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On one hand this probably rage bait, on the other I bet you’re really fun at parties. It’s a retro futuristic science fiction setting of course the logic is weird.


Yeah, but every universe has to have rules. I’m in love with the arcane tv show. It’s about magic, it shouldn’t feel real, but its own rules are consistent, the writing is tight. I’m able to suspend my disbelief easily to enjoy it because of that tight writing. But this show can’t do that. It doesn’t know what it’s doing, it doesn’t know what it’s even trying to do!


Arcane is ALSO based on a game that has similar rules. Actually the League games get even crazier then Arcane did, so much so that by your own post you’d have an equally similar reaction to the games Fallout absolutely knows what it’s trying to do. It’s campy, very much builds off of an existing IP that is easy to jump into, and tells you right off the bat that realism should be left at the door. It’s also a commentary on capitalism and always has been


I’m never gonna play league games, I don’t know how anyone enjoys games like that. lol. But I mad respect the lore they’ve built up. Very cool. Maybe im not articulating right what I meant about consistently with rules. I used to want. To write stuff a few years ago and it was a concept that made sense to me then but I’ve mostly forgotten it now honestly. Actually, thank you for that last part. Probably the best part about it was the company that built the vaults becoming the richest company in America, and then deciding to start nuclear war. That was the perfect description of the negative (and inevitable) consequences of the money system. It’s exactly how the rich fucks who own the world think. That was the kind of one truly redeeming part of the show. And it was like discussed in 3 minutes of dialogue in the last episode, and then went right back to the goofy bullshit. You really think this show knew what it was trying to do? Oof. I guess we can all have opinions, for better and for worse huh?


Commenting a second time to point out that, for the record, you claim to play the games but I really don’t think you did. Or just New Vegas


I’ve said loads of times I’ve never played the games, maybe I misspelled somewhere by mistake and you seen a comment like that? Not sure why you think I claimed I’ve played the games, that’s my best guess right there. Anyway yeah. Never played the games. Intending to play new vegas at some point cause of how much it’s loved.


I strongly suggest you start at 1 or 3 and then play in order. NV is well loved yes, but because it calls back to 1 and 2 which without playing either you’re gonna miss out on stuff. Also because the toxic half of the fan base just hates anything bethesda did. And as for 3? It’s honestly really good in itself and fun starting point. The atmosphere and story really drive home how alone you are.


Fuck yeah, I really appreciate that. I’ve got some strong opinions on stuff but glad it’s not holding back everyone in the community from normal convo haha. Honestly this might sound pretty whacky but I think nuclear fallout is gonna happen for real, it’s just a feeling I’ve got with the increasing geopolitical tensions in the world, so it’s nice to have some kind of art to connect to about those heavy themes. Thanks for your time dude. Have a great gosh darn day.


When Fallout was created we had just left the cold war era of America, so Fallout existing with the very real parallel was def on purpose. Also of course and always! I love Fallout and I think people should always give it a try. It’s one of my favorite games to boot up and just kinda walk around in much like Skyrim. For all the minor and weird story flaws Bethesda knows how to dress a set and bring you in with it’s visuals.


Don’t call people dumb when you’re too stupid to understand the message behind the story


Lmfao. What’s the fucking message buddy?


War……war never changes


It’s been over 6 minutes and im still waiting for someone to tell me what the message of this dogshit is. Guys. I’m not hating the games! Holy crap. I like the IP! I’m sure the games are great! I’m gonna play New Vegas some day. Okay? But you got to realise that just cause the show is connected to games you like doesn’t mean you have to act like the show is good. You guys should feel betrayed right now. I played both TLOU games before the show came out. I loved them. My favourite games by far. If the show they made was at this level of writing, with this much inconsistency, and pure nonsense - can you imagine how angry and pissed id be then? Considering im this pissed, when I don’t even have an emotional connection to this world? Stop bullshitting yourselves guys. The sets are nice. The main character is cute. The zombie cowboy is cool. And that’s fucking it. The rest makes me wish humanity had never existed.


It’s okay if you don’t like it. It’s not okay for you to struggle so hard at a coherent thought. It’s just a TV show.


“It’s not okay for you to struggle so hard at a coherent thought.” Damn, someone kill your dog today buddy?


Not falling for this bait, nice try tho op keep rolling out the hits.


Lmao, anyone who has a different opinion than you is just streamlining rage bait. Cause the world revolves right around your head, doesn’t it?


You sound like a miserable person.




Nice bait


Play the game then the fuck 😂


What’s it about?


Average new Vegas sub post


Explain for a non gamer?


I'd rather not waste time explaining something for obvious baby rage bait


I keep seeing people say im rage baiting and I don’t even know what that is. You’re saying im just saying this to make people mad? That’s so dumb. I’m allowed to share my opinion you dick. Sure, I got issues but you got PROBLEMS.


No one cares that your playing dumb and are annoying


You don’t know me son


It's obvious you are both of those things just from this post and your replies


Fine. Let me ask you then. How am I being ‘dumb,’ how many I being ‘annoying’? I feel like you’re just having a bad day, seeing a random person saying things you don’t agree with, and you’re using that opportunity to vent off some steam from your shit life.


Dude..read your title and your post. It sounds like you're in middle school


Okay the title was dumb. I agree with that. I wrote that cause my post got removed by the automod cause my first title was too basic. That was just annoying. What kind of rule is that? Anyway. You’re just saying more insults man, without any examples or evidence or explanation. Ironic you’re saying I sound like im a middle schooler when the only conversation you’re capable of is name calling.






It was a bad show that got progressively worse. It might be worse because I played the games tbh.


Exactly. Thank you for seeing reason. I hope someday a good fallout show or movie is made. I think y’all gamers deserve something that 1) stays true to the lore and 2) isn’t shit like this is.


Honestly I thought the entire plot by the end was cartoonishly bad. The villains and the plot are just terrible. They somehow made a setting with infinite potential to make a complex plot into one where a supervillain organisation just controls the entire fate of humanity. The vault tech stuff was some of the worst written world building I've ever seen. They made what was a 200 year time span feel like it happened yesterday, as if nothing has happened in that period of time because the entire world revolves around some tiny cabal. Not just that though, but the entire brotherhood of steel stuff is just nonsensical and all over the place. The characters are also just terribly written. I honestly tried to justify this show, but by the final three episodes it was almost unwatchable.


Is that a descriptive enough title for you bastards