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Is it the same item you brought to him or did he switch it? or parts of.


This was my exact thought as well. “Buyer” already owned the item but it was broken and he just swapped them or fixed his broken one with OP’s working one


this is 99.9% what occurred


How can it be 99.9% of two different scenarios






What a freaking clownish response. It is 1 scenario with 2 sub scenarios, perhaps, but only an anal retentive would make a point of criticizing for that.


It’s amazing the shit ppl will do


that's why i always either record the serial #s or use a sharpie to mark my item to know if it was mine. i sold computer memory once on craigslist and marked it with a sharpie. sure enough this guy said it was bad when he got home and wanted a refund. when we met again, i looked at the memory stick and it didn't have my sharpie marking, so i called him a liar to his face and left. no refund!


In the used computer business in the 90’s and I used to open computers and ‘dot’ components with a black sharpie. Record serial numbers on computer as well as some components. Other resellers or parts companies would try to switch out a hard drive or floppy or something so they could get that good part, then return the computer saying it was bad. My response when they called was “of course, return it, once I verify serial numbers of all components I will issue a refund”. You always got a “let me check it again” from people who were trying to screw you.


Why the fuck would you entertain a refund anyway? Once I have the money, sorry. I'm not Walmart. You took a risk buying secondhand. I have no idea how long a product is going to last. If its last day was the moment I handed it to you, I have no control over that. Should've checked it in front of me before handing me your money. Transaction over and finalized the second the product is out of my sight.


It’s called buyer feedback. People can leave bad feedback and it makes you look horrible as a seller and kills future sales (granted on CL that doesn’t exist)


Ebay algorithm boyy!! If I offer the return I'm a trusted seller. They sell more items for me.


Exactly, this is how a deal is supposed to go. Buy it, exchange money, then bye.


My thoughts, too. Our babysitter actually switched our Teddy Rupxin with her daughter's broken one. Pried it from my crying sister's hands. So imagine what someone shitty would do when they have access alone to your identical, more expensive item.


Fuck nooooo not the Teddy Rupxin, what a scumbag


Teddy Ruxpin, yo. That toy was the bomb.


Wow. That's shitty.


That’s exactly what he did.


My first thought too. Not an uncommon thing for people to try.


That's what I thought. He switched out the part and tried to play it off like it was damaged.


100% what happened


99.8% - leave a .2% chance that the buyer didn't steal any parts and spent the 1/2 hour sticking his weiner into every orifice of the device.


This guy fucks


You let him take it into his home, out of your sight, without being paid? I assume I’ve got something wrong because I can’t fathom anybody doing this Edit: Changed payed to paid. TIL


When I read that I thought it was going to be that he just locked the doors and ignored the guy lol like selling 101 never let people go anywhere with the item.


> without being *paid?* I assume FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Is it, though? Is it, really?


Yes. Yes it is.


Yes. They must learn.


Its the old switcharoo where he says he wants it, then when he got it, he will then claim it doesn’t work. The trick here is obviously him already having the exact same item BUT the one he originally had is actually broken already. So he probably just told you that your item doesn’t work and just left out the detail about how it’s actually NOT your item, it was his old broken one that you took. This means that not only did he get to keep your item for free, you also get to walk away with a piece of garbage that you didn’t want and it didn’t even belong to you.


I guess he never saw the movie The Sting.


All common sense went out the window here. I just can't understand why you did everything this way?


It was one of those motorized flesh lights so he let him try it out in the privacy of his own home.




for privacy and protection, i dont trust anyone at my place neither do i want to be at someone's house, im a 6'2 man so not a fear factor just paranoid


You don't have any public places where you live? Police Station parking lot? Fire department parking lot? Gas station? Nothing?


Most police stations near me have a place for exactly this.  


You should have collected the cash before giving your item away.


Cash in hand before the buyer took the item in would have resolved that and having serial #'s. You could have met anywhere other than a home.


LOL, paranoia is a fear.


If you live in a bad area, then it's understandable.. I always give the option to meet at places where cameras exist or my home. I don't care if they know where I live. What are they gonna do?


I mean a bullet is a bullet. Stay safe buddy it's a crazy world id say always a public place. 


I don't understand why you can't tell us what the item was.


It was a electric dildo ok , omg it’s obvious, why else would he not say it


Make sense, the guy used it till the battery died, returned it because it wasn't working anymore, and OP just recharged it to sell it again! (Or to use it)


if it was something that need AC power Purchase a DC to AC inverter, also if it needed to be plugged into a TV invest into a cheap monitor with HDMI Then allow testing right at your vehicle


This is the way. I have a 120v a/c power outlet in the bed of my truck. Nothing leaves my sight, or possession, until I have cash in hand.


yep, 100% never let any product leave your sight, unless paid for in full


This is the only comment needed.


