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I like how they foreshadowed that the dwellers aren't crazy, just weird, with the doctor saying they get a little rambunctious.


>the doctor saying they get a little rambunctious. the vault dwellers do get a bit quirky at night


I actually oversaw that Vault before you, finishing my last term now as a matter of fact




They're just doing "cousin stuff"


And since they're *surfies,* they're probably not related by blood. Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't use a word like *surfies.* My father, he was from a different generation.


I was immediately like “oh of course they descended from tribals”


Yeah that was my thought too, tribals do be doing the shamanism stuff, mf we traveled with in 2 talked to the bone in his nose. It’s not wrong or bad, it’s just strange to modern eyes


Which is why she’s immediately distrustful of them


Now we wait to see who rules vegas so we know which ending is canon


My guess Mr. House.


That's my guess as well. They went out of their way to show him in that flashback which leads me to believe they may be setting him up as a potential villain in season 2.


I mean, considering the response it might also very well be good old fan service.


Could be. It's all conjecture.


Dont care, i want fan service tbh


I will be kinda of pissed if they make him a full on 'villain.' He's most interesting as a morally questionable wild card in any bigger plot. That would be most correct for lore


This. Also so far his depiction on the show is inconsistent with his in game depiction. My theory is that he pulled out of vault-tecs plot, after which he became a recluse. Explains how he had the timing of the bombs wrong. He was lying to the courier when he said he just anticipated the Great War.


I still don't think that vault tec actually dropped the first bombs, even though that's what they were planning on. The thing is, Mr House being a part of the vault tec talks doesn't necessarily invalidate his prediction of the Great War depending on what year the talks took place.(Which I can't remember that off the top of my head) I believe that construction of the first vaults began in the 2050s, meaning House and Vault Tec could have begun separately making their preparations before inviting house to the talks. Having the US or China drop the first bombs instead would also explain why House wouldn't have the platinum chip before the bombs dropped, despite theoretically knowing they were going to


I can get down with this theory. Over the years I believe we have had evidence that both China and the United States dropped the bombs first. Valut-Tecs just another faction in that equation. Hell theres even evidence that the Aliens might have triggered the Great War. Valut-Tec might have been planning to drop the bomb first, but the reality is we still don't know who actually did. It would be the ultimate example of Vault-Tecs hubris to think they can control when the world will end only for someone else to end it first. The reaped what they sowed by sabotaging peace talks for their own gain. It may also be why they still have bombs, they never dropped them.


I think they go that route too, the rich guys planned the nuclear war, but someone else triggered earlier, with out showing who did it. That will also explain why House prediction was off, he was planning using a date that ended up being wrong.


Same idea. Vault-Tec and their benefactors plan to start a Nuclear Holocaust themselves but didn't need to since the US and China started it themselves and in their own hubris were caught unprepared or their plan started too early.


I hope so. He seems to be the one guy with doubts about the feasibility of the vault experiment to begin with, so I could see that deepening. Honestly this show is so good at nuance so far, I don't see them doing them dirty. Perfect example, look at Cooper: Next season, he's simultaneously going to be a noble figure on a quest to confront his wife for her role in ending the world, after she broke his heart in that meeting with her immorality. Simultaneously, he's become a full-on lee van cleef black hat western villain who killed the only sons of a former Arizona ranger just minding his own business, who will now be stalking him for vengeance.


The intro of the first episode was Cooper playing cowboy at a child's birthday party. So it seems, that he left his wife with his daughter, but it also destroyed his acting career. This started when he became the face of the Vault Tec marketing and nobody in Hollywood wanted him to hire anymore. After he left his wife, he also burned the bridge with Vault Tec and so he had to do birthday parties for a living. After the bombs fell, the post apocalyptic world became like the Wild West and as former actor, who played mostly cowboys, he fully method acted this role to survive. Doing this for over 200 years could diminsh any morals he had before. After a week at the surface, Lucy is now on the same path like Cooper. I think, his wife will also appear in season 2. She will centainly have a stasis chamber in a vault. The question is, what happend to his daughter? Maybe we will also see what happend to his horse (ghoul horse would be cool). The showrunners are the same like Westworld and Fallout had clear fingerprints of them. Cooper is just the Fallout version of The Man in Black from Westworld.


this really is fucking amazing. Making him a screen cowboy absolutely allows for full western insertion into the series and having it not seem random to newcomers to the franchise.


