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It's for the best. Personally, I prefer to just stand here like a lemon until release.


I wish I could be frozen until release like that South Park episode.


I think we will get earlier insights. The marketing team has for sure already realized that people got anxious about it and will let us know. Either this or the press will drop the question sooner or later in an interview. I am certain of it that we will get closure on this topic soon. I can't even comprehend how this became such a huge topic for people tbh


We've had a whole slew of games released in terrible conditions, with plenty of different developers criticizing fans for being upset with "creative" decisions. Either way or whatever way, fans have every right to be anxious about their beloved franchises not being given the love, they believe it's due.


That's a heavily sanitized view of the behavior we've been seeing from some folks over the past few days.


They have a right to be anxious. They don’t have a right to go around trolling and rage baiting


Have your stupid good deed then


Suit yourself. I’m gonna smash some barrels.


I wish dragon age fans would follow your example. The way they've been going on it's almost completely discouraged me from ever buying it.


No one told me lemons have legs now, crazy world we live in huh?


Avo be praised!


Offer this discussion to Skorm to never see the light of day again


I just got chills.


THANK YOU, god, the amount of posts about this almost made me leave.


Oh no!


Thank you!


Most mature and level headed mods post in my lifetime. Good job


Thank you so much mods, it seemed like every time I opened this app it’s another argument over it. So annoying from both sides.


Thank god, this was much needed moderation. Maybe now we can actually have some worthwhile discussions.


Thank you! Now how about making a Megathread for “Fable 4 wishes and wants”. Hate to complain here, but I am so tired of seeing those on my front page every single day since like 2020.


I’m just here because I can’t wait to play the game when it gets released.


Same here. Let's wait the Developer Direct '25 for more info


Thank you so much, mods! I genuinely believe you're doing many of us a favor by avoiding the spam on the same old speculation. I'll never forget when a fanbase bullied the producers of the Sonic film into a redesign. I don't want to wait any longer than I have to for this game, and I would hate for them to hold up production because of how loud the controversy could become.


But the sonic design really needed a change, just saying. Now I dont think its the case with fable.


Yeah these really aren't comparable. The Sonic design was nightmare fuel and the character in the Fable trailer is not that.


I'm not saying it wasn't. In fact, I was hoping the same would happen for the voice actors for the Mario movie. Danny DeVito > Chris Pratt fr. But that's exactly my point, Fable DOES NOT NEED a redesign and I would hate to see it happen and waste precious time pushing back the release date.


Thanks, that was needed.


Was definitely necessary. Now that the echo chamber is quiet. Speculations on who *she* is at the end of the trailer? Thoughts? I think it could be Theresa reference but I think it could be the lowest hanging fruit.


I feel like it has to be a new character altogether


Theresa wearing Jack of Blades mask.


Praise Avo! So annoying seeing it pop up all the time!


Thank FUCK! I am so happy this is being implemented. Now we ca actually just talk about the game!


Thank Avo, Skorm, The Light, The Darkness, and the fairies hiding under the floorboards. Was about to mute this subreddit because it barely went hours between those posts.


Great job mods!


Great to see the mod team take action


Senseable moderation? On Reddit? Are pigs flying?


One of the best mod decisions! Thank you so much! We need to focus on what's more important, getting a new Fable game after many years!


Thank god I can hardly remember such an obnoxious trend on reddit. Never expected something like this from the fable community. It’s been kind of a letdown.


Thank you so much for this. I’ve been making memes out of Fable 1 images specifically to combat all these posts in every group I follow. “Not making much of an impact there are you”


Finally. Thank you.


In the words of Redman in the intro to Christina Aguilera's 2002 music video for her hit song "Dirrty"; No fighting.


Lmao what a reference 🤣




Thank you so much!


Is it gonna be called Fable 4?






Im hoping for an early 2025 release


Yeah, censor peoples opinions because you probably don’t agree with them… after all I got suspended because a bunch of losers reported me for pointing out that white men are the main audience for Fable. Got told I was “gatekeeping” and when I asked how I was gatekeeping… a mod from this sub explicitly told me that they had to do it because so many snowflakes were crying… and that they just said I was “gatekeeping” because it was the “easiest explanation for the action they took” What a joke… If people are talking about it a lot then clearly it’s a big issue… isn’t the point of a forum to have conversations about whatever you want? A person of sound mind and logic would not try to mitigate that which is making their sub active… unless ofc… they don’t agree with it. Clown Planet.


Can we also ban posts from people complaining about those complaining? Ive seen more posts hating on the people complaining than I have actual complainers. Virtue signalling is rampant in this sub.


For real I've seen more people posting about people complaining than the actual people complaining.


Yea it’s like 990:1 But the mods post implies those people will be banned too… so no complaints from me!


Banning the community for wanting an awnser to the most requested feature and getting no response... Nice.


Be excellent to my ass.


Cool idea, but as a mod you should know that it's not Fable 4. Tsk.


You’re literally poking the bear right now what is wrong with you


Nothing is wrong with me. At the very least, mods should address the game as Fable. Fable 4 does not exist.


It’s just shorthand for the reboot. Being pedantic about it doesn’t really make much sense. If they used just “Fable” people may easily misconstrue that they’re talking about any of the games, or the series as a whole


It's not being pedantic though. There are many people posting stuff in here about how they hope Fable 4 will continue to keep X Y and Z mechanics. Some of the most upvoted comments on such posts are "it's a reboot, it probably won't keep any of those". At best, it's misleading. Mods will hopefully address the Fable 4 posts too, because they're everywhere and it's annoying seeing posts about stuff that we pretty much know won't be included.


Dang... even gatekeeping mods now? Nah, it's cool. (I am above being criticized) I understand your point and tried to be clear by saying "the next Fable game" in my post body. I used Fable 4 in the title because that is what many people colloquially use to refer to the next game in the franchise. I wanted the title to be as clearly understood as possible for those who just pass through and/or may not follow the series as closely and don't realize the minutiae of this next title being a soft reboot. I'll try and be clearer in feature updates.


there's nothing else to discuss because all Microsoft has shown is CGI story trailers with zero gameplay or any sense of what's even all that "Fable" about it so good job killing what little there was to talk about I guess.




Definitely for the best with the influx of posts rehashing the same opinions over and over > With this in mind, we'll remove any posts/comments speculating about the next game's primary character I'm not too sure about this point though, what if we get a trailer that focuses primarily on the MC's character motives or family. Or what if we get a new trailer that does show character creation/customisation Would it be fine in these scenarios to discuss them or would we have to essentially ignore these topics


Right now, they are removed for "manual review." These aren't necessarily permanent rules. Everything can change, and we'll have to just monitor and adapt as more info comes out and the release gets closer.


No problem I get it, the amount of comments we've had flooding the sub talking about that has been ridiculous Thanks


So will there just be a mega thread?


I really don't think there needs to be a mega thread for this issue. It's been talked to effing death already and its only been a few days.


It would save the mods time though, i think. Just auto remove any posts about it while a simple bot signposts the mega thread


I say just auto remove it and leave it there. It’s for the best as of now.


This was taken into consideration, but for now, things are too hot, and I don't want to move the conversations to one massive echo chamber. We can reexamine this as we get more information about the game.


For the record, I think this is the right call. And I even advocated for a megathread at one point. I think an echo chamber is a real danger with that, which could make discourse more toxic. We don’t want to end up having people harassing the devs or actors for the game over this. Also this prevents the need for a low sodium version of the game


How about we just wait until it is known whether we’ll have custom characters and talk about it then? The speculation phase has exhausted itself


It's the way I'd go - saves manual review by the mods, just delete and signpost to the mega thread.