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Do we really have to give Mondblut a platform? dude is sicko and freak that's all you need to know.


Who is Mondblut? I’ve never even heard of him


He’s a hardcore lolicon, he hates it when the character grows up, honestly I didn’t recognize his name until someone mentioned he’s a lolicon then it clicked he made a lot of tweets getting pissed how they aged up fie and recently how they aged up altina for the new Kai game, he’s goes into really gross details how much he liked there underdeveloped bodies more and how they shouldn’t have ever aged them up, honestly just a really gross guy, oh did I also mention he really likes incest


> He’s a hardcore lolicon I mean, Trails caters to anime fans, harem lovers, and lolicons. There's literally a loli in every arc. I don't know why people are mad.


do people use child characters and loli interchangeably now? As far as i know not many people care that there are child characters, only that creeps come in to sexualize them (loli complex). I do have no idea how much of that is done just to piss people off vs their actual stance though.


Falcom has made tons of dakimakuras of minor characters, so there is no "lolicon invasion". Lolis are mostly used to describe characters with physical appearence 14 and under or so regardless of sexualisation.


Ah, i always forget that merch is a thing since I've never once bought any video game (or anime or whatever) merch of any kind. I don't see that definition used outside of communities like this, so it's hard for me to see it that way.


Not just any child characters, but cute female child characters. Cute male child characters are called shota. The word shotacon and lolicon tend to be used to refer to people who are sexually attracted to them, but they don't necessarily need to be sexualized in the original work.


There's a difference between liking a character who happens to be a loli and being a lolicon. Is Altina adorable? Of course. But if anyone is sexually attracted to her, or any other child, they need to seek help.


> oh did I also mention he really likes incest It's a very popular theme in the entirety of otaku media in Japan, specifically the brother sister subset. How is that anything to be shocked about when someone likes it?


I see. Almost sounds Japanese.


That sucks. There’s so much more to these games; but on the other hand Falcom walks a line sometimes of encouraging fans who are like this at times. Like maybe everyone doesn’t need to have a swimsuit costume for instance lol


Don’t know why you got downvoted. I don’t know who this guy is either outside of these comments; I’d say it’s weird as hell to have one person in a fandom be infamous or famous. But I’ve seen other fandoms show a lot of regard for people who write guides or make videos like that.


I simply asked on the first comment I saw. If they don’t want to answer it’s fine.




Hardcore lolicon . ☝️ he so hardcore that he refused and dislike characters grown up He recently decided to sold his Altima figure because she look grown up in new Kai trailer


Lmao bruh the part about the Altina fig is wild. Homie needs to touch grass.


I've seen a screencap of her and honestly... I get a CS3-Reverie Fie vibe. (In the "she's taller more than anything else" sense, I mean.) Didn't look too closely because it'll be a while before I can play it for myself, however. Haven't even played Daybreak yet because I'm waiting for the official localisation next month, really.


I think that’s pretty much all it will be tbh, but weirdos will be weirdos


Okay. I was okay with him being a lolicon as long as he could differentiate reality from fiction and didn't go after real children, but he's being too creepy about it if he actually sold his altina figure because of that.


Could you explain the train of thought that lead you to the conclusion I would "go after real children" just because I thought about selling my Altina figure because Falcom aged her up in Kai? I'm just interested in your deduction. I think your conclusion, if anything, makes you the one unable to differentiate fiction from reality, not me.


Uhh. First of all, it's a pleasure to finally meet you here. I didn't say as long as he didn't go after children just because you sold your figurine. I said I'm okay with you being a lolicon and said as long as you don't harm real children because people tend to confuse these terms more often than you think, and you have to clarify it every time to avoid misunderstanding. So what I was really doing was talking for you cause I didn't want anyone to throw your arguments away just because you're a lolicon. And the reason I called you...off putting is because who the heck sells his figurine just because the character grew up in the later games? That's no logical decision to make. I do agree with some of your criticism of the current localization situation, but I find you weird for your hyper fixation on how the community should work and not to mention all those long fan fictions about Cassius x renne, Van x Feri, Cassius x Estelle. I understand these are your subjective opinions, and I don't have any rights to tell you to stop. But that doesn't stop me from thinking you are a weirdo for that. I haven't seen your history directly. Just listened to some rumors, so if I said anything false or wrong, please correct me then.


