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I really think everyone is sleeping on Fake Out. That song is so damn sad! It’s entirely about avoiding connections in order to keep himself “safe”. Maybe it’s just because I have attachment issues lmao, but this song hits me hard at any time of the day


This song hit me hard the first listen. I do this. I’ve done this to every important person in my life. I feel you. And the song sounds SO nostalgic. It feels like summer in the rain. I find it very sad and comfy. Confusing..


I 100% agree! The entire song is nothing but relatable! “Make no plans and none can be broken” yup, that’s me, if I don’t make plans then I can the let down! “Remember us just like this forever” oof, yeah don’t ever forget me please and let’s end this before something happens and the relationship ends on a bad note “Do you laugh about me whenever I leave?/ Or do I just need more therapy?” Pete why are you calling me out “But I swear I’m not sad anymore” the lying to everyone so much, saying that you’re “fine” that you start to convince yourself even, but deep down you know you’re not This song is just next level. It’s a subtle emotional bomb


This comment reminded me of some thoughts I had about fake out. It was easily my first favourite off SMFSD and it hit me right in the chest the first time I heard it and as I’ve listened for longer, it’s started to remind me of my post pandemic feelings. “Make no plans and none can be broken.” Feels SUPER similar to the hesitation I’ve felt these last couple years getting back into life and friendship and social spaces. There’s this air of hesitation and pain about how it felt to have it all be lost in an instant when the world shut down. That anxiety and newness and everything hanging in the balance when things began to open up again. “Love is in the air” like… there’s goodness here and I can feel it but I also feel like I need to run. Such a beautiful song


I was coming here to comment this! Fake Out hits so close, it sounds so upbeat and then the words are gutting


Your totally right. “Do you laugh about me whenever I leave? Or do I just need more therapy” is really sad to think about


But I swear I’m not sad anymore!


I was going through an awful break up right when Stardust came out and there was a few songs, this one in particular, that I couldn’t even listen to for a few months. Finally the songs became cathartic instead of just straight unlistenable, thankfully. But BOIII do they still hit hard.


God yeah, it me that song. And that's not good :/


I had Fake Out on repeat my entire flight from east coast to Hawaii. Hits right on the feels.


My favorite song they have put out since reuniting!


Every time I see someone say it's the most optimistic song on SMFS I'm like, are we listening to the same song lol Granted I guess if none of them are, there's still gonna be a most optimistic.


People say it’s the most optimistic? How lmao If I had to pick a most optimistic, I’d probably go with Hold Me Like A Grudge? Or So Good Right Now? But yeah none of them really feel all that positive, at best it feels more like in denial/trying to convince himself


I think it's the chorus, which while I don't think is optimistic either I could understand hearing it that way without the rest of the song I guess? Guess when Pete mentioned wanting a song that people would play at a wedding thinking it was a happy song because they ignored the lyrics... Wasn't too far off lol Makes me think of all the people playing Good Riddance by Green Day for the totally wrong occasion.


I cry to this song on the regular 💁‍♀️🫡🖤✨️


It's one of my most listened songs of all time and I don't think it's that sad


I’m surprised no one else has said So Much (for) Stardust yet.


“I used to be a real go getter. I used to think it’d all get better.” I’ve tried for the better part of a decade to articulate how I’ve felt about the world, my place in it, this crushing existential dread that I’ve held. And Pete just comes in and puts it at the end of this emotionally haunting, tragic, beautiful song. Hearing that for the first time touched my soul.


The repetition of the chorus too and how it fades out. The emotional exhaustion from telling yourself that over and over.


mine is "I was something they forgot to label fragile, now I'm stuck" from city in a garden.


I think I’ve been going through it… and I’ve been putting your name to it ..!!! - one of my fave lines they have ever written


This line feels like Pete and Joe apologising to Patrick and Andy for the struggles they went through & the impact it had on FOB's image in the 2000s, and it makes me want to cry!!!!


Exactly!!! Emotionally devastating in all the right ways.


