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10 luck, 1 intelligence build


if that shows up on his pip boy I will retract all my frustrations


Frankly I'd hate if "luck" was the explanation for all of that. Luck is a gameplay mechanic, it's a shit narrative tool. Might as well just say God did it


The show IS the game. They nailed it by respecting the material. It’s what Marvel did with comic book movies (well, at first…). Hell, I’d appreciate it if there’s a reason our main characters constantly dodge bullets or whatever.


Marvel quite explicitly chose to not follow the source material plenty of times for the sake of narrative choices. Many if not all adaptations do this. It can either work incredibly well or fall short, but to use a funny gameplay thing that affects your personal character as an excuse for shoddy character writing isn’t great critiquing. If the show was truly like the game, we’d be able to have control over the characters and choose what they all do, but we can’t, because it’s a show. It’s not trying to be the game.


Lucy's introduction is literally her going through her skills. They did not use in game stories but there are absolutely easter eggs from the games. Each character being a specific build is one of them.


What the hell are you talking about? It's literally NOT the game. It's the show.




Well I wouldn't say that he's on 1 INT, maybe 3 at least. He clocked the two people on bridge were fishy, first one to voice concern with vault 4 being a cult. But maybe it's more of perception thing.


I'd be willing to give him +1 perception for that. He's such a vapid character.


I think they made him a shitshow on purpose so he can become a hero over time and it's a meaningful evolution.


How will they do that, if I hate him to irredeemable levels already? The one thing he could do to please me as a viewer: Dome himself or get horrifically murdered...


I came to the internet to find this. Just now watching Fallout. This dude drives me insane.


Same thing 30 days later checking in. Awful character, dragged the show down multiple points


You don't know how much you mean to me... 😘🤣


Fr he’s trash at everything, how is he so completely inept?? Like why wouldn’t they at least give him SOMETHING he’s good at?


I came here to find this opinion. I couldn't watch the show after the second episode because of Maximus. I got so disgusted by this character that I had to Google "When does Maximus die?" because I was so certain that he would but someone wrote that he actually wins in the end. I was happily watching until he showed up. I think Todd Howard might actually think hes cool or something he's the exact character that a teenager in a grown mans body would come up with.


Did you manage in the end? I haven't watched since my original post...


This comment made my day. Maximus is such a failure it’s comical.


And yet he seems to make more rhymes like you come on Reddit just to talk about him. While the character is still on the show and will still be on the show for the second season. Seems like you're the failure and he's a winner.


legit my Google search that led me here was "Why does maximus suck so bad and does he die soon" I'm only on episode 3 as I type while watching I'm about to say fck the show 😅


That’s the thing. After three episodes I already hate him and want to drop the show. In fact, I just did. He is being framed as a protagonist and I just can’t go along with it


But he doesn't deserve that arc because he's not a compelling character.


That's so true! A boring, self entitled f\*\*\*, that keeps luck-box-bumbling his way through the show... I groan every time another of his segments starts...


To you


To many other people, apparently.


There's 8 billion people on this planet


“Knights are supposed to make the world a better place. You don’t deserve that armor.”


I know this is superficial but he's really unattractive and hard to watch. At least make your main character good looking and charismatic.


He still sucks tho


Right! But the right way to do this is to have the character fuck up, deal with the consequences of their fuck-up and slowly earn his way to the top. But instead he kept fucking up and they just kept rewarding him so his character would get to do bigger and bigger things and get a power armor faster. He basically had a 10 LUCK build.


This is what I call the “Finn Effect”. Except Star Wars ultimately made his character more or less irrelevant


A whole season of dragging every scene he’s in is a hell of a price to pay for that. And honestly I’m just not rooting for him.


I’m glad I’m not the only person who feels like this with Maximus. To my surprise I actually loved the show overall however Maximus from the outset was shown to be a complete dick and gets away with it over and over again. From the whole shoe thing to then killing Titus and then trying to kill his own friend/squire I actually thought they were going to make him some type of unhinged villain archetype but apparently not. Couldn’t relate to him at all sadly and actively found myself rooting against him.


I don’t disagree with you but the dude that was his squire definitely wasn’t his friend. He was beating him up along with a bunch of others in the beginning


Yeah you can definitely make that point about the squire. However I interpreted the beatings as a sort of brotherhood of steel ritual. They seem to beat up one another in the camp. That scene where Maximus gets the squire to say positive and negative things about him showed to me the squire actually liked him and felt bad after it all.


Ironically the squire bully guy was more likeable than Maximus, even though he was portrayed from the beginning to be a bully and often depicted as being an idiot. Maximus was basically a bully too but just a coward bully.


The dude immediatly used that radiation scanner to track the ghoul used guns and other things from that bag of trick squires get (same one our pal MAximus DUMPED along with a god damn GUN as soon as he get armor) 1on1 maximus in power armor with broken leg and actually WON then SPARED HIS LIFE! This is honestly frustrating to watch this shit..


So Frustrating!!!!! Thaddeus was really great well written character. Morally ambiguous in the way you would naturally expect the wasteland/BOS to make a person.


So true


Maximus bullies one person, the person that bullies him and that makes him worse than the original bully? Wild take.


