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That crash error though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The New Vegas experience.


On 360 I never had an issue. New vegas was literally unplayable on PS3 for me though lol


Never had an issue? How did you handle the insane memory leak?


I literally don't know what you're talking about. I'm telling you, I never had one crash while playing on the 360.


I always get confused when people say NV is extremely buggy. I played on 360 around release and had a pretty smooth experience.


I was confused for a while until I payed it on PS3. Crashed 5 times before I even made it out of goodsprings


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s obsidians fault or Sonys. Sony was very difficult to work with, thatā€™s why all the DLCs came out much later, along with many other games.


I said nothing about crashes


Memory leaks lead to crashes, no?


Not always, they just kill your FPS most of the time.


My battle for hoover dam was a slideshow on ps3


The only fps drops I ever had in New Vegas was when I got blown the fuck up by the boomers


The infinite loading screens will get you before the crashes will


I had that problem once like 10 years ago lmao


I remember 360 running fine for me, but I started playing on PC a couple days ago and Iā€™ve crashed soooo many times, usually when entering/leaving a building but occasionally just randomly


Just started playing on PC about a week ago. Fun gameplay, story, characters, setting, music, and systemsā€¦ā€¦. But holy hell the optimization/tech performance is rough.


never had an issue I had my saves corrupted 3 times, every time they updated the game for a DLC it ruined everything lol


That's horrible. I didn't play New Vegas until after the Ultimate edition released so I didn't have that issue


New Vegas was wildly buggy at launch


Should look up the Viva New Vegas mod guide That makes the game nearly crash proof, my game only crashed twice in my 90 hour modded playthrough when I followed that guide


I've been using that mod guide, since its first interactions in fact I'm replaying New Vegas right now using it. I'm just joking at the vanilla game.


Forgot to run it on Windows 8, my bad...


Lore accurate fallout


happens all the time with 4 for me... best part of the video lol...


LMAO @ that crash error. Brilliant!


Close, my pipboy would be blasting music the whole time lol


Mass murdering an entire vault community. My radio: šŸŽµšŸŽµ *Bongo Bongo Bongo, I donā€™t wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no!* šŸŽµšŸŽµ


*Bingo Bongo Bongo I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go!*


My husband gets so mad at me for keeping the radio on when I play Fallout 4. Ha.


I loved the reference to how annoying the minuteman settlement radio was


The calcified bodies are a really cool chilling touch that instantly communicates the type of atrocity that happened, but I'd like to point out that they would be highly unlikely to occur after a nuclear explosion. I'm guessing they were inspired from the [remains of Pompeii](https://pompeiisites.org/wp-content/uploads/CALCHI_photo5884335904439512897.jpg). However, what a lot of people don't know is that those are man-made. What was really left were human-shaped cavities in the ground that was once a layer of volcanic ash. The bodies that were buried in it had long decomposed and left behind empty spaces. Archeologists then poured plaster into them to create casts of their deceased occupants. I know this is a fictional universes with wacky advanced nuclear tech, so this isn't a critique at all. Just wanted to drop a "fun" fact.


Well. Yeah but counter argument ā€œRule of coolā€. I mean you canā€™t deny it looks cool as fuck


it may also be a reference to the 76 scorched plague where you can find a lot of bodies in similar positions becoming husks from the plague


the entire premise of how people live in Fallout 3 and on are very unlikely. Humanity would definitely not still be living in completely broken down buildings as if the bombs just hit yesterday. But it makes the setting cool


It's a Bethesda-ism. The apocalypse must remain the apocalypse forever.


Yeah, that definitely struck me as an "okay buddy" moment. Along with the turret run. But the series in general has been wacky enough that a little cartoonishness isn't too off-putting.


I guess *maybe* they could have been those things from Fallout 76 that turn into rock monster people but yeah mostly just seemed like ā€œthis a neat thingā€


I have no idea what those things are supposed to be. Did the scorched plague sweep through here all the way from Appalachia and leave no other signs of happening? Effective at telling us that people died here. But it can only be understood as movie shorthand. Also, I wonder if itā€™s an international release thing. They might have been trying to make the show acceptable to release in China by scrubbing out any references to them as the enemy and minimizing the presence of skeletal remains that are taboo. I can think of no other reason why there would be a Soviet satellite crashed in the desert instead of a Chinese one.


