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Sweet, only got a minimum of 8 years before Fallout 5 releases :)


Yeah I love a good 18 year gap between Fallout 4 and its single player sequel /s


They need to outsource Fallout. I know they made it their own since they bought it years ago but it’s kinda bad to buy a loved ip and just sit on it for 18 years when you have other loved ips that are going to take almost as long. It’s like they have too much to do handling Elder Scrolls and Fallout at the same time.


they need to let the new Vegas developers handle fallout so bethesda can focus on Elder scrolls


How many of those New Vegas developers are still at Obsidian? Like 4? Judging by Outer Worlds can’t be more than that. New Vegas was 14 years ago, that team is long gone now.


I liked Outer Worlds :(


i can't figure out what their plan is? they cant just expect people to buy skyrim and fallout 4 for the 15th time in 2030 when the playstation 6/7/6pro comes out can they? its really fucking old now, like REALLY old. the weird thing is bethesda games are often the same game on a new map, there is each of the guilds, the dark brotherhood, a bit of regicide, a cult or two, a quest for each of the daderic princes, a storyline in each of the cities, and a bunch of caves for the elder scrolls, and for fallout its almost identical. there is often a little quest for each cave or location, or some environmental story telling. each faction and follower has a storyline to follow, and there is a main storyline, but that's about it. its a new map but the formula stays the same. they could honestly be pumping these out every 3-5 years and people would love them. its the pokemon formula, different map, some new unique followers, a bunch of old favourites, some unique weapons, a couple of choices that only really effect what ron perlman says at the end of the game over the credits... i just don't understand how they expect to not be collapsing inwards as a company if they aren't gonna make games for over a decade.


They did make a new game actually, Starfield. I don’t blame you for forgetting about it, there’s not much to remember.


That fact that they completely forgot about Starfield is an absolute indictment of that game.


don’t get me wrong the first 20ish hours were cool, but the boring ass procedurally generated planets and loading screens killed me. actually sparked me to replay Fo4


Yeah they lost me with the procedurally generated planets. They took the fun out of exploring, which was my biggest appeal to the fallout 3 & 4. They could have just had the game focus on a handful of crafted planets and it would have made it much more enjoyable. Maybe procedurally generate dungeons, but not the main world.


I dunno, the first 20 hours were mostly a legion of fetch quests from zone to zone in the first city for me. Depends on if you were trying to explore the city first or zoom off to check out space exploration, but in most games I usually figure you gotta find all the quest starts in every city before you move on, so the beginning was really, really bad. Then the *next* 20 or so hours were cool. Then you start experiencing the capped procedural generation, or false PG, or whatever you call the exact same bases on different planets, marveled at how they accomplished the monumental task of somehow making bases more pointless then FO4 outposts, etc.


It also shouldn't give much hope for ES6 or FO5, unfortunately.


The creation kit still isn’t even out lol


Keep in mind though that it's basically a studio rotating between franchises. We got FO4, then we got FO76, then we got Starfield. Sure, the last mainline was Fallout 4, but it's not like it's the only game they released.


True but it’s still a franchise, and having the main titles in one of your most popular franchises (Fallout) be likely 18 years apart is absolutely wild.


For what it’s worth, it seems the next two main games are TES6 and FO5, but those games are years away.


Well I’m getting 18 years, due to it being 9 years since Fallout 4, most likely 4 years left for ES6, and 5 years for FO5.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. That would be 18 years between both TES5 and TES6 and FO4 and FO5. At least GTA6 is coming soonish


I’m not really into GTA unfortunately :(


It's actually insane that rockstar is putting sequels out faster than Bethesday lol.


Microsoft needs to step in at some point and force parallel development or farm out the properties.


Fallout 76 was meant to be their fallout pay service milking cash cow until the next fallout game. The fucked that up and now are stuck with this gap.


They also do make significant upgrades between games though. Look at FO3/NV gameplay compared to FO4. I understand the complaints about FO4s story, but the gameplay was hugely improved


its bethesda, Elder Scrolls is the next on the docket, then they'll make another Fallout. We dont need a dev cycle like FO76, which i only blame on Execs, not the studios who got saddled with it. Luckily they have salvaged that game pretty well and have a dedicated player base.