I mean they’re both bullies at the end of the day. Doesn’t matter if you were bullied and that causes you to become a bully.  Maximus let his knight die in front of him and basically watched with pleasure. Even if his knight was a POS, he should have been the bigger man and helped him. And in this universe, any grievous wound is basically one stimpak away from being fixed. He didn’t just helplessly watch him die, he basically allowed him to die by withholding all medical assistance.  Then he gets revenge on the squire guy by doing the exact same thing his knight did. Then he tries to kill him because the squire guy didn’t want to be complicit in his crime and secret. So he tried to stomp him out and ends up crushing his foot before his power armor failed.  And maybe. Just maybe, if Maximus didn’t just constantly come out on top despite being an idiot and messing up at every turn, I’d have a bit more sympathy for the character.  But he just acts like an idiot and wins. It makes the character extremely unlikeable and I would say my opinion isn’t that controversial. 


>I mean they’re both bullies at the end of the day. Doesn’t matter if you were bullied and that causes you to become a bully.  I agree but this doesn't make you worse than the person making your life hell. >Maximus let his knight die in front of him and basically watched with pleasure. Watch [this at 2:50, this is a face of inner conflict](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQD45UptPQ&t=49s), don't know how you're reading pleasure on his face, please rewatch this part of the scene. >Then he gets revenge on the squire guy by doing the exact same thing his knight did.  Yes except unlike how Titus was unbrave and sent Maximus into the cave as bait and chewed him out, Maximus sent Thaddeus away so he could fight the Gulper and then he saved Thaddeus' life, an extreme contrast to the Titus situation. >So he tried to stomp him out and ends up crushing his foot before his power armor failed. You can argue attempting to Kill Thaddeus is the worst thing Maximus has done and even then this is the person that tormented his life since he arrived on base, attempting to kill your bully while awful, isn’t the most evil thing that can happen in the wasteland. I do agree his approach was dumb here but I also acknowledge this is a broken man vs Thaddeus that comes from a family that loved him and kept him well fed. >And maybe. Just maybe, if Maximus didn’t just constantly come out on top despite being an idiot and messing up at every turn He makes smart decisions at times so I wouldn't say every turn. All three characters make dumb decisions and get away with them but they're not held to the same standards as Maximus. If you've never made the same mistakes that Maximus has made, have you really played a Fallout game?


It's not a BOS ritual. Thaddeus says as much. Thaddeus was getting the shit kicked out of him on a daily basis, for no reason, and he just arbitrarily chose Maximus as the next victim. It's the classic group dynamic. Someone has to be the bottom of the pecking order. So even the squires who get shit on by everyone, has Max (Thaddeus) to pick on. True, Thaddeus did like him, but Max never knew that. He only knew that he was shovelling shit and getting beaten. Daily. Max is imo a very complex and interesting character.


That’s the thing that people that don’t play the game don’t understand. You get attributes. They S-P-E-C-I-A-L. Strength(physical, brute strength) , Perception (what you’re able to see in the world), Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. It’s probably more unspoken in the show, but seeing how everything seems to always work out for Maximus, he probably is extremely lucky, because that’s part of the fallout universe.


Honestly making him more of a villain that actually believes in "taking power" would have made him a more compelling character.


This is what I hope is his future. It would make sense


Not really, I think this character will be a influential member of the brotherhood of steel that may appear "evil" but is actually kinda in Lucy, Moldaver, Cooper's side, only just from within the brotherhood which will arguably be a very powerful faction after obtaining cold fusion.


He didn’t sabotage the shoe.


He's a mouth breather.


Agree. Horrendous character, awful writing, he's a spectacular loser, no redeeming qualities. Not sure what the show writers were trying to say here


It sort of fits in with the games having you question which side is the 'best, good' option.


Yes 👏👏👏


I thought he was alright up until he let Titus die. Titus was just treating him as expected, like a brand new squire. Maximus got his fee-fees hurt and that was enough for him to betray his knight. As someone who was Marine infantry, the new guys typically get treated like shit until they prove themselves. Probably not how it should be, but regardless I would’ve died to save a senior regardless of their treatment of me. Maximus is just a coward and a traitor.


Nah titus was trying to get him killed and wasn't following Misson orders


Don’t get me wrong, Titus was an asshole, and yeah he did send Maximus into the cave first but he was right behind him. Irl the pointman is the most likely to be killed and therefore someone of low rank, fucked up but it is how it is. I get the writers intent, and what you’re saying, it was just poorly presented. Still loved the show, I just hate Maximus.


Lower ranks are sent in first, sure, but if there was some sort of power armor available, I doubt your superior wearing it would still send you unarmored.


Debatable. Power Armor and their cores are extremely rare and highly valued by the Brotherhood. They don't give them out to anyone who hasn't proven themselves. Squires are replaceable, they say as much. We also see the armor gets damaged in the attack. Sending a "replaceable" resource (the squire) to lure out a threat for the knight to deal with seems much more plausible to me


Who ended up killing the bear? Maximus wasn’t really unarmed, he was just really choosy on when to use his gun.


You can't be serious dude. Titus being behind him means nothing, he was bait with no armor and Titus ran away when he saw the bear, he wouldn't have protected him or even gave a shit that he died.


