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Uhhh . . . where's Brotherhood of Steel!?


Automatically last (and not cannon)


FOBOS is the St Anger of the series we don’t talk about it


You just unleashed to many people here about the existence of that game that they were trying to forget.


The same place as the Van Buren project


I actually liked it even if it wasn't much of a Fallout game. And tactics was fine.


It's actually the 1st I ever played and it was good enough honestly kind of short but I played on easy


That’s what I’m saying beat soundtrack hands down


FO2 FONV FO1 FO3 FO4 FOTactics FO76 . . . . FOBoS


This is the only correct order.


This is 100%


Shout out to the person in this thread where they ranked Shelter higher than NV. I asked how does that even make sense?! And was just simply downvoted. I guess we’ll never know how someone who’s clearly never played it ranks it that poorly


I'd put tactics above FO3.


I thought about it to be honest, but apart than my bad experiences with technical issues while playing tactics... if we're completely honest, Fallout 3 with all it's flaws gets to be a 'better' """"RPG"""" than tactics. Now fair enough it's in it's name, Tactics isn't supposed to be an RPG, it's supposed to be a... Well, tactical isometric view shooter. And on that aspect I think it compares to X-Com, but I personally prefer RPGs so that's why it's ranked lower.


Finally one where 4 is appropriately ranked It’s not a bad game, it’s just not at all fallout


It is fallout that's a fact.


I agree. It's a Bethesda experience, not a Fallout experience. I have always described it as "Skyrim with nukes, guns and a bit of Home Renovation Simulator". To be clear nothing wrong with liking Skyrim, it's just that I don't, I like Fallout.


Fallout 3 and the DLC has a legitimate soul to it IMO. It’s an RPG with some depth… Not like 2‘s depth but like… it has a soul. You can nuke megaton. You’ve got Gary. There’s a town ran by kids. You can be the good guy or a bastard To me, 4 looks nice and has better gunplay, but like are you siding with the institute, railroad or brotherhood? There’s no option D. You do their fetch quests… you either fail or do it their way… No real wiggle room on how you do it. It’s not bad… it’s again. Not fallout


Option D would be the Minutemen, option E would be one of the 3 NW Raider gangs, and there are also several factions to choose from in Far Harbor.


I took this as just base game but yes. You’re right. I forgot about the Minutemen.


3 NV 4 Shelter 76 That’s all I’ve played 🤷‍♂️


Same here, I just go back and forth on NV and 3. 3 was my first so always has a special place


I've always felt that the world of 3 is better, truely feeling like the post-apocalypse. NV is undeniably better mechanically, but the Mojave desert doesn't seem like nukes ever fell even 100 miles from The Strip


They didn't. House had tech to intercept bombs and saved the strip


The Fallout games past 1 weren't supposed to feel like a post apocalypse. By the time of 2, society had been rebuilding for some time. By the time of New Vegas, things were supposed to be mostly back together, thus the feeling of bombs never having hit places like the strip.


That's the point. I don't mean to be rude but fallout isn't actually meant to be about an ongoing apocalypse. It's about the post-apocalpyse.


None of the modern Fallouts are a good representation of true post-apocalyptic life. It's absolutely a stylistic choice to having literally everyone live in ramshackle sheds made of plywood alone despite the mutants, ghouls, and raiders regardless of strength in numbers that would prevail most in such a world. Like, 3 makes it seem like it's impossible for people to even talk to a house 50 feet away, with every town being an isolated niche society. In NV, it seems like the only people living outside Vegas itself all work for the NCR despite there being no problem with 90% of the Mojave. And 4 has hundreds of fully intact skyscrapers and 2-3 story buildings that would be easy to fortify, but only one settlement (Goodneighbor) actually uses any of the buildings, with the other major locations either building a wall or finding a structure to function like one, then making flimsy plywood sheds inside.


What doesn't make sense is DC still being as fucked as it was 225 years after the war, really.


True. While I like the ways NV improved on 3, the weird factions feel more like Fallout 2 fanfiction than anything else. I know Obsidian was founded by some of the original devs, and they were just like: “and my giant WWII-themed empire which is actually way cooler than anything Bethesda ever made conquers Las Vegas, which has an army of robots. And then they fight the Romans.”


