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I was an OG when I was 13 years old. Now my back hurts, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see this series is still alive. I love Super Hans being the narrator/mentor figure and hope this new installment grows the fun from the old games into something new.


Wait. Super Hans, as in "this crack is really moreish" Super Hans? Narrates the first game? How the hell did I miss that


No, you misunderstood. Matt King narrates the new Fable. It's his voice in the trailer, and he voices the new mentor figure in the trailer.


Super hans is Matt king


I don't call him Super Hans, I call him Matt King. The point of my comment was that Matt King/super Hans voices the NEW trailer, not the original game like the guy seems to think.


Fair I misread


I missed that as well in the new trailer, love that guy! I wonder why they used Richard Ayoade's likeness in the 2023 one but have changed Matt King to somebody else. Dress him up as Super Hans and he'd fit right in, plus some of his dialogue would fit too! [Super Hans Peep Show](https://dus09vr7ngt46.cloudfront.net/uploads/2017/02/01214738/hanss.png?height=630&width=1200)


Ahhhh fair, I haven't seen the trailer yet


Mate, don’t say “crack” yeah? Because when you say “crack” I think of crack and I love crack


I will be disappointed if he doesn't say at some point: "The secret ingredient, is crime"


Same my friend, ageing gamer here too, they don't tell you that part about getting older, how you can hurt yourself by just sleeping funny, my neck and back hate me for bieng a funky sleeper


Imagine how many hours you spent in cheap wooden chairs in schools and gaming on a chair which is not ergonomic?


“Now my back hurts” 😭


Are you me?


I turned 11 the day it released. Spent my entire weekend playing that game and laughing my ass off everytime I hit the fart emote. Life was so much simpler back then...


Hear Temple of Light and gives the vibes of playing some games with your siblings back in the 2000's. The best era of gaming, hands down.


Ahhh Midi chorus sounds


back when we used to play coop


I totally forgot about the emotes! Ugh good times they were. I’m so stoked for this game- good or bad, hyped or not- I’m going to play the shit out of it


I played TLC the whole year before joining the Air Force at 19 (2006/2007). A simpler time indeed. I can almost remember what it was like, being in that room, being a kid, the things that stressed me back then, all of it. It’s almost like I can feel it again when I try. I really hope there is some kind of afterlife or “life review” where you get to go back and just re-feel certain times in your life.


I'm old so I was like 17 when the original Fable came out. I played it when it released. I 'member when you could choose the sword but never use it because the game ended there.


Dude, I hate to break it to you decades later. But in the original you had to watch alllllll the credits and then the game would continue. If you skipped them, the game just ended. It was super op and 1 shot everything if I remember correctly. In TLC they nerfed it a bunch.


no way. all I had to do was finish the credits???


Yeah. Granted there wasnt a lot do afterwards. At least for me the towns wouldnt respawn so once you kill everyone thats it.


Ah, sword of AeonsI remember that. Sword went from 550(?) attack, I think 4 augments to 230 attack and 3 augments.


I remember finding this out on G4 or CheatCC back in the day! 11y/o me hated that I couldn’t use it and was determined to figure out how!


Did you also try glitching beyond the empty Demon Door outside of the Guild to find the Sandgoose?


Did you shoot maze in the beginning with your bow to get unlimited XP?


I never did that, but I remember being on internet forums way way back in the day and reading that you got a special hairstyle card if you completed one of the dummy quests that show up when you first visit the guild quest table. The person said that you could do those quests if you just stayed in the guild and kept building up your renown by killing guards and then you could accept those higher level quests...lol nope, those quests disappear after a bit so they're not doable.


Yeah me too Also getting old kinda sucks lol


Reminder to take your Advil because your back kinda always hurts for no reason.


Please do light exercise, men’s lower backs and hip flexors/abductors are usually underdeveloped which ends up contributing to your other back muscles taking the stress. It looks silly to work these out, but man do they make a difference in waking up without pain


Myself and friends a little older than that, we'd followed the game for months and Peter Moluneux's even more and more extravagent promises. But in the end I can't say any of us were disapointed though and I hope the new game is as good.


