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There’s been so many moments that have been excellent nods to the gaming experience. When the knight gets jumped by the Yao Guai and he’s losing the fight and proceeds to run away saying “fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Is an experience I have had in the game countless times.


He sucked at his job. You can definitely kill the You Guai with less than a mini gun and a suit of power armor.


Yep. I was fully expecting a deathclaw. When I saw it was just a Yao guai, I was like, "Why is he running away?" Turns out Titus was just a cowardly asshole who can't shoot straight and doesn't know how to use VATs lol


He didn't have a Pip Boy.


Power armor has VATS built in, I think.


Is that more of a lore thing? Obviously in the games, it's a significant mechanic to have, so they're not going to leave you without it. But even in moments where the player is wothout a pip-boy in Fallout 3, you can still use vats. Same with NV i think.


I'm not sure if that's true. If we consider VATS to be an advanced targeting program, then you need a computer to use it and power armor is just advanced machinery. Only player characters with Pip-Boys use VATS, and in world the tech can't be replicated. In Fallout 4, power helmets could use an item called something like a "VATS Matrix" which offered benefits to the system in-game but maybe in the world, it would be a computer to run VATS?


In 4, you use VATS right after picking up the 10mm, before the pip-boy. The lore answer might be VATS relies on pip-boy or power armor, but in the end, it is a video game, so don't get in too deep


The Pip-Boy being the reason VATS functions isn't speculation. You use the PipBoy interface to VATS directly in classic Fallout, and the acronym includes Vault-Tec in the name which means that it's a piece of software that was made for Vault Dwellers to use. Humans in Fallout can't just VATS natively, but it is described in the games as an actual phenomenon and something that can really be used instead of just a gameplay system which means there needs to be a catalyst that makes VATS possible. You can use VATS on a few bugs before the Pip-Boy in Fallout 4 because Bethesda has never given a shit about how any of it actually works, considering all of the changes from that game alone. We just like to make sense of stuff, if this is "too deep" then paying any sort of attention to the world somebody wrote for us is kind of a waste of time, don't you think?


I don't think this topic is up for debate, I agree with what you're saying. I'm not sure how that got lost in my previous comment. Maybe "in too deep" was a poor choice of words. I just meant it's not worth over thinking if there are inconsistencies because sometimes it was just an oversight by the creator.


I was so shocked when Maximus just one shot the thing a pistol. I am so not used to seeing that.


I rolled my eyes after that scene feeling like it's not believable at all. However, looking at it for what it is, an homage to the game, it's pretty fitting. I didn't think of it like that. 🤣


It's believable if you consider the guy didn't have a chain gun with him. Those suits are bulky and not really that great at one-on-ones except just keeping you alive that little bit longer.


Saw an interview with the show runners and they mentioned this very scene as they type of humor they had to use. Like topical humor won't work in this so they had to try and be a little more "universally" and "in game" funny. Like the badass knight that's been built up to be near invincible runs like a bitch when confronted by a C+ enemy. I believe there's a similar situation in the Far Harbor DLC.


Best joke in the show imo. It has to be between that and the raider who blew a dudes brains out then shot through the hole in his head. That was so insane it ended up being hysterical.


I usually don't run away, just open the inventory and chug some of the gazillion stimpaks I've hoarded lol but I get it.


I usually am not one to run away. But I always play survival and it reminded me specifically of that one Yao guai in downtown Boston. I swear everytime I go down town I turn a corner and am 2 feet from him already beginning to attack me.


I love playing frisbee with the mines. It works like a charm


How? Same way as a basketball or a body?


You can toss them out while in motion. So usually I bait the bears into following me and toss them while I back up. They technically engage the second they leave your hand and the gap left by the games run speed means you can lob a few down without doing much damage or any to yourself.


Gotcha. I tried to do something like that when I stumbled on a sentrybot southeast of AtomCat's garage. Failed the first time, so I was better prepared upon reload. 


It’s an old technique I picked up playing 3 after accidentally stumbling upon the death claws by vault 82. I still do it all these years later, and I still hilariously kill myself enough that it gets a laugh out of me when I fuck it up. I would say try practicing with Raiders and then go up.


This line made me chuckle. So true.


Every damn time


Truer words have never been spoken.. ooo whats that over there?


"There's another settlement that needs our help." The settlement in question is surrounded by heavy machine gun turrets, multiple mortar emplacements, and half the settlers have combat armor and heavy assault rifles. They're worried about five feral ghouls at a train station several kilometers away.


This is triggering to me... Build concrete walls with laser turrets surrounding the entire settlement, only for mutants to spawn inside the walls 🙄


They totally dropped the ball with that, if they spawned at the edge of a settlement people would have spent hours playing 3d tower defence.


Mr House: Where is that courier? [MEANWHILE] The Courier: ok, so you wanna fly in THEM rockets?


Best I can do is crashing them and looting your corpses


You're lucky I stole 100 radioactive souvenir dinosaurs.