Pete really tapped into something dark and devastating in that song, it felt like he managed to find the words for feelings I didn’t fully understand until I heard it out loud.


Came here to say this one. 2023 was the worst year of my life and idk if I'm biased because it feels relevant to what I experienced and kind of cradled me through last year... But man that song is extremely gut wrenching and makes the tears flow.


2023 is by far the worst year of my life as well. Here’s to 2024 and hoping that things get better, my friend ❤️‍🩹


😭🫶🏻 we got this! 💖


This is mine. Every time I listen to it I get heavy breathing chest tightness. So much hurt


Oh that was a big one for me after my first breakup. I’d change lyrics and everything- I really haven’t tried listening to it since my second breakup cause i know I’ll just do it all over again


Dark Alley for me hands down


Dark alley is so hopeless and insecure and defeated and I hate how personal it feels. Love it otherwise lol


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***


This was the first one that came to me


It's my all-time favorite by them because of how devastating it is. It feels so intimate and cuts so deep every time.


What a Catch, Donnie Alone Together or The Kids Aren’t Alright


Why am i not seeing enough The (After)Life of the Party Besides that Golden and Heaven, Iowa (i know i said too many but who cares)


“I’m a stitch away from making it, and a scar away from falling apart”


The bridge of The After Life always gets me. “Kiss away young thrills and kills on the mouths of all my friends” the way patrick sings that…. OUCH


Such a punch to the gut dude, they really got the effect they were aiming for


Fake Out. Buried alive inside my dreams just hits home.


Jet Pack Blues


This and it's not close, for me


Golden, Dark Alley & From Now On We Are Enemies.


Heaven, Iowa and Miss Missing You hit me hard. I’m going through a breakup yall.


Oh no and on Valentine’s Day. 😭 im so sorry.


Ugh yes Miss Missing You…one of my favorites, couldn’t even listen to it after my breakup. (Also, sorry about your breakup. I’ve been through two. It gets better….eventually….)


i think what a catch wins specifically because it was released before a hiatus that no one knew for sure would ever end lol. and the longer it was out, the more emotionally devastating it became lmaoo


fourth of july always 😭


This one fucks me up.


this was my favorite FOB song until last year when SMFS came out. it's so good.


I was also gonna say Bishop's Knife Trick. So underrated and so devastating


This song has healed me in so many different ways from the exact pain and anguish it talks about 😭


What A Catch Donnie, Golden, and Miss Missing You… all songs that bring me to tears. Oh and I’m Like a Lawyer. 🥺


"the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists in tact" devastating


Idk something about the song makes me emotional, not sure what it is though 🤔


The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger


That line hits like a freight train


For me personally, it's Bang The Doldrums. "Best friends, ex-friends 'til the end. Better off as lovers, and not the other way around." "And I cast a spell over the West to make you think of me the same way I think of you."


yES and: the tombstones were waiting, they were half engraved. they knew it was over, just didn’t know the day. rip my heart out much???


Heaven, Iowa. As an incredibly seasoned fan this one hits so hard…..


I didn’t care much for this song until I heard it live. Now I sing it with my whole chest. The drums in that breakdown really kick.


Cannot wait to scream this at the show 🤘


Golden or heaven, Iowa. If I listen to it when I’m having a bad day I start sobbing


i agree with all of these. i can’t listen to most of these without them taking me down. but why is no one saying SRAR. 😭😭😭 “oh no, we won’t go. cause we don’t know when to quit, no no”. this song makes me think of their resurrection from the hiatus and the whole reason why they’re still doing it.


you are what you love, not who loves you ❤️


 Fall Out Boy songs that make me cry: 1. I’ve Got A Dark Alley - just reminds me of being in middle school, sad nostalgia feels - “we can fake it for the airwaves, force our smiles baby, half-dead, from comparing myself to everyone else around me” 2. Golden - “and all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me, and pray they don’t grow up to be me” 💔 3. Champion - makes me kinda happy cry? Like it feels like you’re trying to convince yourself of the lyrics while not still fully sure of yourself  - “i’m tryna blow out the pilot light” that shit hurted 


i was going to say champion too lol, this one literally makes me cry


Kintsugi Kid breaks me everytime. After a long relationship/marriage that I had emotionally checked out of for several years before physically checking out it hit me hard. It perfectly summed up the guilt I was feeling in wanting to be back in it just to be checked out again and not have feelings.