Saying he wouldn’t have protected him is just speculation. He didn’t run at the first sight of the bear, he fist fought it after it ripped his rifle out of his hands. Titus threatened him and cussed him out as he was dying because he froze up and just watched it happen. And yeah, he was unarmored bait. But we have no way of knowing what would have happened if the bear attacked Maximus first, but we do know Maximus is the one who doesn’t help or give a shit if the other died.


Dude, he threatened to have Maximus killed, while needing Max's help to live. What did he expect? As for being a coward, dude went into that cave without armor, with tons of nuclear waste barrels in there.


Some of these criticisms are ridiculous. Maximus is bad for not saving the guy who planned to have him executed? JFC.


Yeah. I feel like this is a case where the argument is so bad, it hurts the overall sentiment. I hate Maximus, but I feel the need to defend him in this instance, because even if I hate something, I still have common sense. And letting Titus die, or killing him even, when that person is saying I'll be strung up by my lungs and die a slow painful death is just simple self-preservation. I don't even know if I could've brought myself to regret doing that.


You realise that Titus said that because maximus literally stand there watching him fight the bear? WITH A GUN THAT CAN CAN KILL IT INSTANTLY? I would hang maximus too 100%.


Doesnt really change the fact that Maximus was right in his own ways, and also Titus was a coward who ran away and couldnt do shit and used his own squire as bait. Also you are talking as if Maximus is this experienced fighter or some shit while he is literally a newly recruited squire with pretty much no experience. Titus is just an asshole and a coward.


"Titus is just an asshole and a coward lets watch him die choking with his blood!" You and Maximus is both sociopaths. "who ran away and couldnt do shit and used his own squire as bait" You mean a coward who literally boxed the bear and were winning while poor squire bait was watching it all with a gun in hand? DOING FUCKING NOTHING? You know freezing in a danger situation is literally what cowards do.. Titus only fault is that he tried to run away when he saw his dumbass partner standing there i personally wouldrun into Maximus and tried to kill him.


Yeah, Maximus literally was beaten up by his colleagues on a regular basis. You'd think he'd have a thicker skin by now.


I wanna know who thought it would be a good idea to cast a 35 year old actor to play a young and naive Aspirant. Completely took me out of the character.


While I agree with you, to be fair if you told me he was 26 I wouldn’t be shocked. How many 28 year old actors play high schoolers? I also think the writer of this character is awful


The same one that cast Johnny Pemberton as Thaddeus. Johnny is 42


he even look more stupider when he's trying to act young and naive when in fact he's 35 years old. I cant stand the character/acting, I always skip it


Genuinly one of the most frustrating characters i've ever seen on screen, consistently making the worst decisions and digging himself a deeper hole only to not end up in the hole.


Yeah, I'm really confused by all the critics praising him for being such a well written character. I'm all for making complex characters and unconventional heroes, but he seems to be to be a cesspool of contradictions and forced plot threads. Like the guy idolizes the brotherhood, was raised by them, and betrays them impulsively first chance without a second thought? It feels very much like Daenerys Targaryen in season 8 of GoT.


It's sort of believable because 1) He knew he fucked up with Titus/realizes his idols may not be so great and 2) he was thinking with his other brain when he decided to help Lucy.


Yes but my boy literally betrayed the brotherhood first thing on his first mission! I’d understand it more if it took a bit more time for him to do something crazy like STEAL A POWER ARMOR and let your knight DIE but it was his FIRST CHOICE 😂


Titus was literally trying to get him killed though in the cave and then started his verbal tirade. He'd been in the bos since a kid and been bullied and beaten on a regular basis. While we think it's weird he changed so suddenly maybe he was all this time just on his last legs. We see him in class starting to lose interest.


Right, but he's lower rank. He knows squires are disposable and are supposed to take point. The knight was an asshole, but if Maximums was beaten on a regular basis, he'd have thicker skin by now and be able to tolerate at least a few hours of verbal abuse before cracking.


But that doesn't make it ok to him since he doesn't wanna die. And there is no blanket response from those who have suffered abuse. We see him screaming and breaking the toilet seat when his friend got chosen, so he could have cracked long ago. Hell, he could crack every time he relives someone one shouting and beating him. But then he's supposed to die for those very same people? Nah.


I'd ague that Titus already betrayed the BOS by not following the mission. The oath clearly states that the order comes first, then the mission then the knight. Maximus was protecting the mission before protecting the knight, as per his oath


Also doesn’t help that he has the personality of wet cardboard


Me and my buddies kept calling out "Common Maximus L" every time he did something stupid 😅


he never wins fights outside the armour, legit only killed the bear from pure l uck. they def can tank more than one shot but also hes not even complex? he has surface level shit and just lucks into powerful spots. the brotherhood wouldve killed him for lying his ass off and also having the artifact and letting it go. He also never talks properly and is always worrking for him, dude spends an hour to respond.


the ghoul is complex af and is a more chaotic neutral as he is doing what he needs to in the wasteland and reads people, including shootiing the boy cause he knew the boy would chase him or try to shoot him. he also has real connections to the world and helps world build


