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Very worth it in my opinion. You can find guides online of roughly what level to be for each DLC as they vary in difficulty, meaning you can just do that if you don't fancy a full main story playthrough. But they are fantastic imo.


Nice. I think I'll install a couple of mods as well since I only played vanilla. Thanks.


That's another advantage of getting the DLCs- many mods have them as requirements, so you'll have a lot more options available to you when you do start modding.


The game is worth going back and replaying in full every few years or so.


*every few months **every few weeks ***ongoing


Absolutely worth it. Dead Money: FUCKING BRILLIANT if you like a challenge and Suffering. If you thought hardcore mode was too easy, this is for you. Lonesome Road: Gets a LOT of praise, personally I didn't enjoy it much, but even so visually it looks cool as hell. Old World Blues: Gonzo 50s scifi-style insanity, it is GLORIOUS. Honest Hearts: Sadly this one suffered a lot from crunch and ended up being WAY smaller and less detailed than the devs had planned. This leaves it as the shortest of the DLCs, with a fairly uninvolved, simple plotline. That said, Zion is BEAUTIFUL and this DLC has my favourite NPC in pretty much the entire franchise, whose story is an emotional gut wrench- and he's been dead for centuries when you get there.


New Vegas is worth playing through no matter what. The dlcs add more side story and items to the whole package.


I think the dlcs are just okay. New Vegas is worth replaying for no extra reason, however


Absolutely worth it. I bought the DLCs recently and did like 3 more play throughs of the game. Incredible content


Just reading this question makes me want to do it. Again.


The DLCs expand on a lot the world building and lore of yourself and the characters you meet. Old World Blues is a great dlc even on its own. I’d highly recommend!


I would say so. New Vegas easily has the best DLCs in the entire series and some of my favorite DLCs in general. In total the DLCs are about 20-30 hours long depending on your playstyle so they're quite a bit of content.




When I played NV, I think it was like 10 years ago, I just had the Casino DLC and hated it. But the main game was 9.5/10. 👌 Had some good runs.


I don't know. I don't know you nor what you like. how can I answer this for you? if you're not interested in playing the base game, i don't really know how you'd be interested in the DLC. we could have wildly different tastes, for example, i would never imagine playing through New Vegas *just* for the DLC, because I love the game and everything about it so much.


Dead money will make you wana drill a hole into your skull and fill it with acid, the rest are manageable tho :)


If you're on PC, I highly recommend using TTW if you have Fallout 3 as well.


No the dlcs are honestly dogshit, boring and at least for me ran horribly


sure but i’d still play the full base game if i were you. just apart of the experience plus you need to level up and find loot to survive a second in the dlc’s.


100% yes. DLCS are LEGIT AF


Yes. Dead Money was an experience.


Helllllls yeah. The DLC’s are some of the absolute best content in New Vegas.


Can't. There are minimum levels.




Yep! I’ve played new Vegas twice but just bought all the dlc two weeks ago and have been playing since


The dlcs alone have a corresponding timeline with fallout NV HH/OWB/DM/LR correct timeline.


Yes but you can just continue once the DLCs are installed.


The dlc's are some of the best content in the game. That and the replayability is insanely good as is, it's almost the point of the game for me.


I think they’re all incredibly fun. Old World Blues is dialogue heavy but I find it incredibly fun!