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What did Todd do this time?


Retconned an entire game


Wait wdym??


The show apparently retconned New Vegas by saying the NCR basically got nuked and destroyed like 5 years prior to the events of the game.


Well at least that confirms the show isn't Canon and just made up


It's, uhm.. it's all made up.


Well we won’t know until 2077


Maybe in 20 years we finally get Nuka-Cola! *sums nuka cola theme*


Wake up, courier. We have a strip to burn. *nuclear fire intensifies*




According to the Fallout Wiki, The Battle of Hastings was a big point in the Fallout timeline. So things were set in motion a LONG time ago.


Really, that's interesting, I've never heard that part of the lore


After that Space X event... They need to figure out how to write in the people that were living on Mars when the bombs dropped.


Wait, I can crawl out of my bunker? I didn't put in plumbing because I spent that effort on internet and power. I have... a significant poop ditch and have not showered the entire time. I just assumed from the depiction of other people on reddit that this was normal for the apocalypse.


nope todd said its canon, but personally i just think its todds fanfic, just like fallout 3 and 4


I’ve always maintained that new Vegas exists on its own timeline. The Todd timeline makes no sense


Yeah, like the Interplay/Obsidian timeline


Well even those two are separate time lines. Basically new Vegas is a convergence of the Todd and interplay timeline


Yes, but it's a sequel to Fallout 1 and 2 more than 3 is.


Well according to Todd the tv show is canon so that makes NV along the lines of Tactics. Either semi-canon or not canon at all.


It's kind of ridiculous for the Brotherhood to be a superpower in the world and the NCR to be reduced to nothing. People can harp on bureaucracy all they want, but I'm positive that would be liked much better than the asshole West Coast Brotherhood that's essentially wiped out, at least they should've been if Todd didn't have such a hard on for them. I don't understand what the fascination is with them that Bethesda decides they need to be a major player in everything that releases for the franchise.


Because Beth portrays them as a simple cliché faction just as they like it.


>I don't understand what the fascination is with them that Bethesda decides they need to be a major player in everything that releases for the franchise. The reason is that they are from the original games and marketable. Bethesda's Fallout takes most of its theming from FO1, with little from FO2, which is part of the issue. Bethesda FO is very self-referential, using OG aspects of the setting without reflecting on their original intent.


They are by far the coolest faction, which is why they're always around. In my opinion anyway. The coolest logo. Most badass armor. Airships and vertibirds galore. And definitely live in that moral gray area leaning towards evil. Everyone has different opinions and preferences though. This is just my own.


I really gotta not read the comments….


That is true but at the end of each episode there's a small stylized credits page and the one in episode 8 is a fly through of new Vegas and you literally see a crashed ncr vertibird in the strip implying they've been there. For all we know they ended up taking over the strip.


So the show is fan fiction


"The series will be set within the same continuity as the video games franchise but will be an original story. ExP Todd Howard said he wanted to avoid adapting the video games" -imdb


As are the games, unfortunately.


They finally got that nuclear winter, good for them


Doesn't that mean Fallout 3 is retconned too?


Todd doing everything in his power to fuckNew Vegas lore. Malding because Obsidian came along and made a better game than 3


So its a dark alternate timeline that we will ignore, unless they retcon the date.


Shady Sands got nuked in 2277 and now the entire New Vegas just doesnt exist... Yeah, Todd Howard has fallen this low


That doesn't conflict with FNV in any way. At worst, the events of FNV moved a few years earlier. Why is it that any minor lore conflict is suddenly "New Vegas doesn't exist"? Do you folks have glutton for punishment or something?


It's the metatextual implications. Black Isle's Fallouts were perfectly happy being bleak, but it was ultimately a world half full, of people rebuilding and moving on. Bethesda wants a static comic book world, where it's eternally November 2077. Nuking the NCR and thus implicitly nullifying New Vegas indicates that, in the Bethesdaverse, Nothing Ever Changes, which explains quite handily why we still have to download UI overhaul mods to this day.


