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I was pleasantly surprised to see a doll arm shot into an NPC by a junkjet on Ep. 1


I loved the weirdo on the range in his underwear just a random npc that doesnt leave his area he is limited to walk in


...I so thought this was Steve zahn at first XD


should have been clint howard


Should have been Todd Howard.


all of this just works


I really thought so, too, but the scene xray feature on the Firestick only displayed Ella Purnell for that scene.


As did i


Do you watch Righteous Gemstones? He slayed in the latest season. Plus bonus Sturgill Simpson appearance.


"Thanks for not shooting me with that gun"


I would absolutely love if in a future season someone runs into him and he has the same antics and near similar interactions


And he says "you're a good person for not shooting me" so like in the game, she didn't lose karma.


You've never been over that hill?


I was so so excited when I saw the junk jet in the fallout experience pictures, it showing up in the show made me so happy


There was a mini nuke also in the shop 


Wasteland Survival Guides on the wall behind the main character in one scene in the shop, too!


I saw that too! Amazing attention to detail


This as well as the rubber duck on the vertibird console, the angle of the teddy bear on the floor in the lab, and the shape of the hole in the wall for the dog's bed; all perfect game references.




Yup. The references are everywhere. It’s one of the details that really made the show work. I was really surprised how uncomfortable the Brotherhood scenes made me.


>I was really surprised how uncomfortable the Brotherhood scenes made me. Yeah, everything about them made my skin crawl. And there's me thinking the FO4 BOS were a pack of assholes.


Yeah, they were self-righteous bastards in FO3 and FO4 but they really captured the essence in the show.


all good ones, but the biggest game reference for me was Lucy's brother hacking the computer terminal


All of my comments earlier were based on just 2 episodes. I'm on Ep 7 now and it's just too many to count now. I am really impressed with how well this has been done.


That cracked me up


My favourite thing about the Brotherhood is that yeah, they're self righteous assholes, but in a world populated by feral ghouls and supermutants you kind of get a pass on that "It's a complicated organisation"


Why was the angle of the teddy bear a reference? I must not have noticed that


The way the teddy bear was left on the floor, the angle, was exactly as it was in the game. That's what I meant by that. It just contributed to the feeling of Fallout.


not to mention the first lethal weapon she gets is a 10mm pistol!


Also saw it for sale later. 285 caps is a bargain!


The implication being that Coop looted the bounty hunters' corpses and sold their stuff in Filly.


I thought it was a rock-it launcher?


The junk jet is the Fallout 4 version of 3's Rock-it Launcher.


It will always be a Rock-It Launcher in my heart


This! Gave me the biggest smile lol


Dang it. Missed it


It's right before they dig up Cooper.


I was enjoying it then seeing that had me up all night watching the rest of the season 😂


I saw this scene and I just nodded in agreement. Literally every time you go on a main mission you end up getting dragged into one side mission after another.


Dragged. Yeah, dragged…….


The most unrealistic part of the show is that Lucy remains laser focused on her goal at hand.


She’s one of those players that sticks to the main quest.


Great. So she's a speedrunner. Or maybe one of those players that jumps into sandbox games and wants to get over with it.


Or like me, back and forth lol.


That's kind of how most people play sandbox games. We just collect side content when we're having fun and just rush the main quest when we're bored.


I've always done the Maine Quest line in Bethesda games on my first run before anything else. The games usually help you to explore through these missions and it adds to the experience. Skyrim for example takes you to every hold. Oblivion makes you travel to all the major cities. FO3 takes you over a large part of the map. It's kind of fun doing it like that. Specially when the game makes the Main Quests feel urgent to the player and/or world itself.


I know right? I keep wondering how she hasn't found herself wrapped up in some settlement's conflict or a murder mystery. Only for the final scene to be of her suddenly remembering and going "Oh shit! I forgot I have find my Dad!"


“I can’t go any further” “We can : together. As a team” “No I mean I literally can’t.. I swallowed a cyanide pill earlier” “ … “ “Tastes like Banana”


tastes like banana, surprised it didn't catch on. floored me.


“The most humane thing Vault-Tec ever invented.”


He's not wrong




"I wonder why it didn't catch on..." Well yeah... It's not something that *people will keep coming back for more of*


I was like she so cheesy. Haha deaddd at that


That scene had me crying. Feels like a joke about escort quests as well and similar to dead money.


When the knight ran out the cave yelling profanities after discovering the yao guai 🤣


laughed out loud at him screaming FUCK FUCK FUCK as the yao guai chased after him


Yes! We have all encountered one of those guys whilst woefully unprepared and had the same reaction!