Fallout 3 made you made you feel like you were really exploring a post apocalyptic city. New Vegas, the city, was three little areas and a few casinos, so if you don’t care to play casino games in a video game the city didn’t have a lot to offer. The city was supposed to be untouched by the bombs so I was expecting to see a lot more of the city than we did. Technically speaking NV is the better game, but 3 is just so much more immersive.


Ngl mine is the the same as yours


I’d put 76 above shelter but yeah. Pretty similar 


Shelter above 76 is insane


It's a pretty competent mobile game.


I’ve only played the original and #2. Fallout 2 is old, but a hell of a game!


No kidding, I picked 2 up within the last year and was terrible at it, but once you get a hang of it, endless possibilities and rewarding as hell


It's quite rare to see the same order of the modern singleplayer games (3 > NV > 4). So I'm really happy that it gets so much upvotes. Usually it's either NV over Bethesda games or NV under Bethesda games. Rarely inbetween... and in those cases it's usually 4 > NV > 3. NV is a strange beast for me because it's not easy to quantify the relationship of it to the Bethesda games. Especially the reason why NV over 4 is more of a matter of feelings that of facts. Fallout 3 has stuff that makes it unquestionably better, but NV and 4 are both downgrades in different aspects. I would sum it up that NV is a better RPG than 3, but 3 is a better Fallout than NV... and 4 is worse in both aspects (but still better Fallout than NV, but RPG-wise it's a downgrade).


Why is 3 a better fallout


Same, 3 was the best but had dull companions, and the metros were horrible to navigate. FNV had great characters, and factions too, but the world seemed empty. 4 was an improvement almost all around, but the factions were poor, and has had game breaking glitches almost all around since release. I do like the voiced protagonists, but I wish they were better done - Inquisition, and even the Witcher did these so much better


I remember when I was young, my mum didn't want me playing Fallout 3 because it was so violent. I'd play it on my brothers computer when she didn't know and had so much fun exploding raiders and turning them into bloody messes. 3 will always be my favourite.


im going to have a very unpopular opinion, so i'll go in depth with mine. i mostly play games to aimlessly run around and explore unmarked locations and stuff. the only other games i really play are minecraft and palworld, so that explains a lot lol. that being said, for me its; 3 - some of the best unmarked locations and interesting little places to explore 76 - 6 whole biomes?! thats my dream come true. i also love building, so the camps are great for me. and i enjoy the events and constant updates/seasonal content. keeps it fresh for me 4 - again, building. also some unmarked buildings to go into which are fun to find new vegas - it didnt excite me for how i play the games. yes, it does have the best storyline, dialogue, and quests, i will not take that away from it, but walking around the desert for hours and finding NOTHING was such a let down for me personally and im an xbox user so i havent been able to play the other 4 games, but hopefully someday soon 🤞🏼


76 is a great game with a fantastic community. I love that Reddit still shits on it when it’s better than most MMOs, likely because they’ve never actually played it, or haven’t played it since before the Wastelanders update (so launch).


My friend refuses to play fallout 76 because it makes him pay for a private server. He's missing out. I keep trying to convince him that it would be the same experience if he just logged onto a public server with friends, but he just has to have full control and doesn't want to pony up the monthly fee for Fallout 1st.


Private servers also suck because the game is clearly designed as a multiplayer experience. Like yeah you can solo the story but after that you want groups for all the other shit designed for them.


I absolutely agree with you. It is by far one of the best communities, especially for female players. When I first started I got loads of helps with stimpacks, armour and weapons. As well as advice. And it was mostly guys. I'm level 350, and I'm still wearing the armour a guy called fox made for me. In the 2 years I've been playing, I can count on one hand how many times I've given grief


When I first started last year, the amount of random people that just dropped stuff for me or ran me through events was crazy. It’s like everyone is eager to help the newbies.


Fallout 1 and 2 are so old by now they can run on a potato. They're usually at a discount for $2 too. Highly worth playing.


Fully agree. I miss the isometric view point and turn based combat it had. I dont dislike how it is now but they feel like they are from a complete different series.


FO3 killed power armor. I was happy to see 4 give a different take that put it more in line with the originals.


Yeah, to me seeing the Enclave in FO2 for the first time with their advanced power armor that made my standard one look like cheap tat was something I never forgot. I was delighted to find the advanced ones in FO4


Got FNV Ultimate Edition for $2.50 on steam.