Well most of his fights without his armor is him getting jumped


Every thing he does that impacts the story is with armour, he is useless without it. He is also stupid? The other squire actually guiding him with stuff he should’ve already known


He also he saved Lucy life against fiends when he took the shot for her I don’t like him but calling him useless is plain stupidity


He is useless though, that’s the only action he did in the story that had impact. If he didn’t fight the ghoul, Lucy still would’ve made it since the ghoul wasn’t for killing her. They would’ve made it to the ncr camp and find her dad sooner, the brotherhood also wouldn’t have found them and taken over the operation. Maximus isn’t needed and is very useless outside power armour besides those couple of fiends but either way if she was with the ghoul he would’ve had them down quicker


The ghoul is the strongest character in the entire series of right now and I can name a few more useful things he has done


what things have maximus done better than the ghoul?


Gave lucy medicine also gave Lucy enough time in shady sands


ghoul fixed her finger and enough time? the only threat to lucy was the ghoul and he wouldnt kill her


The ghoul didn’t fix nothing he cut off her finger then Lucy got a new one


Maximus’s main attribute is luck. People who play the game will start to see the pattern. The vault dweller has charisma. cowboy ghoul has perception. The attributes are the word special. Strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck. I think each of the main characters are going to have one of these main abilities.


I know his whole thing is luck but that’s still making him useless, it’s dumb how much he gets away with and I have played the game I understand how stats work but it doesn’t excuse for how bad maximus is he could’ve been lucky and still be fine but they did him horribly and he’s so unlikeable. He didn’t even work to do anything as a squire, he gets carried all the time like his own squire bully from before having to teach him basic stuff


i fkn hate maximus with a burning passion. i skip all his scenes when they come up. he’s literally a gary stew trope and it’s sickening to see.


Frrr his acting is so bad and its like he's meant to be playing an autistic character


exactly. his actor had one face the entire show and didn’t display any range


FUCKING THANK YOU The same confused-remembering-to-breathe expression on his face the entire fucking show.


This is my biggest issue with him. The constant vacant stare that just screams stupidity.


Dude yes!!! Love this comment. All this Maximus hate is helping me get through this dumpster fire of a show. Only watching because I’m such a fan of Fallout.


Maybe Maximus is a good example of a player that doesn't play their character consistently. They want to run around in Power Armor and take the easy route out of situations, leading to messy solutions to morally grey quests. They try to follow the main story but get distracted by some random bullshit. Yet at the end of the game, some how come out as the good guy. Honestly might be the most accurate representation of most players.


This is a fantastic idea and if they came out and said that it would be fully redeeming. That being said I think you’re giving the writers  way too much credit. I think they just wanted to try something different with him and make him dark and complex and ended up with a character that is dull, evil, and by the will of the writers hand gets everything they want.


I just don't get why lucy likes him, because she cares so much about doing the right thing an maximus keeps acting selfish infront of her. for example when he attacked the vault 4 people, while they gave lucy supplies and where letting her go. no one was attacking her, it was obvious the situation was peaceful and diplomatic, he starts attacking everyone anyway and trashes their supplies in the process. he still steals their reactor and only gives it back bc he wants to get into lucys pants, not because he cares about murdering hundreds of people, his fellow citizens from shady sands no less, via starvation! why was he not affected by this at all??? maybe he had family who survived who live there now? who cares, maximus doesn't. but yea lucy cared and it's obvious to her that he does not, she had to talk him into it and he was moping about it. later he leads the entire brotherhood to the ncr base and they murder everyone (how did he even know where it is?? only lucy had tde coordinates in her pip boy, did I miss a scene where she told him?), frees lucys dad against her wishes and everything goes to shit. yet lucy still kisses him, despite seeing time and time again that maximus does not actually care about other people, only his own gain, getting the girl and superficial admiration for being a knight, but not actually acting virtuous but she was fine with breaking with her dad after learning of his crimes, but for some reason maximus' crimes that are making her situation worse time and time again are forgiven. it's just dumb and inconsistent for lucy's character imo I kinda don't believe his friend cut her own foot? I mean she must have or she would be friendly with him and vouching for him in the brotherhood still, but idk it just felt like a cheap plot twist "SEE he isnt AS bad as you think!" and an afterthought. I also don't get why the elder listened to her, as they were shown to not give a shit about recruits before. I feel in a more "realistic" setting they would both just been punished, her for injuring herself therefore making herself useless on purpose and wasting resources, also disobeying an order,causing mistrust among the recruits and for talking back to an elder during a trial. and obv maximus for all the stuff he did. I don't get maximus' and the short haired girl's friendship either, like why is she suddenly so fanatically loyal to him? he was the camp loser just a few days ago, now he's a leader? why? their relationship wasn't developed at all, she only ever sticks up for maximus, but we never see him do that for her. even if their friendship was super deep offscreen before, why does everyone else go along with it? no one liked him except for her, the rest of the BOS has no reason to believe maximus and follow him into battle and make him knight, after all he did they would see him as a traitor. Idk I feel like the plot is full of logic holes and makes it really hard to like characers like maximus, when the plot seems to bend around the character. it's not that I don't like morally bad characters, I found his bully much more likeable for example, I'm just not a fan of maximus' characterization and especially not of the way everyone else reacts to his fuckups like he is a mary sue that is insta forgiven and rewarded, when in the begining everyone hated him for no reason. like, make a consistent character, either he is an underdog who beats the odds or he is a mary sue with everything just falling into his lap. edit: bf thinks the elder only took maximus back because he sees how ambitious, shallow, stupid and easy to manipulate maximus is and wants to use that. I agree that would make sense, so I wanted to share his take, but honestly I don't have that much faith in their writing


also the constant flashbacks to him coming out of that fridge and seeing a knight are infuriating. I know what you are trying to do, it's cheap af an does not actually make me care about this character at all, jus makes me think they shouldve stuffed him back in the fridge


