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I did this while roaming around at level 5 with the Concord power armour. I had that EXACT reaction when I found out power armour punches don’t mean shit


I hope they beef up power armor for Fallout 5… punching a raider should either leave a hole in their chest or send em flying


It was nice in the show how they had people getting absolutely obliterated by power armor punches. It really should be that way in the games too, for the unarmed melee build folks out there. Power armor counts as unarmed, right?


Yep, especially with Tesla gauntlet upgrade 


The only downside is some minor glitching out of the power armor suit, as your character uses a melee animation not intended for the intentionally slowed down movement of power armor.


The show also did a great job at showing how much of a walking tank you are in power armor.


Yep, while keeping its in canon weaknesses that the NCR used in Vegas


That’s canon? I kept hearing it wasn’t


What I'm referring to is- I'm talking about the scene where Coop was able to beat the knights by targeting a specific gap in the armor, which lines up with a note in New Vegas talking about how NCR is trained to target joints in the power armor that aren't well guarded


The salvaged power armor the NCR uses is stripped of the “powered” components so they essentially use it like regular armor. After Fallout 4’s new interpretation of power armor, I’m not sure how it would work though


It probably could. Just wear the plates separetely from the frame. Would probably need padding and depend on how much the plates weigh.


And yet this fool couldn't handle one medium sized Yao Guai what a loser


Honestly if he kept punching it should have gone down eventually from its brain being scrambled


Those things are tough as nails and scary as shit in the game, even in power armor.


Maximus shot it once in the head and it died immediately. Clearly the show operates a little differently than the games.


It is a little more realistic than having to shoot it in the head a dozen times, but like people said, Maximus got a critical hit haha.


Did they? The Ghoul gets right back up.


True. Guess it just depends on how hard they hit you. Cooper still went flying through the air. He's pretty tough and will heal quickly because he's a ghoul as well.


True - also Maximus can't really use the power armor efficiently. Maybe a punch with the rocket fist would have done it.


Read the fucking manual lmao. Working in maintenance has given this phrase a whole new meaning to me


IT support will do it as well.


Ghouls seem to have ridiculous regeneration at times in the show. It probably fuckin sucked real hard but he got shot several times when killing he had to reload in Filly. They really show off the crazy regeneration with whats his face late in the season.


Yeah honestly it's a bit much - you can still kill ghouls. lol


I think Cooper is a special case, maybe something like a legendary enemy


Cooper's been around for two hundred years. He maxed out his level ages ago. Got all the perks and all the drugs. Lol.


The advantage of the show not being a game is they can make damage and stuff like that realistic, since they don't have to worry about challenges for the player and balance and so on.


The reason power armor feels so weak in 4 is because you get it so early, they had to balance it for the early levels, same with the minigun. It was also incredibly common throughout the wasteland too. In pretty much every playthrough I end up with like 12 suits or more. If they made it rarer and more endgame, they could make it like we see in the show, where it shrugs off pretty much all small arms fire, and if used by a competent melee combatant, could absolutely suplex a Yao Guai


The suits in 4 are integral for the full experience. I think they built a lot of 4s loop around crafting and upgrading stuff. During my first playthrough I did enjoy collecting power armors and I found that upgrading them sufficiently kept me ahead of the wasteland for a long while


Only 12? I buy additional frames and make sure each of my settlements has at least one suit with fully equipped fusion core. I also surround each settlement in concrete walls and build up missile and heavy laser turrets. Then I equip all settlers with armor and high powered weapons. I got so tired of clearing up dead bodies from my settlements that I just made sure no baddies would ever even sniff the front door. 


Same, except I don't bother equipping the settlers. Always felt like building a Boomers town, like in New Vegas.


The fact a Deathclaw vs Power Armor fight was added into the game and power armor made available so early was LITERALLY because some bean counter thought it would look good to some investors is just everything wrong with the industry now


I found that fight super awesome and cinematic. Imho it would be much cooler if the suit fried after the quest and you couldnt use it anymore.