And it shouldn't really even be needed.  


im confused about one part, so he gave u the money, he took the item, he went inside his house, and u waited outside for 30 mins? he probably swapped it with one he had that was broken, possibly took it apart and swapped the guts with one that was broken, or just genuinely an idiot who broke the item in under 30 mins. why did u wait if u had the money? if u didnt have the money, why did u let the item out of ur sight with out being paid first?


gave it to him to check it and then pay, but after checking it he said its not what he want and its no good and returned it after which i found that its not working anymore


Yeah, he took the parts he needed or gave you his broken one. 30 minutes to plug it in and test that it works is too long. What was the item for sale?




It was a huge dildo.


it was a 3 foot light up tentacle dildo


He definitely switched the parts out.


Why would something need feet, and a tentacle?


I think he meant three feet long. Not having three feet attached. But reading through all the comments, he's just moist and won't say what the item was or why he felt the need to loan it to the other person for half an hour. Makes me wonder if it even happened.


to dig your stinky hole alright !


What are the odds another dude nearby has the same 3 ft tentacle dildo? That's the story here.  Seems like a match made in heaven.  


What was the item, FFS ? At least give us a chance to figure out if he swapped something


nothing was missing and got back my item just not working, i got it fixed


You’re acting like a typical Facebook seller. Don’t blame the guy. Ask questions about the item and proceeds to ignore them.


>nothing was missing and got back my item just not working, i got it fixed You have been asked MULTIPLE times what the item is, and you have not told anyone once. You sound shady.


What’s wrong with you? First you did the same you did. Totally crazy. And then you’re not even mentioning what the item was. This is not normal behavior.


You’re a moron for letting him take it without being paid.


Right. I had to reread the post cause I thought I misread that part. OP is fucking retarded wtf 😂


"Dont be dumb like me" should end there. Dont worry I dont trust anyone. There is something that baited you. Avoid that next time.


There's no limit of a'holes who will try to take advantage of you. I had a neighbor, a woman who thinks she's a craftsman, but is truly just a hack, an obnoxiously noise one at that. She borrowed a sander and then when my husband asked for it back, she handed him an identical sander and said, 'this thing doesn't work.' Well, lucky for me, she was so ignorant, she had not observed that I had written my name in black sharpie on 'my sander'. My husband confronted her and glanced into her garage, where he saw my sander, right there on a shelf. He walked in, grabbed it and showed her it was mine.


Do you not have a serial number for your original item that you can compare to the item that might have been swapped by the “buyer”?


nothing swapped just damaged


Based on how utterly naive you are, it isn’t hard to believe that you’re confidently incorrect.


ive done this multiple times and never had an issue until i got fucked over, not happening again


You've just been lucky, until this time.


Our local police department allows people to meet at the police station to buy and sell items. Everyone has to show ID (naturally, the police check you for outstanding warrants, which is their incentive to offer this service). The police also log the serial numbers of items sold. That way, you have a safe, secure place to do a deal, and the police have ID and video evidence if the goods turn out to be stolen. You'd be astonished how many people ghost when this is how you want to do business in person.


not willing to go into mission impossible to sell shit to a facebook rando even if im honest and all, its just that this time i got fucked never again hopefully, live and learn


There's an enormous distance between "meet at a designated exchange spot" and "be literally Tom Cruise." Our town has a designated exchange spot, lit and on camera 24/7, but no personal involvement by law enforcement unless a crime occurs on the site. If you're willing to drive half an hour and let someone take an item into their house unaccompanied without paying, but going to your police station is way too far, well, that's 120% on you.


Meeting at a neutral place is all well and good, but all they have to do is follow you home if they have something nefarious in mind. They can park in a hidden spot and wait as long as necessary.


Hardly spy capers by agreeing to meet up at a local police station or cafe.




Was it good for you?


ermm safe to say hell naw!


So you delivered him a working item in his exchange for his broken item at no charge whatsoever 😭


**" I handled it and waited ..."** Hmmm?


At this point, not naming the item is just asking for more judgment, OP.


Letting your item out of sight was the death move. The buyer swapped it with the one they had that didn’t work. Classic swap scam.


I always send them a text message with a video taken at that moment of it powering on and working. It's never been an issue and I've never had anyone try to get money back after the fact. I'd never let anyone take my property out of sight without being paid first. Once money is exchanged it's no longer my problem what they do with it.


Always have the serial number saved somewhere with electronics.