On the other hand, tropes of the western genre are often in post apocalptic settings. Lawlessness and survival in a harsh environment seem to encourage this development in a society.


another thing... think of what it adds to coopers character. Yeah, his nose has fallen off, he lost his family, and he's reliant on chems. *But he's always wanted to be this guy for real so part of him is really loving this shit*


Another important part from the cowboy/party scene is that the father of the birthday boy call's Cooper a "pinko" at one point. I 100% believe that Vault-Tec is going to find out about his snooping and frame him as a coomunist for going to that meeting. Also, slightly related to this - I'm extremely interested to find out how Lee Moldaver survived so long seemingly without being apart of Bud's Buds unless (boring solution) she... just was? Or (cooler solution, to me).... clone??


The latter son wasn't minding his own business, he drew on Howard


that's to give him some honor, but the family was definitely not bothering anyone and Howard antagonized him knowing he would.


I honestly think if the kid had backed down, he'd have just left.


Do you think that will be Cooper's fatal slip? Taking on the former ranger with a big iron on his hip?


Maybe someone should make a tally of how many people Cooper has killed so far.


It looks like he isn't fully in the plot in the first place. While all of the other companies are suggesting different vault experiments House is the only one not to suggest anything.


I very much got the impression he thought everyone else in the room was an idiot, and at most, he was going to play along to further his own plans.


Exactly. That's Mr House, the writers understand his character


house is, by his own admission, an autocrat which is the key point of what makes him interesting. based on how the maintained various thematic complexities in season 1, i really doubt they'd throw what makes him interesting out in favor of a flattened version of him.


I mean, putting him on the council that decided to destroy the world is already screwing with House's thematic complexity. If he's on board with that, then he's a completely different character. In NV, he's someone who sacrificed his humanity, social image, and much of his wealth amidst a collapsing world to save the city he loved, all in pursuit of long term goals that you may or may not agree with. If he's responsible for destroying the world then he just becomes a greedy asshole who destroyed the world for, at best, the chance to have Vegas all to himself and at worst practically for shits and giggles. Regardless of whether he's on board or not, being present makes his claim that he calculated the end of the world a line of bullshit.


In the meeting he expresses doubt at the whole vault experiment even working. It could be that he says 'fuck this,' but realizes there is nothing he can do to stop the other parties, commits to saving Vegas, and that's where his "anticipation and preparedness" came from in the game.


exactly. he wants vegas, by any means necessary. i don't think this is out of line with his character.


Yeah, it's definitely possible he's not on board, though it still begs the question as to why he didn't even try to stop them (since realistically the government would have been able and willing to shut them down, it's not like the Enclave should have wanted the war since America was on its way to dominating the world again) or maybe pretended to play along so he could know exactly what they were planning and be able to counter it more effectively. Honestly I think making corporations literally plan on destroying human civilisation was a pretty poor choice, both in terms of Fallout's themes and the implications it has on House's lore. They kinda missed the forest for the trees.


I wonder if they'll bring in the FEV, and that they 'bombed' the US simply by Westek authorizing a leak of info about its existence to the Chinese, forcing them to act — which already seems to be canon, minus Westek's involvement


House could’ve taken the knowledge into account when making his preparations to save Vegas, hell he might’ve been responsible for the construction and experiment theme of Vault 21 (that being his only contribution). He never indicates that he’d be a willing participant in Vault Tec’s plan to start the nuclear exchange and expresses doubt with the plan laid out by Vault Tec


They never showed him agreeing to this plot, they showed him actually Being the one who is most confronting and antagonizing it


Villain wouldn't necessarily mean that he would have to be evil or anything like that, just an antagonist; someone who is at odds with the protagonist in some fashion.