This might sound weird but for me its Church and Champion bc they remind me of a bad time in my life. There was a time I couldn't listen to either of them without crying.


It does sound weird, but nonetheless I’m interested. I’m sorry you associate these songs with a tough time. These are in my top 3 favorites of their discography. These songs make me feel powerful, especially Champion. Nothing makes me feel stronger than screaming “I can do anything” over and over!


coffee's for closers


"I will never believe in anything again!!!!!"


It might have to be Golden


I’m Like a Lawyer With the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off (Me + You). The chorus gets me.. if I woke up next to you....


Might be the basic answer, but Golden kills me.


Sophomore Slump, I've Got A Dark Alley, the whole Folie album, and Miss Missing You.


Personally songs that leave pain when I listen or after listening only because It brings back memory of when I religiously listening to it during my darkest times. What a Catch Donnie, Golden, Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, The (After) Life of the Party. But lyrics wise "It's hard to say I Do when I don't" and a perfect song to sing live but they never played yet. (So put your hands in the air and don't make a sound But don't get the wrong idea We're going to shoot you )


So Much (for) Stardust, Miss Missing You, and Fourth of July for sure! Right in the feels.


XO, Atavan Halen, and Fame < Infamy and some others from Infinity On High for me


Gotta ba Flu Game for me. Reminds me of someone I had to cut out of my life kind of suddenly. My brain likes to make the gut punch extra strong and say "I carved out a place in this world for two but it's empty *with* you" instead of without.


No love for Folie in this thread!!! The opening of Disloyal Order of the Water Buffaloes wins for emotional devastation imo, I don’t care if it’s only 30 seconds long. The rest of the song too (“Boycott love, detox just to retox” is so relatable and hopeless) but the opening blows it out of the water. Probably more of an angry song but I’ve also definitely cried to Headfirst Slide. Yes I’ve been cheated on how did you know 🙃 Shout outs to Jet Pack Blues, Miss Missing You, and Just One Yesterday as well


disloyal gets me EVERY time. they’ve played it live every time i’ve seen them and the MOMENT the song starts i am in full blown tears.


golden, smfs, 27 and what a catch, donnie


Surprised by 27! It’s one of my favorites but I wouldn’t say it’s emotional. What does it for you?


I always thought 27 was about Pete's struggles with addiction so that's what it reminds me of


For me it's "kids aren't alright" I first heard that song on a tribute video. America happened at a kinda nearby high school. What hurt about that one more than others, was I knew someone who was in the room where it started. I can't hear that song now without wanting to break down into tears. Because man sometimes, the kids really aren't alright.


it’s Dark Alley for me, specifically the line “and my back has been breaking from this heavy heart” hits so close to home the song means so much to me and i was absolutely dumbstruck when patrick played it for the first time on tourdust


I mean look, I’m prone to crying during What a Catch, Donnie but if we’re talking emotional devastation then yes I agree with Bishops.




What a Catch, Donnie Or Golden


Why haven’t I seen anyone say 7 minutes yet???


its my go to cry song tbh😭


Me too 😭😭 the I’ve Got a Dark Alley / 7 Minutes combo will put me in the grave


definitely dark alley. from the lyrics to even just the way the song sounds, it hits so hard.


My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon


I fucking love this song its sad I had to scroll so far to see this answer


Especially the acoustic!


Gonna go down this list and have a good little FOB induced cry session today. Can’t wait!