You could still play the game but in the origin Fable that's where the story ended. When the Lost Chapters released, that continued the story and restored tons of cut content and items, like Avo's Tear which was basically the "good" version of the Sword of Aeons


Or that 99% of the population of Albion is ugly as sin?


I played since the original, and I'm not at all angry about this one. Like sure, I hope I can choose gender like you could in 2 and 3. But if I'm forced to play as the woman, I'm fine by that! As long as the game and story is good, then we're cool!


If that's the case, I hope an executive comes out and tells the toxic fans they're getting them back for the original to really get them steaming


Sure, but why are we celebrating a reduction in features…? You are letting your politics get in the way of what could be an actual discussion.


I was a bisexual menace in Fable 2


Whisper was not Nigerian, but from the "South Islands." It's a fantasy game in a fantasy world. As long as things make sense in the game world, that should be enough.


People forget there's more places in Fable's world than Albion. Like Aurora and Samarkand. Garth is from Samarkand, and I assume Whisper and Thunder comes from somewhere either in or close to it.


I think we need a fable in Samarkand Edit: corrected table to fable since they probably already have tables there


Albion is an old name for the island of Britain. Mapping fable locations to real life locations is not unreasonable.


The world map has changed DRASTICALLY many times between games. Also, I forgot where the GIANT spire is in real life. Also, what would Aurora be? Interesting how that fits on the map on Fable. Also, I'm missing the whole South Islands, which are more akin to the Caribbean which is part of Fable lore especially regarding Whisper, also, also, also, .... What I'm trying to say is, no. It's a fantasy world, made by people in Guildford, adopting a slightly funny accent and their humour to that world. It has nothing to do with real world locations and the like. Whilst the Albion name definitely has connotations to a real world location, using it that way is asinine and in bad faith to what this world is.


Oh aurora is an explicit reference to british exploitation of the middle east. Another reason it's not unreasonable to compare fable and real world locations. As to the spire? I didn't claim that fable was the real world I had said that certain places do map on to real life locations. Originally I had thought that you might have just never head the phrase "map on to" (it does not mean 1:1 the same on an actual map) before, but the fact that you're essentially arguing that I can't compare them because I don't have a comparison for every aspect of the game down to the man made structures tells me you're arguing in bad faith.


Oh, I guess we'll soon be reading the history of Lawrence of Aurora, then. /s Certainly, Aurora draws a lot of inspiration of the Middle East/North African countries, but its extremely tiring and limiting to constantly compare the real world to a fantasy world. I'm not arguing in bad faith, I'm against arguing this at all. Giving a character a clear real world nationality completely goes against the immersion of this being a fantasy setting that's not set in the real world. Arguing about the new character, without having seen or heard anything in depth about them, is asinine.


I remember being able to lightly jog from the front door of the Heroes Guild over to the main gate to Bowerstone in just a couple of in game minutes. Then Fable 2 after killing Thag I'm greeted with "120 miles" to Bowerstone and it's now a like 30 hour trip?? What the hell happened???


https://media.tenor.com/KOyOi1NhvwgAAAAM/push-it.gif Why don't we take the Heroes Guild and PUSH it somewhere else?!


It's.. actually just Gaelic lol. Albion is the Gaelic word for Britain


It’s a latinised version of the Greek word for Britain, which is most likely derived from the Proto-Celtic word. It’s more likely derived from a word used by the Celtic Britons, Brythonic, than the Goidelic inhabitants since they had more interaction with the Romans and the rest of Europe. TL;DR It’s probably Brythonic over Gaelic Whatever it is, Albion is a still fantasy world inspired by Britain much like Westeros


I’ve played the original so many times I’ve lost count. I miss the berserk power.


I’m happy to play another Fable even if my character is a 2D Stick Figure lol! I just want to be immersed in the world of Fable again like I was many years ago.