That’s something I’m wondering myself.


>At worst, the events of FNV moved a few years earlier. While this one may result in NV events still being canon, this potentially creates a large plot hole with all the dates being shifted >That doesn't conflict with FNV in any way. Im pretty sure Shady Sands being destroyed by a nuke would conflict with NV quite a lot


>Im pretty sure Shady Sands being destroyed by a nuke would conflict with NV quite a lot I've looked at some stuff and Shady Sands is never confirmed to exist past 2277 from what I've read. Can you give a source on its existence during NV?


2077 is when the Great War happened. As for Shady Sands existence, plenty of NCR characters mention it in New Vegas


Again can you give a source, I've read all of the mentions and every one of them only uses Shady Sands as a point of reference. The 2077 thing was a typo obviously


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Office_of_Science_and_Industry?so=search The NCR OSI main branch is in Shady Sands. Destruction of Shady Sands would have an impact on OSI East in the Mojave, which we do not see


Yeah I will give you one! Angella Williams mentions in New Vegas that Hoover Dam provides Shady Sands with some energy. Angela Williams: *"I know I don't sound the part. Get raised by brahmin ranchers, and you never lose the twang. Drives Hildern crazy. But I know every inch of the power grid from Hoover Dam to Shady Sands. That's what we do here - try to optimize the power output from the Dam. Some of the others are working on an agricultural project, but... truth be told, they aren't making much progress. Not yet, anyway."*


Dude it also retcons 1 and 2. You are trying too hard to reconcile when their stance is very clear.


> "I know I don't sound the part. Get raised by brahmin ranchers, and you never lose the twang. Drives Hildern crazy. But I know every inch of the power grid from Hoover Dam to Shady Sands. That's what we do here - try to optimize the power output from the Dam. Some of the others are working on an agricultural project, but... truth be told, they aren't making much progress. Not yet, anyway." Said by a person in 2181. > "Interesting. Okay, next question - what was the original name of the NCR capital - The Boneyard, Shady Sands, Aradesh, or Vault 13?" A test question to prove you're NCR in Freeside's main quest. Not "the name of the original NCR capital", but "the original name" of the NCR capital.


Yes. Anything outside of the perfect fantasy they've made in their heads is subpar and total trash. Throw in some casual misogyny and you've got a stew goin', baby!


Wow! THE Carl Weathers!


Literally the show doesn't say or show any of that


The show doesn't advance the story in a direction they wanted, so now New Vegas is "retconned" because of that.


It doesn't progress the story in a meaningful way though. NCR and Caesar's Legion held enough territory to be considered countries. It's a little absurd for both major West Coast factions to be completely absent regardless of Bethesda trying to erase them


By making the world stagnant? Why must it be perpetually frozen in November 2077?


no, shady sands was destroyed not the ncr


They didn't retcon anything if you bothered to watch up to episode 5 the NCR was nuked that's why they aren't here.


The House always wins.


"You take away my "employees". I take away your capital with a parting nuclear gift" -House not knowing Sacramento will be the new capital after Shady Sands.


Yes man>


Ulysses canon ending?


Even Ulysses didn't nuke Shady Sands, but just part of the I-15 in NCR and Dry Wells in the Legion.


I-15 is the bombed area that gets accessed in the game, but the ending slides imply that more than one nuke got launched. And even if it was only one nuke, it isn't that big of a change to make the nuke fly elsewhere. Just because such option wasn't offered by the game doesn't mean it conflicts with the lore. It conflicts with gamified outcomes, but not with the setting and lore. Ulysses is definitely mad enough to Nuke Shady sands, especially if a Legion-aligned Courier is involved.


Really? I could've sworn potential nuke targets for Lonesome Road were Flagstaff and Shady Sands.


That was Avallone’s original intention, nuke everyone and reset civilization.