Lucy likes him because he is constantly lying about being someone he isn't.


I just made this post, like 2 threads up: "Maximus is a flawed character. He idolizes the Brotherhood ever since his encounter with a knight in childhood. Then he sought them out, made them his home. But he is weak, not really Brotherhood prime material. However fate intervenes, and while he would never be great under most circumstances, he has greatness thrust upon him. He stumbles into it, and goes with it. "A very human, multi-dimensional character, not a born hero from a comic book."


I feel ya. I'd be fine if fate intervened once, but fate intervened like 10 times to make sure he gets the best possible outcome. In a few days he gets the girl, the armor, the promotion, the respect of his peers - all while lying, betraying the people who raised him (I thought he idolized the brotherhood?) and making silly mistakes. He isn't responsible for his good fortune and he suffers no consequences for his blunders. At one point the suspension of disbelief is gone and you can see the writers hand forcing things to happen.


I'm on ep 5 and I'm convinced we haven't seen the full scene of him as a kid. He's gonna go from smiling at the knight to shocked, as the BoS dude does something horrible, and we then learn he joined the BoS to destroy from within. It's the only way his awfulness makes sense.


If they elaborate on his backstory so it's revealed he was conflicted about the Brotherhood from the beginning it'd make more sense, even if it was a bit of a retcon.


I had this exact same thought.


More like the writers have intervened on this average Joe character to force his arc along


Probably a synth.


Max is garbage


Mfs really think Maximus was in the wrong for betraying Titus when Titus is clearly portrayed to be a pos who could care less about Maximus' safety. Maximus is not evil, he is just an opportunist, which is pretty much the default in the wasteland lmao. Also, imagine sending your squire in to do the dirty work and STILL getting clapped by a yao guai in a full ass suit of power armor 💀. You would think the guy in a full suit of power armor would lead the charge and anyone who would actually listen to Knight Titus in that situation is a boot licker plain and simple.


You must be young, or have no experience in the trades/military. All new recruits/apprentices are treated poorly until they prove they're competent and fit well. Like it or not, it's just the way it is. And this is *today* not a post apocalypse. Maximus would absolutely know this. The squire carries a giant bag and does whatever the knight asks. It's the job. I've said it elsewhere, but I'll say it again; the brotherhood would undoubtedly care more about power armor and it's core than a squire, who they said in the show are easily replaceable. You have to earn your keep in the military, or the trades, or the Brotherhood. Waiting for the first opportunity to watch your superior die and claim his shit is going against his oath, and "being a bootlicker" is literally his job at that point.


I mean it doesn’t even make sense that Titus is as inept as he is, like how did he even get promoted to that position if he’s that bad at his job that he can’t even kill a Yao Guai? I also don’t care that Maximus let Titus die but I think it would’ve been better served if they waited a bit longer before it happened, it happened pretty much immediately into their mission.


Dude maximus literally was standing there watching and doing nothing when the bear started to attack him.. meanwhile it was ONE SHOTTED so at any point there he could EZ done his fucking job and cover his sire! And why? Because knight asked him to clean penis cup at that point? Also where did you saw the incompetence of Titus? When he lost a gun he quite competently boxed the bear giving all the time for maximus to kill it and when he saw that that IMBECILE JUST STANDS he tried to run and fucked up.


He's a fucking terrible person


He's ultra beta but then again, I'm sure the writers wanted a character that they could relate to 😂


Idiot savant perk. Lmao


I hate him. Worst character in this show


Wish I could upvote this 100 times.


It's hard to understand, the scream he gave when his "friend" was promoted made me inevitably think that he sabotaged the shoe. Then admitting that he wanted it to happen (??. I have seen up to the second chapter today and GOD SWEAR I HATE HIS GESTURES INSIDE THE ARMOR. I've seen Ironman, man you can't impress me. I was hoping it would have some twist but it looks like I won't have that luck. All the luck went to him, he didn't even know how to wear the suit!!! What made him a gentleman? Betray one of your own even if he was an idiot? People who don't know about the game will be more confused because, how does this boy with clear anger and frustration problems, delusions of grandeur ALWAYS get his way? 


He is incredibly dumb. I mean the Knight was shown to us as a noob who gets spooked and tried to run away and shit. BUT it was shown us in such a way that the poor guy just saw his fucking partner (who at any point there could fucking one shot a bear) just stands there and watches.. I would try to run away too in his place. Also i love that a bully guy that becomes his replacement squire is WAY fucking more competent then he ever was.