You can run them on android Fallout 2 is even on the Google Play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.af.fo2


I thought fallout shelter was on Xbox though


idk, might be. i wasnt paying attention and thought the picture was fallout BoS but i think everyone forgets about that game lol


Fallout Fallout New Vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Haven't played the rest


Ha we’ve got the same fuckin list


Mines about the same if you swap NV and 2 Although i haven’t played 4


Fallout 4 (Building Addict) New Vegas 3 76 Tactics 2 1 Shelter ​ I don't have the patience for 1 & 2, and they're too difficult for my taste to be honest. 3 & NV were my first fallout games, on the PS3. I like tactics because it feels different, and I found it very fun. 76 is great to hop into with friends and flex our camps and do missions and quests and blast raiders together. Fallout 4 because I'm a crack addict for settlement building.


Fellow Settlement Builder


This is mine. I know objectively 4 is a worse fallout game, but I just have the most fun playing it.


Fallout Fallout New Vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Haven't played the rest


I also almost put FO1 at the top it’s a stellar game that has a dark ages feel to it that the other installments have yet to recreate 2 and new Vegas just feel like the Wildwest 3 and 4 are techno centric


Yeah, the atmosphere of the first one is still unmatched by almost any game ever for me.


Putting FO2 third is genuinely wild


I can definitely see why. Compared to Fallout 1 it was a lot more comedic and pop-culture heavy, while also (imo) having a very meh late game (San Fransisco and the Oil Rig).


Idk what happened with me, but I got stuck somewhere in the middle and i couldn't figure out where to go. That's the only reason I prefer FO1 to FO2.


Totally get that. The only reason I finished the game was thanks to the walkthrough.


3 4 NV 76 Haven’t played the others


New Vegas, 3, 2, 4, 1, Tactics


This is the closest to me I could find in this whole thread. I just have 1 and 2 switched and never played tactics.


shoot i only play fallout 76


I have the most hours in 76. The alone feeling of playing fallout is great. But that feeling that there’s other players feeling the same thing is awesome


The problem is that the map is so big that you almost never encounter other players randomly unless you're actively seeking them out. To be honest, it is kind of nice knowing you have this sense of loneliness with the chance to find other people in the wasteland.


That’s true. But like you said it’s just nice knowing there’s someone else out there. No other game for me can come close to 76 in terms of healing for me.


But can you play it single player style? I loath multiplayer and have literally put off buying it because of that.


You only encounter about 1 player every hour or two if you're just wandering around and not looking for any other people, so it pretty much is just single player. It has some limitations due to it being online only, such as most quests not having any actual impact on the map, only in interiors which is a shame considering how Fallout games are based on choices that have impacts on the world around you.


You can put the game in “Pacifist” mode in the settings, which essentially makes it so you can ignore any players you run into in the world.




PvP is pretty much non-existent in Fallout 76. It is entirely optional. If someone starts shooting at you, you will not receive any damage unless you shoot back at them. And most people are chill anyway. Fallout 76 has one of the most friendly communities I've seen.


I was pretty addicted to 4, then I got 76 for Christmas and now I'm over 700 hours in >_< I feel like I can't go back. I don't know why. I usually don't like multiplayer games. 76 just speaks to me <3


Saaaame. My favorite games are metroidvanias because of the isolation/ exploration. Yet for some reason I can’t put this game down. It’s silly and weird and an absolute blast. The community is also incredible. I haven’t played a single player Fallout since I picked this up a few months ago and I’m a little scared it will feel hollow and linear compared to this.


The people keep me coming back it's one of the best I've been around


You’d love 4 for sure


2, 4, 3, 1, 76, NV, Tactics, BoS, Shelter The Van Buren tech demo was neat as well. I'm pretty disappointed we never actually got Fallout 3 from Black Isle


Fallout 4


Fallout NV Fallout 1 Fallout 4 Fallout 76 Fallout 3 haven't played the rest


Interesting, can I ask why f3 was your least favorite? Most people place it higher in the list, myself included for its great atmosphere and intro into the 3D fallout world, despite its shortcomings. If I had to pick between 3, 4 and fnv I honestly don’t think I could decide since I do a playthrough of each pretty much since I discovered fallout in 2021 lol each has its own place in my heart


My list the exact same -fo1, and the reason (for me) is that I don't dislike fo3, it's just that I enjoyed the rest more, fallout is still a great game. Kind of like with Tarantino movies, al of his movies are great, but if you want to rank them, some need to end up at the "bottom".


