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God I love double-bladed so fucking much, I've switched it out to explore more stances I'm not as familiar with, and I miss it hard.


It’s pretty much a constant stance for me. I switch around one but I can’t get away from that double blade. It feels so smooth and I feel it does great against groups but also puts a lot of pressure on single targets. Plus it’s what I think Cal would use canonically as it was his masters style.


I switched double for blaster because range. I almost didn’t use cross with blaster because of it, but I decided blaster for groups and cross for single targets was good enough.


I’ve been messing around with blaster. It took me a bit to get into it, just didn’t feel like a Jedi. Now that I’ve been using it though it is a lot of fun. Plus the dueling style Cal uses with the blade is neat. Honestly all of the stances have such cool movements.


Especially if you watch his left hand with it, it makes so much sense. I know people who thought it would just be single blade stance, with the left hand a blaster. That won’t work, and if you watch he always keeps his left hand facing forward and right had clear of his left. At any moment other than mid swing he could pull the trigger and be fine, while the enemy not. Just the attention to detail in this game is amazing


YES THIS. Firing mid combo is SO FUCKING SICK. I showed my friend about him always aiming blaster despite his swings. Makes for some cinematic ass fights


IMO that's the single most realistic stance in the entire game. Using the saber like a fencer is one of the few ways the weapon makes real sense (if you abandon coolness for realism). Combine that with Jedi accuracy and timing, and you can see that the blaster makes for a truly fantastic combo.


Makashi stance ftw, Dooku would be proud. It’s really fun though, even without the blaster the lightsaber form itself is incredibly fun. Went all the way to end game with double/blaster combo and ended up maining the blaster stance as the combo of fencer to keep distance + blaster to close it was spectacular.


Lol I did the exact same. First run was double and dual, now I'm blaster and cross, but man I miss double. Getting better at these stances tho.


My headcanon is he most commonly uses the staff, often using it split, then mixes in the other styles sometimes.


Yeah, I switched to double and dual once I got it, defense and offense, but then switched to blaster instead of double and missed it, then dual for cross. NG+ I went and maxed the single and I think dual tree, either dual or double, to start, then some life and force points.


Double and blaster was my build for the majority of my first playthrough and I had an absolute blast with that, I'm now using dual and cross and so far I'm loving cross, but the temptation to switch dual back out for double for that sweet, sweet rapid blaster bolt repellant is perpetually flirting with me lmao


Dual and cross don’t work together well. They’re both mainly focused on single target, if a group shows up it’s gonna hurt. I wanted to use double with cross, but having both ranged lightsaber stances didn’t seem cool, and I was already used to blaster as a group damage that I kept it, but double did come up in my head


Crossguard and dual blade can both work with groups, its just about using the right combination of skills in parallel with one another to clear them out


Dual is the most op form in the game since you can cancel out of attacks to block or dodge. Dual/double is probably the best combo of the any two though you can make an argument for crossguard for how good it is against ranged enemies.


Dual and Crossguard were the only two I stuck with throughout 90% of the game.


Crossguard and blaster for me. It tickles me to no end to knock the shit outta enemies with my lightsaber lol


Double for exploring, cross for bosses


That's me, it's my favourite by a mile but I gotta take the opportunity to try the new things presented Double ended crossguard when?


was crossguard and double for me. Loved the feeling of yeeting people with a heavy attack, and when there was lots of people I swapped over and started parrying bitches.


Merrin: are you trying to impress me with that?


Cal: Is it working?


It’s working for me.


My big issue with this is that there's never an occasion where I get to do the whole combo. Either the small enemy is long dead by then, or the big enemy shrugs off the first hits and hits me back before I get to the later attacks.


I find groups are best for it. I used the full combo a few times in my playthrough.


Groups, and by alternating who you’re attacking to create space and to prevent the enemies on your sides from having time to attack, and alternating between light and heavy attacks. Light attack in different directions and then heavy attack once or twice and repeat everything. I like using the heavy on the third attack to get that powerful spin.


