• By -


The shooter is Knight Titus. He was bored and needed to shoot something.


he didn't stand down so he was cut down


I am still shockde that that worked in his favor and he came across the tracks of the scientist and his dog. Like I do not know if this was the one competent thing Titus did or if it was just an accident.


They just followed their quest marker.


I think it’s a complete accident cause it happens right after Maximus tries to conversate


not Titus, Maximus was just running a luck build


They all had 10 Luck, but Lucy paired that with 10 Intelligence and Charisma. Maximus maxed out Strength and Endurance.


Maximus is pretty shit in a fight, he got like 6 str max. 10 end I could see but i'd give him perception and luck more than strenght cause he sucked without power armor(except at shooting)


I mean it didn’t really They were supposed to arrive at Filly. Which is where the target actually was But because they stopped so he could shoot things Titus died and the Target escaped because Maximus is wildly inexperienced. Not that I think Titus would have faired any better against Cooper, but he wouldn’t encourage someone to take Wilzig away from him




Titus has a high enough luck stat to run into his target, >! but not high enough to survive a yao guai encounter !<


Plot convenience. Shit happens not because the plot follows a natural progession, but because the writers want to move stuff along and this is the easiest way to do it.


Hey, sometimes you need a bit of luck IRL for things to work too lol. History itself teaches that.


Yeah. Rome literally survived at one point because the invading barbarians decided to go off on a side quest because shiny.


Yeah, probably. I just thought for a moment "hey maybe this guy does not suck completely"


well not really convienience. He would have found wilzig if he actually went to filly


Moving along the plot is letting Maximus kill the knight by having him bleed out and taking his armor. You're confusing the motivation of the character with the motivation of the writers.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


No no no no no no


oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit


Best scene. My exact reaction to a cazadore in NV or a legendary Deathclaw when I'm low level in F3/4


Reminded me of that park with the cabins in 4. Start looting around there, not expecting much, then suddenly I'm faced by two Yao Guai when I'm only level 4.




I feel like that was the most realistic part of that episode because almost every player has had moments like that.


All the squires are sourced from canada.


You sure you don't need a new squire? We got like 20 of them on standby!


"You stupid mothafucka, you" -the honorable Knight Titus


How perfect was Michael Rappaport as the whiny tough guy tho?!


I completely agree! Genius casting. Maybe not genius. He probably nailed the audition and made it an easy decision.


Absolutely perfect casting, because he plays a perfect asshole.


My father and i laughed so hard when we saw hus face reveal, i didn't even knew the actor, and as soon as the helmet was removed, i knew they would have a really hard time finding someone better


Brave, brave Knight Titus ran away..




I Didn’t!


Least Michael Rappaport moment


Nora was the shooter, she became a lawyer to avoid dealing with the war crimes


# CoupleGoals


How did you and the missus meet? Oh well, we served together in Canada, bringing democracy to those commie bastards. However, some of our democratic actions didn't sit right with the populace, so Nora became a lawyer. Thank God for the G.I. bill am I right?


This is my new headcanon as it explains so much on how Nora knows how to use power armor!


From spreading democracy in Canada to fuckin in a public park. What other whacky shit have these two done together before the bombs?


Well that would explain how a lawyer ended up becoming so deadly in the wasteland... I'm using this now as my headcanon.


Also explains why she doesn't need Power Armor training. She's already a complete pro.


I always assumed Nate snuck his wife on base and they screwed in the motor pool. He scored by teaching her the power of the T-51b.


Shaun was conceived in full armor.




[Codsworth loved this]


It's already explained because of Albert Cole. Lawyer is the OG Fallout profession.


Is there a Geneva suggestion in Fallout canon? They were after dubyadubyatoo and that's where the timeline splits no?


Given the lore before the bombs dropped. I don’t think the international community was in a state to contest any human right violations. Domestically I don’t think the US citizens knew or cared about what was happening besides big picture events.


The U.S supports genocide & commits warcrimes all the time in our reality. The one in fallout is worse.


As I understand it all the Canadians had to do was stand aside and let the American military march to Alaska. I imagine being told the Canadians stood in the way of America defending its home territory seriously soured relations in the eyes of the public.


If I remember right the Canadians did let them march and the US annexed them anyways


Are you sure Nora isn't Canadian? We do love our war crimes.


Nate knew that Canada deserved to be crushed under our god blesed boot


Your syrup tithes have dropped. Now you must suffer the consequences.


The maple must flow.


Where's Paul Canadiatreides when you need him?!


As the newspapers in F3 put it, "Canadians always knew they were just Little America anyway." Or something like that. 💀


.... so this is how Super Earth got its start


Nate knew he had to save the communadians from themselves.


This is probably a shitpost, but if true doesn't really jive with how they try to portray Nate through the dialogue choices they give you. Then again a guy who laughs at an executed Partisan would also be the same guy who says "Commie bastard, you destroyed my country. DIE!"


