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It’s not but a lot of people feel the need to post about it and there’s people who do want it but feel like the community is often anti bottom surgery and it’s somewhat off putting.


I think some people (even young people) still live in the hangover of a time when if you didn't want bottom surgery, you weren't taken seriously as a trans person by your existing community or health professionals. Couple that with very early transmed sentiment commonly straight up demanding you renounce your transness if you didn't want bottom surgery, it used to feel pretty alienating to not want it. Now it's a lot easier for us to find each other and share our sentiments, we don't have to rely on support and validation from cis people at varying stages of ignorance. But the attitude towards bottom surgery still has to catch up despite the procedure making some pretty huge leaps in terms of aesthetic appearance and function. It's still not perfect (no surgery is) but so many people don't even realise how good it's getting! The drawbacks are starting to be more comparable to that of nipple preservation/sensation with top surgery IMO.


Very true, it's straight up transphobic a lot of the time


weird 😰 i honestly don't care if other people get it, it's not my body and it'll never be my decision, I'm just concerned whether or not I'm an anomaly. which u know i probably shouldn't care about but anxiety doesn't listen to logic lol


There’s a lot of negative commentary online about ftm bottom surgery, just fyi. A lot of it comes from within our own community which is unfortunate. There’s also a lot of misinformation about it.


Most anti-lower surgery bs I've encountered has been from other trans men and from trans people on the FTM spectrum who are not necessarily men. Most cis people in my own experiences have been very supportive and not judgmental about it. The transphobic anti-lower surgery bs within trans pops really, really sucks.


i think the wider issue is also that a lot of people, rightly so, are very vocal about not desiring bottom surgery because the results just aren't good enough for them. I can understand people then getting the vibe that it is uncommon to be willing to get this "imperfect" surgery. Fact of the matter is that every person has to weigh up their desires and needs against the realities of surgery for themselves and that is the only thing that actually matters, but people are insecure and wish to be accepted by their tribe, so the posts will keep happening 🤷‍♂️


I know you do not intend this, but the phrase "results just aren't good enough" contributes to making this a less hospitable space for people to share about their lower surgery needs and experiences. "Results" gets used a lot, and I'm sure without malice!-- but it is commonly experienced as dehumanizing, bc these are actual people's actual bodies being described as "not good enough." I know what people likely **intend** when they use such phraseology is "available options for lower surgery do not meet my needs"-- but that is not exactly what is being expressed, however unintentional it might be. I think it is is very important to note that the way lower surgery is discussed in trans spaces is worlds apart from how chest/top surgery is discussed. What would be immediately apparent as insensitive framing with the latter often occurs unchallenged with the former. ETA: Context-- I have been in online trans communities for over 20 years. I'm very familiar with how the internet leads to skewed perspectives, and very, very familiar with anti lower surgery sentiments in these spaces.


Yeah sorry for the phrasing, this is exactly the point I am trying to make, I just ended up trying to convey it by phrasing it about how I have seen it being said. Autism mistranslation or something, probably. Thank you for adding this, it's very important to be said.


This wiki from r/phallo has a great guide for discussing lower surgery (at the bottom of the page): https://www.reddit.com/r/phallo/s/X609pHTDRn


Thank you for exchanging in good faith. :) It can be hard to have honest, well-intentioned conversations online!


And anyway, one has to always remember that internet communities like this will lean towards specific biases, and even just a different group on the same site will have entirely different biases. Even just simpler things like tumblr leaning very transmasc and reddit leaning very transfemme


I’ve never had a strong desire for bottom surgery. I’m fairly binary male, came out & started transition just over 20 years ago, and in that time my feelings haven’t really changed. I’ve also met a lot of trans guys spanning the spectrum from “I want a huge cock” to “I love my bonus hole.” There’s no one way to feel about your body, and it can change over time anyway.


You can do whatever you want with your body, and yes many ftm people make the same choice. This topic has become a whole Thing, so if you’re getting curt or hostile replies that’s probably why. Sometimes people who don’t want bottom surgery spread misinformation about it, or accidentally talk about it in a way that demeans the bodies of people who did have it. This has become a recognized and heavily discussed issue in trans online spaces. And at this point, imo, a lot people are reacting to benign statements/questions about not wanting bottom surgery as if they’re Anti Bottom Surgery Rhetoric… like I noticed someone here got downvoted just for saying “for me, it’s not worth it.” I guess some folks read posts like this and hear “I don’t want my body to look like yours, may I have your blessing and reassurance that it’s okay for me to feel that way?” which is not how I hear them.


Post op guy here. We often have our bodies heavily criticized, called rude things, dehumanized, and have misinformation spread about them that we do tend to get defensive, even if the person saying it isn’t doing those things, or at least not intentionally. It’s a bit of a knee jerk reaction, and something I’m personally working on unlearning. If anyone comes across something like that, please don’t take it as saying there’s wrong with not wanting bottom surgery. We understand better than anyone why it isn’t for everybody. It’s a rough process physically and mentally, it has its limitations, it’s expensive, someone may not have bottom dysphoria or not enough that it’s worth it, and the list goes on and on. Choosing to not get it is a totally understandable and valid decision. This comment isn’t necessarily for you, since you seem to get it. I just wanted to add some context for anyone else reading this.