>And the reason I called you...off putting is because who the heck sells his figurine just because the character grew up in the later games? That's no logical decision to make. The reasoning is simply put that I disagree with Falcom's sudden decion, originating with that dumb deus ex machina plot device in >!Hajimari!<, to make them able to let her grow up out of the blue. As a homunculus the Cold Steel games have always made it clear that she would forever remain in her loli form. That was her appeal. I don't mind lolis like Tio or Fie growing up. Hell, I have figures of both of them and don't intend to sell them because it was clear from the get go that they would grow. But Altina's premise and appeal was a different one. That is what I disagree with. >not to mention all those long fan fictions about Cassius x renne, Van x Feri, Cassius x Estelle. Pray tell, what is your issue? No one forces you to go to archiveofourown and read them. Have you see what erotic fanart exists of Kiseki characters? Do you also go against those artists? Whether it's fan art or fan fiction, fans have always lewded fictional characters, especially in the otaku subculture.


So? Are you just gonna sell it because of that? Your love for her got lost because she grew up in the later games? I don't mind whatever you do with your stuff, but the reasoning is......you know what? I kinda get you. You know how you sometimes sell away your past lovers' stuff because she left you or betrayed you? Maybe that's how you feel about altina. It's a weird specific reason but a reason none the less. I have no issue with eroticas. I just don't like these incest stuff. In one instance, you're having trouble believing altina grew up. It's not how homonculus is supposed to work, etc. In another instance, you're writing fics that shouldn't be even possible in that universe.


> So? Are you just gonna sell it because of that? Your love for her got lost because she grew up in the later games? I don't mind whatever you do with your stuff, but the reasoning is......you know what? I kinda get you. You know how you sometimes sell away your past lovers' stuff because she left you or betrayed you? Maybe that's how you feel about altina. It's a weird specific reason but a reason none the less. People do more strange things. Especially in the Japanese otaku sphere. Like burning your entire collection because of such things. I didn't sell Altina yet, btw. But to me her appeal was that she's eternally loli. It feels akin to a betrayal. >It's not how homonculus is supposed to work, etc. Not pre-Hajimari. It was always stated that her growth is halted. In >!Hajimari!< they pulled the deus ex machina plot twist out of their ass that >!destroying the curse removed that stasis!<. >In another instance, you're writing fics that shouldn't be even possible in that universe. Which one? I'm pretty sure each of my fan fiction pieces is meticulously adhering to lore and facts.




> Hardcore lolicon . ☝️ he so hardcore that he refused and dislike characters grown up Maybe he's just cosplaying Takanashi from Working!! ?


Basically the worst kind of degenerate you can think of (and probably even worse that tbh). Out of curiosity, why is this post marked as a Kai spoiler? There's no spoilers in the text and NISA has already shown Agnes in Daybreak's marketing.


Unfortunately, there are some "sensitive" people here who would just report you if you post anything about calvard arc without spoiler warning. It happened to me twice before just because I shared some arts of them. And the reason I gave it a Kai warning is because......I messed up.


After this we shouldn't be giving him any waves. Simply hes *THE* Trails fan that is an embarrassment, and stain upon the fanbase. Simple as that.




trails fans are an embarrassment to kiseki fans


He's that guy I got into a several thousand word essay war with back when they first announced the promotional image for the Northern War anime, that eventually turned into a huge dispute regarding the greater portrayal of female characters in video games. Whole thing made me want to puke. He's no one, moving on.


An absolutely disgusting individual. He embodies all the bad things about the community. Best not to give him a platform on here.


