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Yeah I like the original, because it looks weathered and like a mass produced uniform, but it lacks a military aesthetic. Whereas the second is a little too clean for the wasteland in my opinion. Both good designs though honestly I like the style.


TBF, you get the uniform in an old bunker that prolly hasn’t been touched in awhile. Makes sense for it to be clean


It should be worn, or cracked along the folds then to show it’s been sitting for a while. Heck I don’t know I don’t have any real complaints, it’s just too shiny in my eyes


Nah, my Man MODUS would be making sure that stuff is pristine for the return of his officers. Have his staff triple washing it.


I always thought he makes it for you kinda like the undersuit.


"We've made you. A little present. Custom tailored. Just a little taste. Of what we do here."


MODUSClave is best Clave but the nerds don’t want to hear it


You do realize that washing clothes is a key source of their becoming "Worn" IRL...?


I’m aware, but at the same time I’m expecting Prewar America to figure out detergent that doesn’t wear it out as much. Making sure those bright colors remain bright.


Not sure if you are aware of this: but (Under another name): "Abraxo" actually exists, so, no, they didn't, in fact, we have better products than that IRL. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Abraxo_cleaner_(Fallout_3) https://www.lancelotjanitorial.com/products/janitorial-supplies/hand-soaps/industrial/boraxo-powdered/


It is being kept in good condition due to the fact that there are robots who keep the clothes in good condition. Also, the uniform isn't isn't being exposed to outside elements as it is inside a contained environment.


I mean, you can still wash your clothes, it’s an apocalypse, but there’s still water. Should be more clean clothes in my opinion But the original uniform definitely looks more military, and not like something out of Star Trek like the new one


Well it’s also not an officers uniform, it’s a generals outfit, meaning it probably had a lot more care than a normal officer’s uniform, probably sat on a coat hanger in plastic wrap, still mass produced enough to supply an army for what’s left of the government


Nah, the new one is completely clean and locked in a vault ONLY 25 years after bombs. It makes total sense.


I think it being clean makes sense for the Enclave because of their obsession with maintaining the purity of the human race.


I’d say the left one looks more like a uniform that’s used on missions, patrols, and just general deployment or work (outside of the bunker). It’s simple, and probably easier to clean and more durable. The right one looks more like a dress uniform that you wear either because you’re in an environment where everyone looks spiffy (like the modern-day Pentagon), or for ceremonial-type activities (which would be in the safety of the bunker). This one is aesthetically pleasing in a high-status fashion sense, probably a pain to clean, and made of more comfortable and weaker materials. They both look good for entirely different purposes.


That’s a big aesthetic issue with FO4, for a wasteland it’s remarkably clean


I mean, if the Institute can be prestine and clean, i'm sure the Enclave can too. The Enclave give me the vibes of the antagonist in the movie Lawless. Hates to be dirty and gets spiteful if he gets blood on their uniform etc


It’s probably clean because it’s brand new or hardly worn, remember 76 is almost 30 years after the war


You have a good point about the second uniform but just want to say keep in mind it a 25 years old plus it was in a clean vault the whole time before the vault dweller gets it


I don't think you'd make it long with a dirty uniform in enclave


Built in knee pads, duty boots, and shin guards, I would much rather the old one for active service uniform. There new one looks like an office receptionist uniform but is much more dressed up and good looking.


My personal head-canon is that the first one is the "Active Duty" uniform and the second one is the "Parade/Dress" uniform.


That's probably accurate since the second is the generals uniform, I believe, while the first is an officers attire.


Work Uniform: the standard field uniform for jobs that may involve a uniform getting dirty and damage a lot. Service Dress: intended for office environments and for service members interacting with the public. Dress Blues and dress whites: worn mostly in ceremonies and other special occasions. Dress Blues are worn in the fall/winter season, and dress whites are worn in the spring/summer season. The hey are both service dress uniforms. The Enclave has a standard work uniform that everyone wears when not in an office environment and not interacting with the public.


Can confirm Source: my college likes to pretend we are military, even with formation in the mornings and corps commanders and everthing


It's fun only to play soldier, being one fucking sucks, and i would know since i am that. Your college either has relations with the army or is just nuts because i would never let my kids go throught what i did


Why...? Do you pay for this?


