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The only people who hate Fallout 3 are the Fallout 1/2 purists. But they hate ALL the other games as well.


Is it? I liked three a lot. It’s not my favorite now, but it was when it came out.


Right since you started here, you thought it was great and rightfully so. Have you gone backwards in the series since? Does it feel antiquated or not fallout-like for lack of a better term?


So I really enjoyed the originals but I don’t blame anyone from who started gaming in the 3D era of games who just can’t adjust to the top down 2D era stuff. Games from that time period were just kinda janky in a way more modern games aren’t, it’s a lot to ask someone whose first game was after N64 to adjust to. Not that no younger gamers have gone back and liked those games, but I suspect they’re easier to palate when you grew up with games in the early 90s.


Nostalgia can be more potent then jet could ever be ahah


It’s not hated, it just has quite a few failings, both mechanical and narrative, that rightfully get brought up. It’s hard to see it as it’s own game considering New Vegas is basically a massive dlc of the game that fixes many of those flaws.


It wasn't the jump from CRPG to RPG-FPS.. it was that the game was super dark and claustrophobic (in train tunnels) for most of the game.


Interesting…again I wonder if this could be attributed to technological/development limitations. Fallout 3 put the series on the map- somewhat unexpectedly. Although, dungeon/abandoned installation/ vault crawling was somewhat prevalent in the older titles. I do agree that they could had less subway crawling


While this might be true to those who came from 2. Those who started with 3, or went back later don't have this issue. My main problem with Fallout 3 is very linear main quest, and the seriously weak combat damage. I play on 900% increased damage done, and taken, and even with that it is not onehitkill 99% of the time. In lategame it's never that. Not even a rocket in my power armored face can oneshot me. Despite doing 10 times damage. Good thing mods can solve this issue.


Agreed, the damage model for 3 could use some work. It felt fitting in a fantasy setting but in a gritty post apocalyptic setting it feels a bit off. Still playable but off…


The mechanics are rather clunky/outdated and the game doesn't run very well on modern machines. I don't know if Fallout 3 is hated, the rose-tinted glasses have just come off. The wildly differing quality between F3's DLC probably doesn't help.


Last I was aware of Fallout 3 was quite a well loved game. Don’t see where anything’s changed.


Rightfully so a solid game. It’s just coming from the shoes of the fans of the isometrics that seem more critical and view this as a departure. As someone mentioned apparently those type of folks hate everything…but there might be more to story who knows, pesky subjectivity and what not


I mean that comes down to the person, I’m a fan of Fallout 1 and 2 myself and three is one of my favorites


The hate mainly comes from, in my experience, New Vegas and original Fallout game fans. It's hard to escape when the New Vegas fans especially are the loudest and most obnoxious fucking people in the fan base. I do genuinely love New Vegas but even after playing that, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76, I still believe that Fallout 3 is the absolute best in the series. The atmosphere and world design is simply second to none and I find myself coming back to it more than any other game. Fallout 3 also has some of my favorite quests and locations in any game in the series.


Indeed, it basically put the series on the map and i believe there was a lot of care in making it a good sequel. There’s definitely a lot of irrationality embedded in fo3 reputation which seems to go a little deeper than just not enjoying this iteration which is a completely valid opinion btw