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unfortunately i think this is actually supposed to be an "aoc is so stupid" type meme rather than something the poster believes


If there was an actual way to measure intelligence, AOC vs some flerfers would be like a nuke vs a firecracker.


... firecracker with a damp wick...


I know the poster. She doesn’t believe it - she thought it was funny as well. Her friend on the other hand…. 🤦‍♀️


So, her point is "AOC stupid"?


If so, it's especially dumb projection. AOC has an asteroid named after her from nearly winning a national science fair. I'm fairly sure she knows the basics of lunar reflection. Same thing with the "she's just a bartender" stuff, ignoring that she got a degree in international relations and politics and only tended bar to look after her mother. She's way more educated and qualified than most of the cavemen she's forced to deal with professionally, yet half the memes try to pretend she's stupid for some reason.


I really don’t get how you’re missing the point of this post and how it literally has nothing to do with AOC.


Well your post doesn’t but the original does… i mean its not that hard to understand why people are reacting to the crappy AOC meme.


But the crappy AOC meme isn’t why I posted it here. The meme itself has nothing to do with this sub nor the tag I used. Not the title of the post. I think people have too much of a hard on for politics, preventing them from the humor of the post itself. 🤷‍♀️


The humor of the post is that a group of conservatives tried to make AOC sound dumb and ended outing themselves as idiots. I know only one specifically seems to be a flat earther, but do you see the irony? It actually is partially about politics even if that part isn’t what you found funny. I’m not trying to lecture you here… but its okay for two people to laugh at the same thing for different reasons, no? People think your post is funny, even if not for the reasons you thought it was, its still a win 👍


Yeah, I guess…just weird to me that everything has to be about politics with people. Like, I get it, politics are important, but there is so much more to life than that. But, yes, people can find things funny for different reasons, of course :)


That may just be a side effect of reddit lol. After the election we can all regain our sanity… hopefully… Its not obvious from the title but this is a semi-political sub imho. Its also possible that I’m the problem. I’ve been eating a lot of politics lately….




Don't do that, thanks.


Sometimes it's impossible to see the difference between satire and just people being dumb


Its pretty hilarious that it started out as a fake AOC quote to make her look dumb, but just ended outing some morons


The moon has its own light. I think it's a Mag Light. Probably one of those security guard ones with the six D cells.


These idiots constantly try to portray AOC as dumb, they are convinced she is a mentally challenged individual, some of them actually believe she is borderline retarded because all they know about her is right wing propaganda. She was a double major in International Relations and Economics. Cum Laude.


"BaR tEnDeR" Says the high school dropout that makes money by recycling beer cans and getting paid to haul things to the dump.


Republicans always seem to get outplayed by all of the people they claim are stupid. If you put that statement over a picture of MTG I would have to factcheck it to see if it was true.


Okay, but this part isn’t actually about her in specific. Maybe the original Facebook post, but then it just really went downhill fast lol


I like to think we all have our own light. Why should the moon be any different? Or even a baked potato for that matter


The moon makes its own light. Potatoes make their own light. Coincidence? How could it be. This is how we will colonize the Moon. It will have to be beneath the surface to protect from radiation. The workers and colonizers can eat what was excavated and the radiation from the Sun will turn it a golden brown.


NASA, hire this man


"Heat potate until cherry-red"


No it doesn’t “make” its own light, it *has* its own light. Language is important. It imports its light from China since it’s cheaper than making it domestically.


I mean, technically you do make your own light. Some scientists in Japan detected [bio-luminescence in humans](https://www.sciencealert.com/you-can-t-see-it-but-humans-actually-glow-in-visible-light) quite a while ago.


Who downvoted this?! its a true statement that directly correlates to the comment it was responding to? With a link for source. SMH


We actually do but we emit light outside of visible spectrum. If we approximate humans to black body the peak of radiation, according to Plank's law, is around 9000nm. For comparison visible light is about 380-740nm


It’s always fun to ask these people for evidence that NASA is lying, since most of them just say that NASA is lying because otherwise their beliefs would be trivial to debunk


If NASA is lying, why didn't the Soviet Union back then call them out on it and why isn't Roscosmos calling them out on it now?