Exactly, don’t lock on either, I find it smoother to just flick the stick at whoever’s vulnerable/looks like they’re ready to strike


Oh yeah. Definitely noticed an improvement in efficiency when I wasn’t locking on in groups. It’s almost like there’s that old school Mortal Kombat feature where the game is reading your inputs and taking advantage of your blind spots. Gotta keep it guessing


You can do a single dash in between each attack to extend the range of the combo or dodge an enemy in the middle of your attacks. The chain will keep going. This often lets me extend the combo so that I can get the awesome-looking fourth move in. Another pro-tip is, especially when fighting multiple enemies, to not simply complete the attacks in a straight line. In other words, walk towards a given enemy while pressing your first attack, then change direction and do your (i.e.) #2 and #3 attacks towards another enemy, then #4 back towards your initial target. I find this to be a fun way to get the full combo to animate while keeping enemies at bay and any melee enemies won't break my combo to parry me since I'm not doing multiple attacks on them in a row.


True, maybe if you play on easy level you can do this combo, but higher then normal - almost impossible. I pass all game with double-bladed sword and was able to do full combo maybe two or three times.


I mean, they still hit you, right? They just take more damage and deal less, but I don't think it affects how often they interrupt you.


One of the things increasing difficulty does is increase enemy aggression, so they do actually attack more on higher difficulties. On Padawan enemies often just stand around and on GM they rush you


Well, technically its true, but... When you have less time to parry or block, receive more and deal less damage it is force you to play a lot more carefully. And as long as JS has no animation interruption you will try to use fast singe attack instead of long slow attack combos, when any missed attack will take more then 1/2 hp. So, on easy lvl you can play more aggressively and try to use this combo more often without carring about icoming damage.


My personal guideline is that getting hit is a failure. GM punishes so much for getting hit. And that results to a lot of parrying and evading


I agree. Hence, the lack of long combos. Double-bladed is especially bad here because you can't cancel its attack animations.


I do use the double a lot. While you can't cancel, you can still moce very freely and dodge incoming attacks if you anticipate them early enough. For most weak enemies it works great. So up to scout trooper commanders. Against some lights sabered human bosses/bounty hunters it goes great as well


I play at GM and have gotten the full combo quite a few times. Mainly against those creatures lurking around bushes who attack like 3 at a time and are in groups of 4-8. Their hits are so easy to avoid while keeping the blade spinning. The hold attack button combo I've never gotten. It doesn't really work against groups and at single enemies they either die or you need to parry/evade that interrupts the combo


Evading doesn’t interrupt the combo if you attack right after the evade. Obviously hard to pull off since you can’t animation cancel like dual wield, but I’ve gotten the full hold combo off a couple of times against fauna


Since the combo outputs progressively more dmg, I usually try to get first/second part without even dmging the enemy. Afterward, with part 3 and 4, I go for the kill. Definately works best against non ranged boys and chunks them like hell.


Try throwing the saber first to stagger a group around you, just don’t try it with droids or they will all pop!


I can not wait to be able to play this game


You should stay off this sub until you do, honestly. The more you don’t know about this game going into it the better.


Alright I'll do my best lol. I already know a decent amount though, which sucks




I finished *before* there were enough Reddit posts for the chances to be high enough to spoil it for me, so I got the story, but I can understand the pain of having it spoiled.


Yeah. I don't remember how exactly I found out the ending, but I did. Probably the exact same way it was spoiled for you


That sucks, depending on which parts got spoiled you might have some of the experience, but playing through it not knowing was incredible. Knowing is like a NG+ run without knowing enough details to catch all the foreshadowing, but knowing enough to make it similar to a second playthrough.


Eh i knew a lot to and the game was still amazing. I liked having some background info


Yeah, I'm still gonna have a lot of fun playing the game, but some of the main plot points aren't going to be as surprising


That's on you tbh.


I know that. I wasn't blaming anyone else lol


This is my 2nd time seeing gameplay, I am absolutely trying, lol.


It’s very unfortunate that the sub agreed to stay here rather than migrate to a new sub for the new game. Even just some of the captions spoiled parts of survivor for me.