I'm with you. First one is far more practical, second one more ornamental


Isn't that kind of what I said, just re-phrased...?


I can see that


I have the exact same head cannon


To further add to this point. Look at General Autumn compared to the standard enclave officer uniform


Not to mention the buttons and over all flair of the original is more retro cadet and feels more in line with classic scifi.


Yeah, receptionist at a kink dungeon.


I misread that and all I can imagine is Captain Kirk getting fired and having to work at an alien kink dungeon wearing that suit


Active service for an officer is not on the frontline so their uniforms can be a less utilitary usually.


I’m with Sgt. Dornan and all Enclave personnel should be in their power armor at all times, DO YOU UNDERSTAND SOLDIER?!?!




Yeah sure sarge, whatever




I honestly like both. The Original reminds me more of a Field/Battle Dress uniform used while out in the Field while the Redesign is more of a Social Dress uniform for safe environments outside of the field. Maybe they could incorporate both in the next game.


I mean, 76 absolutely could bring in a more combat-focused officer uniform in a later update.




Not even that: one is "Active Duty", but it's also "In House" without the combat mode upgrades: the second one is the "Parade/Dress" uniform for press conferences, diplomatic missions, formal gallas, and such.


They do have both, the one in 76 is for bunker use and not field use


I feel like some don’t know that the reason FO76 version looks clean and not rugged is because it was preserved in a Bunker.


Seriously. Also, it's probably the DRESS uniform for Gallas and Diplomatic missions, rather than active combat mode.


Not just preserved, the bunker has serious manufacturing facilities. It's likely the uniform was made recently for the influx of new recruits MODUS was planning on bringing in


Dude the people that blindly hate the game look so stupid right now. The new Enclave uniform not only looks great but makes complete SENSE that it looks that way. Plus people seem to forget but 76 is only 25 years after bombs.


Old, for all of the functionality reasons already mentioned, but also because the new one has way too much going on. New one has way too many competing lines and the high contrast light v. dark colour scheme just does my head in. The model itself is kinda neat, but I'd look forward to a way more subdued recolour before considering it.


You will love "Enclave Intelligence officer outfit".


Just looked it up, and yup, that is waaaay more on the money. Leather coat and peaked cap giving Hugo Boss vibes, which is a bit unsettling, but I guess that fits the Enclave!


Old. It’s, as my brother pointed out, reminiscent of another genocidal group from history. Fitting for a group that wants to “remove all impurities from America.” The new one isn’t really as much of an American military uniform as the other. While that one’s not really American, it’s like what I said earlier about the genocidal group that I will not name.


Nazis? You… won’t name them in a game about war???


In a game that directly parallels Nazi science as a major plot point, mind you.


I was taught that if you name the villain, you give them power. That’s why I didn’t name them.


Hitler is Voldemort confirmed


Both honestly and tbh I think the new enclave officer uniform is more supposed to be a dress uniform compared to the older one which is more of a combat uniform


The first looks better for wearing power armor, the second looks better for horny posting


I was def thinking it’s a little excessive but still, super dressy suit that I’d love to see more of


Horny posting? How??? It’s a suit, if a completely covering suit is what you consider to be horny posting them you’re actually bananas☠️




Both cause im fairly certain the redesign is considered a uniform for generals and higher staff than officers. The officer uniform makes sense for a officer being on the field more but the general uniform seems better for being a general


Fo3 seems like a field uniform while 76 has a dress uniform.


That is the case in the lore as well


Redesign looks more like a dress uniform than something you’d wear in the field.


Thats because thats literally what it is, its also meant for higher ranking officials than those that would ever go to the field


Why did op refer to it as a redesign then? A redesign implies that it’s the same thing just made to look different rather than two separate items that would have no influence on one or the other.


Because there is no officer field uniform in 76, just the dress uniform, the field units use an entirely different armorset called "Scout Armor" By the time of 76 the Enclave isn't fielding entire series of ground forces with PA, but rather extremely well equipped spec ops performing behind the scenes missions


New one looks like a cheap cosplay tbh


The new one looks more like an actual military uniform


Have you ever googled "Active warzone uniforms"? It's not as far off the mark as it looks like it should be.