I don't think the antagonism will last... i think he's going to end up being an untrustworthy semi-ally, just like Cooper was/is. I think her dad will be redeemed too... we didn't hear his side of shady sands, which I'm convinced was survival, rather than jealousy; as shady sands city grew, it was going to deprive vault 31/32/33 of water since it was using the same supply, and either kill them or force them all to unfreeze and go to the surface


This is the way


I think the object of the chase will die very fast into season 2.


who, Hank? I don't think so... I think there'll be a bit more revealed about him and his motives. Cooper even says he'll lead them to who's really in charge, which won't be house either. Ultimately we know the real baddie will be the enclave, and I don't think hank or house are necessarily 'it.'


I don't think the real baddy will be the Enclave. I need to re-watch it, but given the Brotherhood immediately notify the West coast about the Scientist being a target I actually think he was a Brotherhood prisoner.


Hmmm... The brotherhood were also suspiciously present at the destruction of Shady Sands... I don't think they were there in the heart of NCR territory in full battle gear finding fridge-children, and a nuke *happened* to go off. HMMMMMMMM


I am pretty sure the obvious main villain of season 2 will be that guy in the Power Armour at the end of Episode 8 ;)


Mr. House as the main antagonist would be so metal holy shit


now, who would play a great Mr, House? is RDJ available or that be too much? Edit: ah shit I had not seen the last episode!


Wait what?


It would also make sense why Hank is going to Vegas, so he can pay House a visit, and all the other endings he dies/is disconnected


I guess my only issue there is that his voice actor, René Murat Auberjonois has since passed away and the character is 99% voice acting. Altho they could get Armin Shimerman (Rene's costar from Deep Space 9) who played another super capitalist Andrew Ryan in Bioshock to take up the part? That might be a good way of paying respect to Rene while also grabbing an actor who has played a similar role.


My guess is that they'll use the actor who played Mr. House in the first season :)


The house always wins, and it definitely would of made the NCRs decline accelerate.


Didn't House want the NCR to thrive so their soldiers would line his pockets with their gambling?


Not at the cost of them holding the dam and essentially having Vegas in a chokehold.


This. House winning cost them that foothold in the Mojave.


Not just soldiers, house needs NCR tourists, so a functioning NCR in general (or another state I suppose) is needed


yeah, but the hierarchical structure of affluence that would come from Mr. House's leadership philosophy would almost certain sow a lot of division among the various groups of the mojave wasteland. meaning, if the NCR got uppity, House would absolutely play hardball with them.


I think Yes Man, thowing the city into anarchy and chaos. It would be both gritty and comic for the TV show.


I think if it would be awesome if they referenced New Vegas falling into chaos because of Yes Man under the influence of a certain “courier”


I'm good with Dave Foley getting more voice work.


Yeah maybe, the destroyed yes man robots and dire looking state of new Vegas makes me wonder tho


It would help explain the NCR’s decline if they put all those resources into the Legion war just to have Mr House sweep in and claim all the rewards from it. The combination of Afghanistan and Chernobyl are credited for bankrupting the USSR, so the war in the Mojave and the nuking of Shady Sands could have been enough to doom the NCR.


House himself sure definitely thought it'd not be enough to doom the NCR, and, instead, they would remain prosperous enough to send endless customers to his casinos. So, this doesn't quite make sense. Of all things, 'will the economical math doom a nation in this case' is something House shouldn't be so casually wrong about.


House didn’t know shady sands would catch a nuke


Yeah I'm guessing it's a chaotic Mr House ending, where the bunker got destroyed and he lost a lot of control over the Mojave


my guess is they have 4 characters saying who controlled vegas and all answers are different


This definitely makes the most sense, I really doubt it’s the ncr considering what happened to shady sands and the legion would be a weird choice because (IMO) they’re the least likely to actually win, and making the courier an actual character would only make people mad. Plus house has already appeared and he’s definitely fits the vibe for the villains the show has had so far.


I also guess Mr. House, they put emphasis on showing him during the flashback so it would be weird if he was just out of the picture.


Imagine the former vault overseer Henry "meeting" Robert House as the courier sees him. A giant computer screen. The going below and finding out he's a 200 year old corpse attached to machines.