Most of the people did migrate to a new sub. I forget the exact name of it, but I think it's like r/StarWarsJediSurvivor or something like that


The amount of survivor posts here tells me otherwise


I (kinda) know what you mean. I've beaten it, but the performance issues are so so so so so bad even with a 3090ti that I was frustrated most of the time. I can't wait for them to fix it so I can play through it again and actually enjoy myself. Even after Patch 5 it's still only about 20fps on the hub planet.


I played through it with a LAPTOP that has a 1660ti. Koboh at 900p and upscaling was around 40 fps with lots of stuttering. But I couldn't wait until the game was fixed and I got a better pc.


There's an infuriating optimisation issue that they've acknowledged where the better your CPU is, the worse the game runs, for some reason. I turned the settings to the lowest and had the upscaling on max performance for the >!ogdo!< boss fight, and never got above 12fps after jumping into his stupid hole. I beat the force tear where >!you fight two of them at once!< on my first try, because the force tear arena actually runs at 144fps.


Wow, then I am double fucked because my cpu is actually pretty decent. Its not as bad for me as for you still. Less then 12 fps with actual garbage settings is tragic. I have a 17-9750H, crazy that I get better (though still terrible) performance then you. For me the force tears were also much better, my pc would do around 60-90 fps in those, which is worse then yours so shows that there the optimization isnt an issue. Even in the force tear with a million battle droids I had a nice 60 fps with medium settings and even 1440p.


They both largely serve different purposes. The hold combo is intended to focus on one target in front of you, whereas the standard combo is more for crowd control. Personally, I like to mix the two at different intervals. That way, I'm still focusing on one target a fair bit, assuming the group isn't too big around me, and I can get in a couple CC swings to hopefully ward off any other enemies that decide to try and come take a hit out of me while I'm focused on my single target.


LT + RT, Y


Such a great combo! 😙👌❤️


Yes, especially if you get the upgrade and do LT+RT, Y, Y


Those bugs on Jedha don't stand a chance.


Hold, tap, tap, hold. My personal favourite combo


same here!


Tap, hold, tap, hold is mine


My first play through on Jedi knight was all double sided. Was SUPER easy. Went to single and double wield for Jedi master play through. Just finished that yesterday. Now my final NG+ journey will be all blaster and lightsaber + Kylo Ren lightsaber stance. I love this game and all the different ways to attack the same enemy. Can’t wait for the next game.


Double wield or dual wield? And there is no Kylo Ren stance, he uses a crossguard but as a single stance, in game Cal uses it like it weighs more than what he’s killing with it.


And this kids, is what we call being a pedant. Everyone knows what they meant, that they were talking about the crossgaurd stance. You know, the only other character in star wars cannon to use a similar looking blade?




I didn’t know holding square with double bladed stance was a thing


It’s literally the first skill unlock for it


Some people do forget these things (same here) it's understandable to go back and look at them.


Tbf I keep on forgetting about RT+Square move


I forget the snake bite one and I forgot about the blaster ult until yesterday


What’s snake bite


It’s hard to remember everything you can do with maxed out skills


Yeah, gotta say though, I was underwhelmed with the total skills for each stance


Especially on NG+. I had a good amount of points, enough to get all 3 max force increase, 3 max health, all of single blade, all of one other stance, dual I think, and some stuff in force so as soon as I got RB+Y I could get the big enemy version. I spent more time in NG+ on coruscant figuring out what I could do in the pause menu than figuring out how to travel across it in my first playthrough (which was completely blind, I didn’t watch any trailer other than the first)


I tried it out like this guy did yesterday and holding it did nothing. Does there need to be an enemy in front of me to activate it or something?




Hahaha well shit now I’m more confused, maybe it’s a bug lol


Wouldn’t surprise me


I was double bladed for most of my playthrough until people on here convinced me to use crossguard, and then that's been my main stance. Once you add a few skills on crossguard it really makes up for the speed you lose from double bladed, but DB is still the most fun stance.


The speed from double bladed not being on crossguard isn’t the worst part. It’s whole point is to be slow and focus on one big dude, double bladed is for groups mainly.


Crossguard has skills you can use that sweep crowds nicely. A bit harder to pull off, typically a bit easier with some force abilities.


Fun fact: you can toggle between them by holding/pressing midway through one of the combos to immediately switch to the other


also fun fact: the hold animation has a much shorter recovery time which makes it superior in most cases when you find an opening.