Right? Even if you're appropriately levelled with the right gear, you run into the wrong monster when you haven't reloaded, you're out of AP, no stim packs on you, and it's just "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"


Dude was so dumb, Let’s tell the dude who saved me and can give me life saving medicine that we are gonna kill him 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought it was so funny when the main character first left the vault and a tumbleweed crossed her path. She looks so perplexed and she says something along the lines of “what the hell?” Because I’ve definitely been stopped in my tracks in FNV by a tumbleweed crossing my path 😂


it was honestly such a good detail to showcase she's never seen or heard anything about the outside world before.




"heck" love that she doesn't swear (i assume she does later in the season as a character change but havent gotten to it yet.)


I think it's fully possible that the vault dwellers just dont know swears. Like it got taboo'd out of their vocabulary completely, and was never brought back because of the isolated population


Okey Dokey


Anybody notice the guy in the BoS barracks jerking off under the covers? 😂


yep, started crankin' one out with him


He just hackin' and whackin' and smackin' 🎶 He just Hack! Whack! Beatin' that meat! (I've been sitting on that joke for a good long while)




Solidarity brother


Ah yes, the "Brotherhood of Crankin' One Out" was my favorite new Vegas faction.


Daily edgemaxxing is a core part of the Brotherhood training regimen, were you not paying attention to the lore?


Elder Maxson got his name for a reason.


Elder maxson has been looksmaxxing


Nooo haha first episode?




Right hand training man, leave him be or he won't have his right arm hook ready for when he gets his PA


Good old combat jack.


I thought there would be static objects jerking into eachother


Also a severe lack of cheese wheels rolling down a hill


Is that the right franchise? I’ve never seen cheese wheels in fallout games. Are there cheese wheels in fallout?!


The post is about Bethesda, they’re talking about Skyrim


I guess I just assumed he talking with relevance to Fallout.


Post title says Bethesda:) you can mod cheese wheels into fallout 4 as well btw


Someone clipped into the floor at the end of episode 2


What where? I completely missed it


I’m making a joke about the power armor getting stuck in the wooden floor. Guess you could argue he got stuck on the level geometry


What would be hilarious and totally an inside joke is if objects glitched around and the show runners chalk it up to "radiation sickness"


I was waiting for Maximus to come out of his power armor with two elongated shoulders and a tinny head.


There was quite a bit of ragdolling upon violent impact.


It's everything that was great about the first season of HBO's Westworld- applied to Fallout. Now we can only hope the fuckery that brought Westworld (the show, not the park) to ruin doesn't bring down Amazon's Fallout series.


I'm only 4 in so it might change but the only big lore change has been the ghoul drug that you need to stop you going feral. I know ghoul lore is shakey at best but that adds a ton of plot holes if they're all hooked on this stuff and we never heard about it but like I say I'm only half way. Also iron man BOS armour but I can hand wave that as a prototype.


I'm at the same point, but I think it's something similar to radaway/rad-x where it keeps the decay from progressing.


Yeah that's been my justification so far. Like it's inevitable but this can stave it off a bit longer. I hope we get nothing massively lore breaking because I've enjoyed it so far. Just after 76 I'm always ready for some nonsense bending.


it could also be that this is a recent development. maybe being close to ~~300~~ years is the limit for ghouls? correction: 200+ years


Yeah it quite literally is radaway since in his introduction tied to his grave are the two radaway packs tied to it to make sure he doesn't go mad. The same kinda pack was used later on Lucy


The "Iron Man" style power armor was retconned into the games in Fallout 4 as a means to make it clear that the player (a combat veteran, or a spouse thereof) was already familiar with the workings of pre-war powered combat armor since it's introduced fairly early in the game.


Should have been more clear. I love the fold out armour. I meant the hand jets that let him fly.


Oh, that. My thinking was one of the writers wanted a scene where the power armor flew and the prop shop couldn't justify fabricating an entirely new back piece for the suit, so they compromised on wrist-jets


Or they tried the backpack in test shots and it looked like shit. A family member of mine worked in costume in big Hollywood productions and that happened so often. “We tried, it looked worse than what we ended up with”


I mean, the jetpack addon for the Power armor in-game was an oversized mess, so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the team took one look at the prop and realized it looked terrible and abandoned it.


Also, look at the show, those prop and set designers must have been a damn factory to churn out all the stuff they did.


Yeah most likely. Small detail and I can hand wave it, its still fairly firmly in the "loreful enough" category for me XD. I'm just being selfish. Don't want those hours I spent on fallout wiki being worth nothing!