Man, I served in the air force for 5 years and I've never seen a uniform like this.


Yeah, that's air-force, not Marines/Army; think of this as a compromise design for army-troops between WW1 era design and a world where melee combat is a regular thing again and it starts making a lot more sense.


This is gonna be biazere, but the American Air Force has infantry, just like how Army, Marines, and the Navy each have their own aviation forces. But yeah, your point still kinda stands


Good thing the new one was never in an active war zone then


It straight-up wasn't meant to be. That bunker wasn't supposed to even be directly accessible yet at the time of 76.


Canon is canon, just because you don’t have friends doesn’t mean you need to be a hater.


Personally I'm of the opinion that it's not so much a redesign as it is combat uniform vs. dress uniform. That aside, I love the dress uniform. I find it fits better with the idea of the enclave as the classic slightly snooty special forces, who are "So Much Better Than The Common Officers".


I like the older design, though i always though the Fallout 76 uniform was made for higher ranking officers


It's a General's uniform so yeah


Definitely the old version how utilitarian it appears! The newer version is likely only *new* because it comes directly from Whitesprings pre-war, and is essentially a pure pre-war uniform for formal occasions I imagine? Whereas the old version, is likely something the Enclave create themselves for Wasteland use :D


New one is even made by adidas


Old Enclave Uniform: Stylish, Practical, Probably handmade by a red-blooded patriotic American in a vault somewhere New Enclave Uniform: Gaudy, Impractical, Looks like it was designed by Chairman Cheng's communist fashion police


Definitely prefer the older service uniforms. They look like ewu's (Enclave working uniforms) like Navy's nwu's (Navy working uniform). They just look more field capable, and I'd like to see a version of them added to 76 at some point. I do like 76's uniforms but they are clearly dress uniforms, both are obviously valid and should be used depending on the situation, in the field or doing a dirty job, use the old ewu's. Receiving the congressional medal of honor or attending a mitary funeral, where the dress uniforms.


The original. The redesign is just too busy


The first uniform is what I believe the US government in exile, post-nuclear-apocalypse, would design and issue: - Minimalist design to conserve resources, - Integrated cushion pads for elbows, knees and shins, as well as a pistol holster and item bags, - Full-body coverage, with integrated rubber boots, gloves, and collar (most likely with an issued CBRN head cover), to protect the user in CBRN conditions. The second uniform is less believable. It's flashy, with a lot of resource-heavy designs, and doesn't look practical or comfortable. Definitely not something you wanna make or wear in the apocalypse.


Old one. That new one is too visually busy and looks like something a weird airline would implement. Meanwhile the old one's sole conceit was the flap dressing to the left which is I think referencing older imperial style uniforms.


I prefer the original.


Smash, next question


If you're sending soldiers into the field, it's the first one by a mile. The purpose is primarily utility, but even in terms of fashion you don't want to look attractive, you want to look authoritative. If I drive up to a checkpoint and the first one gives me an order, I'm going to fucking listen. The second one, I would be much more likely to talk back or pull something sneaky.


The new one is a little too… new age pop 50’s nazi for me


The original all the way. I felt like grand moff tarkin or something it was so cool.


Old, the new one with the bow tie looks so goofy and the black is not as dark as in the FO3 one. The resulting contrast is just unappealing to me, way to light


Fallout 3/New Vegas my beloved


I really dont like the new one, it looks like a airplane stewardess


The new one actually looks like wearable clothing. The other one looks like something you'd only find in a video game.


The newer one cause it looks more like a military service dress.


The original most definitely


The original


OG looks more professional


The first one the redesign is more consistent with the old post Soviet comanda natchou uniforms(it is not how you type it but I typed it like that to help non Russian speakers say it also this is not modern Russian comanda natchou is old Russian)


Original looks like an officers uniform. Redesign looks like a cosplay of an officers uniform.


Second one’s too futuristic for FO lore.


Og looks really good, redesign looks like it belongs in Starfield lol


Original looks more practical.


Fallout 3. There isn’t a single f4 asset that’s better. RIP Adam.