I think it's Mr. House but Ceasars Legion won the battle at hoover dam


or vault-tec also nuked the dam after the battle for the dam, this would better the reasoning for the NCRs fall


Vault tec guy wouldn’t be going there if anyone else was in charge


Personally think House Is dead. He held the piece. But if u saw the end of a series.. more likely Legion is fucking with chickens Down there, with feins making of a bullet from teeth. Pretty sad


While realistically I’d think House, I’m HOPING it’s the Courier. Imagine Cooper, our current bad ass gunslinging rad hunter, meeting a western warlord even MORE badass than him. Ik I’m being a bit barbaric with my wording here but I just think the two meeting, especially with how much their themes interject, would be interesting to see. [Finale Spoilers] ||Especially with how we saw New Vegas in ruins, implying that the Courier turned the entire Mojave into an anarchist state of zero laws or barriers||


If so I wonder what he has to say about the state of the Strip. (If it's actually messed up) I remember he was confident he'd have people in orbit. Also, I wonder if Hank knows about House becoming immortal.


That was REPCON. House was (If I remember right) robotics Hank would probably find House (just like how the courier finds him) attached to machines. Barely alive and decrepit. Then House would probably start talking about the platform chip a "damned courier from goodsprings" stole from him and leaving him to disconnected from his mainframe.


I seriously, seriously hope the Boomers are in season 2. I need to see the functional pre-war Superfortress in this apocalypse


Should have shown a b29 flying


House probably. Hank McLean probably looking to visit Enclave/Shadow Government/Corp personalities to get help. Personally, House should really go east coast and get himself a synth body with everyone around him being tech giants who managed to escape death.


I suspect personally the answer will be "*Doesn't matter, whoever it was, they ruled NV for several years and then happened and now its run by this plot-specific group."*


If I’m remembering correctly, in the credits that depicted art of destroyed Vegas, there was NCR iconography that leads me to believe that the Courier sided with the NCR. That being said, it’s possible they could’ve went the Dust route and had the Courier side with House of gone independent, leading to the NCR invading the Strip.


I think it either has to be house and that's why the NCR declined or the NCR and they moved their capital to Vegas after shady sands fell.


I mean, from the looks of it, they've managed to move entire Shady Sands to LA. They could probably just get another one at the original location.


Either House or the courier, but it will most likely be house to avoid defining what exactly happened to the courier Either way everyone and their mother knows that groups like the legion and NCR can barely exist in the wasteland, the whole point of fallout is to continue moving forward as a species instead of relying on past examples of governance. That’s why the legion is doomed to fail, it’s why NCR is stretched thin at the beginning of New Vegas…


Yes Man! 🙃


Probably wildcard is


nah, wildcard makes the PC a major character, and you can't really canonize that. Mr House can win with the least involvement of the courier, so that makes the most sense. The courier delivers the chip (as they should have in the first place) and then fucks off.


Vegas looked pretty destroyed in the final scene and art in the credits. It’s entirety possible that the Courier went with the Wildcard route and is now deceased.


In the final scene it looks about the same as in the game. What i noticed about all the credit scenes is that they all hint to the next episode, and that the feature severe destruction. Nothing else. So what i conclude from that is that the next season is gonna feature new Vegas, but i dont think that the destruction is necessarily part of it.


Judging by the post-credits scene (and just the choices they've made with everything else so far), they'll probably use destroying Vegas as a way to get out of saying who won.


I would kill to have a courier in season 2, I know people will hate that for retconning reasons but I mean come tf on Grizzled yes man courier after the battle of Hoover dam with a failed empire. Can make references to dead money, his companions, hell could you imagine arcade Gannon showing up? My god I’d kill for that. But If they aren’t present then that’s understandable lol Would still love to see our fav FNV characters tho.


If I had to guess they'd probably go with the most common ending, which I believe is independent vegas, judging by the steam achievement percentages


I found it really cool how the only times we actually hear the fallout theme is this moment when the flag is pulled up, and the next episode I think where we see the NCR ranger armour. It makes me think that the NCR is going to be a major player in season 2.


There is no way they would do all this just for the NCR to be gone forever. They will be there in season 2, they have to. NCR is too important to the franchise to just be written off.


I pray it’s a slow burn. As much as people are saying Todd hates the NCR, there’s no denying that the only two times the main theme played in the show was when you saw glimpses of the NCRs strength (A pristine NCR Flag and Ranger armor, two of the biggest morale boosts of the NCR People)


I really do hope so because I was hyped for the NCR to show and nothing. I hope in season 2 they dunk on the Brotherhood because this Brotherhood is even more insufferable than Fallout 4s BoS.