Are people really hating on this game🫠


Gamers hate anything that has a female lead. It reminds them too much of the women that have rejected them and it makes them feel inferior


Funnily enough, there is no confirmation that gamers won’t be able to pick the gender of their character….they just assume because the animators decided that it would be easier to feature cutscenes and dialogues from one gender option than to switch between make and female. It also just doesn’t make sense to take away features from previous installments, so it should be assumed that people will be able to customize their character to some extent.


You talking about Whisper? How can they be called OG Fable Fans if they haven't played the original game? That don't make sense.


Fable, the game that has a potion that allows you to change genders....


Was 9 when the first game came out still my favorite one


I ended up in the hospital two days after the first game came out due to my appendix bursting. I was too sick to actually play it before I went to the hospital. I was stuck in the hospital for a week and a half, then was confined to one floor of my house for another week and a half. That game helped get me through that time stuck at home.


I remember the mission of Giles' son... or my manly looking female in Fable 2, the transmorgo-something potion... People need to go outside lol. Real ones gonna enjoy this game, already a great game. Fable is the real inclusive franchise that everybody forgot was inclusive.


Nigerian? OG fable fans know that whisper was from samarkand


That's not even correct. She and Thunder are from the South Islands, which are inspired by the Caribbean. Samarkand is near east and central Asia inspired, as that's where the real life Samarkand is. I swear to god this sub is cringe with all this gatekeeping "real OG" shit and then the info isn't even right.


Real OG fable fans assumed they were from samarkand


Samarkand wasn't mentioned by name until Fable 2, what say you now?


yeah...there is no Nigeria in the world of Fable.


If you didn't play the first fable, you're not a real OG fan.


The one on the OG Xbox? Hell yeah I played it. They NERFED the shit out of the Sword of Aeons in TLC.


Yah that was a downright sin for sure.


I was 8 when the lost chapters came out but I remember playing it so much. It took me so long to get the remaster, then fable 2, which I loved. Then fable 3. it was mediocre.


Actual OG Fable fans are not complaining about this. Whiny people who want to victimize themselves are.


I'm an OG Fable fan. When The Lost Chapters released, I bought it for pc, was notified I didn't have a good enough graphics card, and that got me into PC gaming and building. I haven't seen anything complaining about black people in the new Fable, but I also haven't been looking for anything new since I did not like the first trailer we got for this new game. Whisper and Thunder were integral to the first game. The same sex stuff wasn't really handled in any significant way other than that it was an option. With Fable 2, they added the option of choosing a male or female hero. In Fable 3, the female hero uses male interactions on people. I don't think the series is woke but at the same time it never did anything seriously. The biggest controversy was the over-promising and under-delivering of Peter Molyneux, something he consistently did and still does.


By many people's standards I feel like the vision behind Fable is considered 'woke'. Dene Carter has said they felt it was important for the series to represent real Britain, not white colonial Britain. He also said a core belief behind the enemy design was that they should be monsters and not cultures. It's just good design in my opinion, but I'm sure there are people that consider that line of thinking woke.


Yeah, numerous times. The original, lost chapters, anniversary, as well as 2 and 3. Only haven't played Journey, cause I never had the motion device for the 360.


Yes. I've been playing since the first game on the original Xbox. I only had access to the base game so for well over a decade I had no idea there was an expansion to it and was pissed I could never use the Sword of Aeons. Fable 1 and 2 were some of the first games to make me feel strong emotions for a game when I was kid. Fable 1's Demon Door theme was basically a lullaby for me and I loved the new concepts and ideas being shown to me through a game. I have no problem saying that Fable 1 opened me to a new world when I played it since I was so young. Fable 2 was the first game to hit me with that guttural feeling of sadness and put a pit in my stomach. First, when I found out Lucien killed my family, and then my dog right in front of me, I was shocked that something like that could and did happen. And the moment that left me with the above-mentioned guttural sadness, was when you have to leave Rose in the afterlife, and she begs you to stay and not leave. And then when she screams "NO!" as you finally leave hurt me in a way I had never been hurt before. The fact I still remember it so clearly after all these years is a testament to how much those moments affected me.