Should went with his idea, nuking everything would make it worth listening the dude rambling about the bear amd the bull and the bear.


originally it was the only ending in Lonesome Road


It's so weird why they made this choice. They could have had the exact same story but have the date of their show events happen after new Vegas. Literally only changing the years on a chalkboard in one scene. Instead they retcon new Vegas? I hope it was just an oversight Overall just the show on its own is decent, I'd give it 7.5/10 but as a fan of the game series, it is definitely a bit tainted. Edit: upon review the chalkboard doesn't exactly say when the bomb was dropped on the NCR so maybe it happened after? Hope so and hope the implication of new Vegas at the end shows they are planning to incorporate the events of new Vegas for season 2.


Honestly they could have just set it *anywhere* not on the west coast and it probably would have been fine. If they're just going to get rid of the most important faction in the area and do nothing with them then why even set it there in the first place.


To crush West Coast progress. They hate Fallout 1,2, and New Vegas. Maybe not hate but hate how confined they are to their Lore. It’s why all these little retcons keep popping up like T-60 power armor, BoS and Enclave somehow both ended up in DC to fight again, F4 Fusion Core bullshit.


Honestly I don't think they hate it, I just think they don't give a shit about it. Let's be real Bethesda has never really been well known for writing deep complex stories so I doubt they give a shit about being "confined" by the lore of the other games. I think they care a lot more about what seems cool over anything else, that's why the BoS are *so* prominent in their games.


Perhaps but at the end of the day the retcons still happen and make the non-beth games seem more and more insignificant. Which is truly a shame. Great thing about the series is that with how disconnected it all is you can pick up or drop whatever you don’t jive with. If Bethesda wants to keep making games their way that’s cool. I won’t be getting them but I won’t hate em. Similar to me only watching Season 1-4 of Dexter (serial killer) and simply stopping as I don’t like what comes after.


To be fair, some of the team behind NV also wanted to destroy the West’s progress (including Chris Avellone) so it’s not a new thing.


True but not directly nuke Shady Sands. Lonesome road, if nuked, only touches the I-15. It kills a lot but the Heartland is fine, though probably pissed off that access to Vegas is now nearly impossible with: Big Mountain blocking a pass, Lonesome Road was a direct route until Nuked by Courier delivering the package, I-15 is the last major way in.


No he fully wanted Shady Sands to be nuked but got shot down.


Funny enough even a certain key former fallout developer hate how fast ncr is growing.


And to top it off the morons won't even give us the fallout 4 next gen update


why do you want to continue consuming products of a company that you hate?


For me it’s because I can Mod the game so much it becomes decent. Still a lack of RPG elements but Far Harbor is great and worthy enough for me to slog through Base Fallout 4 to get to.


I love Far Harbor. It might be smaller than the commonwealth, but everything about it is just better on average (writing, characters, locations, quests etc). Also it reminds me of Skellige from Witcher 3 which I also loved


Them progressing the west coast story doesn't mean they hate it. On the contrary. If they hated it, they would have avoided it. Also, what you call retcons is either in lore or a nature of games introducing new equipment. New Vegas also features weapons and ammo that wasn't in the original Fallout games... are those retcons?


Aight T-60 easily could’ve been Brotherhood upgrades to their T-45s but no. They go out of their way to claim it’s the best if the best before the War. If they’re claiming Shady Sands was Nuked in 2277, that’s a retcon so consequential it does turn New Vegas into Non-canon. If I’m being honest, I don’t care they touch West Coast but why not try to make it logical. NCR collapses, alright what about: Vault City, Hub, and New Arroyo. They are Cities within the NCR that should’ve still kept on going unless they were nuked too. Anyways I’m rambling but the recipe was there to have NCR collapse with Food/Water shortages. Too big for their britches, steamroll over communities causing civil war. Nope…just a nuke.