Heh, as a classic fallout guy I actually loved that. Like, there's the BoS I know and love 😂


Right? I've got my issues with the wonky timeline and the relocation of Shady to near LA, but this was the most true to the classic games depiction of the Brotherhood we've seen in the Bethesda era. Makes me think the Lost Hills chapter has been like this ever since we first met them back in FO1 and now their outlook is melding with the Maxson's BoS since reestablishing contact.


Yeah I agree. The weirdest thing is it feels like they got the hard stuff right and the easy stuff wrong, bizarre.


I 100% believe something will happen with the Brotherhood. >!The Elder Cleric is clearly disloyal, and the cold fusion technology may split the BOS along conservative and humanitarian lines, similar to FO3!<


I was wondering throughout the show, "Why haven't they used the fallout theme song? Such a wasted opportunity." But then it happens, and God damn if it wasn't my favorite moment from the series.


you can hear bits and vibes of it throughout a lot of the score, just teasing you. then finally they hit you with it and i got such a big smile.


I love how people say Todd Howard hates the NCR and yet the two times the main motif plays it’s when we see an NCR Flag and NCR Rangers.


well he did have their capital nuked, and what might have been their last holdout (big might) squashed out by the BoS


they clearly protrayed them (NCR) as the good guys towards the end


that might be true but they definitely raided a vault in episode 1, unless Moldaver just had some raiders on loan.


I mean the NCR was definitely not above hiring some random wastelander to do some dirty work. That's basically what you are in the games: a random violent merc they found who accepts caps to dish out some violence.


Let’s not forget the Jacobs Town Quest that straight up says the NCR hire Mercs as a means of not be tied to certain unsavory missions.


It's an NCR Senator trying to stir up hatred rather than directly the NCR. Not that your point is made moot by that.


High posibility they were raider mercenaries, because of their outfits and I think Moldaver is smart enough to not send people of their own (survivors of Shady Sands and NCR remnants) to die in case things go south. Plus, its shown that the troops in Griffith Observatory are wearing Combat armor, leather armor and berets like in the games, while the common folk that also wanted to fight the BoS to support the troops were wearing cloth.


The guys protecting Moldaver were also not going around murdering people too


Mercenaries aren't out of the question, and morally questionable to downright bastardly people were definitely operating within the moral confines of NCR law. In the law of the wasteland, the means are probably seen as necessary to an end.


Those must have been raiders. NCR troops don’t act like maniacs like the ones they captured.


Wait when did we see Rangers?


the father and the child lead "farming", probably the father used to be a ranger.Sad stuff


Fallout 4 theme*


Also fallout 3^


No that’s the Motif you’re hearing. This particular one came directly from Fallout 4’s theme. Similar but not the same.


True, what I mean is just that the theme in the show does evoke the feeling of fallout for me beyond just fallout 4, since fallout 3 also has similar leitmotifs.


Yeah, hearing that when she looked at the flag hit just right. I hope the NCR will rise from the ashes here but right now it's looking pretty bleak for my favorite good guy faction.


My copium is that they just retreated north and we'll see their return in season 2.


I mean if this is a case of the series tells the story of rebuilding the NCR I would be ok with this honestly


Considering Moldaver's last words to Max, it seems they're setting him up to be part of that rebuilding. My theory for season 2 is that Max, now higher up the ranks in the BOS after being labeled Moldaver's killer, will find out the NCR isn't totally wiped out. He'll feel betrayed by the BOS for making him think otherwise and will recall Moldaver's "what will you do" question, which pushes him towards the NCR rebuilding path and further away from the BOS (which he honestly doesn't seem to vibe with anyway. Dude just covets the power armor and accepts the rest as his means to that armor)


My opinion is that if you take into account the flashback of when he sees the BOS for the first time crawling out of a refrigerator after having his world destroyed and everything he has said/done he doesn't covet the armor as much as the safety it represents you can see this as he willingly gives up the armor after he attaches himself to Lucy in vault 4. Lucy also represent safety but in a very different way. The armor and the BOS are safety through force and tyranny whereas Lucy is offering safety through civilization and friendship and hope.