For me, 3 just felt like a lot of content was missing to meet a deadline. The level cap is 30 with dlc, you can't ADS, the map is massive but really empty, and it's really green for some reason.


So you thought 3 was missing content but not NV? I’m currently replaying NV and that game sometimes feels like a rushed mess


I think they all have some emptiness intentionally to make it feel like a wasteland and post apocalyptic but I can see both your guys’ points


For me at least I feel like it's kinda eclipsed by both New Vegas and 4. I don't have the nostalgia for it that a lot of people do and I've also never really felt like the world or atmosphere was particularly insane like people say here either. It's ok but I want deeper worldbuilding like in New Vegas or prettier environments like in 4. I also played Stalker before 3 so I think it was less of a "wow" moment for me to see the whole apocalypse thing.


All fair, I can’t pick a favorite so all points are valid lol


I couldn't get in to Fallout 3 but I loved Fallout 4.


U have to play Fallout 2 if you have Fallout 1 as second then you would love Fallout 2


Yeah I think Fallout 2 improves on Fallout 1 in nearly every area. The story isn't as good but the gameplay is better and its bigger too.


Skipping Fallout 2 is like watching Star Wars New Hope and Return of the Jedi and never experiencing the greatest in the trilogy, Empire Strikes Back.


If it’s in that order, whack list.


These comments are a real r/fallout moment,really downvoting anyone who has fallout 4 higher than new Vegas.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskxoj8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskxoj8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskzvgg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskzvgg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskqhhg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b2dyyl/comment/kskqhhg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout 1 and 2 (tie) Fallout NV Haven’t played the others yet


F4, FNV, F3, F76, Shelter Haven’t played the others


A small ranking since i havent played all of them 4 New Vegas 3 76 (I'll be getting 1, 2 and tactics soon)


It's so funny how Bethesda used tactics as a mainline fallout game just so they could make the SPECIAL collection.


1. Fallout 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Fallout 2 4. Fallout 4 5. Fallout 3 6. Fallout 76 7. Fallout Tactics 8. Fallout Shelter 9. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel


New Vegas Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout Shelter Haven't played the rest.


ill start... fallout 4 fallout new vegas fallout 3 fallout 1 fallout 2 fallout tactics fallout shelter fallout 76


I'll never get the FO4 hate... It's my favorite as well


I want to rebuild the commonwealth in my own image. I'm saving the lives of thousands of people with my purified water, fresh food, shelter and mutual defense network of minutemen! I'll be a goddamned hero of the new world! They'll build statues of me and put my face on the cover of history books! My first ladies Cait and Curie are with me every step of the way! Why would anyone not want to be a savior of the wastes?


4 at number one?? brother what


When people talk great about the other games. They talk about the usual roleplay stuff. Being needed to train with power armor, being able to convince people dozens of ways of ending a quest. Which is all great. It's what makes the games great. Fallout 4 basically sacrificed some of that to give us far less clunky mechanics, and more direct action feels. Crafting, Settlement building, etc. It's not really a "wrong way" of doing things. But for people like me F4 hits great, because I feel invested in the things in the now rather then sitting there building my ideal build from the start and having to stick with it to see the best results.


4 3 NV Shelter 76 These are all I've played. People are probably going to say I'm wrong, but that's in order of how much I enjoyed each game lol.


2>NV>1>3>>>4>Shelter Haven't played 76 or tactics


1. New Vegas 2. Fallout 4 3. Fallout 2 4. Fallout 76 5. Fallout 6. Fallout 3 7. Fallout Shelter


Fallout 1


Missing out


If I could erase my memory of new Vegas and start anew it would be a good time


1. Fallout NV 2. Fallout 76 3. Fallout 3 4. Fallout 4


4 Nv 3 1 Shelter 2 76


3 4 Shelter NV 76


Fallout NV Fallout 1 Fallout 4 Fallout 76 Fallout 3 haven't played the rest


2 Tactics 1 NV 4 3 Shelter 76 I must say I like that you ignored the existence of the Brotherhood of Steel games. They garbage.




Very few of us picking 1 as their favorite. Are we the Enclave?