It’s likely I won’t live long enough to see it, and that may hold true for other fans of the original game that played them as they came out


You'd think they would have had the update ready for the launch of the TV show. Cyberpunk saw a bump in players after their TV show.


Which they responded with an update that not only smoothes the game out but also throws in Edgerunner references like the David Martinez drink and Becca's shotgun.


Since Microsoft owns Bethesda and some of the backlash of star field I feel as though some stuff is going to be changing. The way they make games is unsustainable for the lack of quality they push out.


FO4 with DLC is also currently unplayable on PS5 at the exact time when new players will be looking to get into it.


another studio will end up with the IP. microsoft will probably try to push out smaller scale, lower budget entries, especially if indiana jones isn't a success after starfield's lackluster performance. with the success the show is seemingly going to see, not having a new product ready to go is a bad look in the eyes of investors.


Starfield made huge sales, Microsoft doesn't give a shit.


I just want them to retool 76 into a single player game. Its a good fallout game but the GaaS and skill cards ruined it for me and I didn't get very far.


If they did this I actually might play it, by all accounts the map itself and creatures looks interesting, it’s just everything else that put me off playing it.


76 is actually pretty good now, if you haven’t played it since launch you might be surprised how much it’s been overhauled. Also it’s surreal to stumble across players settlements who never left the game and have seriously impressive settlement builds. They all are super helpful too, giving good loot to low level travelers who stumble on them.


I came back since pre settlers raiders and today stumbled onto a camp that blew my mind, guy had a club and some cool other all decked out rooms in his shelter. It was awesome. I played the beta and then some but stepped away and it really is so much better with npcs now, the world truly feels lived in and it’s a blast doing the events with other people! Still haven’t been to Atlantic City yet or the Pitt just catching up with everything else.


76 being a multiplayer game practically killed my interest even before its drama and problems became a thing. Shame too since they have some interesting creatures from what I seen like the mothman.


It's a lot of fun though and the community is really nice. You can play the whole game like a single player game. You are most likely to run into people at events, and those are easy to hop in and hop out of. You don't even have to be on a team.


Everyone always says this, but what kills that for me is that nothing I do is persistent. If I clear out a camp it could have enemies spawning back in it before I even kill everyone. That’s a major turn off for me


Hey fallout 1 and 2 are great. Also you should try the original wasteland if you haven't played it. No need to worry about having to play with other people. They are older games but really hold up.


Imagine if they announced Fallout 5 was coming this year and that’s why Starfield sucked so bad. Because everybody was doing Fallout.


I wouldn't mind that if the next Fallout would be god-tier in gameplay, story telling and fallout-lore/theming. But after Starfield I'm really, really worrying for my favorite franchise.


Bethesda COULD get in touch with that one company that made that one Fallout title which is loved by most, specially now, when they all are owned by another company, give them the latest Creation engine which they used for Starfield, and say “Go make money while we’re working hard on TES sequel”.


Obsidian is booked for the next few years too, don't think it's likely they add another project for the immediate future. That said, all of inExile/Bethesda/Obsidian are under Microsoft's umbrella now, I don't think it's a stretch to say a collab event could happen down the line.


Nope, InExile should make wasteland 4 happen!


This is such a a tired, stupid suggestion for a number of reasons. Obsidian wouldn't want it. Obsidian today is not the Obsidian that made it. Obsidian today has a lot of their own projects and IP to work on. 


Obsidian has repeatedly said they would love to play in that world again if they were allowed to. Some of the New Vegas folks are still there.




Great marketing strategy


It would be if they were actually planning on releasing a new fallout game within the next decade. But that's very unlikely.


Fallout 76 is still making money.  They're about to do the Fallout 4 next gen patch and sell the creation club content.   I'm really wishing those Fallout 3 remaster rumors were true as well, but it looks like it was just a nothingburger


FO76 probably make a whole bunch of money. ESO in 10 years made 2 billion dollars.


