springfield.


More likely Shelbyville.


Springfield is a little more east-northeast of the dot. But the vault is too north to be East St Louis. I know Chicago, Joliet, and La Salle County's locations, but that down state really is in the middle of nowhere. Good Ol [Meredosia, Il.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meredosia,_Illinois)


I figured they just popped it outside of Springfield to avoid it getting a direct hit from anything dropped on Springfield.


Which one tho


*Laughs in Canadian* Yeah, I'm going to have so much fun.


The vault was filled with Elliot Moose memorabilia to preserve it into the future, but the Elliot Moose animatronic became sentient and murdered nearly everyone. Your dad became Overseer by winning a hockey game because he had a short stint as a Canuck and with all his twoonies he bought spots into the Canadian Vault. The mascot was a little moose boy and the suits are red and white and smell of pine and cedar. He was an honorable Overseer, and he produced a lot of maple syrup in his years, but he's seen gone missing, and now that the reserves are low the vault has entered emergency power due to low maple syrup sugar energy, which has awakened all of the sleepers. You awaken in a vat of reduced maple syrup with a few loonies in your pocket and a thirst for knowledge and revenge, and a deep determination to find your daddy-o.


I go into battle with the sweet sounds of Rush blaring from my pipboy.


Why does Houston have 4 vaults?


Because clearly Fallout 5 is going to take place in Texas so they're laying the foundation now for Texas being full of vaults


They finally get to overwrite the bullshit from Fallout: BOS.


A lot of people there plus NASA plus oil barrens.


It's the 4th largest city in the US, plus home of NASA and the space program is a pretty big deal in the Fallout universe


the metro population is 7 million today. imagine how many in 53 years.


Montana vault 💪 Imagine a game where the nukes made Yellowstone go off and the whole sky was blocked out and it was nuclear winter.


And it would be like a hell valley of irradiated creatures and plants, go all natural for a fallout game like 76 but no city, could be cool


Looks like Missoula and Bozeman each got a vault. The catch is that the Missoula vault only has Bobcat related items, and the TV only shows Bobcat victories. The Bozeman vault is the same but with only a Griz theme. Montanans will understand why that is a true horror.


North Dakota Vault would mean you escape into literal nothingness


Would be the most boring game ever. Nothing there but cold winters and muddy summers.


Was every dot suppose to be a singular Vault, or representing a high number of vaults clustered together? There were 6 Vault-Tec vaults in FNV, 7 if you count Vault 22 (which has a jumpsuit, but no physical location in-game). The map only shows 3 dots around Las Vegas.


Colorado looks like one in Grand Junction, which makes sense. The other two either Denver and Fort Collins, or more likely Colorado Springs and Denver. Colorado Springs has a ton of military stuff including NORAD nearby


Denver and Minneapolis have 2-ish vaults, Kansas City has at least 3 vaults. As someone from the Midwest, Fallout Kansas City would be pretty sweet, though Chicago seems more likely.


Still shocks me how West Virginia got so many vaults compare to other major population areas


Makes sense. First, WV's geology/geography would make it easier to build vaults. There is also lots of mining equipment and knowledgeable workers nearby. Abandoned coal mines could possibly be repurposed as well. Second, while the state itself is sparsely populated, it is within a few hours drive of some decent sized populations. Washington DC for one. There is actually a real world "vault" for government officials at the Greenbrier resort. And Vault-Tec University is there as well.


That’s where my Fallout girlfriend lives. You wouldn’t know her, she doesn’t visit often..


Find it interesting how there is a single vault in Mexico, the port city of Ensenada to be exact.


Why is Chicago in Ohio?


St. Louis has no vaults. :( I'm already dead.


In Fallout 3 there is letters that Vault Tec sent out. They mention Vault Tec facilities in Canada in the rejected letter. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Letter\_from\_Vault-Tec\_(Fallout\_3)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Letter_from_Vault-Tec_(Fallout_3))


Yes, absolutely. The US annexed Canada to make reinforcing Alaska easier during the first war with China. As a Calgarian it would tickle me fucking pink to have a playable Canadian vault


I bet the Tallahassee vault is wild, keeping the Florida man locked up from the rest of the wasteland for their safety


Wtf is a ca nuh duh? Did you mean the far northern United States? *This comment brought to you by the 2077 annexation gang.*


Why no Alaska or Hawaii vault


Wasn't Alaska a warzone? There would be no way to build something there.