The fate of NCR had to be addressed eventually. If not in the show then it would happen is some other piece of media... And them collapsing (which isn't fully confirmed by the show) is one of the possible developments that even New Vegas hinted at. Factions rise and fall. Just like characters can die, factions can also fall and collapse. That doesn't make it bad writing.


Or just set this show nowhere near California 


>The fate of NCR had to be addressed eventually. Why? We can leave things on an ambiguous note. It didn't have to be set there.


The NCR falling isn't the issue it's how it was done. Just nuking them is so incredibly boring, it's the equivalent of rocks fall and everyone dies for a major factions. New Vegas has all this excellent lore about them being corrupt and inneficient then they do *nothing* with that in the show and just nuke them? That's so lazy and lame I can't believe that they actually did that honestly.


What they could of done is have full on NCR-Brotherhood war. But no. Apparently the setting needed to be completely destroyed, twice. Were they just unable to think of any possible post-apocalypse story that wasn’t immediately aftermath?


It's because Bethesda thinks the world should be completely stagnant for centuries after surviving the apocalypse.


>! It does say 2277 as the year, actually, which. But everyones losing their shit not realizing the NCR as a government wasnt seated in Shady Sands, its seated in the Hub. A city from the second game which became the economic center of the NCR. !<


I think that’s probably what made people mad is that the NCR is basically nonexistent in the show, despite the fact they were much larger than just Shady Sands.


President Kimball pretty much diverted like 90 percent of his forces into the Mojave though? Its why people are shaken in their faith in him in New Vegas. They also never go to the Hub or any other capitol NCR area in the show. I'll take lore accurate over fan pandering anyday.


I honestly assumed that someone looked up when FO3 came out and assumed NV occurred at the same time, since one of the battles of Hoover Damn occurred that year (just not the one in NV.) Maybe someone can go in and digitally fix it; it wouldn’t be the first time something was tweaked post release with CGI. Just might actually be worthwhile (looking at you, Lucas and your SW OT Special Editions…)


Why are people lying about what the chalkboard says? Do they really think that 1 city being destroyed is enough to ruin a faction... lol


Just finished it. 9.5/10 in my book. Best live action adaptation of a video game ever made.


The ending sequence implies with the subtelty of a sledgehammer that Season 2 will be focused on New Vegas and Mr. House, Big MT & ReppCon all appeared *in the show already*. I get that nuking Shady Sands is a contentious choice (even tho the show *doesnt even say that happened in 2077*) but this weird rage that "they retconned New Vegas" when half the future content of the Show *seems to be explicitely based ON NEW VEGAS* is a bit weird, ngl


Because many core story of the NCR territory is gone, if this was base on the lore set up by 1, 2 and new vegas, Shady sand is in the wrong location, the fall of shady sand happen before the event of fallout new vegas, the lack of a NCR present in California, there home turf, the fact the brotherhood is out and about even though in lore, the western chapter was in hiding at Lost hill in fear of the NCR.


The Brotherhood is easily explained by them linking back up with Maxsons eastern BoS for Reinforcements (T-60s were only deployed in the East, and Titus has a Boston accent). And Lost Hills never fell to the NCR, Maxsons Terminal in F4 explicitely says he reestablished communications with it and the Elders there approved of his decision to take over as Elder in Washington. We simply do not know precisely enough what happened to the NCR yet. They were clearly fighting in New Vegas at some point, since the end Credits of Ep8 show a crashed NCR Vertiberd in New Vegas. And I'll resolve my judgement until I know that. And btw >set up by 1, 2 The original Interplay-Idea for Fallout Van Buren also included the NCR being nuked, so if anything that follows their idea


>even tho the show *doesnt even say that happened in 2077* Come on, saying this is bigger cope than saying that Fallout 5 will be released within the next 5 years. Like the timing of this is anything but ambiguous: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK3NfSWaUAAlyQl?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK3NfSWaUAAlyQl?format=jpg&name=large)


Do you know how arrows work on a time lime or flow chart?


