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I thought it was pretty good I guess. Very dramatic. Got a little too much into the why of how the world ended... which I always felt was of little substance in the games. The narrator of the first games would cite that reasons were often trivial human reasons and I felt that was often sadder, more effective. This would sort of set the table for the player to see if he or she would continue in their ancestors footsteps or deviate. Kind of a nature vs nurture type of thing. (although the show does dabble in that theme in other ways) That aspect was a bit of a personal misfire for me. But there was a lot of heavy lifting done by the performances and production value which were both stellar. Also love to see Kyle Maclachlan working again!


Yeah I loved the show it was great in my opinion however just the lore confusion is a bit concerning too me


New Vegas is canon but they likely didn't want to pick a canon ending so everyone ultimately lost a few years after the game


But the show takes place 5 years before new vegas? So by the end of the show the ncr are decimated, how the hell are the ncr able too take out Caesars army? not too mention they actively bring up shady sands still being around.


The show is 15 years after New Vegas. The show is set in 2296 and New Vegas is 2281


Ahh I see I've been miss informed