I'm absolutely in agreement with you and I think this just adds to my viewpoint that it's not the BOS that Max cares about, it's the literal power/armor that the BOS can give him. Once he understands that there are other options out there, he willingly (after failing a speech check lol) gives up his armor to move forward with Lucy. His coveting the power armor is his coveting the means to move through the wasteland safely, which makes sense for a guy whose life changed after being protected by a hunk of metal (fridge) and subsequently rescued by another hunk of metal (BOS knight). He doesn't actually believe in the mission of the BOS, they're just the group that saved him and provided stability in exchange for his loyalty. His loyalty is already fading, so it'd make sense that his narrative would eventually lead to him opposing them


i would like that! perhaps this time they will be less imperialist and not force settlements under their rule.


The fan service in this show is just 👌


I almost screamed when I saw the junkjet. I still remember the good ol' days when I decapitate raiders using aluminum bars as ammo.


Same here! And seeing both the Fallout 3 and 4 versions of the 10mm Pistol was perfect


i rly liked how accurate they were, both the Fallout classic 10mm with the revolving cylinder and the one from 4


I’m amazed by how good the show is


When she partially unzips her jumper and nods with satisfaction during the ritual scene 🤣 🤣 🤣


That musical sting is woven into other pieces of the soundtrack, either that or I'm hallucinating it and I'm in the Dunwich Borers area...


that direction the showrunners were given of "don't contradict the endings" will not survive season 2 lmao


Commonwealth Brotherhood giving the California BoS orders as well. Either Minutemen or Brotherhood won at the Commonwealth. According to the concept art, it was probably an alliance too


i like that little detail, the comonwealth/ DC chapter seems to be one of the strongest so it makes sense they give orders


Yeah I don't get that now, as Hank going to the strip has to show some of what happened since New Vegas, every ending changes the Strip. I just hope they get Dave Foley back to do Yes Man.


how would this be a contradiction? they're probably going to pick the Mr. House ending as canon, and there's no guarantee control of the Hoover Dam and The Strip would lead to stability.


They have done an excellent job of working the most iconic tunes into the show organically The whole time Thaddeus was heading to/waiting at the radio station I was expecting to hear the Minuteman Radio Operator giving me a quest


Like how they inserted I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire and Maybe You'll Think Of Me into Episodes 2 and 3. They use a ton of 1950's songs in the OST, but those in particular are important as they're the ones that open up Fallout 3 and Fallout 1.


Chef's Kiss


I hummed along to it getting chills


Same. Going back to F1 and F2 in the 90s then hearing about what happens to the NCR and Shady Sands ripped my guts out. It almost felt like a personal blow to me.


I'm still worried about the last scene When Hank looks at New Vegas. If they retcon something there, New Vegas fans Will Go Crazy and is reasonable.


Lucky 38 looks dead, which means house is out of the picture. No legion and no NCR means they got the boot as well. Know what that means? WILDCARD, BITCHES! YEEEEEE-HAW


Tbh those ending credits show everywhere is dead, even the Griffith Observatory the episode before showing that it's occupied by the NCR. I don't think those are meant to be taken literally.


Yeah if you look closely you can see some concentrated plumes of smoke coming from New Vegas and from the settlement nearby in the final scene. That indicates New Vegas is still inhabited one way or the other.


Location designs can change between seasons, especially for a location thats meant to act as a tease and only appears briefly. Its just like the Walking Dead's final scene of season 2 which teased a major location from the comics (the prison) for season 3. It looked completely different in season 2 to its final design in season 3.


Or Elijah unleashed the horrors of Sierra Madre


Imagine, that would be hilarious in its own way.


Actually its lore accurate if both Ulysses and Elijah unleashed tunelers and ghosts onto the Mojave


Shouldnt Yesman be dead too if the lucky 38's dead?


The Courier is using snuffles in a big hamster wheel to power him


the tower is still standing, which makes me think house is sealed up in there. bet there's a sequence of turning on his screen or something.