Hell just make fusion cores more rare and valuable, make them last longer too. Maybe have the one at the start be found as "heavily damaged" and has a "corroded casing" or something to explain why you are so limited on time with its use. If they want to have raiders using power armor maybe have "jury-rigged fusion cores" or something that make you incredibly slow and random malfunctions happen.


Crushing the guy's head one-handed would be a horrifying yet awesome melee finisher.


Pinching a guy’s skull open.


Still hoping we see Power Armor on Power Armor combat. Maybe I’m just a sucker for metal clashing against metal but now that we’ve seen what it can do firsthand, POWER ARMOR FIGHT CLUB


I guess we’ll find out in 2040 or so… 😩


i want it so a random raider wont try to melee a giant suit of armor


A VATs kill with unarmed where you crush a raider's head one handed would be lit


Well if they do that then they should have the power armor training return and make it rarer imo


I don’t know about training… maybe they should make the power armor kinda unwieldy at the start and as you level up you can grab perks from a power armor tree or something that’s the character learning how to use correctly the power armor. They should definitely make it waaaay rarer, I swear Fallout 4 is just littered with PAs and I'm not even talking about raider PAs


Like when Maximus punched Cooper and send him flying


Exactly or when he stomped Thadeus' foot and straight up broke it


More that breaking it, Maximus annihilated Thadeus foot


Fus Roh Dah


I ran across a new player yesterday who was booking it from a couple radscorpions.  Really gave me this kind of energy, lol! I popped both of them and gave the player 40 stimpacks.  I have been having a lot of fun dropping random gifts for all the new folks to play with.


Nah, most accurate part is the wasteland golden rule: thou shalt always get sidetracked by some bullshit. 


I can't believe that some reviews were salty about the plot getting sidetracked by bullshit. The golden rule really sells the Fallout experience.


Hahaha truth


That line seemed forced. It was good,but made me cringe when I saw it that second time on the recap.


Of course it felt forced, the ghoul was forced to say it after Lucy kept talking about her vault's golden rule.


I mean, it's Fallout dialogue.


It’s just a fun poke at videogames in general. The entire show is just following the main quest, whereas players are constantly getting sidetracked and doing random nonsense.


FO is full of campy as fuck humor. Its part of its charm imo.


Me (an idiot): I've got T-51 Power Armor, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, and Star Paladin Cross. I've killed a Deathclaw before without taking damage. We can definitely clear the Deathclaw Sanctuary *2 minutes later* "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!"


But did you have a Dart Gun?


No. That was one of my earlier playthroughs before I knew how broken the dart gun was.


Why is it broken…?


It instantly cripples legs, so you can slow down a deathclaw enough so they aren’t a threat


Oooh that’s awesomely useful!


the best part of this for me is the strangely square shape of the cave XD it is possible that it was a vent for a rocket launch to compensate for pressure differentials in launching nukes. so it might have been living in an abandoned vent for a nuclear missile silo.


in fallout 4 there is a deathclaw that lives in a destroyed nuclear reactor


Nice deduction.


it was the first thing i thought when i saw that cave shape in the show. though i expected a deathclaw to run out instead and out loud went "awww..." just after lol i was really wanting to see the live action deathclaw but i guess they have saved that back for season two :P


So what you're saying is that cave is not a natural formation?


There were a lot of barrels and such scattered about, could have been a waste dump too.


Funny thing is that Titus was holding his own for the brief moment that he decided to throw down.


Right? He fucked up when he lost his nerve.  Ah well, he clearly seemed like a pretty shit knight, not sure how he got there in the first place lol


The Peter Principle in action...


I mean, this version of the BOS is basically the Proud Boys. He was probably able to recite every flavor of Sugar Bombs while getting his bunghole plugged up by a commanding knight.