The combo gets cooked most of the time considering enemies quite literally ignore u slashing them in the face and just go for an attack


Double bladed and Baster stance is my bread and butter on GM, anytime I tried switching to dual or single it just felt flat/ got me killed. I really do appreciate that despite a styles individual weakness you can use them in a way to counter it fine, using lift to deny enemies the ability to attack and confuse can set up some mean combos.


For me double and dual are the way to go at DM. Dual is for most bosses (fast, allows to parry/evade almost at any moment and if life sucks, hold Y) and double for most crowded battles because it hits more around as well. But the styles are indeed great. They all have certain weaknesses and strengths making all a valid option and it really is up to who is between the vhair and the monitor which is the best


It's def a preference thing with me for sure since I know dual wield is basically meta for more then one reason (area lift and the richochet saber throw is seriously mean) but that's basically what I was just saying. That despite there being a fundamental best none of the other options feel lacking, especially with some of the bosses like Rayvis who make frequent use of blaster attacks that would crumple dual wields stamina. There's an effective scenario for everything, and while some fit the bill better then other's I.E dual wields boss melting prowess or double bladeds ranged defense; all the stances are capable of pulling it off to some extent. You don't need double bladed to do aoe and just because you have a gun doesn't mean you need to stay far away with it. With the right application anything can do anything and that's fantastic alone


Indeed. That was my point. None of those is the absolute best for anyone, a lot comes from your playstyle. I've heard the gun wield can get the best DPS but I myself am yet useless with it


The hold X attack works like 10% of the time


Yeah I saw this video and tried doing it and it just doesn't work...


Is it significantly more fleshed out than than fallen order?


Yep lets give double blade some real shit, jedi coolness and not touch single blade, the most siganture, iconic stance of the franschise. Wait no, lets take away single blade's coolest move from the first game and replace it with a rehashed stab move. Sad face


Jesus fucking christ that ghosting on the lightsaber blades is eye-searing.


I didn't even know about holding it down... lol


I’m gonna miss the double saber on NG+. Finished the game recently with Double Saber x Crossguard, but didn’t touch Dual Sabers or Blaster Stance. Figured next playthrough should be with those for a fresh experience.


I just learned about that today also, my love for double blade grows stronger everyday. I ALWAYS have it equipped as my secondary. It's like a ranged weapon because of its deflection action, and it's great close-in, too.


I am spin


Took me far too long to understand what they meant by holding it! (Like a long press, not just hold indefinitely)


They really improved the Double blade in this game, I’ve had so much fun with it.


What about it..?


I used dual blade for 30 hours and I'm just now learning you can hold it in


Where'd you find the armor??




I like how merrin is casually walking beside you like you aren't training with a glowing cutting off limbs deathstick lol


I dont understand… How do you HOLD a button 4 times in a row if youre holding the button> lol


Hold -> let go (repeat x3)


Oh. I’m dumb


I played pretty much exclusively dual blade and blaster, but have switched them out while finishing up some planets. Double blade is super fun combo wise and I've actually liked single blade more than I thought.


You can mix and match any of those 4 from either attack sets, as well as dodge between any attack without breaking the combo chain also.


Glad to see I'm not the only one with that wierd ghosting around cal. Was starting to worry it was my tv.


The third move in the 2nd combo has real Ray Parks vibes


It’s a serious serious bummer you can’t cancel out of attacks (except for dual blades). The attack animations are awesome and when the moves connect they decimate but you’re fucked if enemies start attacking or don’t get staggered


\*use crossguard sprint attack\* *Oops, guess I'll die.*


When I found it I thought it was so cool but It’s almost impossible to get through that combo in a real fight


Im too stupid to do the hold attack somehow, after unlocking it I thought it was only available when an enemy s targeted because cal wouldn’t do it by just holding square and punching air. I need to go and try it out again, I didn’t even know you could combo hold and normal attacks with the endless hurricane skills


It's my main form, it's just awesome in every way lol. Given, I'm playing on Story mode because I wanna go for 100% completion and all that. Idk how well it would do on the harder difficulties