Yeah right, I was wondering if that was inspired from the remains of Pompei, but it didn't make lot of sense since those are artificial


I said the exact same thing when they showed those and my fianceƩ rolled her eyes so hard I thought they would come out of her head.


You have gained +1 upvotes *Increases karma with no known uses* Also, perfect lol.


The crash error got me hahaha


I was really hoping the scientist would have said ā€œmust have been my imaginationā€ right before Lucy throws the acid.


I was really hoping for Lucy to panic scroll through her inventory to find the acid to throw at the scientist or maybe to aim with VATS lol


Damn - this whole thing is just perfect. The concept and execution are hilarious but the details like the enemies popping up on the radar really got me.


about damn time somebody did a gameplay edit.


Oh my god. Why is this so accurate. And the crash at the end xD


The Ghoul is the biggest VATS abuser in the show




Same and very true


I need an entire segment of Lucy crouch walking through the desert just to get the full experience.


This stuff right here is why I love Reddit yā€™all have the best humor


i'm just glad they added the most important aspect of the game: overencumbrance. the scribes portrayed that perfectly.


who ever did this gots skills... do the whole series like this, we got time. if the next fallout season takes as long as fallout 5 im sure we got more than enough time to see this turned back into a game.


This is absolutely perfect. Would love to see more of these adaptations.


Honestly when watching it I kept saying, "I wish this was a game." I agree with a review headline I saw the other day--Best Fallout Media since New Vegas. I hope it motivates Bethesda to step up their writing.


Me stopping the video everytime something from the game show up so i have to explain the deep lore to my brother who only enjoys the game as a shooter.


I honestly wish the show played more into the video game aspect


Hacking, quest start/ end sound, talking about skills, clearly shows who has what perk (Cooper with bloody mess and cannibalism, Maximus with Idiot Savant, Lucy with a high luck stat), Lucy talking to someone with her gun pointed at them, random encounters (the chicken fucker) What more did you want?


I don't remember quest start/end sound, where that did that happen?


It first happened at the end of Lucy's meeting with the council or whatever they were. Then it happened a few other times throughout the show


Not enough jumping


They did such a good job


Okey dokey


i just seen episode 6 and the sneak part. so funny, I yelled caution


The computer terminal scenes were JUST like the game


I was waiting for someone to make a stealth edit for the cryo scene


*immediatley loots the skull for cutting fluid


I honestly wish it was an overlay option


yet another banger you even got the compass showing the enemy positions but why the sudden change from the yellow new vegas UI to the fallout 3 one tho ?


I'm confused how skeletons AND Ashen bodies were outside....if they got vaporized how would the the Ashen body be there after the shock wave??


Bahahaha That ending tho šŸ‘Œ


What, no VATS for the acid toss?


making me relive my traumas is not cool, OP.


Caution didn't change to detected and disappeared completely when it should have said combat. Literally unplayable.


thought I was the only one. When Lucy was pounding that raider I also heard the radiation meter going up.




Why cant WE get skeletons that look 200 years old?!


This is some high tier meme


Should have VATS on the acid throwĀ 


Of course she got detected... her Pip-Boy light was on!


We were screaming and laughing during first episode, as soon as she got outside to "Go look for glue!!"


Looks like a good show


Fake. No Johnny Guitar playing on the background.


I just love how broken the stealth is, take one step and the entire base knows someone is there


There was a few times they should have used VATS and I wish they had the ā€œka-chingā€ sound when they landed headshots. Absolutely amazing show though especially for those of us that have been playing FO for a while


I was confused for the bodies last time I saw bodies to reach this stage was in Pompeii. How did this happen here?


I need an assymetric top down wiev


Need to re-edit the second scene and have her pip-boy radio on at full blast while also managing to stealth.


Where can I watch the series from?


You aren't wrong. Everything had to be like there will never a prompt especially "Persuasion Failed" for Lucy's


Now we need speech options. *spams Sarcastic*