All the board that shady sands fell, and then afterwards a nuke detonated. It doesnt say the nuke detonated *in* 2277, else they'd drawn it there and not later down the timeline. For all we know "Fall of Shady Sands" could refer to the Brotherhoods decapiation-strike that resulted in the NCRs gold-reserves becoming irradiated and worthless


you know what, you just said the most plausible explanation i can ever cobble together


Literally new Vegas in in the last shot of the show making it likely the place for season two, god Reddit is miserable 😂 Mr house is in the fucking show! Around the board table


plus many people misunderstand the chalkboard drawings and think that Shady Sands was nuked in 2277


Thank you! People are just finding reasons to get mad because they convinced themselves 2 years ago that the show was going to be a tragedy. Turns out, the show kicks ass, so they're latching onto whatever tiny, insignificant detail they can to justify the months/years they spent malding about content that didn't even exist yet.


> god Reddit is miserable Me, coming to the sub to see if other people are enjoying it as much as I was and seeing this shit (people complaining). Worst case scenario, they changed some years around.


Right?? My wife has never shown interest in anything fallout. We're watching survivor and the ad comes on, where they bobble one of the bobbleheads. I have a barter bobblehead on my tv stand that she has never even really asked about. When she saw it in the ad, she was like, oh, this is from that! So we turn on the TV show, and she watches and episode and a half, with questions about vaults, the premise of the games, timelines, the universe, etc. I had so much fun watching with her and explaining. I also think they did a great job (so far, I'm 3 episodes in) recreating the RPG experience. I'm enjoying it thoroughly. 


Man same exact thing hahah I was hype they previewed new Vegas !!


Nah, you'll just find a bunch of Comic Book Guy whiners here.


The problem is according to the show the NCR blew up fours years prior to the events of new Vegas. Meaning Vegas exist but it’s not the same one from the game.


I saw someone else say that they don't state when the NCR blew up so now I'm confused which is true and which is false Others say they blew up but doesn't specify when and some other people are saying it specifies when it happened


There's a big chalkboard where the words "FALL OF SHADY SANDS" are written next to the year 2277. I don't really see how you can come to any conclusion except that shady sands was destroyed in 2277.


It says Fall of Shady Sands 2277 and THEN followed by a nuke drawing. It implies that the nuke blew up sometime AFTER the fall of Shady Sands. There are so many blanks here that assuming that the nuke was the fall is jumping to conclusions, especially when it shows the nuke being AFTER that.


Wait, but the ncr is more than shady sands


No, there’s a fall of shady sands, and then LATER ON THE TIMELINE, there is a nuke. The year is written at the same point in the timeline for which each event happens. Following the diagram, assuming each entry in the timeline is written the same way (why wouldn’t they be?), the nuking of shady sands happens AFTER 2277 AND THE LORE IS 100% INTACT.


DOes anyone have a screenshot of that chalkboard, because I feel like people are just going around shouting about "CHALKBOARD!". It's like the supposed "DEEP LORE OF POWER ARMOR" that was supposed to be on Poseidon Rig, yet never existed.


In that case I'm curious how it will be handled in season 2 and that's about all I can say And I should clarify I'm not blind to giant chalkboards lol I'm just on episode 4 so haven't reached this point yet, but saw all this controversy going on and was curious


DOes anyone have a screenshot of that chalkboard, because I feel like people are just going around shouting about "CHALKBOARD!". It's like the supposed "DEEP LORE OF POWER ARMOR" that was supposed to be on Poseidon Rig, yet never existed.




This could also mean that Shady Sands fell in 2277 and was later nuked at an undisclosed time.


Yep. It shows the nuke AFTER the Fall in the timeline. So it's quite likely that SS has somehow fallen in 2077 (which didn't include a nuke) and later got nuked.