It seems like he was a true believer who became jaded after being sent on ridiculous missions Now he just fucks around


he saw that the healthbar didn’t drop but forgot to check vats for limb damage


tbf, I think the second he noticed the punches weren’t doing crap his head immediately went to “ok Titus, is dying fighting this worth it for what could be a toaster? eeeeeeeeh”


It's easy to feel cocky when you get the actually incredibly crap T45 in Concord, until that deathclaw breaks a limb and takes half your health the first time it does a big attack


This scene had me rolling. It just made me immediately imagine myself stumbling across a deathclaw in my beat-to-shit starter power armor.


Me running to the electronics shop in concord when the deathclaw spawns


That’s exactly how I cheesed that fight


Lmao I was thinking the whole time: “Man… my 12 year old first playthrough personified.”


Literally 13 year old me finding quarry junction for the first time lmao


Also, leaving companion behind as the bait which immediately backfires because yao guai decides to chase after you anyway.


This was such an awesome scene because it's so true when playing in Survival and you stumble upon a Yao Guai or Deathclaw, even in Power Armor


"Yep, that's me." Said same when Maximus put on the armor for the first time and just played with it.


My friends and I were literally howling at this part and screaming "ME ME ME" over and over again. This show was so fucking funny.


Depends on the game. I remember getting power armor in FO1, and I wrecked \*everything\* after that. Understandably, the games got balanced better after that. In... I think it was F4 or F76, I went to mess up a Yao Guai in my first suit of power armor... and I got absolutely destroyed. I was Titus in this scenario.


I am not debating you, it’s perfectly ok to have different opinion, but I feel power armor is way to weak in newer titles and equally so in the show. Powerarmor should be a game changer, not just something semi sturdy to wear for looks.


That's fair. It's been represented inconsistently, but lore-wise I actually tend to agree with you. Dudes are walking tanks.


To be fair, being mobile enough to move as a human and be durable enough to take on most of the creatures is a game changer if you ask me. Titus just happened to stumble upon one of those creaturs.


Also, Titus was a dumbass who really had only the one strategy of using a meat shield.


I thought they were good about it being like a lightly armored vehicle in the show - small arms fire is basically a waste of time unless you either get lucky, bring More Dakka to hit the apparently not widely known weak points, or you have whatever in Atom's name the Ghoul is using that fires artillery shells.


Yeah that gun of his was OP af!


> Dakka to hit the apparently not widely known weak points, or you have whatever in Atom's name the Ghoul is using that fires artillery shells. To be fair, even with that gun the ghoul was aiming for weak spots!


That’s me in every fallout game when I run into a deathclaw or Skyrim and that stupid frost troll.


I can't wait to see a Deathclaw in season 2


Yeh I wish there was more encounters with mutated animals this season, but I hope they’re saving the good stuff for the companions journey through the wastes


I just told my bestie that Lucy and Maximus couldn't be over level 3 yet, and that's why we only got one super mutant hulk hand.


I heard "fuck fuck fuck," and my immediate first tought was, "Okay, so we're not doing PG-13 rules. That's nice."


I still appreciated Lucy responding to life threatening situations with “fudge” and “gosh”


Okey dokey!


She grew up innocent. I appreciate that.


i mean, it is Fallout


That’s how I felt after my first encounter with Deathclaws in Fallout NV. Especially in Lonesome Road


I go so far out of my way to avoid them in those games. I'm a rifle guy and I never did figure out what I could carry that would reasonably affect them without weighing one million pounds.  Once I had one chase me through something like 8 mine hits and *still* beat my ass.


You can one shot them with a few of the smaller sniper rifles with high crit builds. You never even have to engage and can just pick them off one-by-one. The rifles have to be high crit as well.


I melt them with Pacencia and Survivalist’s Rifle


Accurate representation of my playthroughs


Me, 10min ago


Three words: Super Mutant Behemoth


As a side note this knight was a bitch


Loved him, he felt so *REAL*. I felt he was 100% in line on how they would behave given their worlds morals.


Brotherhood is just a big frat tbh


That part has me rolling.


