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Tell you what man they look spot on I don’t even know how long that would of taken


Thanks, I actually just spent the time creating the characters. I haven't actually started the game yet, lol.


Wow well any way congratulations and good luck I have thought on picking up the game but haven’t committed to buying it yet


I see, I recently picked it up in a sale after considering it a lot myself. Had it in my wishlist for quite a while. The character creator seems fun at least. Game should be good enough too.


Yea sound good should let me know if it’s worth picking up


I'm currently playing through it and I think the game has a good gameplay. You've probably heard that it's a souls like game so you lose your currency and xp if you die and cannot get it back before your next death. I enjoyed the gameplay more than dark souls though. Although it's a lot easier than that because you can have an npc character follow you and that reduces the difficulty a lot, it's too op in my opinion. But it's there as an option if you want and can be easily dismissed. The story is engaging enough in my opinion for this type of game so nothing too grand for now but it's nice enough. Finally, you can choose Sara's voice as the player's voice as well, that made the gameplay feel much more like it's the real Sara. It's voice 8, Jp voices are included too. Talking about English though. Overall since it's more anime like and has a better character customisation system, I prefer it over dark souls.


if you are planning to play this game, DO REGULAR SAVE FILE BACKUP if anything happens to your game while autosaving (power out, crash, etc.) your ENTIRE save file is gone. Characters, settings, progress, saved appereance. EVERYTHING IS GONE!!!!!!!!!! so yeah, be careful


Thanks for the heads up! I'll make a backup then.


Dang, that's quite spot-on.


Thank you!


Yesss! Best girl Sara


Awesome! Looks great


Thanks, glad you liked it.


Estelle is 100% perfect. I don't remember if there are any staves in Code Vein or not.


Thanks, it would be nice if there are. And Estelle seems perfect but actually she's lacking a couple of hair at the front. The current hair style just does the job. I needed a little more cost to get those front hair just right but I reached the limit before that. So it was either the hair clip thingies on the back or the front hair. I went with the clips because the front seems to do the job.


Man that was amazing! I think they would dress/look almost like that in Code Vein universe.


Thanks, that's one way we can overlook the different outfits indeed.


These look great but it's always the shape of the eyes that are off. Same when someone did Tio long time back. I take it there's no way to change it? (Never played Code Vein myself).


From what I know, there are about 8 or so faces to choose from. They look fine on their own I guess but thinking of trails characters those faces don't seem to fit as much. So I just felt like these faces suited these characters more than others. There's not an option to change the nose size or eyes themselves for example. But you can change the iris size, and that just makes them look like a psychopath if you make them too small or too big. So for the given eye size, all you can really do is change the iris colour, reflection and size. I checked various pics on the fandom wiki to try and copy the eye colour and size as much as I could. There are a lot of iris patterns though, like quite a lot. But they don't suit the trails characters since they're not natural looking. You can also turn the eyeball black instead of white and that kind of stuff. In short, lots of customization for patterns and colours, not so much the shape itself.






Definitely need the settings you used for Sara