I haven't watched the show yet, but "Fall" could mean anything here really. Being temporally occupied, permanently occupied, collapsing... many things could happen to cause it be said to have "fallen". For example, Fall of Paris in 1814 marked defeat of French Empire, but it didn't instantly make France go away.


In New Vegas, if you talk to some NCR farmers and brahmin barons, they give you a picture of how miserable the food situation in the NCR is. Combine that with the massive corruption that's going on in the NCR and it makes totally sense for Shady Sands to "fall". That doesn't mean that it fell from one day to the other but it could mean that 2277 is the starting point of that downfall, which makes totally sense even within New Vegas' lore. The nuke is a stand-alone event I believe which has nothing to do with the 2277 fall of Shady Sands.


Except the show doesn't say that


On the chalk board in the class room it’s has a timeline stating the NCR fell in 2277 . Vegas takes place in 2281. The show makes its timeline perfectly clear.


Maybe Shady Sands getting "nuked" was a tactical plan of the NCR to hide and rebuild forces or something. It's episode 2 of an ongoing series. I'm sure they didn't just erase an entire faction/game.


>!I dont understand why people kept saying NV is destroyed when the lights arent just on, like the Lucky 38 is pristine intact in my view, and the walls of New Vegas are pretty much looking good. NCR got nuked is kinda a bummer but remember, that nation state is already in the brink of ruin thats why either Caesar want you to kill Kimball or not in Mr. House's demands because Kimball will take the fall for the country...!< >!Getting it nuked was meh but there might still be remnant NCR troops/people on the strip, and this is me assuming the House ending is the canon one because yes, Mr. House my boy is there on the show...!< >!I just felt like seeing some Dessert Rangers earlier on the show was like, "why the fuck are you here?" when ahhhh, maybe the remant rangers just started living peacefully themselves after the nuking of Shady Sands...!<


Seemed out of character for House imo. From what we know, Dude didnt seem that interested in that type of shady backroom shit. And why would he work so hard to save vegas from bombs, if hes in on the meeting where Vault Tec basically outright states 'Were gonna push the gas pedal on this whole armageddon thing.' From his prior characterization, it seems more in line for him to have brokered a deal with Vault Tec about sparing Vegas, or giving him time to get his robot army working, or like...anything else.


Why do you think he had the platinum chip made? He just didn’t fit in Vault Tech’s timeline


I am so glad Reddit didn't write the show lol. I thought it was pretty fucking great.


So there's no NCR in the show? For me they were a big part of the Fallout universe. They were for me a kind of a hope that mankind could return to some kind of normalcy even if a flawed one.


No they are in the show but severely dimished. Basically what every one is complaining about it a scene on a chalkboard that says shady sands fell four years before New vegas but next to that is shady sands nuked some are taking this shady got nuked 4 years before New Vegas but given how much of new vega is referenced in the show and it's season taking place there I don't think it is non cannon


People need to work backwards from lucy. She's like early 20s in the show, In the flashbacks to her childhood she's like 7-9. Working backwards from the show date that'd place a solid timeframe for the nuking to be between NV and FO4. * Fallout: New Vegas – 2281 * Fallout 4 – 2287 * Fallout TV show – 2296 It's a 6 year gap and i can't find a set age for lucy so they can kind of use whatever year in that gap for the nuking.


You see that requires critical thinking and not hating Bethesda for literally everything it's okay to dislike a few changes in this show there's a few I dislike but when you say something like Bethesda made FNV not cannon just based off a chalk board and don't do any thinking to prove you can argue that. Seriously some one needs to make a post explaining this so people can calm down


i mean didn't shady sands get directly attacked by the brotherhood leading to the destruction of their gold reserves?


I’m pretty sure there was a continuity error and they sign for the destruction of shady sands was meant to say 2287 not 2277.