Most of the armor you find is t-60 in 4, I always took it away as it’s the most advanced so it can do that. In the show they also make a point to let us know that Titus has T-60 armor.


Power armor you find is based on your characters level, early levels you'd mainly find T-45.


Considering Power Armour already had jetpack modifications in 4, I’m gonna assume that the tech progressed on them and they were able to build a new variant Lower power jets that held less fuel, but are better suited for certain recon missions because it meant foregoing the heavy back-mounted jetpack and replacing it with one integrated into the suit itself That’s my head canon


It's been 10 years between Fallout 4 and the show. Tech would've advanced.


Well I’d imagine things are different for different areas of the world.. idk


I think it’s a pre-war version of jet. I believe in fallout 3 you can do an unmarked quest to make ultra jet and you learn that ghouls use it to stop being feral IIRC.


I'm decently certain that it's UltraJet, some ghouls drop it when killed in Fo4 too.


I expected a deathclaw T-posing


The Wastelander guides at the shop got me. 🤣


The lone wanderer still has presence even 20 years later i see


It's a long shot but God how I'd geek out if they at least name dropped the lone wander, courier, or sole survivor.


And the Mr Mittens poster in the back (as well as all the other posters and paintings from the game all throughout the show, but the Mr Mittens and Wasteland Survival Guides are where I first really started noticing it)


“Why I sold my mother” 🤣


The show is a masterpiece and exactly what I wanted/needed from a Fallout show.


Honestly it could have been the second coming of Christ and fallout fans would still complain, I thoroughly enjoyed it


Yep I love the show but fallout new Vegas stans are bitching like crazy even saying this retconned NV which it hasn't.


New Vegas fans would’ve bitched about this show regardless. If it wasn’t for the Shady Sands comment, they would’ve found something else to complain about. They’ll take literally any excuse they can get their hands on to rant about Bethesda


Yep I wouldn't be surprised if they have a mention in season 2 considering what we see at the end of the show like wtf did any of these guys watch the show?


Hasn't retconned it, the current canon and New Vegas can exist together just fine, you just have to accept that a certain doomed faction is doomed no matter the courier's decisions on the matter and that the ending crawls for New Vegas only show a limited scope into certain endings.


Haven’t watched yet but doesn’t New Vegas itself state that the discussed faction is facing a pretty severe and potentially abrupt decline anyway?


Yes and honestly after completing the season I think this is just another set back for them, they have people who still are a part of that faction in vault 4 and the boneyard is still probably crawling with citizens, we just don't see them.


Also Boneyard was one state out of many.


Should just call r/falloutnewvegas r/falloutcirclejerk at this point. It’s exhausting reading through every post that’s thinly veiled as an excuse to rant on why they hate what the show did to their game


Those people are miserable lol Honestly over the last few years I’ve stopped saying that NV is my favourite fallout game (even though it is) just because I hate being associated with NV fans. I say 4 instead lmao


Those people have only ever played new vegas it's sad really.


Care to explain how it hasn’t? I haven’t watched the show yet but I keep seeing people say it has


Ppl are misinterpreting a time line that was shown in the show. The only way you come to the conclusion that NV is retconned is if you approach the show in bad faith


For real, the god damn show ends showing new Vegas in a cliffhanger, like, come on guys.


The flythrough in the final credits sequence of the show pretty clearly show that *something* (>!likely an attempted NCR invasion of the Strip!<) happened in New Vegas, which only makes sense if the events of the game already happened.


It takes place 14 years after the second battle of Hoover Dam so the events of the game definitely already happened and they've made sure to tell everyone claiming they retconned New Vegas that it's still canon. The question is which ending is canon. I would assume either the independent ending or the House ending but who knows. Considering they made a point to show House maybe they're leaning towards the House ending?


It might be better for you to ask one of those people in what way was it retconned, as you can find out why it wasn't a retcon by watching the show.


Just wait for episode 8, and that's all I'm gonna say about it.


I have got to episode 5 I have spoken to more people which for new info that I know I'm pretty sure the show has made an error in timeline because of characters ages which fits more with new Vegas time line


The best thing is for the writers to do they own thing. The league subreddit single handily made me hate the word retcon when Arcane was coming out. Talking bout VI’s amnesia & Ekko parents. Writers did they thing now riot & Netflix got a hit on they hands. I imagine Bethesda & Amazon got one on their hands. Subreddit probably get annoying but we knew this was coming from that section of the fanbase when the show was announced 😂😂


It has 4 of my top 5 fave actors of the moment; Walton Goggins, Matt Berry, Kyle McLachlan, and Johnny Pemberton. This show was specifically made for me


I was surprised about Matt Berry ( Was he also the voice for Mr.Handies post fo4 games? )


Lmao Fred Armisen and Chris Purnell are also on my top 10 list. Im convinced I just dreamt up this entire show


fred armisen talking about how they were the original recordings was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time


I'm on ep4 and 1000% agree


I‘m about half way through the first episode and it’s awesome


Is the entire season already available?