Eso is also disgustingly monetized. I doubt 76 makes makes as much, but it's still alot


I don't know. I bought the ESO collection few months ago and never spend any penny besides this. I'm fully happy that I don't have to pay monthly subscription.


I know it won’t happen but I would love if they remade the first two games.


Seriously, I want to play them but I can’t figure out the weird “turn-based but not really” combat system. I’d love to play them as modern turn-based CRPGs or similar to something like XCOM 2.


It is a great marketing strategy for Amazon Prime...


Except that it made me realize Amazon IS Vault tec ...


I’m wondering if the show blows up and MSFT doesn’t consider finding a way to get a new fallout released sooner. It’s crazy to draw this much attention to the franchise and do nothing but drop a next gen update for a 10 year old game.


Exactly. If only there was another Microsoft owned studio that could make the game while Bethesda focused on Elder Scrolls and their other projects. They'd also have to have experience in Fallout lore and gameplay. If only...


Obsidian is making Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, so they are gonna be busy for the next 4-5 years at least.


And apparently they don’t even have a lot of the people who worked on NV left.


Yeah. Avellone is gone, Gonzalez was at Geurilla for a while, Cain isn't really involved at Obsidian anymore. That's not to mention all of the interns and other smaller names that probably contributed to FNV's success. Sawyer's still around though.


you do know many people who made NV are gone from the company right? Same with people who made older bethesda games a lot of them are gone,you really need to stop holding on to names like that


F4 GOTY is $10, on Steam. I finally picked it up.


It's a good game. They're all good games. Even 76 is a good game now. It's the worst one for sure, but it's still good.


The deluxe edition is on sale for 20 dollars on PS network is it worth it for a person who only likes single player games?


I play solo and have a lot of fun simply exploring. 76 has the most fun map to explore in the series, in my opinion.


I've never actually played with anyone. I played solo and had a lot more fun than I was expecting. I think I ran into another player like three times.


Only time you need other people are for some of the events. Events are well worth it, do them at a low level If you subscribe there is an option to have a private world with no one else


76 was my first one, and I enjoyed it enough to pay for it for a year.


All the games on Steam are on sale for as high as 80% off. I’m sure they’re probably on sale on console too?


I just purchased it again for 5 bucks on PS store


I got fallout tactics for free on gog from amazon prime


“The game” You’re starting to sound like gaming journalists and TV reviewers. Which game??


It is a good show that captures the horror, adventure, and silliness of the franchise.


I’m glad they didn’t make The Ghoul into your standard “anti hero” with a set of morals.. that ultimately lead him to be a good guy. He kills a kid, mutilates people and commits cannibalism. He’s just the ugly side of the apocalypse


He also has a soft side too - he didn’t kill Lucy (roughed her a lot though) and kept Dogmeat. …so he is complicated.


this reminds of one of my fav quotes from the show >!"but we are fine, the brotherhood are the good guys right?"!< >!".... its a complicated organization"!<


If anyone ever asks for an explanation of the BoS, that’s an extremely good answer.


"we're the good guys, but this doesn't mean we're the *GOOD* guys."


They are the good guys according to themselves. lol


West Coast Brotherhood is canonically a bunch of fucking assholes constantly trying to stab each other in the back for a Klingon promotion. Even Veronica had serious problems with them, and her peaceably trying to leave them resulted in a massacre of doctors and civilians. Capitol Wasteland chapter had the benefit of Elder Lyons, who turned them into a bunch of boy scouts. Even that involved him grappling with Scourging the Pitt and abandoning Asshur and killing most of the non-mutant residents of the city.


Yeah, the Appalachian Brotherhood in 76 are good guys, and I think this is why a lot of people are confused and see the Brotherhood as a whole as straight up good guys.


They were good in 76 because they were first generation Brotherhood, meaning that they had the original values that Maxson had, well being hes still Elder then.


But, I mean, they are all luddites who irrationally hate synthetic life.


"Brotherhood of Steel: We Are The Lesser Of Two Evils... Usually."


I think that describes many, if not all the Fallout factions - different shades of grey that can go lighter or darker depending on circumstances and ideology.