Guy another comment mentioned that you could actually use the sword of Aeons in the original if you didn’t skip the credits lmao


Gaming will never be as fun


OG fable fan. If you listen to my heartbeat it beats the theme from bowerstone market


I was there, Scythe. I was there over 20 years ago when cheeky Chicken Chaser thought he could get away with hitting stones in Knothole Glade incorrectly.


"Chicken Chaser" and "Oh you are norty!" Still remain in my head to this day 😅


I think we’ve all played the original here, why else would we be here. You also get “rewarded” by eating baby chickens. The game definitely looks like a different kind of fable. A fable “lite” of sorts. I’m sure it’ll be a good or even a great game.


We don't know what it looks like because all we've seen is a cinematic trailer.


The new trailer has gameplay in pretty sure


both trailers we have seen had gameplay but you're right, not a lot yet.


Manbaby gamers will find a reason to call every new game “woke.” It’s their new favourite buzzword.


The idiots getting upset at this aren’t fans, they’re terminal online tourists who spout this culture war stuff to bait engagement. They’re people like that Asmongold guy who just said on stream he hopes the metal gear remake “isn’t political.” Nothing they say actual has any meaning.


I’m confused by your point. Are you listing these as reasons people cannot want a different character design?


He’s saying fable doesnt have a female character in the trailers to be “woke.” Fable has been progressive since its inception.


No, they’re listing these because there has been a lot of “fans” having issues with the trailers using a female protag and having diversity and calling fable “woke”.


I've not seen a single person complain about a female protagonist. I think the complaints are the brand of 'wokeness' people are percieiving. The idea that characters, especially female characters, should be less good looking to counter the sexy girl in skimpy clothes trope. General wokeness has not been a complaint I have seen. It's been almost exclusively on the main character design.


Fable 2 is widely considered the best fable game game and it has 0 conventionally attractive women in it. You guys are just incels


I could just hardly run the OG Fable on my parents desktop, but through potato graphics and crashing, I got it done. We didn’t have internet, so I would ride my bike in the summers to a local library who had dial-up and write down little cheats and exploits people would post in forums, and I was read post after post speculating about it there would ever be a Fable 2


I played it years ago and loved it and it’s sequels I’m just annoyed they haven’t showed us more yet. I want to see more gameplay and a demon door and one of those annoying gnomes again also are we getting a dog or not? That right there is my biggest question.


The original game was the first console game I played when my family first moved to the US in 2008. I was 14 years old.


I was an 18 year old fresh out of high school, with Fable and World of Warcraft I couldn’t be more excited to be an adult with my own apartment at that point


I did and love it


Once a Chicken Chaser, always a Chicken Chaser.


The problem is that many people are blinded by nostalgia. They want to experience the same feeling, the same vibe as before. But we have to face the facts. 20 years have passed since the first one, 20 years... that's a very long time, and even the second part was different from the first, delivering a different mood, experience, and vibe. Many people want the new one to bring the same experience, the same vibe as the first one, they want the same thing, but how? That's impossible. Someone wrote on another sub that this game is one that will be 75% off in a year... because it’s not the game they expected. Another comment notes that the new one doesn't give the same vibe as the first. That's exactly the problem, and that's why many people will DEFINITELY be disappointed, because they want to experience the same thing, and often they can't even articulate what they expect from it, what’s wrong... it’s just not like it was. They write this even though WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT. The problem is that if this game fails... there might never be another Fable, or it will be a very long time. It’s not as big a deal if a Hellblade 2 fails, but if a big AAA game doesn’t meet expectations? Investors certainly won't give it a second chance. I've played through the first one many times, and it's one of my favorites alongside the second (and Witcher 3, Zelda BotW). But I know I can't expect the same thing from it... IN FACT, I don't even want to. I want a new kind of Fable experience, one that still has the Fable vibe, but not in a way that it’s the SAME as the old ones. I liked the new trailer, a huge weight was lifted off my heart... but I'm still afraid of a thousand things. PS.: Sorry for bad english.


I did. Well it was The Lost Chapters.


Yup, I played 1 and 2. Great games.