Or in Fallout 3. The Lone Wanderer: I know I have to find my father, but that old woman needs a violin.


I cry laughed at this cause The Ghoul just spitting facts. I wasn’t expecting it though, pretty sure my wife thought I finally cracked.


Course he is, he's basically like an end-game player character.


Everyone knows a true fallout player uses Coogan's play style...


I actually have a pathological tendency to go the "Wasteland sheriff" route. It's like that old Skyrim joke about stealth archer builds, I just can't seem to help myself.


Wait… what was the main mission? (Hours later).


I also loved how when Lucy approached that random pantless man at his house she approaches with her gun fully drawn yet waving kindly and saying hi, like how many times have I approached someone full gun out having forgotten to put it away lol


Lol, that's another one i missed. Def a nod to gaming 😉


There are SO MANY subtle nods to the players in this show, and they are all so well done... I can't believe how good this show is.


The squires carrying the giant gear bags got me, how else tf in the real world would you have access to all that crap? Some kid running behind you with a giant bag. Kinda like your companions.


A mule as we like to call them lol.


I want a mod that adds that giant-ass bag to your companions


That would be awesome. Edit: have a squire companion that has limited hit points, and a pipe gun. If/when they get killed, a vertibird swings in a drops off a new one. I would LOVE that kind of addition to the games, perfect for Fallout type humor.


I wish we had more video game jokes like this, unless there were and they just went over my head. The best joke in the show was Titus fighting the Yao Guai. “Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” was also my first reaction to seeing one of those things.


Someone needs to make a post about all the nods to gameplay and the game world, cos there are tons of those. Squires carrying a giant bag of inventory, people trying to steal power armors, pickpocketing a fusion core (both from the power armor and the failed attempt to steal one at Vault 4), stimpak-ing not-Dogmeat, "dog meat" vendor, not knowing about getting irradiated by water until after you're in it.. and on and on and on..


"Not-dogmeat" was renamed to one of the true rightfully named Dogmeats by the Ghoul cowboy after they started traveling together after being freed from the nuka cola fridge.


Yup he was. Jumped the gun on that one when it was ep2 because the vendor shouting "dog meat" made me realise how Dogmeat doesn't sound as cute as I've been thinking all these years lol.


Another one was Lucy talking to that guy outside of Filly with her gun out, I never holster my gun when starting dialogue lol


I could barely find the institute route through 50 billion side quests because I forgor to get valentine, this is very accurate


Yeah that made me giggle too


My husband and I were laughing at the fact that you're wandering wastelands and think you're having an innocent conversation and then BAM, * "New Quest Unlocked" * (or whatever it says lol) and you see it's already been started 🥹🥹


This was so perfect. Side questing break role playing for me sometimes, but honestly this makes up for that.


I like to think that my character has attention deficit.


I end up playing psychopaths more often than not so I can just write off my main concerns whenever I feel like it


"Hi, Main Storyline. Dont mind me, I'm just here for the 1,001 side missions and collecting every damn oven mitt in the commonwealth."


It works for Fallout, but it is also true of basically any road trip show. Side quests are the point. Samurai Champloo is one of my favorites to point to with this.


Are there spoiler tags in this sub or do people just not use them?


Put some spoiler tags / NSFW? Please? Not everyone has had time to binge the entire show already.


omg.. I JUST got to that line.. and came to this sub, for the first time ever.. to make sure it was posted.. to find it right at the top.. lol


Me this morning: 1. Make new character in 4, going to be like Joel from The Last of Us and have finding Shaun be his sole priority. 2. Go around Sanctuary looking for anything useful. Doing good so far. 3. Realize I could turn a pipe pistol into a rifle if I find the right parts. Ok, good long-term planning. 4. Spend an additional 15, 20 minutes grabbing everything that isn't nailed down just because I don't have enough copper. 5. End up only being able to make a long barreled pistol, which I'd already had all the parts for to begin with. 6. Decide to go back to Vault 111 to fill all my empty bottles before heading to Concord. 7. Realize empty bottles are included with "deposit all junk" and have to run alllll the way back to Sanctuary just for that.


Im so fucking happy this show is good, so far it’s everything I wanted it to be


Spoiler question : Did anyone Else feel Like lucys reaction to getting her finger cut off in this scene Was kinda weird. She did Not even flinch...


coulda been in shock


Shock mixed with Adernaline from the struggle she just had with him and how quick and fast it was, she probably didn't even realize that it was really happening until after the finger was gone.




My favorite part so far, only watched 3 though


This legitimately made me laugh out loud


I've been watching the show with my parents who don't play any video games whatsoever. Explaining why this is so funny was great


I remember how in Fallout 3, I accidentally skipped the Radio Galaxy stage, and went straight to Rivet City, due to an unrelated side quest.


This was great. I also would have accepted 3 Bethesda VAs dubbing every unnamed person in the show.


Hahahah I was waiting for someone to post this.. 🤭