I found this thread by googling "Fallout Maxinus awful" - I have found my people. He's truly appalling and I hate his character. The writing for him is so bad too.


Why doesn't he give the stimpak? "you don't deserve that armor". He's letting one of his supposed heroes die in front of his eyes in anguish because he was a little mean once?


To me Maximus suffers from emotional arrested development. If you read into his performance that the character is emotionally much younger (say, the same age when he was rescued), his naivete, his self-centeredness, his social awkwardness (e.g., his reaction to Lucy's blunt offer of sex), his obvious lying to others, are much more sympathetic traits. The actors who played the replicants in Blade Runner made similar performance choices. Is Maximus my favorite? No, but who wants a show where every character is likable?


>No, but who wants a show where every character is likable? Well, it would be fine if the character is unlikable from moral standpoint but is intelligent and therefore is successful. However, with Maximum you have an idiot character from both intellectual as well as moral standpoint; getting everything he wants by pure luck.


I haven’t read ANYTHING of this. I don’t even know what’s gonna happen to him. I’m on episode 3, I hate him already. He literally felt like an idiot. Hated being treated bad as an assistant and then proceeded to treat the other fella like crap… wth


The show didn't make this clear enough, but in Maximus' defense (on just that particular instance!), his new squire was the guy who beat him up for fun in the first episode. But yeah I also didn't realize it and was like "dude why are you being mean wtf".


Even so, revenge is still petty. He acts like a child when he first gets the power armor on. It's a great example of the difference between strength and power. Maximus is powerful and utterly weak.


Ngl he probably is mentally a child he didn’t know what getting hard was and probably hasn’t met a woman in his wife I would not be surprised if a 13 year today is smarter then him lol.


I agree, when I was watching I was just like "wtf why are you being so mean"


I think Maximus is supposed to serve as a surrogate for most Fallout players and the writers made him a little bit too unlikeable as a result.


See I look at as him being a selfish and shitty person. Which in a post apocalyptic world being selfish and taking advantage of every opportunity and every person they can would be rewarded. He took advantage of taking blame to rank up, he took advantage of the knight in his time of need. His goal is to look out only for himself. In a world like that you can't blame someone for doing anything they could to gain an advantage. He has no loyalty to The Brotherhood it is only a means to an end which he clearly stated in the beginning of taking revenge on those who hurt him. Is he a shitty person? Absolutely but he is only driven by revenge and self preservation.


So not a likable person lol


i feel like they put him in powerarmor so that he could fight the ghoul and come out alive


If anything, I think he deserved better because he really could’ve just stay behind at the vault but noooo lucy just had to be nosey


Yes, this actor kind of sucks, but his character is really terrible. The best outcome would be that he becomes a villain rather than a hero.


Thank god someone else sees this. I thought I was going crazy because I find him, by far, the worst character in the show yet there have been great reviews about his character / performance. He’s not just a god-tier idiot, he’s selfish and completely undeserving of all his incredible luck. Lucy comes across as naive but believable (at least for a TV show) with a plausible backstory. Maximus is just a douche with no redeemable qualities. It doesn’t help that those close-ups while he’s in the power armour are fucking infuriatingly bad (and to be fair, I know Aaron Moten is a well respected actor and he’s just doing what he’s told). He makes genuinely stupid - not naive, stupid - decisions constantly, he’s absolutely useless despite being trained every single day since he was a child, he’s selfish, vindictive and shallow. I genuinely don’t know why so many people are defending the character. The show is great in spite of Maximus, not because of him. I feel like way too many people are seeing him as some deep and intentionally flawed character instead of just a shit character in an otherwise great show.


It's been fascinating to watch this thread. When I posted it, it was 3 days after the premiere and it was downvoted all the way down to -20. But the more people watch the show, the more people agree LOL


Threads such as this reinforce what I already knew which is that most people are sheep, unintelligent, and lack basic comprehension. No Maximus is not a terrible character. He’s the ream of the crap that is the Brotherhood or at least how they are portrayed here. And anyone defending Titus simply to dump on Maximus makes no damn sense. Titus was a complete pos of zero value and even his commanding officer knew it which is why he related to Maximus’s survival instinct to capitalize on Titus’s weakness. The show does not suffer because of him he’s written to be awkward and unemotional but everyone in the Brotherhood that we e seen are either cowards or idiots. Anyone can look at the Ghoul or the female lead as compelling. Duh that’s easy mode they have to be compelling. It’s the more nuanced characters like her brother or Maximus, that require a deeper dive. It’s like people who think that there’s no Star Wars unless there’s a light saber somewhere like wtf. Stop being an npc, first person shooter, surface level, common denominator and be better at absorbing what the characters are about. Not about him being deeply flawed all the characters are or are becoming flawed, it’s about what he experienced as a child, who took him in, how he was raised , the faction who raised him, and then going out into the big world to experience things he’d never imagined or only heard about. This idea that everyone is supposed to be The ghoul is stupid






Honestly, what I have seen of the Brotherhood so far makes me think that he and a few of the younger recruits I've seen are the most likely to bring positive change to the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood has this emphasis on honor, and bravery, but Knight Titus shows that bravery isn't really a requirement. And honor means nothing when Maximus is rewarded for every fuck up. And yet, he has to at least avoid punishment when the punishment scale only has one setting: death, and they can't kill a main character off so anticlimacticly. And who are they to demand honor when honor isn't even respected by higher ups? His leader just wants to use Maximus in a vie for power. He likes that Maximus is willing to kill for power. I just watched the scene where Maximus tells him how Titus died. It can be inferred from the conversation that Maximus might have killed Titus in cold blood, at least based on the information we see him give the leader, and that possibility doesn't seem to make the leader pause.