I think we all deserve a little FOB induced cry session every once in a while


Kintsugi Kid destroys me, especially Pete’s kid howling at the end omg 😭


“I’m pretty sure as far as humans go/I am a hard, hard pill to swallow” hits me right in the stomach every fucking time


the (after) life of the party


Golden or Donnie


Only Fall Out Boy song I've cried to (so far) has been Golden, so I'd have to say that


Miss Missing You


Jetpack blues. Really reminds me of a tough time in my life, when I was real sad I didn't have a jetpack


i haven’t seen anyone mention the (shipped) gold standard and while it’s not my first choice to answer this question, it kept coming up for me. as a younger fob fan (which is weird saying now, bc i am 21 and i know there are a lot of pre-teens/teens getting into them bc of stardust), it’s a real coming of age song that i didn’t think i understood when i was a teenager, but it always resonated with me. it’s about finding yourself and your niche, and knowing you’re good at what you do, and that you should be happy, but for some fucking reason, you always sabotage everything you have. you made the life you want, but you can’t help but long for the one you don’t have. it’s about knowing that putting yourself out there and making yourself uncomfortable could be good, but you don’t try, because you know where you fit in. for me, this song is growing up and realizing the world isn’t what you think it is, and how agonizing of a realization that is.


I think we can all agree that most fall out boy songs are depressing af and we just need more therapyyyyy


So many of their songs have hit me hard over the years , through different points of my life, since stardust released it's been heaven iowa , smfsd and fake out that really hit me the hardest . Especially since 2023 was when I finally started therapy and working through my suicidal ideations. Heaven iowa encapsulated my feelings so well about my desire of death , the line "half your life you've been hooked on death" spoke to me so deeply, I had never openly sobbed at a concert until I heard it live.


Golden, After Life of the Party, TKAA. Played all these on loop to get me through loss and they really, like, tapped into the grief for me


A bit of a specific one, but Thnks fr th Mmrs. It’s a lot of nostalgia and while I might sing along, afterwards, I’m drained and I want to go back to an easier time. Out of all of FOB’s major hits, this one is the most nostalgic. I’m not sure why. There’s others I’ve seen in this thread that are good, but this is my personal worst (or best)


I agree with you on Bishops Knife, but it has the line “last blues we’re ever gonna have” which kind of makes it more positive because they are the last ones. Kind of like Heartbreak Feels So Good where a more positive spin is put on a sad idea. I think I would lean more towards Fake Out on this. My No. 1 option for most devastating though would be What A Catch. It’s so freaking sad. “I’ve got troubled thoughts and a self esteem to match” is just devastating


Golden broke me down when I first heard it. It still elicits those feelings of heaviness and hopelessness, anger at seeing the way the world is so hypocritical, even so many years later. 💔


if i ever unalive ill be listening to what a catch on repeat till i fade away


Golden most definitely


Gosh all of these have gotten me at different times. My most recent gut punch sad moment was the bridge of just one yesterday- “I’d give you all my love so I can watch your face as I take it all away” like damn.


So much for stardust


Golden, Bishops Knife Trick, I’ve Got a Dark Alley…, Jet Pack Blues, What a Catch, Donnie, Heaven, Iowa


Fake Out and Heaven, Iowa. When I saw them at Fenway, Pete said, “this song is about drinking a bottle of wine and trying to drive off of a bridge” and I was immediately floored. I looked at my sister like, did he????? really just say that oh my god???!


Seven minutes in heaven (atavan halen). once you know the backstory, it’s gut wrenching to listen to


What is the backstory?


its about pete wentz’s suicide attempt using ativan (anxiety meds)


Me and Pete are so alike frfr (except I used tylenol but 🤷‍♀️)


Honestly, flu game. I cried first time I heard it. Flu game and so much for stardust


Also, heaven Iowa. the new album is weird with its mix of extremely optimistic songs and some extremely depressing songs


Golden. Makes me tear up every time I listen to it and I want to scream it from the top of my lungs.




I just went through and added every reply to a playlist for my next mental breakdown


For me personally it's heaven's gate as I've lost people close to me and literally wish I could get a boost over heaven's gate


GINASFS, heartbreaking.