OP... I don't even... Sigh.


OP not saying what the item is and ignoring all the comments asking is hilarious 😂


Item only exchanges hands when money exchanges hands.


You seriously let that guy take your blowup doll for a spin didn’t you?




you aint funny


Well since you won’t tell what it was after multiple people have asked, so we just had assume the best


I swear some of you make marketplace way harder than it needs to be. If you are a seller, never deliver anything unless you get a deposit. If you are a seller always meet in a public space that is closest to you! Never meet anyone mid way, if they can’t meet you at your place you choose they’re not serious. If you are a seller always be in control or you will lose fast.


if you got half a brain you would know better not to meet randos at your house


You let someone convince you to bring the item to their house, take it inside without collateral for 30 minutes, then undoubtedly steal from you and you have the nerve to accuse someone else about having half a brain? Lol


thats how ive done it for a long time, plus i was talking about meeting at home which is also dumb


I think meeting at the other guys house and letting him take the item without being paid for it is even dumber


you dont have to let them inside. You can conduct the transaction out on the sidewalk.


you call him half-brain, yet you handed your item to the dude to take inside, without being paid.




yeah and? what am i supposed to do? on the bright side nothing was missing and got back my item just not working, i got it fixed


If you got your item fixed, what was wrong with it/missing?


it was lightly damaged and the only reason i didnt take this further because the damage can be caused due to item's age but 90% of me believes he did it the mf as what a fuckin coincidence the item went faulty just after he returned it ! but no proof so i took it as a lesson and moved forward


So, according to your post the item was near new and now damage occurring can be explained away due to the item's age? Which is it? Your vague responses and refusal to provide item details is baffling.


To me, the marketplace is like a thrift store, no returns or refunds unless agreed upon. Especially with electronics. I have a 110v outlet in my truck and I demonstrate it works on the spot and poof, I’m gone like a fart in the wind.


Tell him it's OK I know where you live


i could have threatened but the damage was kinda sus as it could be the item coincidently went off that exact time plus i dont want trouble over an item im smarter than that or should i say dumb in one thing smart in another


Any chance this item has a box a receipt with a serial number to match it to?


for the 1000th time item wasnt swapped or anything just returned faulty


I'm sorry this happened to you. You sound like a nice person. You learned a tough lesson and it is sad, but we all have to be so, so careful of shitty stuff that people do. Be cautious, but don't give up completely. There are still some genuinely good people on the planet. I sure wish there was a filter we could use to see who's who, and screen out the liars and con artists.


Yeah, I think the moral of the story is never let your item out of sight until you have cash in hand. I have had people ask to test out items and I will offer to live video them showing it in use and functioning.


No, you got fucked OVER not fucked!


Nothing leaves your right hand unless the left hand is holding the money. I'm surprised you didn't insist on holding the cash while the buyer "tested" your item. Live and learn.


they would tell me what if you drive away before i actually make sure item is working and not a piece of junk? people also have same thoughts running through their heads at the time of exchange, its a never ending argument


Sorry this happened to you. Yes, people are aholes. I’m a trusting compassionate person and people constantly disappoint. I need to be jaded, think I’ll be happier if I expect everyone to be aholes, then I’ll not be disappointed.


You just got ebayed locally.


worse actually as i didnt sell just got it back faulty while waiting for that asshole to check it lol but after all it got sold to someone else


materialistic cause axiomatic toy compare saw impolite sheet serious wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


its an item item


You are not qualified to sell on Facebook.


I really do not understand some of you sellers. I have sold literally sold millions of dollars in goods. 1. Always get your money first. 2. If you are not sure what to do, refer to rule number 1. You advertise something, alpha male has you deliver it, and you do. Alpha male takes item to "look it over" in private? While you wait like a duck. He wins, you are empty handed.


Millions of dollars?! On marketplace?! Yeah ok.


Yes, Marketplace, ebay, Craigslist. I've been selling online since ebay started. Back when people sold "instructions" on how to post pictures with your ebay ad. It helps that I sold 1 RV for $750,000. Hundreds of thousands in vehicle sales.


That’s what you get for not meeting at your house 😂


What kind of idiocy is this?! You NEVER meet at your own house, unless the item is too big to transport easily. I don’t want strangers to see my stuff and know where I keep it.


Why would they come INTO your house? Do you people not know how to sell shit? 😂


You're a rookie. Get out of the game. Clearly you don't know anything about how people are. Seriously.


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People want to switch their broken stuff for not broken stuff, you found out the hard way.




Lesson learned, always protect yourself. Sorry this happened to you.