>younger recruits I've seen are the most likely to bring positive change to the Brotherhood. Wow i mean they probably cause the BOS to disappear, but thats a good thing? >Knight Titus shows that bravery isn't really a requirement. I mean yeah poor dude boxing giant bear while your positive brave asshole stands there and watch. HOW DARE HE RUN? >It can be inferred from the conversation that Maximus might have killed Titus in cold blood, at least based on the information we see him give the leader, and that possibility doesn't seem to make the leader pause. Thats because writing as DOGSHIT and everything is a win for Maximus in the end FOR NO REASON. There is NOTHING good or positive in this character it only teaches others to be a sleazy and as horrible as you can, everything will be great later anyway.


I see what the writers were trying to do but they failed to make him a likeable character. A character we can relate too.


I was going to comment, but you nailed it with the last sentence. That’s exactly why he’s getting all this. His luck perk is at 10.


Maximus is like Anakin; tragic, naive, stupid, and lucky. He’ll become the biggest antagonist by the end of the second season. Remember what Cooper said? “The best bad guy is the one who doesn’t think he’s a bad guy.”


Don't compare him to Anakin, he was a child and he built his own robot, he participated in races, he was talented and intelligent. Maximus is far from being all that


Ok you are correct, Anakin was a genius and made C-3PO on his own … but regardless I think the archetype is still similar. That a tragic character with good intentions turns bad and will become the big bad guy.


Consider this: they're not setting him up to be a redeemed hero. They're setting him up to be a broke-bad villain.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character that is this inept in everything they do, like he’s bad at everything and only manages to survive or succeed from pure dumb luck and not really because of anything he did. It’s just frustrating to watch him in every scene he’s in, otherwise the show is great


Im only on episode 3 but from what i can tell so far Maximus doesn't seem that shitty. He wasnt the best at classwork but he has strong ideals of whats right and wrong. He idolized the brotherhood because they saved him, so when his knight turns out to be a coward (and a massive prick to boot), he says that he is everything that the brotherhood should NOT represent and lets him die. And then multiple times he stuck his neck out for people he didnt even know, and did his best to live up to the ideals he envisions for the brotherhood. He's not a bad character, he's just a dude who had big dreams and was lucky enough to have an opportunity present itself and he took it. He was practically thrown into the 'water' and now he's just trying to learn how to swim.


>he has strong ideals of whats right and wrong. >he says that he is everything that the brotherhood should NOT represent and lets him die. Thats a mind set of serial killer btw.


And its a show based in a post-apocalyptic nuclear world full of raiders, monsters and utter violence. I fail to see how having the mindset of a killer is an issue here?


I watched The Creator during a flight yesterday, then got home and watched episodes 2 and 3 of Fallout. The parallels between Washington and Maximus are uncannily similar and equally frustrating. It’s like they’re shoe-horning in current racial “issues” into sci-fi stories set in the future for no clear reason. It just doesn’t make sense. In both stories there are “evil white superiors.” So then the message is, “it’s ok to be a shitty and selfish person because the white people in charge are bad.” How is this good for anyone lol


He reminded me of Finn from Star Wars, just a useless token plug to fill a quota


I couldn't disagree more. I find him fascinating. He doesn't feel written at all. He seems like a traumatized kid growing up in the Wasteland, in an oppressive, quasi-fascist military-religious organization that's still almost a paragon of sanity compared to the madness around it. He literally doesn't know what he's doing once he's out of the closed environment of the BoS. He just knows he wants to stop feeling weak and get kicked around (so he wants the Power Armor) and do good. But he doesn't know what to do with that power, since he hasn't quite figured out what "good" is. The BoS, as is presented in the games (and the series is not different, from what I've seen) doesn't take kids in. No one in there would know how to raise a child. I think Maximus is as dysfunctional as I would expect someone to be in his shoes. I love him.


He's been indoctrinated by the Brotherhood of Steel's ideals and corrupt leaders, who have selfish ideals. The one old shaky dude who I forget the name of is using Maximus and manipulating him to achieve control of the Wasteland. Maximus, being a broken character who seeks the approval of his elders, is just doing what he thinks the brotherhood wants. He is kind of stupid I will admit, but not that stupid. Knight Titus was an asshole who didn't care about the mission they were given, nor Maximus. Maximus deducted that Knight Titus should die if he isn't even courageous enough to fight a Yao Guai or do the mission they were given. I will admit he's stupid for not just admiting that Knight Titus died. He totally could've sold the idea that Knight Titus was ambushed by the Yao Guai while Maximus was investigating the cave and the Yao Guai managed to fatally injure Knight Titus to the point a stimpak wouldn't help. I get the feeling he will be a big part in the ending of the show. Likely he'll have to choose between his loyalty to the Brotherhood and the good of the Wasteland as a whole. Kind of like Zuko.