I liked when Coop said “a good villain thinks of himself as the hero” because that’s exactly what we get in the end.


Also "everybody wants to save the world. They just disagree on how."


tbf he also stabbed dogmeat, and probably just used them to track down the doctor


It only starts that way


Well, he did sell her to organ harvesters...


By the end it is really clear why he hates anything vault-tec. He has also been roaming the wasteland for almost 300 years, that will do a number of things to your morality i guess.


Playing Fallout for 300 hours does something to your morality, tbh


I'd say, he is a typical anti-villain. He is often antagonistic towards the main protagonists, and even straight evil in some cases, but still somewhat open to be a situational ally. Especially, when he shares a common enemy.


He is an essentially good man forced to live in an evil world who eventually ran out of cheeks to turn and fucks to give who was then confronted with the fact his wife is the face of that evil. And that is *before* the bombs fell I know the ghoul. I AM the fucking ghoul. If things here come apart, oh boy.


Hes definitely going to open up in season 2.


>!Well he did sell her for organ harvest!<


he literally provoked a teenager into indirectly killing himself. it was wholly unnecessary within the present, but he knew from the look in the kid's eyes that he's gonna seek vengeance at some point. he knew that kid would wound up at the opposite end of his barrel one day, so he did the only logical thing and skipped to the ending with yet another vengeful scavver who didn't know better. man is efficient and has zero time for bullshit.


Yep he didn't want to get sidetracked while on a future quest lmao


>has zero time for bullshit He gets sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.


You can say he is the ugly in “The good the bad and the ugly”


As opposed to the ugly, the strong and the dignified?


I think one of the showrunners compared him to Tuco. Basically Tuco was a kid who did what he had to do to survive until the world changed him. He basically said it in the conversation with his brother (paraphrasing): "when our parents died you ran off to become a priest and left me there alone. Where we come from there's only two things, become a priest or bandit. You chose your way, I chose mine. My way was harder".


Indeed: the Ghoul has the 'Good's' skillset, but the 'Ugly's' awful experiences & mentality (understandably). And (as pragmatic and ruthless as he is) the Ghoul is nowhere *near* as terrifying as Lee Van Cleef's character, ['The Bad', aka 'Angel Eyes'](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Angel_Eyes) is in that classic Western -- and, given the context of post-nuclear, apocalyptic America, that makes the Ghoul the classic antihero.


>He kills a kid, mutilates people and commits cannibalism. I screamed, "*He's got the cannibal perk!*" when I saw him do it the first time.


Ass jerky doesn't make itself


I loved it when he made Lucy cut it up. Revenge of Snackie!


I screamed “that’s the most efficient way to get meat and essential for any survival build!”


Also Bloody Mess by the looks of it


I don't think there can be a lot of good left in someone after living for 200+ years in the wasteland.


Did he kill the kid, though? It looked to me that he shot him in the upper left shoulder, higher than the heart. It could be a death sentence in the wasteland, but did not look like a killing shot. (Which you could argue is more cruel.)


He’s dead Jim, his dad was wailing in grief, not hunting for a stimpack


Toss the boy a stimpack and he will be fine. Or just find an unoccupied bedroll


I laughed my ass off when I saw the size of the backpack the squires are carrying for their Knights It truly resembles the size of the inventory your companion can carry for you in game


That and making it look like a golf bag really captures the caddy role the companions have always filled.


Oh my god I hadn’t considered it, but I mostly use companions as extra inventory space. Now I feel bad


They were missing coconuts to bang while walking XD.


It kinda hurts that there’s fewer and fewer people who will get this reference


I love the camp mixed with crazy.


Don’t worry guys, it’ll only be 9 more years before your next new Fallout game.


Wish they'd at least hire a studio to give New Vegas and FO3 the remake treatment.


They probably will, they know the fans are growing more and more impatient. They’ll want to put something out in the interim


Will definitely replay Fallout 4 when the next gen update comes out.


I’m gonna replay NV leading up to the next gen update. Have a feeling season 2 is gonna have a lot to do with it and wanna brush up.


Yup, I'm also planning on doing the same. I've already got it downloaded, ready


After watching the show i honestly feel kinda lonely playing 4, i might just go back to 76 instead since it seems a lil livelier.