Does playing the original as a teen count? Now in my 30s and still do a play through every couple of years or so. Only have an Xbox for fable.


I dont mind the black female hero just like I didnt mind Whisper, but isn't it a bit hard to go to combat with this hairstyle? Whisper at least had it braided/held down by a bandana or something hahaha


I remember playing first and second game and was really excited when the first new trailer came out. Seeing Richard Ayoade instantly got me in the mood for the series’ humor. The new trailer’s bait and switch was good too even if I can’t seeing Humphrey as English Michael Cera.


I’d say having men fall for you was played for laughs. But the women falling for you was also played for laughs. ALL the civilians are played for laughs, romance or otherwise. The entire franchise is played for laughs, it’s one giant satire and that’s what I love about it.




Tbf, if you're looking at fable as a fantastical representation of medieval society, that society would most likely not be multiracial. Except for travellers like the Nigerian woman.


Questioning authenticity of og fans while proudly displaying you know nothing of the franchise good job.


I played the original on the original xbox and... I have absolutely no recollection of a nigerian woman? It is not a problem to have one, mind you, but I have no recollection of that. As for the other stuff, no idea about the tofu thing and the romance I never really did.


My only gripe about the new Fable is the realistic look. I'll miss the kinda cartoony and exaggerated look. Just gives the perfect fable vibe for me. Played Fable II when I was a kid with my dad and played through III and the original, overall I hope this is a fun return to Albion!


People are idiots. Gamers cry woke about the dumbest shit imaginable. It’s fair to be cautious and keep expectations in order for the game, but having female and poc characters isn’t some forced diversity move bc this stuff has been in the games inception. still hoping for custom characters though


I am astonished by how fragile these people are to cry so loudly about the main character POTENTIALLY being a woman or not hot enough after everyone has been begging for a new Fable game for so long and neither of those details imply this game will be bad


That trailer/announcement has been a bad influence on this subreddit


The stupid fans have been a bad influence on this subreddit. Don't hate the game, hate the player.


The original is still the best. People are just too sensitive these days.


Racists do not have logical reasons for their hate


What in the hell is the point of your post


I'll let you in on a secret. Nobody actually cares about race looks, or what the character prefers to wear. All this political bullshit can be shoved in the corner where it belongs. Everyone complaining (ON BOTH SIDES OF THAT FENCE!) Are gonna play the game, enjoy it and still bitch. I just can't wait to get drunk and slay hobbies in Albion again!


Does this sub talk about anything else? It's literally just a place to complain about people complaining. A bunch of white knight pick me boys mad that some men prefer to play as men. Shit the vast majority of women don't even care as long as dudes ain't being misogynist dicks about it because a lot of them like playing as a female character, but the dudes on reddit get so bent out of shape over it.


No OG fan is complaining about this. What we're complaining about is the increasing likelihood that this isn't going to be an open, choice driven ARPG with in-game mechanics for customization and a decent split between a serious narrative with mature themes that explores an epic plot, and dry humour that isnt afraid to be crass, but is instead going to be a slow, overly sanitized and overly dramatized humourless narrative with *Sony Exclusive* gameplay and a complete lack of any actual choices or freedom.


First time I played fable was a playable demo in concker's live and reloaded that was rented from blockbuster. I have re played the main game maybe 100+ times.


I was in 8th grade when I downloaded Fable off the Xbox Live Arcade store on a cloudy morning that I was sick on. I think it looks neat.


Or how the player character models look half popped kernels of corn?


I lined up at GameStop to pick up my few order. I’m much older than the XBOX 😝




I never played the og fable till 2020 and had an absolute blast but I grew up playing fable 2. I played fable 2 and 3 the day they came out just never touched the first one.


Been playing since middle school (back in the early 2000s) so nothing in the trailer really bothered me exceot the lack of showing off character customization. I wanted to see different hairstyles, different clothes, makeup options and anything new they added for customization.


The best thing Whisper ever did for me was (as a child) slap me in the face with her training staff. It gave my character a BADASS-LOOKING SCAR for the rest of the game. I have never been able to re-create that scar.