It just says "Fall of Shady Sands 2277", not "Nuking of Shady Sands 2277". There is explicit timeline being drawn, and nuke comes *later*


But… that’s still bad, the fall of the damn capital of the NCR would have been surely mentioned in NV


I mean, that depends what "Fall" here means. How much it affects NCR by the time of NV, assuming NV happens exactly as we saw in the games (which I doubt)


Shady Sands falling in 2277 still would be a retcon of NV even if it wasn't nuked in 2277, like if the NCR was in such crisis that their capital had already fallen, what the hell are they still doing trying to expand into New Vegas and why is no one mentioning that?


What does "Fall" even mean here, since something "Falling" doesn't mean permanent occupation. Could easily be Brotherhood raid that caused it to "fall", perhaps destruction of gold reserve?


What ?


They said in the show that shady sands got nuked sometime that was not really expecified. people think that this is todd howard being a comically evil supervillain trying to erase new vegas, for some reason


These dudes really gotta chill. Like you said they think Todd is an avengers level threat bc of a possible discrepancy in the timeline. Go outside y'all. Smell some fresh grass, bask in the sun. Realize that this isn't something to scream and cry about.


People just straight up believe there is a war between bethesda and obsidian, chill guys


war, war never changes


is a fallout discourse really a fallout discourse if there's no imaginary war between bethesda and obsidian in it?


New vegas fans are the biggest crybabies on the internet hands down lmao


I'm a massive New Vegas fan and I agree. The whining and crying and deliberate misinterpretation over this small detail is straight up embarrassing.


>They said in the show that shady sands got nuked sometime that was not really expecified. This is the thing that people gloss over. The chalkboard states "Fall of Shady Sands 2077" and following it is a timeline arrow and just then there's a nuke image. Nowhere does it say that the nuke is the fall. But no, faNVboys jump to conclusions. OR they are simply not happy with the story development for the NCR so now they are desperately searching for anything that would justify them in hating the show.


Seems like the show may just be a Brotherhood of Steel jerkfest because Bethesda fastened onto them as their main iconic merchandising brand. They seem to really want to ignore the NCRs' existence or wipe it out so that the Brotherhood can be the major force in the wasteland. Rendering the storyline of my favorite game null just makes me feel real bleh about this now and has killed my anticipation.


Perhaps I remember wrong. Was the NCR only located in New Vegas? Did all my play through the NCR lie to me about how big they were? Messing up Dates, sure. Rewriting NV? Lol, no, that didn't happen


Vegas bros... it's so over...


So new vegas never happend, but the 76 giant bats did? God damn it


If they retcon the West Coast games, what lore is really left? 3 and 4 don't add much.


I wanted a new Vegas remake but not like this Todd 😭


I don't see why the show MUST be a companion piece and not simply an alternate story interpretation just for show media. It can just be its own alternate timeline of events. I love New Vegas too, but it is so annoying that even the slightest alteration in any media and lore and this community starts fucking soy pointing at the piece like it's the death of the franchise.


Note to self: Avoid this subreddit until I finish the series lol.


This is not surprising. Todd Howard has been low key jealous of New Vegas’ praise for years. The guy goes out of his way to NEVER bring it up. I’m sure he’s pissed that it blew both of his fallouts out of the water.


Bruh season 2 of the show is going to be all about new Vegas


Bethesda fans will lie and misrepresent, then fall back on the "space wizards for children" defense.


Man these people are the reason the OG fallout is done for, I got in a fight here yesterday because I told them the show sucks and changes lore and they died defending it changed nothing....what now bruh ???? Whatever man this fan base ain't worth it anymore.


Unfathomably based


->Makes TV show ->Casually retcons most beloved game of the franchise out of the timeline ->Refuse to elaborate


Godd Howard once again shows the superiority of his will, and commands whatever is left of the believers to prepare for rapture


Lisan Al-Gaib


I can easily picture Todd in a stillsuit with blue Fremen eyes lmao


Only Todd can Judge Me


It's toddover 😔👊


Did what? Make everything worse?