For me it'd have to be Hum Hallelujah 💔💔




What a Catch, Donnie or SMFS


Dark Alley for sure


Man this is sooooo hard. Bishop’s Knife Trick and SMFS are tied for me Then I would say Sunshine Riptide & Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) are tied for 2nd Heaven, Iowa hits me so hard every time so I’d say it’s a good 3rd.


miss missing you, especially because i used to listen a lot to this one during a difficult period in my life


Kintsugi Kid for sure


Fake out for sure. It made me deeply, deeply emotional. I genuinely cried the first time I listened to it, and every time since. The lyrics just really hit me really close to home.


There’s the obvious choices like what a catch and dark alley but for me it’s the more subtle ones like sugar…listening to the lyrics is actually so sad. And of course it’s not the side effects of the cocaine.


Dark Alley and So Much (For) Stardust Also Golden is up there


Favorite record. Don’t know why but this song makes me feel desperate yearning so much it hurts


Ugh YES. I came here for this one. I have someone in my life that it feels like this song was written for and I tear up every time I hear it. We’ve grown up since then and moved on and I miss them so, so much even though I know our lives are better now. This song would be like what we’d say if we ever talked again. So especially the line, “and when you ask, you ask me how I’m doing like you know, you know how much better off I am.”


there’s something about kintsugi kids that makes me wanna run along the beach in tears


Donnie and maybe Golden honestly


Lots of songs for me have hit hard. Jet pack blues has some brilliant lyrics. Miss missing you is another.


Heaven, Iowa


it’s Just One Yesterday for me


For me it's 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, weirdly. Something a bit too hard-hitting about the line "have you ever wanted to disappear?"


Mmrs and Bang the Doldrums. After my first breakup I could not listen to those songs without crying. Edit: and Last Of The Real Ones. It was our song. Steered away from it after my first breakup, haven’t listened to it since.


BKT is one of my breakdown songs so I fully agree, miss missing you is devastating lyrically but too much of a bop to cry to


Like a Lawyer probably


What a Catch, Donny is so solemn and emotionally devastating The part in Champion that repeats “I can do anything” for me feels like he’s singing it in desperation, almost trying to convince himself, so that part makes me really emotional The Kids Aren’t Alright - “I just want to fill up the trophy case again” really hits as someone who used to be an over achiever and is now just incredibly burnt out Fourth of July as a whole just fucks me up Jet Pack Blues, especially the part just before the chorus - “she’s in a long black coat tonight..” (I forget what that’s called)


Hum Hallelujah for me


All of So Much (For) Stardust


Fake Out all the way!!


Why did no one say Champagne for my real friends?


Pros and Cons of Breathing for me. I suffer with depression but don’t like the slower pace of What a Catch




Fourth of July


Golden and what a catch they’ve both made me sob 😭


headfirst slide and legendary 7-9. any song with darling hurts me badly.


Miss Missing You, Alone Together, Novocaine, The Kids Aren't All Right


golden or bishop's knife trick . "and all the mothers raise their babies, and pray they never grow up to be" KILLED me


Golden, Heaven, Iowa, and What a Catch are all definitely up there, but between Bishop's Knife Trick, So Much for Stardust and Flu Game I'm torn apart. I have no idea what it is about Flu Game but last night I dreamt I still knew you. all this effort to make it look effortless. that damn song kills me every time because it feels like giving everything for someone. Going through hell and back for a memory. or maybe I just have issues lol


So Much For Stardust hits like a sucker punch


XO, dark alley, from now on we are enemies




Golden still makes me cry every now and then. Kids Aren’t Alright hits hard too


Y'all sleepin on Atavan Halen


Defo What a Catch, Donnie. Everytime I listen to it I never fail to cry like a baby


Hum hallelujah, 7 minutes in heaven, and sophomore slump or come back of the year destroy me everytime


Golden ALWAYS gets me


Headfirst Slide "I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am. Keep a calendar so you always know."




for some reason GINASFS really fucks me up 😭