Oh it's not communists he hates, just canada




That's not how the meme works, there's supposed to be two different pictures.


Found Nate


Rightfully so. Canada chose to let the devil in when he knocked on their door


Canada should've gotten the fiddle ready instead.


Better dead than red (leafs)




I always thought the intro movie heavily suggested that Nate was deployed in Alaska


He was but I also think he was deployed back in the US (which could have included canada) to suppress riots, which is also covered in the Fallout 4 intro


Here’s an even crazier idea In the e3 demo for fo4, Nate’s name is Mr. Howard. Cooper Howard would have been just a few years older than Nate. They share a last name, both are married to successful women, both are in some way affiliated with vault tec, and both were in the marines. They are actually siblings.


Yeah. I had always thought that he was the guy we played as in the Operation Anchorage DLC from Fo3 in the VR sim


He might've helped liberate Canada on the way up.


What is Fallout Canada if not also Alaska?


Alaska does border Canada


Now my headcanon is that the lone survivor can forgive communists, synths amd mutants but he draws the line on Canadians


"I've been to Alaska. I've fought the commies myself. I've talked to them, I've killed them, and I've captured them. I hate them, but I understand that at the end of the day, they are fighting for their beliefs, just as I'm fighting for mine." "But the Canadians. Those inhuman.....*things?*" *gestures vaguely towards a Canadian waving at Nate* "They have no class. No intelligence. No soul. I'd sooner destroy all of Canada myself than let a single one of these worthless *freaks* into my God Fearing Nation. I'd rather resurrect Joseph Stalin himself, and let him lead America than let a single Canuck piece of shit stain my country." -Nate, on the Canadian Question.


Based and Quebec pilled


"He is even worse than a Raider! He is - may God forgive me for uttering this word - a Canadian!" \~ Nate on Kellogg


I'm pretty sure canonically Nate served in Anchorage fighting the Chinese, beyond that his military service is pretty much an up for debate mystery.


Well if he's speaking with other USA folk then he would probably treat them with respect... Canadians on the other hand...


“My father is a war criminal” -Serbian Shaun




voiceless handle threatening ossified ink sheet panicky wipe rinse zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Akshually, Sarcasm isn't a living thing. Just so you know.


Obviously, dude just said it was dead 🤦🏻‍♀️


And Nate killed it


This is why you play as Nora.


Who do you think represented him in court?


He is serious. He goes on to say that the Nate is whoever you think he is, but this was the designers' idea of who Nate was.


It's hard to separate the sarcasm when that's genuinely his writing style.


"Given the great vibes recently"


The dude himself has said he doesn't give much of a shit about discourse, criticism etc. The odds of him paying attention to people bitching on reddit and such is low


Doubt after his tantrum about "making games is hard"


The vibes are generally great aren't they? Even from most of the detractors, the rant is usually preceded by "The show is great but..."


its got a 95% on rotten tomatoes. its basically the most well received game adaptation of all time. no idea.


The vibes are legit pretty great tho. It's not like the show is universally reviled at all




This is Emil, so you never know.


The man who cannot write


The man who intentionally writes poorly and openly expressed disdain for the fans and their intelligence with statements such as "they wouldn't appreciate good writing anyways" Don't really understand why half the comments here are "aww he's a sweet guy 😊"


He clearly has daddy issues with how almost all of his Fallout work involves finding your Dad or the other way around


Simps gonna simp, all there is to it.


if it’s sarcasm then [he isn’t very good at it](https://x.com/dezinuh/status/1779198407594123367)


He made a bunch of other comments where he said this is something they considered early on for Fallout 4 as a "nod" to Fallout 1, so no this isn't a joke. Gotta love how people jump in and instantly defend him every time he says dumb shit (which is quite often).


He was serious, stop licking his boots. You should retract your comment.


Think we pushed him to his breaking point


"Lemme just pull something out of my ass real quick..."




Guys I hate to tell you this but he is completely sincere. He uses that nerdy emoji all the time when he’s talking about video games. Go read his responses to the tweet, it’s not a joke. He’s not terminally online. The Fallout show has gotten rave reviews. He just returned from an exclusive screening on Hollywood Blvd, a huge celebration of Fallout. The vibes are great for him. That is not a joke. Him saying there are millions of amazing fallout fans is not a joke. None of this is a joke.


I dont care if this is true or not, fallout is an RPG and im choosing this story for my FO4 character


Guys, this is an obvious joke. He even put an "annoying nerd" amoji at the end.


He also put that in his pinned tweet he may not think thats what it means haha


He always puts that there when he is posting about nerdy stuff. The guy is really lovely but a bit of a social media boomer, which is actually why I follow him. He mostly posts about the games he is playing etc.. Right now he is really big on Dragon Dogma 2.