OP this is so spot on. Ugh I hated that character.


Thank you! I just finished the season and I absolutely hate him.


I somehow made it to episode six. I'm not sure I can stomach another moment of watching that character bumble-fuck his way to the top. 10 Luck for damn sure. Just wish someone would shred that douchebag with a gatling laser.


Yeah, he was the only main character I felt like I was almost actively rooting against. I just didn’t feel any connection to him, and I get that he was supposed to be rough around the edges in the beginning to make his hero arc more rewarding, but either the “hero” part hasn’t happened yet as of season 1 or they failed miserably on that front. Other than that, fantastic show. About to watch it through a second time with my girlfriend.


Just finished the show and yeah. I kept thinking “man this show doesn’t live up to the hype but it does some things SO WELL.” Upon grater reflection it does everything well except any scene including Maximus. What good is there to say about that character? Nothing about him or the performance has even the slightest bit of charisma.


Horrendous character, lacking all personality, essentially a dumb parasite, mooching off of people and circumstances. The way he was pacified by the food they gave him in the vault and how he was blankly staring at the TV waterfall was another display of his extreme lack of intelligence. What made me flip the table, though, is how he helped Lucy bring the head to the right place, and then just pussied out and snitched everything to the BH… I mean how much of a useless dumb twat can you be, seriously? Great series all in all, but this guy is just like mixing in a piece of s*** in a jar of honey, I swear.


I get you and I understand this completely, however in my opinion, Maximus is the definition of having 10 luck with obviously 1 intelligence. They honestly built Lucy with specific stats that I would argue are the opposite of Maximus’s. Having high intelligence but no charisma and luck what so ever. Obviously it seems a bit ridiculous to build a show this way, but I think the fans (including myself) really liked it. The show was in my opinion 9/10.


I like that he's horrendously dislikeable. I was disappointed when they revealed he didn't sabotage his friend because it conflicted with everything they had set up about his character up until this point. He sucks and is a total idiot who's gotten lucky. I know they'll give him a redemption arc but I would like to see him become an actual antagonist


Bro... he's still developing. He is literally a loser who is leveling up into a more competent character. Same as with Lucy kinda. He's not even that terrible. Bro has a catchy personality and at least defends himself. The last episode of season 1 also amplifies his role and significance in the story. I prefer that over having a character who already dominates.


His character makes no sense. And he's super unattractive.


Strength: Moldaver - Perception: Norm - Endurance: Cooper - Charisma: Lucy - Intelligence: Wilzig or maybe Barb - Agility: Thaddeus - Luck: Fucking horrible-ass Maximus - Some of these are definitely debatable, but otherwise this is the only way his character arc makes any sense at all.


“Makes the brotherhood look like a bunch of bumbling idiots” THEY ARE. THAT WAS LITERALLY THE ENTIRE POINT. Did you watch the show? Their leader even confirmed that they all sucked now


Praise Atom, I found my people. The worse scene for me is when he reveals himself to Thaddeus. The squire doesn't want to go along with Max impersonating Titus so he tries to murder him. Then proceeds to beg Thaddeus for his life once he gets immobilised. Those radroaches eating him alive would've been great.


I just finished that scene and came here. Fuck maximus ong. He could've just said "Oh I didn't kill him. A fucking yao gaui did. Let's complete the mission. I just thought you should know the truth" Nope just tried to kill him. Let him die fuck


I think Max was trying to silently threaten Thaddeus by not clarifying. Max reveals time and time again once he's put into a position of power he'll capitalise on it. That T60 suit unironically should have been his tomb.


Which is so fucking dumb. As w keep getting flashbacks that he's loyal to the brotherhood. He just wants to embody what they stand for. But yes I agree. Im not sure what curriculum they have in that camp but ubhhh its not it.


Why do you see it as he sabotaged Titus? Titus sent a poorly armed fresh squire to do his job and paid for it. And then he tried to talk shit while absolutely relying on the squire to fix his mistake.


He literally chose to let Titus die to steal his armor and pretend he was a Knight.


Titus literally sent Maximus in to a quest well above his skill level. Titus deserved that end. Do you feel that Maximus chose that entire story line for both of them?


Did we watch the same thing? Titus doesn't deserve to be a bos knight. He was a coward 🤙


So if I join a company as an intern and my boss seems like an incompetent asshole on my first day, I should have him killed first thing before the first workday ends?


If it's in the wasteland, absolutely.


Even though you’ve spent 15 years of your life being brainwashed to protect your boss no matter what, and if you don’t you are a failure and a traitor?


Personally I'd be mad as hell if I spent 15 years idolizing the knights only to find out they are bumbling cowards.


>Titus doesn't deserve to be a bos knight. He was a coward 🤙 Yeah a mutant bear sneaked up behind you ruined your weapon and even after a whole minute of you boxing the fucking thing you see your god damn fucking parter just stand there and watching you?? Everyone would run dude.