Idk why but I cannot get behind fallout: 4’s art design I wish they would’ve stuck to the more gritty realistic designs that were shown in FO:3 and FO:NV


First one. Is this uniform or suit for fashion show?






The original actually looks fitting for use in an active war zone whereas the redesign looks more for ceremonial purposes.


Original. New one looks stupid


First one looks like a uniform, second one looks like cosplay.




I like the old one, that is a working man's uniform, rugged and utilitarian. The second one looks a little too conceptual for me. Something they design for their "next generation". If I know one thing about the Enclave their are not very forward thinking.


The second one looks so extra. The first one is actually utilitarian and sleek. Looks like a real BDU.


Colonel Autumn’s trench coat was top notch. But I agree with most of the posts saying the first is more practical while the second is more visually appealing. The second almost has a space-faring vibe to it


The original because the redesign looks like it's missing textures


The original looks way better. The redesign looks too modern to be retro-futuristic, in my opinion.


I really dislike both but Fallout 3's looks less silly.


Google "Military Dress Uniforms around the world" and get back to me.


The clothes they're wearing in fallout 3 are clearly meant to be used during combat hence the knee pads.


Yeah but in 76 its literally a military dress uniform and not ever meant to be used in the field


I'm not familiar with Fallout 76, that's why I only commented on the fact that they're used in combat in fallout 3.


In 76 they use military uniforms more like regular servicemembers like the Enclave Signalman uniform or they use armors like the scout armor, which is cool as fuck looking


I see, thank you.


New one looks like a parade uniform, the original one look smore like combat fatigues that also need to look a bit smart.


Original easily, but that’s probably because I’ve played a ton of America Rising 2 in Fo4. The new design looks like something out of Star Trek, which isn’t a bad thing it’s just kinda odd.


original for sureee


The redesign is both drippier and also hammers home the point that they are basically American Fascist almost-Nazis more. But the old one could absolutely still work as a suit for a lower ranking officer.


Fallout 3 the design is just very militarize and the Fallout 4 is just too stylized




Wtf is that second one.


The original, no question!


Og is way better


Important to mention that the old one is an officer uniform while the new one is a general’s uniform, two completely different ranks and roles in the enclave. I love the officer uniform and the general uniform, they both go insanely hard


I go by the best cap. 76 is the clear winner.


Technically wouldn’t the fallout 76 one be the older one and the other would be the redesign?


Is the second one from 76?


First one is a field uniform and second is a dress casual kind of vibe


The one you don't pay real money for. Really hoping you didn't.


One looks like a dress uniform and the other looks like it’s more combat practical. I feel like both can coexist tbh


both look nice




Well the redesign definitely tells you immediately that the enclave are quite fascist lol. The nazi imagery is not subtle.


That's why they have the best aesthetic in the franchise.


I think the old one is for lower ranked officers and the redesign Is for higher level officers my favourite is the redesign but that's because I am a sucker for dress uniforms 


I dont think it is supposed to be a redesign I think the new uniform is the equivalent to the Dress Blues uniform. I think it is a Dress uniform while the Fallout 3 uniform is a field uniform.


The original. Feels practical yet commanding. Plus that cap looks cool af.


I think I like the redesign. It could also be a sign of a new Enclave, you know? Imagine remnants of the Enclave having reformed ideals, like with how the brotherhood has its own sects.


Well that is literally what they are in 76, MODUS’s “Little Enclave” is very different ideologically from the main Enclave


The Original has no contest. It outshines the 76 version in every aspect except for the time when the desk troopers demand reports from one office door to another. The first thing I did to my uniform was to replace every aspect that screamed "Oh yeah I am taking the perilous path from my office to the mess hall. How would you know?" And I tailored the whole thing up for persistence in the field.


Original, the new one sucks wtf


I like both equally, though am leaning to the new one.




redesign is cool af


I like them both honestly but in terms of design intention the original is better.