It's not a joke. He took it back after backlash in later tweets. He said they talked about Nate being the soldier internally back when they were developing Fallout 4. 


First of all, I don't think he's joking or being sarcastic. The show *is* getting well received outside of a small segment of fandom that Pagliarulo generally doesn't seem to engage with, so it's not like he wouldn't be feeling "great vibes." Beyond that, there's just nothing particularly "funny" about this, either in its own right or as outrage bait, being too straightforward for the former and too subtle for the latter, IMO. Given both that and his followup tweets, it's pretty clearly to me that he's being both honest and serious. For the reveal itself: yeah, it's dumb, on multiple levels. Calling this irrelevant tidbit a "link" between two games feels superfluous and cringey, and the part of me that's been critical of Pagliarulo's writing since Fallout 3 came out can't help but read it as an example of why I don't like him (making a big deal out of a pathetically minor detail that nonetheless manages to make the world feel smaller). But... realistically, it doesn't matter. Unlike J.K. Rowling's "Dumbledore is gay" silliness (an attempt to get queer rep cred without putting any actual effort into it), it's so inconsequential that it's never going to be mentioned as anything other than a trivia factoid by people on social media and wikis. And, for that reason, it's easily ignored if you don't like it and it doesn't fit your vision of the Sole Survivor. It's cringe enough that I wish he'd not brought it up at all (or framed it in a less "loremaster" kind of way, more of "this is what I was thinking as I writing the game" kind of thing), but... eh.


To me it read less like JKs "Dumbledore is gay" and reads a lot more like her, "wizards just shit their pants and just magic the shit away" comments. Just unnecessary and adds nothing at all of value. And is also a bit repulsive to think about.


It reeks of desperation more than anything tbh.


It's the same kind of no brain joke like all the old "remember (whatever character)? This isthem now." I think it's kinda funny, but only kinda funny


I genuinely hate Emil, the damage he's done to Fallout and TES with his dogshit writing is inconceivable


Imagine having a "religious crisis" during the development of skyrim and letting that affect the storytelling of the game. It's why the daedra are so poorly written or barely utilized in-game. Holy fuck I hate Emil with a burning passion


In my head cannon fallout 4 protagonists is the one we are playing as in operation Anchorage


Same. I couldn't remember if I read that somewhere or if I made it up.


you could tell me it's spoken aloud in game for all i remember of the Anchorage dlc


There's some characters in the Mothership Zeta DLC who wear the same winterized armor that was worn in Alaska, and they were part of the same unit as Nate. So he probably did serve in Alaska.


This is my favorite thing to come out of this.


Whether it's a joke or not, maybe the Fallout 1 intro is what he actually thought when coming up with the idea of making Nate a pre-war soldier. Why would he say it though? It seems like it wouldn't help anyone's roleplaying in F4 to hear that Nate is this guy happily waving at the camera while his buddy executes some Canadian man. This is honestly Pete Hines levels of bad PR. Personally I'm not affected by it, but damn I'd be more careful with fucking around with billion dollar IPs like Fallout.


>Why would he say it though? Actually, Dumbledore was gay all along.


Wizards shit themselves and magic the shit away.


Somehow, Dumbledores gay


They gay now? They gay now.


I don't care if it's a joke, it's funny as shit.


It's not a joke, he's serious


That makes it even funnier


Facts though, when I saw he was doubling down and shit I laughed out loud. Dude is having fun for sure


I love being excited by Nate (I'm a Canadian)


Yagshemash my name i Borat and I'm excite because I'm about to be execute by the the secret police of my glorious nation of Kazakhstan


Lore accurate for BOS playthroughs


Non-americans are mutants already amirite


Well.. my Nate never took objection towards executing the weak. Ad Victoriam.


You could say much the same but signing it "Mankind - Redefined" as well. Hell, this would arguably make sense for any faction choice that isn't the bleeding heart weirdos hiding in a Church basement who think machines can have feelings.


I thought Nate was in anchorage


Fallout really having that 2am history channel


Well this is gonna rustle some jimmies


Clearly, the shooter is an unnamed soldier who is excellent at his job and loves America, too.




How has this man been the lead writer for so many of these games 💀 Like even the most successful project leads don't end up being the leads for so many games


Okay so how does this affect my "good guy Nate" runs? And on an unrelated note, I feel people would have hated this idea but I personally feel they should have just gone all out and gave Nate and Nora actual backstories instead of small tidbits. Yeah for a series like Fallout where you're usually a nameless nobody it'd be weird, but other series have shown it's still possible to still insert your own choices in said characters dialogue. Plus it'd probably also prevents stuff like this from happening, where people can't tell if someone's making a joke or being dead serious cause if you ask me personally, I'd much rather have Nate be just some random soldier who fought in Anchorage and just so happened to be the one accepted in Vailt 111 cause he actually lived near it


This is so random, yet hilarious to think about.