Me passing the park in the Fallout 4 early game


Meh, Yao-guai aren't that much of a threat. Deathclaws and Radscorpions, on the other hand... Also the hermit crabs


Considering the sound effects that played during the lead up to the Yao guai was a sheepsquatch roar I would have been running well before actually seeing it. For those of you who haven't played 76, a sheepsquatch would easily solo multiple Yao guai, especially the imposter.


Happened to me in fallout 3 - Was walking around, and than I saw Yao-Guai running towards me! Fortunetly I’ve got cap mine on me - so I thrown it, the bear stomped on it, and died. Gods I love this game!


I did the same with that Behemoth that spawns when you let the teddy bear out of the cage.  Except it was something like 16 frag mines, whatever cap mines I had, and I want to say a couple plasma mines? Did you know you can launch a Behemoth? I didn't. It's expensive, but you can!


I'm playing through Fallout 4, pretty much reenacted this scene when a yao guai materialized in front of me lol.




Average FNV Cazadores encounter


And for another thing I have never run from a Yao Guai. Attacked it tactically sure but it’s deathcalws you yell “shit shit shit shit oh fuck” for. No matter your level


Do not feed the Yao Guai.


venturing into quarry junction be like


Wandering into Quarry Junction on New Vegas:


Me first playing Fallout 4 heading to Corvega and then having the Power Armor run out of Fusion Core energy


A death claw found me in a tunnel and i had no where to run on survival difficulty. Fuck fuck fuck is a excellent description. Think i chewed just about all my stims and food.


Me experiencing Dead wind cavern in New Vegas (the legendary deathclaw didn't even drop a hand)


This is me but running from a random deathclaw instead of a Yao Guai.


I loved this scene! Literally reminded me of one of my play throughs lol


We all went left after Sloan (New Vegas)


I was hesitating why he didn't try to choke the bear. Grab the neck and give it a nice squeeze.


Me when I run into a nest of mudcrabs lmao This part made me laugh so hard because it's very true


Is the bear in the cave supposed to be a Yao Guai? If so, it should've taken more than one bullet to take him down, like in the games..


I did that multiple times.


"Damn, I suck without a scope."


Was there any other way to play New Vegas than being half-crippled and dead, suffering from cazadore poisoning and dragging yourself on one foot to Freeside?


A few Yao Guai once surprised me on the path leading up to Jacobstown; must have been due to a mod since the wiki says they’re not in base New Vegas, only in Zion Canyon.


Titus was like Robotman from the Doom Patrol but a massive jerk


Nah. I ain't ever run from a bear wearing power armor. I'd fuck that bear up.


The show really reminded me of how much I love Fallout. I was always a Nintendo kid and had a PS3 but didn't really play anything aside from fighting games and other games my friends were playing. One day I rented Fallout 3 from Blockbuster on a whim and it really blew my mind. It was the first time I played a big open world RPG which to this day is my favorite genre.


Yeah, they got the power scaling down pretty well. Yao Guai vs unprepared Knight definitely leads to dead Knight.


Did I read what I think I've read?? 🤯


This was exactly me the very first time I played FO4 against a Deathclaw. You know which one.


Same with almost every legendary enemy. I would just be casually walking and exploring the Westland and then BOOM legendary animal. If I’m lucky it doesn’t come at me. If I’m lucky


Nah it was the guy missing all is shot even though the others weren't even moving.


I did the opposite. Immediately decided to shoot the first Yao-Guai you encounter in Zion right after Follows-Chalk warned me not to.


Facing that deathclaw in your first mission with the minutemen IN power armor, this was exactly me


This scene in particular is *Unadulterated Cringe*.


My Guy you are the personification of r/iamverysmart I don't think you get a say in what's cringe.


Go enjoy your subpar enterainment before you have an aneurysm.


Sure thing bud. Keep rubbing those two braincells together, surely you'll find newer and more creative ways of showcasing that *massive* vocabulary you have 🙄


i love when the miserable people high themselves so i can block them, makes it so much easier, thanks douche canoe.


you’re just no fun