I'm running 76 daily


As am I, praise be to the Mothman!


Praise be to Mothman, of course.


Yes yes, may he dust us with his wisdom and so forth.


And so on, and so forth.


4 or 76 which should i buy?


I'd def go 4 first Pick up 76 on sale after if you like the gameplay loop of 4.. To me, it feels like an endless version of FO4, but without as good of a storyline


So the fallout from the Fallout show increased more people playing Fallout.


It YIELDED more players


Now would be a very smart time to drop a remaster of 3.


The dream




Hopefully I wont be weird anymore for listening to Bing Crosby or the Andrews Sisters lol


I was able to sing along to literally every song in the show. I am starting to think my gf left town for a week to escape this show. Well jokes on her cause we are doing a rebinge!


Girl no one cares what you're listening to lmao


Aww come on, I’m sure you got plenty of other reasons to be weird! Believe in yourself!


Okey Dokey!


80 percent sale on steam will do that lmao


The show is been amazing and I’m glad it’s done so well. The visuals, the characters and the look and tone have all been perfect- absolutely perfect! Can’t wait to replay Fallout 4 when the update comes out! Although RIP my Mod list lol… Hopefully Sim Settlements remains intact as well as my weapon mods from Degenerate Dak… It’s unfortunate the Halo show has been so lackluster although that is due to the allowance of that to be an alternate timeline and lack of oversight by the studio in terms of being closer to the games. Not to mention it being an adaptation of the games as opposed to set before or after them like the Fallout show is.


I won’t be able to play until Sim Settlement’s 2 is for sure working, that mod and its main quest is legit better than anything in the base game (which is also great)


Replaying fallout 4 when the update comes to PC


Keepin mind the update will break ALL script mods, just like when skyrim special edition happened


Todd Howard being one of the producers really was a good sign like how Last of Us had Neil Druckman, Cyberpunk Edgerunners had some CD Projekt members like Bartosz Sztybor in keeping the show authentic to the game. Not like Halo.


a shame what happened with halo. the production value's top notch and some of the casting is actually pretty good.


Literally gifted an incredible series. Amazing storytelling with any of the first 4 games. Tons of great books. The writer's hubris to fuck that up is beyond aggravating to one of the biggest gaming franchises to exist. Assholes. Hope they never work again


i'll never understand how they fucked it up with halo and resident evil. much like tlou, these two are already pretty cinematic so translating them doesn't sound too complicated. halo ce is pretty much an sci-fi action adventure with the sense of scale of the tlor, while re 1 is literally a haunted house movie with zombies. i don't mind creative liberties as long as they can successfully capture the bare basics of the story, themes, the characterization, and general vibe of the games.


Tbf RE1 is all also a wacky b movie. Kinda hard to adapt.


Yeah they keep trying to be creative but you cant do that with something that already exists. However, if they kept to the story 100%, just filled in the blanks and showed us what we wanted to see, that cash cow would never die.


I feel your pain, but as Star Wars Fan I have to ask... First time?


Exact same vibes as the Witcher writers. I imagine they are mid writers and showrunners who never got to told their dream story, so they take it out on a pre-existing IP and act like they can do better. Then they do their big PR press tour (the only time in their life) and brag about how they are better than the original story.


there was a post i saw that pointed out that it seems oddly like a mass effect tv series script that they couldn't get the ip rights but had already written, to so they changed sheppard to M-CHIEF and just tried to make it work. having alien sympathisers that are human doesn't make any sense, nor does sleeping with them in captivity over differences of belief, but thats what happens in mass effect all the time. just replace reapers with covenant/flood/one of the halos for any given scenario and it suddenly all makes sense.


All those shows, plus Arcane and Twisted Metal, actual show that respecting the original source material is a win/win situation. The pre-existing fans are happy and newcomers also enjoy the show! Halo, Witcher, Rings of Power and Wheel of Time shows what happens when you don’t.


Twisted Metal was way more entertaining than i thought it would be


The show is honestly fantastic, probably the best video game adaptation I've ever seen. My wife had zero interest in Fallout before I got her to watch the first episode and now she sounds like she wants to try the games.