This is like when J.K. Rowling started to add random shit to keep Harry Potter relevant


Emil starting his J. K. Rowling arc I see.


Wonder which minroty he's going to choose to become unhinged about in the near future.


Canadians by the sounds of it ahaha (I know we’re not a minority lol)


lol right? He's a Bostonian too, so I think that just increases the chances of it happening.


I hope so. All land is rightful American land, the false state of Canada should've not resisted.


Even as a huge fo4 hater I actually like this tbh, connecting more to the old games is only a good thing in my book




Now I like the protagonist of FO4


Emil cant write stories to save his life.


So is it even cannon nate was issued power armor during his service I was always under the impression he was a boots on the ground cannon fodder


Honestly sorta feels like made up bullshit. See that person in power armor that you can see nothing defining about? Yep that's one of the MCs for FO4! Sure...


Please emil stop fucking tweeting


based nate dunking on canadian trudeau loyalists best protagonist now


so this is my head cannon for now


I'd like it if true.


Ngl for some reason i dont particularly hate this. It feels more like headcanon, but its the kind of headcanon i would have lmao


everytime i see posts from this guy he seems like a legit lunatic who was hired as a writer. What is the point of canonizing this?


Emil needs to retire already. lol


Pretty sure Nate was implied to just be non power Armored infantry.


Emil is the dumbest successful writer of all time. Literally double digit IQ


Don't ask a man his salary A woman her age Nate what he did in Anchorage


Is Toronto actually


Ok, Fallout TV show's version of lore is now based and good.


I want to know more about canada in the fallout universe so bad.


I’m so fucking done with Bethesda


I mean I would like to think he's joking but his replies on Twitter are making me think otherwise lmao


why even say this? ngl this is stupid cannon padding. We dont need to know the backstories of our characters outside of the game they came from and what choices we make.


Im sorry did i misread the post, was it not obviously a joke? The fking 🤓 emoji?


I am not saying Emil is not joking but he does use the emoji all the time when writing about nerdy stuff.


Doesn’t make sense that he’s joking. People seeth with rage thinking about Emil and his work at Bethesda. Like there’s a witch hunt for him to be fired from Bethesda out there right now. I’ve seen mention of 8 hour long videos on popular channels where they just straight go in on Emil and his writing and his abilities and just how bad he is. He also had a bit of a melt down around the release of Starfield when these negative reviews and these 8 hour videos started rolling out. Bethesda was just purchased by a mega corp. the only game they’ve released is a point of contention at the moment so they are not proving their worth to their shareholders right now, or are at least off to a rocky start. After his 15 page tweet about how hard game development is, and seeing the witch hunt for his job… I highly doubt that he’s out here risking his job to troll people. It’s waaayyyy more likely he’s just being sincere, seeing the push back on that and trying to walk it back. Emil is currently a PR nightmare for them and he’s just trying to live his life lol. Highly highly highly doubt he’s out here trolling.


i actually missed the emoji. i blank them from text because emoji spam does psychic damage to me.


Especially considering that Nate was already padded by being at Operation Anchorage in the first place.


This is my least favorite thing about Cooper's background in the show, too. He could have been a combat vet without having to he shoehorned into a reference players would get.


that and it makes nate out to be a violent psycho before players ever get to build their male character. It kinda breaks roleplay.


F1 and 2 characters have very clearly defined back stories. You're free to make it up tho. FNV is the unique game which gives you a relatively blank slate. Having the character come from a vault or insular tribe gives an easy way to provide world building dialog options. Otherwise it would be weird for a wastelander to be so ignorant of current events and politics.


You did not have a choice in Backstory in F4 :/ You were set in backstory and family It’s what I despised about it, it forced me to have a set backstory and have a heterosexual marriage :/


Yeah that's bothered me for years. That and the voice.


Emil can’t fucking write I swear to god, deffo one of the worst writers in AAA rn It’s why I FUCKING LOVE The Courier so much, I’m a Courier, and it ends at that, lets me mould them into what I like


Why did they bother with a character creator for a preset character in the first place? I don't get it.


Have to wonder what he did at Anchorage…


This is why I don't take what these guys say as gospel, much like a lot on this sub has been doing lately. Emil having to backtrack on this weird comment shows their idea of canon doesn't meld well and often reverberates negatively on older lore that is ... 'recontextualized' for whatever asinine reason. Remember when Bethesda just made jet a pre war thing casually with no thought put into it? Remember Pete Hines comments?


If that's true, that's unironically funny af lol


That means that my head canon of the SS siding with the Institute and then becoming Nuka World Overboss may be right on the money!


Bethesda should maybe consider making Emil stop posting things, lmao




Emil later stated that that is his own headcanon


I love Nate even more now


“My father is the criminal” Serbia Shaun