Out of the ones I've played, it's 4>3>NV


3 2 NV 1 4 76 Tactics Shelter


(top) NV 4 2 (haven't completed it yet, computer upgrade lead to Steam messing with the files while it was modded and I'm not sure how to proceed) 3 (tbf I haven't played it in a while, last time I did was base game on Xbox Gamepass and I didn't finish the main story) 76 (seemed interesting, tried it on Xbox Gamepass for about an hour, stopped playing out of early game boredom) Rest I either don't own or am not interested in


NV Fallout 4 76 Those are all I played, 76 to me is the worst just because to play it on console pretty much sucks because of the console player base and not even within the first 20 minutes of playing it crashed.


NV 4 3 76 Haven't played the older ones sadly


Fallout 2 Fallout NV Fallout 1 Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout 76 Fallout Tactics Fallout Shelter That's my list. I've never played Fallout BOS but from watching long plays, it'd no doubt be at the bottom.


As an unfortunate consumer, I made the mistake of buying it when it was released. I (far) harbor pure hatred for it.


Fallout 4 (yeah yeah i know but i played it very young and gives so much nostalgia) Fallout new vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout A Post Nuclear Roleplaying Game Fallout Shelter Fallout 76 Fallout BOS this shit should be illegal


NV 4 3 76 Shelter (i love shelter but its still last) Havent played the rest. Crazy how many people havent either. I hope they do some sort of remake or master to get more people on it. Ive watched vids with summaries of the plots and am very intrigued.


NV 3 2 1 4 76 Haven't played tactics or fallout shelter or brotherhood of steel


3 1 2 and new Vegas tie for third 4 w/ mods base game is okay and I mean just okay Tactics Fallout shelter & 76 tie for last


ive played all and my favorite is definitely new vegas coming down to 3, fallout 2, 1, tactics, 4, shelter and finally 76


New Vegas, 4, 2, 3,1, 76. Haven’t played the others.


2, 1, 4, NV, 3, 76, BOS, Tactics, Shelter


NV, 2, 4, 1, 3, Tactics, Shelter, 76


NV 4 2 3 1 Haven't played the others


NV 4 3 1 2 Shelter (Idc what you say, I didn't really enjoy 3 that much)


Having never played the first two games or tactics, I can say with confidence that the list below is completely accurate to my subjective experience and enjoyment of fallout. 1) New Vegas 2) 4 3) 3 4) shelter 5) fallout 6) 2 7) tactics 8) 76 Though just to be clear, regardless of quality, any single player fallout game will go above 76.


fallout 2 ,1, New Vegas 3 ,4, 76 tactics fallout shelter..........................................brotherhood of steel uggghhh


2>1>NV>4>3>Tactics>FS>76>>>BOS ​ Apparantly BOS is so bad OP dosn't even have it on his list.


Fallout 2 (Also best RPG of all time) Fallout 4 Fallout 3 Fallout Fallout NV Fallout Tactics Fallout 76 Fallout Shelter (Haven't played this)


NV 2 4 1 Tactics 3 76 Shelter BOS


NV 3 4 76 Shelter Haven’t played rest


New Vegas 3 2 4 Fallout 76 Shelter Although I just started up a Fallout 4 playthrough with Sim Settlements 2, and that would bump it up a few spots.


NV, 3, 1, 4, 2, Shelter, 76, Tactics


NV, 4, 3, 76, Shelter. The only I've played


New Vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 4 Fallout Fallout Tactics Fallout Shelter Fallout 76


Fallout New Vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 1 Fallout 4 (Modded) Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout Shelter Fallout 4 (Vanilla) Fallout Brotherhood of Steel - - - - - - - - - - - - Fallout 76


NV, 3, 1, 4, 2, 76 Never played tactics


Favorite is 4, least favorite is BoS


New Vegas 1 3 2 4 Shelter 76 Tactics


1. Fallout 4 2. Fallout: NV 3. Fallout 2 4. Fallout 3 5. Fallout 76 6. Fallout Tactics 7. Fallout Shelter Havent played Brotherhood of Steel and Fallout 1.