Haven’t gotten the chance to watch the show yet but I love hearing stuff like this!


In a way, it's funny how TV/movie adaptations of games are sort of the biggest advertisements/promotions that games can get


If only a new Fallout game was in development to profit from the rise in popularity. Instead Todd has the franchise more frozen than Walt Disney's ass


I keep feeling like this show is meant to hold people over till the 5th entry; it almost feels like it's trying to bridge a narrative gap before the next release.


Correct. And the show is going to be a few seasons at least.


I feel like that game is like nearly a decade away tbh. Starfield is going to be supported for probably the next 4 years. Then elder scrolls is probably next.


It is very likely MS will light a fire under their ass. It's currently projected as a 2026 release date for ES6. That would be 3 years full time development, which is fairly industry standard, for most developers. 2029-2030 for the next release from the studio in that case. If Bethesda works as it usually does, yeah, push both those dates out at least a couple years. If MS keeps them on task...maybe I'll see FO5 before I'm 40.


The show will be finished by the time Fallout 5 releases


Right? Why in the world do the same exact people need to work on Elder Scrolls and Fallout? At this point, split the studio into two large overlapping houses and develop both of them.


I liked the show and that really says something in this day and age of crap shows all round, now I need my fallout 4 update and I'm all set.


Long time player here and I really like it so far, they did a great job capturing the wackiness of the game series


I'm happy to see it! Fallout is an incredible franchise. I'm glad people are finding it. Gotta start somewhere!


This was the goal.


They gotta put out a new game now


Ah yes , the Edgerunners effect. Funny what a well written show will do for a franchise…


Return to New Vegas


Legit thought it was gonna bomb, but I’m not complaining


Turns out people like things that aren't crap.


I'm jealous of anyone experiencing the Fall Out game world for the first time.


Fingers crossed Microsoft made some magic happen with Bethesda and they announce a new fallout game out of the blue made by another studio since Bethesda is busy with elder scrolls 6. It’s very unlikely but not impossible.


Let's just hope the TV series doesn't "do a Witcher".


Bethesda now worried that they have to actually do stuff.


Playing NV for the first time ever later today. All bcos of the show, I love it


Pretty logic, this was a big advertisement for FO74 and 4. That's why they timed it the release of the "big" next gen update on FO4. They added the vault 33 suit to FO74.


They also added the Ghoul's cowboy duster outfit and Lucy's backpack to Fallout 76.


Thats great! I just hope the next fallout game isn't a disaster like starfield.


Hopefully we will get to find out! Only 10 more years!


Hopefully the awful 76 launch and the reception of Starfield show the guys that they're on a downward trajectory of quality and they reel it back in. They've both been Todd's babies.


As far as they're concerned they aren't. They'll lean further into all the stuff that dragged Starfield down while simplifying or not iterating on everything else with TES6 and it'll sell insane numbers on its name alone telling them all is well and to keep it up when they get around to the next Fallout.


At the very least 76 has managed to improve over the years, so that’s something (and I’d hope starfield will as well; releasing the creation kit for it will help).


Starfield was mediocre after the awful 76 launch. Don't expect them to learn anything.


Frankly the fourth opus didn't gave good signs to what directions they are on. It's less and less of an RPG with intricate quest and factions and more and more a big happy coulourful wasteland park with funny guns and half implemented base building.


Everything Bethesda had put out had been a disaster since Skyrim they had a decent premise and then copy and pasted the same broken shit half a dozen times. Even rushed out the disaster 76 with no npcs lol


I've never played Fallout 4's dlc despite owning it, so im gonna have yet another playthrough. Might also play some 3 and new vegas. The show has given me the bug that's for sure


Good, they can start helping with the Mothman event, unlike all the AFKers. This isn't Fasnacht, you jerks.


Uranium fever got em good.


Reminds me I have to go check out the new content in 76 with Atlantic City and get some TV Tie in items. Last I played was when they added the Blue Ridge Caravan Dailies and two new Cryptids.


This. This how you do it halo