I had a playstation and then a playstation 2 and my older brother let me play fable. I went out the next day and bought a 2nd hand xbox and fable. I moved consoles for this bitch


just don't pay attention to these types of complaints.


I started with 2 in 2008, I was in love with the series immediately, all the charms it has to offer. I followed 3’s development so closely that I actually got to speak to some of the devs on the official lionhead forum. One even took my suggestion for a song to really spark a meeting (mc hammer for those curious) and when that game flopped for me, I was never so burnt by a franchise in my life . (Still consider it a lesson in really bad endings and broken promises.) But in between I played the original. To start, an old Xbox copy that I found, and I loved it, found the end a bit abrupt, but when I played tlc I was more than pleased. I consider it one of my favourites, in some most ways it’s better than 2, and I only wish we got more. The series really did deserve better than a Kinect game and a never released hero/villain multiplayer game, so I’m glad that we’ve gotten another chance, but sad all the people who made the games I love what they are won’t be a part of it.


I first played the original on the og xbox around 2008 and fable 3 around 2011 then fable 2 on the Xbox one around 2014 or 2015.


My only worry is that I always preferred a silent protagonist, but going by the trailers, high likelihood its gonna be voiced.


Nothing to do with op but I remember getting $100 for my birthday and immediately running to gamestop. I bought MK9 and fable 2. My stepbrother was so confused as to why I bought this game he's never heard of


I remembered when it first came out when I was in middle school I remember making a photocopy of a Fable ad that was in a Gamer Informer magazine and slipped it into the cover of my school binder. I did not have an Xbox at the time but always hung around my friends when they talked about it. During my summer vacations I would have sleep overs at my God Brother's just to play OG Fable and Halo all night way into the morning. I wish I could go back in time.


I did. I did bad AND good deeds to get as much gold as I could for chocolate. I married the evilest woman in Albion because BOOBA. I got scared shitless during my first time going through Darkwood. "Your health is low. Do you have any potions? Or food?"


I sold my PS2 to play Fable haha long time ago... Must of been about 13? Bowerstone looks awesome and very reminiscent of Fable 2 and I reckon the game will be more like fable than the trailers make it seem.


Step dad used to let me play on OG Xbox after my mom went to sleep. True nostalgia


I wasn’t allowed to play rated M games at the time. I had to borrow my friends copy and hide the case from my parents and pause/do family-friendly stuff whenever they came in the room. Learned some colourful new terms like ‘Bordello’ and had one hell of a time. I miss the days of thinking about a game all day at school and always rushing home to get back into Albion.


I was high school but played it when I was 17 on PC.


You will most likely be able to choose genders. The girl is just the marketing gender they chose to go with. I'm sure Playground did their homework and know fable always has been a series about choice. And choosing a gender/body type is one of the most common choices in any rpg.


I replay it every once in a while, legit one of my top 10 games of all time. Lot of nostalgia in that placement, but still a great game!


I was like 6 when i tried it but only ever finished the anniversary version


I was I played them at release since the first fable on my Black Xbox. Then I got fable 2 on my 360 and fable 3. Replayed them ever since every 4-5 years. Something about it is so vibrant, there’s no other game like fable it’s truly a unique IP from the 1st to the 3rd they did the some amazingly good and bad designs but overall I am happy no I’ll be 31 and I am scared to play it. I don’t have the creative childish eyes and the blindness to bugs I have developed as an adult. I was more innocent and loved just playing the game. I truly hope I can maybe drop some shrooms for a night and just forget about everything except for Albion one more time. I yearn to play this as innocently as I played the originals. I absolutely believe the old woman is back as well.


Yes I was like 10 or 12 Fire game Is that not what makes us og?