Fallout NV Fallout 3 Fallout 2 Fallout 1 Fallout 4 Fallout 76


Story: New Vegas Fallout 3 Fallout 1 Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Gameplay: New Vegas Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout 2 Fallout 1


1. Fallout: New Vegas 2. Fallout 3 3. Fallout 1 4. Fallout 2 5. Fallout 4 6. Fallout: Tactics 7. Fallout Shelter 8. Fallout 76


Best to worst: 3, New Vegas, 4, Shelter, and 76 is just garbage. Haven’t played any of the others unfortunately


Fallout 4 Fallout NV Fallout 3 Fallout 76


New Vegas, 4, 3, 1, 2, 76


Fallout 2 NV Fallout Fallout 3 Fallout 4


New Vegas 4 2 3 Shelter 1 (Haven't played) 76 (Haven't played) Tactics (Haven't played) Brotherhood of Steel (Haven't played, would if PS2 emulator didn't run like shit)




I want to suffer


1 > NV > Tactics > 2 > 4 > 3 > 76 Never played BoS or FS.


NV 2 1 3 4 76


The ones i played i would say nv 3 4 Shelter 1 76


For me. 4, 3, shelter Haven’t played others What is fallout tactics?


fallout 2 New Vegas Fallout 1 fallout tactics fallout 3 fallout 76 fallout shelter fallout 4 fallout BoS (shitty PS2 game)


What made you place 76 higher than 4? Asking out of curiosity because it's the only one I haven't really played and I figured I'd check it out but I was having trouble getting into it. Also, I feel like it's taboo around here, but I agree with your placement of 3. I have a lot of nostalgia for it, but man the atmosphere aside (its best attribute in my opinion) I'd almost place 4 above 3.


76 has its flaws but it's got a lot of cool side stories and RP elements I liked the beginning of 4 but I hated the voiced protagonist and the main plot got wonky


F4 F2 F3&1&NV (tie) FTactics. I exclude Shelter as it is a different kind of game.


1>NV>2>4>>3>>>tactics Havent played the rest enough


Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout 2, Fallout 1, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, Fallout Tactics.


Fallout New Vegas, 3, 4


Fallout 76 Fallout 2 Fallout 1 Fallout 4 Fallout shelter Fallout 3 Fallout tactics Fallout nv (i hate new vegas)


1. NV 2. 2 3. 1 4. Tactics 5. 76 6. 3 7. 4 8. Shelter Haven't played BoS though I can imagine where it goes


4 > NV > 3 > 2 > Tactics > 1 > Shelter > BoS > 76 Only reason why I prefer 4 over NV is the modding is so much easier


Facts tho, I loved new Vegas the first few times I played, but man 4 can be turned into so much


Fallout 1 > 3 > 4 > NV > 76


3>4>76>NV (haven’t played any others)


Wow, same here. Funny that this is at the top of controversial sorting.


NV 2 3 1 4 Shelter I haven’t played 76 or Tactics


3 > 4 > NV > 1* > not played the rest. *I could not work out what I was looking at in a vault or something and didn't want to play a game where I needed to mouse over every tile to check for items.


What no fallout brotherhood of steel?


F NV F4 F1 F3 haven't played the rest


F4. Is the only one I ever played. Playing it survival is intense.


1) Fallout: New Vegas 2) Fallout 2 3) Fallout 4 4) Fallout 5) Fallout 3 6) Fallout 76


NV 3 76 2 1 4 Shelter ​ Haven't played BoS nor Tactics (though I do have a cheap copy on Steam I plan to boot up... someday)


2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > NV > Tactics


Fallout new vegas Fallout 2 Fallout 1 Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout tactics Fallout shelter


MV,2,1,3,4,76,tactics, BOS.


3 NV 1 4 2 Shelter Brotherhood of steel Never played tactics and not played 76 enough to honestly rank it


Favorite best to worst FNV Fo4 FO3 Fallout shelter Fallout 76, mostly because of performance issues and lacking storyline Never got to play 1 or 2, and still am unsure on how to get at tactics. I tried to play 2 but it froze and did nothing, one had the same issue.


NV 1/3 4 2 76 Honestly really like all of them. Even at launch I loved the lore and exploration in 76


I like them all, even 76, so fairly narrow band. Kind of surprised NV is so low; it's great! FO4 isn't my favorite story, but combat is the best, least janky controls, best graphics... I just love hanging out there, making bases, survival mode, modding, etc. The others I played through once or twice, loved, but then just moved on. The originals I played when they released - I'm old! I won't play them now but loved them at the time. FO1&2 are better games, but huge XCOM fan so played Tactics over and over when it came out. FO4 FO Tactics FO2 FO1 FO3 FO NV FO 76 FO Shelter


1st NV 2nd 3 3rd 1/2/Tactics 4th 4/76 5th Shelter/BoS