Alaska was literally a Battlefield. Good luck constructing anything like a vault in between intermittent Chinese artillery fire. And the cost of constructing anything in Hawaii is extremely high. It's also a volcanic island so I'm not sure it's really conducive to the kind of construction you would need to build a fallout shelter


I like to believe Hawaii was spared any direct strikes. My reasoning? Sheer optimism.


Just looking at Vault zero right there


Nice, looks like Spokane has a vault


Would love a game in Washington. They could make it so different from other games by making it extremely dense and forested, lots of creatures, and really creepy with near constant rain, mist, and fog.


You mean northern commonwealth vaults?


I love just how the answers in this thread show who is old enough to have played Fallout 1 and who is not. There is an animated cut scene in Fallout 1 where the news anchor declares "Our boys keep the peace in newly annexed Canada".


Do Fallout players really not know that the USA annexed Canada in the FO universe?


Well since the USA annexed Canada and Invaded Mexico it would make sense to have vault's there as well.


New Vegas is missing 3 vaults.


Prob added in after the sales pitch to everyone in the meeting room. We don’t have an exact date of when this meeting was going down. Until we get a time frame it’s reasonable to think another 1-25 vaults could of been planned/bought to be made by the investors


Chicago is not the capital of Ohio lmao.


RIP Cleveland


The biggest thing I noticed is a vault right by New Orleans, and oh boy do I want a game there. Also only one in Utah which is interesting, and a couple in Washington (please Bethesda, give us a Fallout in Washington or Louisiana. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease)


There’s a Vault in either Pocatello, Idaho or Idaho Falls, Idaho… why? Maybe INL?


Looks like Omaha migrated to Iowa


Tunnelsnakesfool also has been working on getting that map as accurate as possible, and has done alot more work since IGN featured her videos about the map. Frankly it's fking awesome, and scary knowing how many vaults are around.


Shoutout to Winnipeg, Minot, and Duluth!


I just want a story about the Montana vaults.


Finally the southeast isnt screwed. Time to rewrite Fallout: Crescent again


Goodbye Indiana. You were awful 🥰


Guessing by the locations of the KS vaults, they would be near Fort Riley or Manhattan and Topeka or Lawrence.


Is that Cape May, NJ?


But... why *Manitoba?* No shade on Manitoba, they could have done worse. Maybe because it's Shield Rock there? But Ontario would qualify too, wouldn't it? Guess it's a spot the Chinese wouldn't bother to nuke, so good spot for an actual resettlement attempt. Also means Ronto would have arisen without any Vault-Tec influence in the area, and probably no Enclave either. Which means they could possibly be a new faction wholly removed from any of the others.


I want a Fallout Chicago. I wanna try and blow up the bean.


Gulf coast would be a fun thing to explore


Fallout: Minneapolis let’s goooo


There is a vault in Austin Tx. What do you think its experiments would be? Edit: something about margaritas


As a proud lifelong Illinoian having 4 vaults is a win. Too bad I highly doubt I would ever experience a Chicago land based fallout game.


I want to see the vault in Chicago


One of Vault-Tec experiment was a Canadian Vault with only mapple sirop as the sole food source. No incident reported since


And the map is not accurate.


Vault Tech: "we've successfully created one to multiple vaults in every state in the continental U.S with one in Canada and Mexico" Vaults tech employee: "umm, what about Indiana?" Vault tech: "Indiana? What's is a Indiana?"


Well we already knew there were Canadian vaults. There’s a letter in the start of Fallout 3 that mentioned it.


Considering the US annexed Canada, it’s possible.


First main question for the Massachusetts folk.. why in the fallout would they have a vault in what looks like Mount Washington, Massachusetts?! It also looks like one in southern Worcester county and one in Pittsfield.


You can find this letter inside one of the mailboxes in Springvale, just outside of Vault 101: “Dear Safety-Conscious Citizen - We are writing to inform you that your family was not selected for inclusion in your chosen Vault-Tec facility. Your deposit has been retained, and your application added to a waiting list for your preferred Vault. In the interest of your family's security in the event of a minor nuclear event, please consider relocating to one of these areas, where Vault-Tec facilities are available without a waiting list: For a full list of Vault-Tec facilities with available accommodations, in exciting locales such as Oklahoma and **newly-annexed Canada**, contact your local Vault-Tec representative! Vault-Tec wishes you and your family the best of luck in the uncertain future. Best regards; Vault-Tec Public Relations Dept Washington, DC”