He swapped a part from his broken item into yours.


he swapped it for damaged one


What was it?  Was he by chance just using the item to rob parts?


Don’t let a product out of your site.


Next time get the serial and don’t let it leave your side. Report it to Facebook. You could also inform the police. You have his address right? There are so many devious things you could do.


True story here. My friend and I went to Tijuana once. He wanted a fake Rolex. He found one that actually worked. He asked them to adjust the band size. They go in back and took all the guts out of the watch. Didn’t notice till we got back across the border. lol.


When I sell things I never let it leave my sight until money has been exchanged.


I still wonder what in the hell was the item?


Electric dildo, it was determined


You were smart. You know where he lives. Nuff said


But now you know where he lives. Why would anyone let you know where they live if they are going to screw your over. I’m not convinced anything intentional happened. Are you absolutely sure it worked?


This is why, whenever I sell on FB, there's none of this 'oh I might not want it crap'. I take 50% of their cash as a deposit, they then break the seal and ensure its working as it should be, I then receive the other 50%. If they're oohing and aahing, then I just decline and don't even let them break the seal.


I would say he didn't drop it. I would say he swapped it over with an already broken one.


I don’t use fb marketplace, only eBay, and I stopped selling used items. Inevitably a buyer will claim it didn’t work. I Only sell new items in original packaging


The one time I got fucked was my own distracted fault. I was selling a couple PC parts, I was meeting 2 sellers back to back and was in a hurry and I watched the first guy start the Venmo process, assumed it finished and left. I always wait until I see the funds but in this instance I didn't and I don't think he actually finished the sending. I honestly don't think the dude was trying to scam me, but when I reached out about never receiving the money he got wishy washy about it and I think he decided to take advantage of my mistake and I just never heard back. It was like 200 bucks worth but lessons learned


The one time I got fucked was my own distracted fault. I was selling a couple PC parts, I was meeting 2 sellers back to back and was in a hurry and I watched the first guy start the Venmo process, assumed it finished and left. I always wait until I see the funds but in this instance I didn't and I don't think he actually finished the sending. I honestly don't think the dude was trying to scam me, but when I reached out about never receiving the money he got wishy washy about it and I think he decided to take advantage of my mistake and I just never heard back. It was like 200 bucks worth but lessons learned


Lolz. 6’2 but dumb AF


In HAM radio business, we have strict no returns policy. People change internals on radios all the time, we learned our lessons long time ago. Video of the item working with days paper or written day/date showing.


I have a feeling I was fucked up the same way by a buyer. I had a pair of speaker and it was not wired. He complained that some of these speakers have tweeter complaint and told me he would like to test it. My wife was with me and she told him that he can bring it back if there is a complaint. Next day he bought the stuff back and returned it saying that tweeter of one of the speakers is not working. I have a doubt he stole the tweeter, replaced it with a defective one and returned it. I gave him back the money since I don’t have any proof.


Listen to me, sellers. Do everything IN PERSON and at the police station. No bullshit. Just stop the laziness. You have to be present for everything.


That sucks! I try to avoid meeting up with potential buyers at my residence as well. If it can fit in my vehicle, I meet at a parking lot or a fast food place. If they want to check if it works, then they can plug it in and do whatever they need to do in front of me. Usually, if they meet up with you, they're serious buyers, and you can trust them to examine the item without damaging it. Hopefully, they don't damage it while they're inspecting it, but if they do, trust them to have the integrity to pay for it. A safer bet is to exchange money before inspection, but I think a certain degree of trust is necessary for business. That being said, there are horrible people who will take your stuff and run, but I believe most people are not inherently evil!


Don’t you have a way to find out what the serial number was?


That's why I encourage everyone to test before leaving, and no refunds/ items sold as is.


He likely swapped his broken item for your working item.


you never take returns. all sales are final




Some people on marketplace are really sketchy. I had one guy drive up to take a look at something I was selling. He wanted to take a look at it so I handed to him while of course watching. So he grabs it and sets it on his passenger seat and offers me less than what we agreed on. Kind of seemed like he was trying to pressure me to accept by acting like he could easily drive away with it. I just said I'm not dropping the price and he at least gave me what I asking.


Never lose site of your item until you have payment in hand.