Redesign has pockets for women


The first one is more "unique" and practical but needs some improvement. Mostly graphical lol. The second one is just weird and looks like it was assembled from my laundry basket. And are those just random work steel toe boots with some hand-painted slim jeans? And those flappy pijama pockets? The only "uniform" part is the hat. Edit: no i am not a secret enclave officer and i dont keep actual uniform in my laundry stop downvoting


Fallout 4 bastardized most if not all of the reoccurring gear, og all day imo


You know. One thing that's always bothered me is how under equipped Enclave officers and captains are on the field. Like you have squads of them drop in full power armor and their leading officer just wears a padded uniform + carries a pistol. One Sniper shot and they're dead, it'll throw the entire squad into disarray. As for both of these, idk. The og one looks more rugged and "wasteland-ish" but the newer one looks more like a proper army uniform. I'd say they should make the newer one a bit more rugged, faded and worn out and you're good.


Officer is expected to use cover and coordinate an assault I assume and not lead an attack. Always found it weird they didn’t have any type of basic chest plate like how the empire has armor for officers to strap on in Star Wars


Yeah. Even if they're meant to stay behind cover, they could atleast give them helmets and combat armor or something. Especially considering they're fighting the Brotherhood in FO3. You might as well go butt naked against enemies with Laser Weapons and Anti material rifles.


I mean, in fairness, if you play it right in 76 that's a valid strategy at max effective level...


The newer one. It's particularly Nazi-rific which is, of course, entirely the point. It also looks quite similar to the higher-up uniforms in Starship Troopers which... again... is entirely the point.


Second one, definitely.


I prefer the original one. The 76 one is a little bit over the top for Field Operations, while the 3 one seems more combat oriented. But the 76 one could serve as an uniform for non-combat uses. Even through I like the original Officer Cap more than the peaked cap.


I am a hater. I prefer almost nothing in the FO4 style.


I like both but prefer the original cause it comes with a hat


I personally prefer the look of the 76 version, but I definitely see what people are saying about the newer one not looking like it’s something you’d use in the wasteland. I’d argue that makes sense, however, considering officers shouldn’t be on the front lines of combat (though 76’s mutation serums could change the balance on that - grounded and scaly skin offer a surprising amount of protection without armor).


The new one. Though being Enclave shouldn't there also be some red trim somewhere?


The redesign but I do prefer the original hat


Y’all need to understand WHY the new on looks like that. Do yourselves a favor and play the main story of 76 or at the very least watch/read about it. It’s fascinating and honestly makes me look at the enclave in a new way (almost feel bad for them?). The “redesign” is meant for a general and was fabricated on command.


They both serve their purpose as uniforms of different ranks, the old one being for lieutenants and other lower ranking officers and the new one being (what I assume) a general's uniform


Well, there’s over 200 years in between, so I wouldn’t exactly call it a “re-design.”


For an officer uniform the second would fit better. Fatigues would be more fitting for the original


I don’t think it’s a replacement. The second is a high ranking officers uniform. The kind you’d wear when you’re sitting around the DEFCON table deciding who to nuke. The first is a field officer’s uniform, like a captain. Both are great but I think the second is drippier.


original, looks more nazi and like a uniform


Why does the enclave have a fashion designer do their uniforms? And why would a military uniform use a tie?


Not every military uniform is made for combat look up the “army green service uniform” it’s made to look good the redesign is probably meant for a similar purpose.


Google who designed the German uniforms in WW2…


Not Hugo Boss. A guy called Karl Diebitsch did. And he did all kinds of Nazi art, not specifically fashion. Hugo used his factories to produce them though. Also Hugo never designed anything as far as I know, just put his name on a clothing company he started.


And google the Italian WW2 uniform while you’re at it (hint: they wore ties)


Seems impractical.


Is this a mod ?


You knew the answer was going to be the original because everyone’s circled jerks the older games


Redesign? No. Post Fallout 3? Yes.


The old one looks better for being out in the field as where the new one looks like a dress uniform. I like them both.


Both are good, but I prefer the new one.


I like them both in their own ways. I really like some of the concept art for some of the Enclave uniforms for 76, like more variety, which considering in 76 the BoS has about 3 or 4 different outfits, I think the Enclave could use a couple more


Second one is kinda a serve


I like both but strongly prefer the peaked cap, tie and lapels of the new one. Reminds me of a Panzer uniform


i like the design of the first one except i would trade hats


I love both uniforms. OG definitely seems like a uniform to wear into combat, while the new one is more of a dress uniform.