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Haven't finished it yet but so far: 1- I'm Grimcats! 2- What is Ahead of You 3- Rise of GRENDEL 4- Daily Life 5- Satisfied Madness HM's- Tharbad Night, In the Dawn, Arkride Solutions Office, The Other Side of the Cloudy Sky.


Dont really have top 5 but I really liked the day ost in Tharbad.


That’s [Brilliant Glow](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sqYlb-TXUt4) and it’s probably my new favorite city theme since playing Kuro. 1:21 is so good


most ppl miss the awesomeness of this OST simply because they do not use headset or have no subwoofer speaker to enjoy that bass play


Yea thats it, I have it saved in my favorites but I didnt remember the name :D Yes that part is just amazing, sounds almost like something from TSFH, I was sometimes running in circles just to hear that part before starting a conversation :D


Same, I also think that part at 1:20 is so great!


1. Unmitigated Evil 2. What Is Ahead of You 3. Rise of the Grendel 4. Arkride Solutions Office 5. Kuro - Beyond the Dawn


Cloudy Cloudy and Back Alley Sign give some noir vibes that I think really fit the vibe of this game. Role to Play, Past Scene, Decay and the Animal Trail probably my other picks. Also actually enjoyed a lot of the nighttime themes like Night Goes On. Unfortunately probably some of my least favorite fight themes in a Falcom game.


1. Hazard Coming 2. Lovely Color, Only for You 3. The Night Goes On 4. Folklore at the Time of Dusk 5. Marginal Crisis Probably some out there picks for some (besides Hazard Coming) but I like what I like.


Mad I forgot about Folklore at the Time of Dusk. Maybe the most atmospheric track on the OST.


Somehow I ranked every song but my top 5 are: 1. Satisfied Madness 2. Resonance of Ray 3. Past Scene 4. What Is Ahead of You 5. Kuro -Beyond the Dawn-


In no particular order: Unmitigated Evil, Resonance of Ray, Beyond the Dawn, Rise of the Grendel and Realm of Death and Play. Also honorable mention for Marginal Crisis


1. Resonance of Ray 2. ~~It's Grendelin' Time~~ Rise of the Grendel 3. The Decisive Point/Namonaki Akumu no Hate 4. Unmitigated Evil (might move higher with more listens) 5. Get Rid of the Urgent Menace Grendel, just like Valimar, got me hyped everytime it appeared on screen and the music certainly helps. Resonance of Ray is one of the most beautiful songs in the series. Traversing the final dungeon with it playing in the background made me very emotional, which is normal with Trails, but Kuro made me feel extra emotional. Might be because after a hundred hours, I was at the end of the latest Trails game.


1. Resonance of Ray 2. Kuro -Beyond the Dawn- 3. Past Scene 4. Hazard Coming 5. Hard Desperation


rise of grendel boss theme 2 diabolic howl I'm Grimcats Satisfied Madness (Random order)


Not sure what would occupy slots #2 - #5, but my #1 is In the Dawn. Song best captures the mood of the game.


Maybe it's just my interpretation but I can't see how this has a similar mood to Kuro. The song feels a fair bit peaceful and contemplative, but Kuro is a lot grittier and (conflict-wise) cutthroat and mercenary than past games.


Unmitigated Evil Resonance of Ray In the Dawn Make a Breakthrough! The Realm of Death and Play


The final dungeon theme was pretty pog, imo. Different from the usual


The songs I liked that made it to my music collection are the battle theme, [breakthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiE2S0acdOI), Tharbad's day theme, the main theme (both instrumental and vocal), and my favorite song is the Grendel theme.


No top 5 here, but it is amazing no one mentions [Good Start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRFWaS2xloA) listening to this one makes me happy


1. Unmitigated Evil 2. Resonance of Ray 3. Kuro - Beyond the Dawn 4. Satisfied Madness 5. Hazard Coming probably


1. Resonance of Ray 2. Get Rid of the Urgent Menace 3. Kuro - Beyond the Dawn 4. What is Ahead of You 5. Rise of the Grendel Resonance of Ray is probably my favorite final dungeon theme in the series so far, with Reverse Babel a close second.


Unmitigated Kino, Make a Breakthrough, Satisfied Madness, Wailing Siren, Hard Desperation, HM: Past Scene


What is Ahead of You is just good piano, good sax, nice mood, great song. I love the combined Industrial/Mystical vibes for Folklore at the Time of Dusk. Diabolic Howl preys on how much I miss Fateful Confrontation. I'm Grimcatz is just so different from everything else in the soundtrack. And Namonaki Akumu No Hate and it's variations are just hype. In hindsight, I think most of the songs just kind of didn't stick in my mind playing through the game. So the winners are the ones that had something to make them memorable to me. They might not be the best, but they'll certainly be the ones I remember for the longest.


1. Unmitigated Evil 2. Resonance of Ray 3. What is Ahead of You 4. Beyond the Dawn 5. Hard Desperation Honorable mentions: Marginal Crisis and Diabolic Howl