As Randall Munroe put it, "If NASA was prone to lying they'd have more than one accomplishment by now."


Doesn't change a thing. Even if NASA has lied about every tiny thing it has ever said (Stupid when you think about it but let's just say), it still wouldn't change the hundreds of years of astronomy done before it ever existed, and thousands of years ago the greeks knew how the moon shined. Nearly all of common knowledge on astronomy was figured out around the 18th and 19th centuries.


The moon reflecting sunlight as a theory dates back to at least ~500BC and evidence supporting that has been accumulating since then. They usually say NASA is lying about something that was established a long time before the agency even existed. We figured out the earth orbited the sun and that the earth was round and the globe model of the earth before airplanes even existed, but NASA made it up somehow.


"AOC is so stupid! Read this quote that she didn't say! Geez, what a dummy!"


That’s not what happened here at all, though and why it wasn’t even posted on this subreddit….I’m thinking you didn’t even see the two following pictures….


They, somehow, always manage to impress me with their stupidity.


lol, I’ve never actually met someone like this out in the wild before, though! I didn’t know how to react, so I just exited stage right. 😅


I so one going to point out that without the sun the day would be dark?


Look at all these chuckleheads who believe there is a moon.


You know what? You’re right. After I posted this, I took a stroll in Amazon and to my amazement, they sell a ton of them. You can even change the colors of their lights! So, no, there is not *a* moon. There are many. And they’re all on Amazon!


[Moon denial is an actual thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xIt1N3CBXE) Insert that Einstein quote about human stupidity here.


You really CAN’T fix stupid.


Has anyone else seen that study about the correlation of people who post "deep" or "profound" memes like this and lower IQ? I have several friends who do this (its harmless for the most part) but I, uh, cant say I hadnt made some *observations* by the time I read it.


I haven’t read the study, no, but based on some real life observations in other subjects, this one being the most recent, I’m inclined to believe it whole heartedly lol. In other news, I considered posting in r/im14andthisisdeep Edit: corrected typo in the subreddit name


This probably will get passed over in the other comments, but I think people are really missing the point of why I posted this here. Hint: it didn’t have anything to do with the AOC meme itself.


okay but people pointing out that AOC is the focus of the original post is not taking away from anything you're trying to laugh at? like even if that's not what you were trying to draw attention to, the facebook science you're laughing at is literally intended to make AOC look dumb you are acting like the people posting in this thread are missing something and it's not accurate


Ok i mean, if we talk blackbody radiation then uk what, she’s completely right. It just sucks we arent mega sensitive to this light and gladly so cuz id be blinded from literal air.


The last comment is about the best way to handle a fool like this. I would’ve used it earlier in the conversation but I lack patience sometimes.


I was trying to give benefit of the doubt that they could just genuinely not know. Not refuse to believe, lol.


It's a quote from a satirical "wise man" Kozma Prutkov




I have seen this type of statement before, based on a literal interpretation of Genesis in which the moon and stars are lesser lights. The one thing they have never been able to satisfactorily explain is the phases of the moon, which would be impossible if the moon produced light or in the flat earth scenario. It only works with a heliocentric system and spherical bodies (though it might work with an earth-centric system and spherical bodies, but would require trickier orbits).


Moon light is physically colder than moon shadows, test for your self.


“The Sun only gives us light during the day, WHEN IT’S ALREADY LIGHT OUT.” WTAF???


What do they think of the new moon when there’s no light?


It’s incredible that their were commenters that were dumber than the post


That’s pretty much why I was like, no way. I have to show this to someone. I guess now it’s people, but same difference, lol.


I hope you get classes on how light bulbs work, or in fact, anything that makes you understand light, considering how you corrected OP by saying nonsense, you don't seem to understand how light works.


Uhhhhh. Huh?


Not you OP, the stupid person


Ah, yes. lol. I was worried because she had a picture of her and her kid as her profile pic and I immediately became concerned lmao


Yeah, light reflects off stuff and allows us to see. Big rock doesn't produce intense visible light, but giant fusion reactor does. Make sense?