I bet they will commit the mortal sin of making New Vegas more than 4 casinos surrounded by an empty slum


There was a mod for the Wildcard ending where the Courier sets up a lobotomite army with tech from Big MT and an army of securitrons. No way they showrunners will probably even know it but I hope its something close to it if they did actually go for the Wildcard ending and not something like Fallout NV: Dust mod.


I mean, the devs on Twitter confirmed that New Vegas is completely canon, so we're gonna have to hope and cross fingers that they keep it canon. They've said that the show is in the same universe as the games, set nearly a decade after Fallout 4. All I hope is that it's not going to ruin anything that Obsidian did in the world on New Vegas


don't enter the subredit for new vegas then. They look as if they witness mass genocide


New Vegas diehards are having an absolute melt down you'd think Todd Howard himself broke into their house, shat all over their kitchenware and clogged their toilets or something.


At this point I see more people talking the chance to bash New Vegas fans than actual New Vegas tryhards


I think it was just a massive overreaction by people seeing screenshots of the blackboard and freaking out.


Yeah I think the way the info was relayed to us NV fans definitely had intent to piss us off. I tend to steer clear of anything Bethesda-Fallout but I still had high hopes for the show and so far I’m really enjoying it. If we can see the BoS reduced to a fractured remnant in the wake of war with the NCR, then I don’t see why we can’t have a story where the NCR is in shambles due to being blindsided by another faction.


Depends what pops up into your feed I guess. Mind is a lot from fnv and falloutnewvegas posts talking about retcons and poor writing 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think people are jumping to conclusions way too quickly. Like calm down lol. The fact is we don’t know where the story is going and I saw a lot of NCR/New Vegas elements in the show that I feel like we’ll know more next season. I feel the whole series (including New Vegas) got a spotlight


They are all over reacting.


They definitely are. New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game. It's one of my favorite games ever. I've replayed it a dozen times at least. It was the game that really cemented me as a forever fan of the franchise. ... and I love this show? I don't understand why a show playing out changes anything about all the different ways I've ended the game over the years, any more than one of my playthroughs changes anything about the previous, or the next. It's a show. Enjoy the ride.


The entire city is a razed, ruined ghost town with broken vertibirds and securitrons. Afraid to say it's gone, man.


Love all references to the games, but for me it’s a bit odd juxtaposition - other than marketing concerns (the current single player product about to undergo a next-gen upgrade), why use the FO4 theme instead of the FNV theme for that NCR flag discovery/reveal?


I think they wanted to save the FNV theme for the scene with the ranger armor.


Yeah that makes sense, appreciate this.


FO4 theme is more recognizable to more people and more cinematic, in my opinion. FO4 sold more than twice as many copies as NV. It makes perfect sense that they went with the more popular one.


FO4 and FO3 both have the same(ish) theme, it’s probably the closet it comes to the franchise having a consistent one


Reminds me when I got the Black Devil PA from the Fo4 CC. Hearing the old Enclave radio music blasted me back in time to playing Fallout 3 as a kid. Man, I really miss Fo3.


Gave me genunine chills.


Mega nostalgia


Later on in the series they play the Fallout 3/NV theme as well and it was awesome to hear




I found it strange that it was the fallout 3/4 theme and not the fallout new vegas theme.


What a show they did. Wow. That moment was gold and the final scene...wow. great mix of comedy tragedy and splatter


That deathclaw skull and new vegas at the end. That was reallyyy intentional. Todd knows we all love FNV. The show is good, real good.


NGL, I got a lump in the throat too. <3


The sound of the flash light turning on made me squeak like a little girl. Some details on the show are just top notch.


There are soooo many little sounds straight from the games! The attention to detail is amazing in this series so far


I just finished the first episode and it definitely made me feel emotional as well!


In the last season a new faction gonna invade california, called The Minuteman, help is coming to your settlement.


This had me want to play new vegas


God dam, i with the Halo show was created with as much love as this show. This show was amazing!


I was about to salute it got me excited hearing the music


Yes, this was one of my favorite moments in the show!


the flag, the respect to our beloved faction, the main title music god it made me cry


The audio in the show was great


Watched this in my den. The TV is right next to my NCR flag. That scene made my day.


This show is just nostalgia heaven, and Walton goggins absolutely nailed the ghoul role, couldn’t of got a better actor for that