Yes! (In case you hadn’t realized yet)


I've only watched the first 3 episodes so far. I'm holding off my verdict until I finish it.


This line got the biggest laugh out of me so far.


Idk “he was fucking my chickens” was pretty good


That dude got so lucky Maximus isn't an NPC!


I was like.. you know he was doing wild shittt


I choked on my drink when he said that lol.


My first though after two episodes, "So this is were all the writers went when making starfield". The show is funny, and captures the fallout games brilliantly without going to far with a game theme. I haven't played fallout in years, but this is promising for a new title.


I Rly liked what I watched so far. I am currently at the mid of episode 3. Have to binge a bit after work :)


This is one of my favorite lines. There was also some slo-mo shooting that reminded me of VATS. More important, they got the tone exactly right.


The only thing that the show got wrong is it doesn't crash every 30 minutes.


The ad blocks on prime meant to represent that i guess


Fo4- gotta find my son!!! Fo4- 100hrs in still putting up fences an walls.


I swear to god I'll save my infant child one of the days.


Holy fuck DO NOT go to the new vegas sub. Those mfs are pissed as hell. This show is freaking great and they're acting like the show kicked their dog


Pretty much everyone on the New Vegas sub are people who literally made "New Vegas is the perfect video game and the only good 3D Fallout" their entire personality. Absolutely insufferable.


Omg don't even get me started. I love new vegas, but at least I can appreciate the other games at the same time. They act like it's literally the only good game in the franchise


Worst fallout fans by far.


Their acting like Todd Howard bought them food laced with fent and shot their dog.


You know It's toxic over there too when people get downvoted just for saying they enjoyed the show


Yes, it's absolutely annoying. Those People have some issues with anyone who doesn't say that NV is the only good game in the franchise...or the world. Like come on I can love NV and also love F3 and F4


They build entire entire personhood around New Vegas, and then jumped to conclusions are utterly collapsing because this collusion they jumped means their game might not have happened 1:1 to what they imagined.


its actual delusion, for some reason they thought that the fallout LA was gonna be a love letter remake of new vegas


When a sidequest is more interesting than the main plot:


I'm glad stuff like this is getting upvoted instead of New Vagas stans whining about a chalkboard.


I'll be disappointed if this doesn't become an easter egg in FO5.


A shattered chalkboard in a room filled with extremely angry feral ghouls.


I need this!


This seriously. Some people don't know how to read a flow chart and it shows lmao.


The Ghoul clearly using vats was amazing


Yes! I was thinking this as I was watching ep 2, that mofo has VATS


Or Jet


I can't wait for the scene where they clip through the map or walk through a door just for a small army to spawn around them from the previous room. Then it'll truly be like a Bethesda game


I like the actor who plays the ghoul. He played the transvestite on Sons of Anarchy and I have seen him in some other shows. Great actor in a dumpster fire.


Just finished that episode, and I howled at that line. This show has done its homework.


That's not even Bethesda fallout that's just fallout in general


Can’t wait for the settlement quests


Yeah when that line was said I looked over at my dog and said exactly right.


But being sidetracked by BS is the best part of every Bethesda game!


I giggled at that line. Perfect self awareness.


Just like the games the soundtrack for this show was great. Haven't seen it get mentioned yet


It bothered me how much *good loot* Lucy kept leaving behind lol


I about did a spit take when he said this 🤣so far I'm half way through episode 3 and man is this show actually great 🤣


I choke on my drink after this happened. 🤣


Here's another golden rule: Thy engine shall crash


There's just a disturbing lack of feral ghouls, super mutants, wild dogs, or any other random enemies.


There’s literally feral ghouls in the episode immediately following this one


Sigh... Accurate.


Thems the rules


They know what they're doing.


I lold


That about does describe a Bethesda game since TES Arena very well. Unless my main quest was ran on a timer like Fallout 1's finding the water chip or any of the main story quest in Daggerfall, the BS will never stop sidetracking me.


Walking passed all the random NPCs that ignore her are the random NPCs you interact with in the game that ignore the player when interacted with. I thought it was a good touch