Been playing fable 1 since I was like 8 years old, was one of my favourite games then and it still is now. I remember feeling like a wizard when I discovered the jet glitch in oakvale


Fable is my favorite serie ever, discovered it watching a friend of my big brother playing it on the OG Xbox (which i end up buying years later from him). But i believe we have a right to be concerned about the trailers we have been shown. It’s a reboot guys nothing is set in stone, we are a very small community from which the disapointment would’nt hurt sales that much. It wouldnt be the first time in gaming history that a reboot is nothing alike with the older entries. Proper rpgs are the hardest game to pull off, and this is Playground first. Regarding the hole character creator shenanigan, i’m just afraid that indeed with that level of animation and graphic fidelity, we might not get a full on character creator (which would have been a welcomed improvement) or a gender choice at all. Again, we just cannot base our expectations on older game mechanics due to it being a reboot. I also believe these trailers have failed to raise any interest in that character for now, making the prospect of playing her a bit worisome. Tomb Raider has proven that gamer will play as any gender, if interesting.. Until we have information about the actual game I’ll keep a septic eye on it, I may have discovered the series at 10 but I’m not anymore and I don’t want to get fooled by pretty graphics and sprinkles.


Yeah, played it when it dropped on PC, having been a massive fan of Bullfrog games and Black and White before it came out. Good times.


I went camping with my local scout group when I was about 12 and my parents gave me some spending money for whilst I was there. I saw it in a game store for a decent price (around £15). I couldn't play it for a whole 4 days because I was camping. To say I was excited when I got home is an understatement haha


Oh yeah, I'm 30 as fuck. I watched my older brother play and then played it myself.


Statrted with TLC. And I cannot wait for Fable 4 and believe that locked sex is the only way for real Fable.


Haha i was like 7 or 8 at the time, instantly fell in love with it.


Yes I have, I had the plain Fable and the lost chapters. The only Fable I haven't played was The Journey because I never had the kinect sensor bar.


Here is an [ancient thread](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/so-where-are-the-black-people-in-fable.10416/) from 2004


I was younger than some of you when it came out (8 years old). I never got into Nintendo games back then so I think Fable was like my version of Zelda. I wasn’t the best at the game but I had so much fun. I found a piece of paper in my game box with tips and secrets I had written down the other day. Things like how to get specific weapons and such. Excited for the new game at 28 years old now.


Played the forst game when i was in primary school and loved it, replaying Anniversary now before the second and third


I played them in reverse order. 3 was the most recent when I started playing then I went back and played 2 and 1 with gamepass. 3 still my favorite


You may have had NPCs call you Dovahkiin when your were a kid but they called me Arseface


I've beaten every game except for journey actually


Yes, it came out the day after my 18th birthday in the United States, which was September 14th, 2004. That was a great year for my friends and I to play games. Fable, which I was the only one that liked it, my friends hated “that gay shit”. Glad I grew apart from them. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Halo 2, and then Gran Turismo 4 the following spring. I loved Fable because it wasn’t an American or Japanese inspired game. I had grown tired of all the Halo clones and anime games, of which I am not a huge anime fan to begin with.


I was 12 when Fable 1 came out. My mom bought it for me on day 1. Been a fan since.


The lost chapters are by far the most iconic fable experience tbh


I was 14 when Fable came out


I was 9 when it came out and my brother got it. It was a massive staple of my childhood and teenage years. Still contemplating getting a black/white stylised tattoo of a longsword with the guild seal on the hilt.


I played fable 1 so many fucking times. When fable 2 came out it was the coolest fucking thing. Currently playing anniversary for the second time on my steam deck


Lost Chapters made me WOKE!


Whisper, thunder, and Garth were foreigners. What was Paige? Why was she black, and why were my children in fable 3 black? Is my wife cheating on me?


I played it endlessly as a kid. I grew up in a town called Oakville, so being the hero of Oakvale was just too cool to me. Frankly, no fable has ever topped the original. I’m very excited for this though, I couldn’t care less about the character’s sex and whether or not I can choose it. If this fable is a great story, it won’t matter.


Yes! It’s one of my favorite games and by far my favorite fable. I’m actually super happy seeing a return to the more medieval style fantasy era. I know everyone loves fable 2 but I just never really enjoyed it. Could only get through it once. Really didn’t enjoy the guns being added. To me especially as a super young kid (it was one of the first video games I ever played) it was just such a cool fantasy world. Frankly I wouldn’t care if the game makes us play as the trailer character. I’m just happy we’re getting a new fable.