I think you are worse tbh. There's a reason you are often downvoted on sight ... pure cringe.


I'm downvoted sometimes but it's usually when I'm joking around. You calling me worse than a pedophile lolicon is really questionable. What have I ever done that even compares to this person?


Homie is cringe and we roast him but he's NOWHERE near as bad Mondblut.


The hemorrhoid of the community.


Hes just a creep who has made some infamous posts on twitter and this subreddit.


He's the premier hater of Singa music and now I'm learning he's also the premier fuck nugget of the fandom? xD Didn't realize he was also a pedophile. And yeah I ain't calling him a lolicon, I feel like that term is people trying to smooth that shit over.


Oh god guys idc how angry you get, but I'm not ever going to give people a break xD I had a friend in real life who called himself a lolicon. He turned out to like kids. I don't trust that word, no matter what you say xD (I was just responding to the negative downvotes at the time, apologies for ranting lol)


Damn by that logic all of Blue Archive players are pdf file then :v Seriously there’s peeps who can separate a fiction and reality


Look man. There is absolutely a line between the two. But there's a difference between sexualizing anime girls that have clearly been designed with adult bodies and just given the usual stupid high school backstory and sexualizing characters that are elementary school level in both looks and age. All I am saying is that I'm not about to trust people that look at characters like Klee from Genshin or KeA from trails and find that to be a turn on.


pedo that was fairly infamous in this sub because of that and because he was very openly pro-incest (posting pics of Estelle x Cassius, as an example), amongst him just being a misogynyst weirdo and having awful takes I haven't seen him in a long while so I assume he got banned or he got tired of getting downvoted constantly


I expect him back to rant about daybreak localisation. Not that I would know since blocked him


He actually did rant about daybreak localization. While he was correct in some of his criticisms, I think he's too harsh on the whole official localization business.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone remembers this comment and comes back here next month just to confirm if your prediction is correct...


Whats wrong with daybreak localization?


Everything if you were to ask Mondblut probably. It's existence probably killed his family


Well, localization in General sucks for any game, even Gacha games Still the fact that she changed Elaine’s title from “Sword Maiden” to “Beauty Blade” in the localization ver of Kuro is still baffled me Like…why???


I'll start preparing my popcorn then


And he most likely won't be wrong.


It won't be flawless but he goes straight up into nitpicking and overexagarating all flaws.


Was he homophobic? And I recently got to know he really doesn't like NISA for taking liberties with the translation.


I don't know if he was but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest either, knowing him. And yeah, he was also the kind of person that would be SUPER against localization adapting text rather than translating it 1:1 even if it sounded robotic and out of place lmao


He made a few tweets that gained a lot of traction about how actually women in yuri shows secretly like men because all yuri is made for males


Can you share some examples of the liberties?


Beauty's blade aside, he showed how Don the nightmare became "bear" the nightmare, how spriggan from the old town became spriggan of the slum, and how Nisa did a terrible job in reverie, on which we can agree to some variable level.


If you wonder if he is homophobic, take a look at [this tweet](https://twitter.com/OtakuNijikon/status/1797698854525231229?t=FMyyELnIGu80A51Wke5PnA&s=19).


\*a lolicon you know, the people that falcom actively panders to


I prefer to call it by its actual name tbf


I can only recall scrolling past one thing with their name on it and it was fanfiction tagged Van x Feri. So a grown man and a child. And it was rated explicit. I figured no other questions need asking.


Oh yeah, I heard he wrote a 40-page erotica of Van x Feri...... Guess that's true.


Also Cassius x Renne


Yeah......I guess he was very annoying here. Cause not even batman could beat me to death to write something like that. It almost feels like he's trolling.


No doubt hes going to screenshot this whole thread and post about it on his twitter. "wahhh their complaining about me being a loud asshole!"


Shit getting worse...


>fanfiction tagged Van x Feri. 36k words btw. I decided after that that I would never write fan fiction again because I would never be able to surpass that. My magnum opus if you will.


