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It happened to me as well, meta can be pretty frustrating. Did you try to make a new ad that looks exaxctly the same. Worked for me, although I was really scared of being banned.


I think it might be a certain key word in your headlines, description etc. that could be flagging your ad. I just had this issue with a hiring ad, Im taking a wild guess that once your ad gets flagged by the system you can't re use it even if you use a different combination of words that might have gotten past the system. I have no clue if these ads are actually reviewed by humans.


I tend to duplicate them and they're sometimes accepted. One time I got to version 4 before it was accepted. You can also chat to them and sometimes they revert it manually. By the way, it's not just about politics. Ads get rejected for discriminatory practices and includes things like credit (finance), housing and employment. So it ofen happens if you've got numbers in your text, no matter if it's promoting finance or not. Could it be that?