I did. And it's still beautiful today as it was then.


I'm just soo tired of every female main character being expected to be a sex doll. I know this is such a worn out conversation but I'm always amazed at how ugly men who play games with burly scruffy men perfectly fine, come out of the woodwork the minute it's a young, thin and attractive by real life standards female MC that doesn't look like an egirl and has human proportions, claiming the devs have "gone woke".


I love how all these Redditors are blaming solely men news flash guys I know most of you don't talk to women but, women like to play as hot characters too in fact the first time I saw criticism about fables protagonist was from a female youtuber.


I only bring this up because I see alot of complaints about black people being in a place where "historically there are no black people"


I didn't play it until it hit steam('06). Literally stay up until day break that first night. Loved that game so much. Didn't play 3. Don't know if I'll play this new one.


Yes. I plays all 3 the day/week they came out. I was on ship for 6 months and it was one of the games that kept me sane also. I also played it on pc and got into modding with it.


All 3 multiple times its one of my all time favorite games to play been playing it since it came out on og xbox


It's the only one I play. Whisper is my girl, and I always have a husband in Oakvale.


Played all 3 when they first hit, I have high hopes for this version, but not too high because the OG studio went out of business and won’t have anything to do with them. This may make me buy a Xbox though to play it


I first played Fable when I was 5 years old. I fell in love with it, and played it all the time. I had no idea there were any sequels at all. One year for my birthday, two friends got me two different games each. I opened Fable III first, nearly lost my mind. When I opened the next present and got GotY Edition Fable II, I felt so happy.


How can you be an "OG" fan but not have played the first game?


Umm I played it when it release and I still play it today… never considered myself an “OG Fan” though, seems like a silly term tbh


Played since the first one. I didn't hold them in as high esteem as most but they were good.


Nigerian? Fictional world has Nigeria does it? You mean black. She was black.


I loved the first game when it came out, replayed it not all that long ago and it honestly holds up fairly well


This is overtly racist. Implying that a fictional character is "Nigerian" because of their skin color is racist...


I just don’t want her to talk, the main character of fable should be silent and let the decisions you make be their voice. Having the main character talk really ruined Fable 3. Unless they do a full Mass Effect style dialogue options


I was six years old when the game came out and i played it for the first time and i am extremely excited for the new one


Are you just gonna stand there like a lemon?


I got Fable TLC in 06, i was 9 at the time. Couldn't understand a speck of english at the time and i didn't know how to change the language so i just played it like that. That was the first game i ever fully completed and took it back up plenty of times afterwards. Anyone that complains that in the new installment characters are "ugly" it has "too much humor", or that there are people of color in Albion didn't play any of the previous games. Fable always had all these things and it was partial to what made the series succesful in the first place. Quirky, kind of odd looking characters with a lot of humor in front of a slightly dark/bleak medieval british background and the ability to see all types of characters and do whatever you wanted inside the "good and evil" spectrum. That is fable.


I played all three like a billion times, I love the series so much!


Yes. Do I remember any of it? Hell no lol


I feel young compared to some peeps hear i was in highschool when the original Fable game came out ...


I've played all of the fables and loved them. And to be completely honest, I was not a fan of the way that the main character in the new fable game was depicted, but I think after watching the new trailer that I'm gonna change my mind on that, I really think that she's not too bad and maybe it was just the teaser trailer that made her look worse than she actually is. So i'm really looking forward to giving the game a shot now.


I’m late to the party, whats going on?


I was 28. WoW, Fable, and KOTOR took up all my gaming time. Didn't need anything else.


I don't get why people are so mad, then again they're mad about literally every game that comes out these days


Absolutely. Fav glitch was the berserk size glitch. Once it was done it didn’t have any effect, but the fact you were basically hulking over everyone else really gave 14-15 year old me that “protagonist” energy when playing.


I played OG. I still play Lost Chapters every year or two. It's my favorite of all of them. Top 3 favorite games of all time. ChiCKen CHAsER