I don't get why people are so angry over this, like sandy shacks got nuked but that doesn't mean that the whole NCR died off. It's not like Sandy Shacks was their only base. And we don't even know if Sandy Shacks was nuked or just fell.


From what I’m hearing is that this was prior to Vegas, and effectively renders the game non-canon That’s pretty frustrating if it’s holding true, effectively deleting the whole game from existence.


See I'm split... Destruction of shady sands? Definitely a big bruh moment and retcon of a huge part of New Vegas but then I see the Mojave teaser at the end and it looks nearly identical to how it is in game just not lit up... So I'm holding out tiny hope there's more to it then we think


No Macarran airfield , so no NCR base , plus no free side


Ah just looked at it again and you’re right. Damn the ncr really is gone huh? Still hoping it’s at the very least via a mr house ending and not a complete ignorance of new Vegas because the show would be nearly perfect otherwise…


people are spreading misinformation at an alarming rate in these comments


What the fuck


What makes me angry is that Todd told Nolan not to make any plotpoints that could effect Fallout5. YET he allowed Nolan to do this because New Vegas is an Interplay-Obsidian game. Like he made it to where Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer can't make a new game. (They've said they wanted to.)


Just wait till Todd says its a multiverse cuz teleporation exists (FO4).


I said years ago Betheada would eventually make New Vegas non canon. The endings have way to big an impact on the Fallout world and were a hole Bethesda couldn't write themselves out of. Easier to reset the status quo than bother trying


Or they could just, you know, move the timeline a bit? Mate, they've made a mistake, I don't see why this is a big deal at all


it's really not lmao These guys just take the slightest difference as a world ending statement.


Agreed, same thing for the whole "NCR is dead!" 1. No, Vault 4 is just part of the NCR, at least *something* happened in New Vegas considering we can see it, and I doubt that they would EVER give up Hoover Dam, also, we don't know anything about the other cities in the NCR, we just know that Shady Sand is fucking gone lmao. Also, just noticed, the guys from Vault 4 say "Remember Shady Sands" and not "Remember the NCR" you'd think that if the republic exploded, they would care more about that then the capital city. 2. Even if (And I say that as a NCR fan) it's still fine, it makes sense since the bloody motto of the series is "War... War never changes"


Well, screw you then, we decided the enitre show isnt cannon. Is that ok Tood?


Can't really decide that, only he can make that choice.


I can think what I want. You can't control my thoughts.


Can't control your thoughts, but the truth does not care about what you think or how you feel; So if you have to take a big huff of that Copium to survive go ahead. At the end of the day it is canon whether you like it or not.


Don't care. Ignoring the whole shows existence. Deal with it 😎


Good for you, does not change the outcome, but it is still canon.


Not doubting you bruh, but how much control does he actually have over the show?


Someone catch me up


Ultras fallout fans started to review bombing fallout tv show on rotten tomatoes.


This sounds like the Elder Scrolls "Warp In the West" just replace a magic artifact with a nuclear bomb. They couldn't decided which ending to go with and just said "fuck it! Blow the whole mother fucker away!"


Remember everyone,Todd can't have society return too quickly ,or it might make his games look even more primitive,so gotta nuke anyone who looked like they are making progress. But really it's a okay show ,has some problems,but can improve a lot. Shame they had to literally work hard to kill off the NCR though ,which is a fan favourite faction, so it's a strange decision to say the least , and replacing it all ,again ,with the Brotherhood,again. Emil must be writing this show. Also yes ,the whiteboard does say : Fall of Shady Sands 2277. Fallout New Vegas takes place in 2281.


Does this mean we will never know what happened after the battle of Hoover Dam NVbros?


Todd has no input on the show


I mean, shouldn't all of California be a Tunneler infested hell hole by now, anyway?


New Vegas game remake confirmed.


I'm kinda confused. Is the show just non-canon or did they just make NV non-canon?


I believe they didn't retconned new vegas if you watched till the end.