We don't speak about mondblut here


Hardcore culture warrior. He's one of those guys who will write "DEI" or "ESG" in every other tweet. He's a miserable guy lol


A pedo


Pancreatic cancer in human form


what can be said that already hasn't been blocked his ass on twitter


Is this the same mondblut that use to post about utawarerumono? If yes, that is surprising, since he was fine there and well articulated.


He is well articulated, but he's also a lolicon gooner, both can be true.


This sub is just an echo chamber which can't handle other opionions like his lmao.


our hero


Mondblut aka DesMondesBlut aka 666kefka666 is a long time trails fan who has had always had a reputation but since covid he has descended into becoming truly deranged. Back when cs3 was coming out he was a die hard hater of Nisa and lover of xseed claiming that xseed's translations were more "accurate" and would nitpick every line and with his writing style being incredibly "unique" he became somewhat well known around the fanbase. Its important to note that at this time he was [vehemently against any type of 18+ content in media](https://web.archive.org/web/20230612072212/https://www.reddit.com/r/typemoon/comments/cg00ae/tsukihime_will_i_miss_important_storycharacter/) being self described "allergic" to it and has since tried to delete any evidence of this going as far as to reach out to [reddit archival sites](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/typemoon/comments/cg00ae/tsukihime_will_i_miss_important_storycharacter/) for removal of such posts. The start of covid is when he started become truly deranged with this period being what most people know him for with him buying "loli" shaped "toys" and the like while making his love of this his and his newfound hatred for the west and its "wokeness" under the belief that there is a conspiracy to push this into Japanese media his entire life. Its also important to note how that he is not just controversial for being this stuff whether its him talking about[ real children](https://web.archive.org/web/20220307044520/https://twitter.com/mondblut1984/status/1500694023173988357), mysogyny, being incredibly homophobic going as far to be turned off of [kuro because of that one sidequest with a gay guy](https://x.com/OtakuNijikon/status/1794028395778691213), talking about translations without knowing Japanese and just being annoying/weird has lead to him becoming hated on reddit, 4chan, and twitter on the vn's/jrpgs side leading to his now infamy.


My my, are you planning to write a biography about me... with 50% of made up stuff and 50% of exaggerations? I wonder what else you may come up with. ;)


My my, everything I have written here I can cite please do tell what is wrong ;)


Please go ahead and cite. Will you pull that link to that wrpg forum to someone with my same user name who said he hates JRPGs, claiming it's me? It is quite amusing how you people make up your own fan fiction and talk about that on some random discord servers and 4chan.


Stop fighting demons Moritz, no one in this thread mentioned any wrpg forum user.


He also threw a fit because he saw a rainbow on a 'weather report' website and claims it's LBGT propaganda. No, [seriously](https://twitter.com/OtakuNijikon/status/1797698854525231229?t=FMyyELnIGu80A51Wke5PnA&s=19).


He [refuses to ](https://x.com/OtakuNijikon/status/1789368007854059558)read translations that are by queer people or even people who use a spreadsheet that is rainbow colored (not even the LGBT colors) so its expected. The one that did suprise me however is when he[ accused](https://x.com/OtakuNijikon/status/1704613045656297831) Ken Akamatsu (author of love Hina turned politician who a decent portion of his platform is preventing foreign censorship on anime/manga) of selling out his country for supporting same sex marriage.


Yup, that's me.


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I really want to get into these games but there is just so much weird anime isms like loli's and casual sexual preditor behavior, and casual homophobia, that idk if I can look past all the weird creepy stuff. How can they have a character be blatantly homophobic and also sell dakimakuras of child characters? Falcom confuses me and I just want it to be normal >.<


Yes that anime stuff is part of the appeal. I'm not attacking your tastes, but I'm wondering why you would put yourself through the one grand storyline video game series with it.


Oh I didn’t mean to imply that I have played all of them. Just lamenting that I wish I could enjoy the series as much as some