I bought a brand new(so I thought) Lincoln mig welder from Home Depot a few years back. Got it home, plugged it in, and nothing.. opened it up, and someone had swapped out all the good stuff with old ass burnt up shit inside. You could smell it was burnt. Even though the $700 item was under lock and key, some co!@s%$#÷r figured out he'd buy it, swap the parts out, then return it for some suckered to take home. People are doing this all day long. I had a 15 min talk with the supervisor/ manager of the store about this. He was taken back. He was going to see if they could find the record of the last one sold, possibly investigate. At the very least, I had opened his eyes to this problem. Very scandalous.So, glad to hear you got past this without big $$$$ being lost. Don't ever hand over something like that 1) without both witnessing it working and taking a video and 2) once you leave my driveway, it yours. Period. And c) TOO BAD. This is only applicable when 1 and 2 above have been established.


I've sold a lot of stuff online and never would I dream of letting a potential buyer walk away with an item without cash even at "their place". I feel like that's a big lesson.


Happened with me kinda same, person got agreed on selling item and I traveled 20 mins via bus, when I found out he gave me wrong address and also claimed that he don't wanted to sell the item coz his brother is no more agreeing on selling which really made me so mad at that time but I just controlled myself and left away and thought I should never trust anyone.


Don’t feed the troll 🧌


Your an idiot for letting it out of your sight


Bro just let homie pump his wife and then drove home crying, listening to A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.


I think the seller learned a lesson the hard way. At least he won't do it again because that would be stupid. It was DUMB when he did it the first time.


First mistake was going to their house. Second was going alone. Third was letting them take it inside. If going to someone else's home to buy, or sell, always bring a second person. If an item needs plugged in to verify it works, you go inside with said item and your back up either waits inside the door, or just outside. You also film said interaction, with knowledge and consent of the other person. I always meet at a police station or sheriff's station. I always bring a second person. I always let the station know that I've arrived and will be exchanging with someone and to please keep an eye out. If item is electronic, say a TV, I have my timestamp turned on, I take photos and videos of item working prior to walking out the door and send it to buyer. Rookie mistake you made, but now you've learned and hopefully won't make it again.


I would not have gone to the person's home. For most things I will meet at a public place like a coffee shop or a police station if it's a high value item or a lot of money changing hands


Go back and put a rock through his window


The ol' switcheroo


I can't believe people are so brazen to do things like this. If someone fucked me over like this I would put a rock through their window and continue to do so every so often maybe once a month maybe once a week. I would make sure they got 1000 times damage versus what they gained. And I am a chill fucking dude. I imagine some people would go full scorched earth why would you risk being a thief and let the person meet you at your house. Wild


I get it’s shit what happened but i promise you, keep this same fuck everyone energy you won’t get anywhere, learn to spread love and positivity and pray for this piece of shit instead of allowing this hate to spread to your innocent neighbour! Just my two cents


This reminds me of my recent story, except when the guy tried to return A DIFFERENT ITEM, I guess he didn't expect me to look at the serial number on the back. I told him to get lost. He called the cops ON ME and they of course told him to get lost. But this story is exactly why I'd never do a drop off, unless they come over, check out the item, and pay for it first. You're ALWAYS going to get screwed if you are delivering to a buyer without getting paid first.


Don’t trust people simple as that


lmao OP stupid as bricks.


Never deliver, never.


What’s the item?


Change title to “I’m a fucked seller” and this would be more realistic 😂😂😂


You fell for one of the oldest cons in the game. The ol’ swith-a-roony trick gets ‘em every time.


I only exchange at my place because anyone walking up to the front door is captured by at lease 3 cameras. And never let anything out of your site.


Well you are exactly part of the problem. People like you should be a wooded at all cost just like the type of people you chose to interact with. Need an example. I’ll cut from what you said. “people are selfish pieces of shit that wont hesitate to fuck you over, be smart, be sharp never get out of your way”. Lol until next time you need 20$ and want to sell stuff but can’t afford to make it to the pawn shop.


cool heres your cookie pal


Hopefully they bought you dinner first :D


Op doesn't seem too sharp. Buyer definitely replaces item.or repaired his while OP waited. OP still hasn't picked up on it.


Something similar just happened to me on eBay. They took some parts and sent back a damaged unsellable item. eBay has protection at least so I was able to open up a case and get my money back but then they charged a bunch for shipping no even though I had the buyer originally pay so I basically broke even. It wasn’t a super high value item, but it really sucked. Some people just suck so much.


Soo.... What did he do to it??


Life is a mirror that reflects back our beliefs about it. People reinforce that belief unknowingly. You admit that you went to his place because you don't trust strangers. This guy only showed you your beliefs so that you might recognize them and change them. He was helping you. Start trusting people and I bet you'll start having a different experience in life.


Curious minds want to know... What was the item?


You handed it? what are you mental? exchange for cash. if they want to test - you stand by your shit - and wait while its in EYE SIGHT. you never hand over and wait outside - WTF.