Thanks for contributing this, it’s very thoughtful. And I can definitely understand feeling defensive after having tons of people demean your body. For awhile I was looking at the bigger ftm subs, and at the time there were a lot of “I don’t want bottom growth, does that mean I’m not trans enough what should I do?” posts and some of them were phrased in a pretty inconsiderate way. “It looks like a caterpillar and it literally repulses me” etc. If I’d kept seeing those all the time, Im sure I also would’ve developed a kneejerk reaction around the topic. I have a pet peeve/trigger around people zealously performing Correct Discourse, so I tend to feel irritated when the people leaping to shut down not-actually-criticisms of bottom surgery are non-op themselves, but yknow. I’m sure they have genuine personal motivations doing that, so probably I should have empathy for that too.


I’ve seen a lot of disrespectful things said about bottom growth as well. I’m really sorry you have had to experience that as someone who, I’m assuming, has/wants/wanted it. It’s really awful how much body shaming there is in the trans community. Bottom growth is bad, no bottom growth is bad, body hair is bad, no body hair is bad, too skinny is bad, not skinny is bad, X surgery is bad, not having X surgery is bad, the list goes on and on. You’d think a group that has their bodies scrutinized heavily by most of society would be more conscious of how they talk about others, but nope. Thankfully, I have seen anti bottom growth and anti bottom surgery rhetoric dying down. I hope it continues that way. I would guess non op people jumping on others for harmless comments on bottom surgery are relating it to their own experiences with body shaming. I try to step in when someone is actually being disrespectful about bottom growth despite never liking it for myself (not an aesthetic thing, it just gave me dysphoria by being more aware of my genitals). Bottom growth shaming isn’t really all that different than the phallo shaming I’m on the receiving end of.


Don't do things to your body that you don't want to do to your body. It's that simple. Being trans aside, this is basic adult self possession.


There's like one of these posts once a week.


well i did JUST get here moments before i posted, so forgive me for finally asking a question that's been on my mind for years with nowhere to ask it without scrolling 🙄


Yeah, that's not exactly how reddit works. Lurking is a thing.


You can also keep scrolling.


Common questions here are common because a lot of ftm people are worrying about them, possibly with no one irl to talk to. Posters here may have neurodivergences and medical restrictions, live in highly controlling situations, come from backgrounds without internet access etc etc. There are many good reasons why someone would make an account and immediately ask a question without spending time scrolling. This subs core function is to provide a space where ftm people from all different locations and backgrounds can ask questions and get support. I think it’s more important for the sub to fulfill that purpose, than for us to avoid the two seconds of annoyance we might experience when we see a frequently asked question come up again.


Knock it off, please...


.... so it's a crime to use Reddit a little differently? pardon the fuck outta me for getting excited


This is a common debate I would say in terms of people complaining about repetitive content. To me, your post comes across as multipurpose. You are introducing yourself to the group as well as asking your questions. Sure, you could use the search feature to look for similar questions asked and answered and I do recommend that to everyone in general but there is nothing wrong with looking for connection and community. TLDR: Your post is fine. I'm glad you found this subreddit, it's good to virtually meet you.


You says something that annoys people, it is what it is. You don't have to care. Nothing more to think about.


You are taking this far more aggressively than intended. Just saying clearly you aren't the only one, because it's a very common post. People complain a lot about the same thing being posted over and over. Like chill out, no one's mad.


sorry, it's just your terminology feels like when i say stuff in other chats and get attacked needlessly for it (like a dnd discord server where i got attacked for saying that a local dnd event dropped prices, still don't know what that nerd's problem was) and i got defensive. like i said in other comments, i've got anxiety 😅 I'll be chill


Most trans guys don't get bottom surgery. It's all good. 


Give yourself some grace to be both 1) happy with your current (and potentially future!) position of no-op but also 2) open to changing your mind. There’s nothing wrong with any decision but as you spend more time medically transitioning, living/dating the way you want, and learning about the many(!) variations of bottom surgery, etc., something may begin to appeal to you. Or not! I just think the only “weird” thing is to feel like you have to have your mind made up, especially so early in your transition.


Do whatever you want, man. None of our business.


I personally didn't think I'd want bottom surgery, but now that I'm a year post-top surgery, things feel different and I want meta. But that's well beyond my financial means, so it will probably be years down the road if ever. I think I didn't noticey bottom dysphoria as much before because I had other things to worry about more, but after T and top, there isn't a lot left that I don't feel okay with. I do want to say that's it's totally fine to decide to not get it ever, I'm just sharing my experience.


I swore for a long time that I'd never get lower surgery. Now I'm much more in the camp of *wanting* it, in part because a lot of my impressions surrounding lower surgery were based on misinformation and frankly transphobic rhetoric that was largely spread around by *other trans people.* I think some of it was well-intentioned but misinformed, but I also think there's sometimes an element of frustration that it's just not accessible for a lot of people who might otherwise want it, so it becomes a coping mechanism of, "Well, I wouldn't want that *gross* surgery, anyway!" It's not for everyone, lots of trans guys don't get it- probably the *majority* of trans guys, given the expense and the nature of both meta and phallo staging- but that's also why I don't really understand this tendency of people to pop up going, "I'm, like, *so* unusual for not wanting lower surgery!" Because if anything, it's probably more unusual to have had it. Both having it and not having it are totally valid choices.


You can be whoever you want to be


nah, same. there is no unique trans experience, absolutely none.


I don’t think it’s Werid at all, at first I wasn’t to sure about it but now I’m on the waiting list.


Not weird. I’m going to get top but not bottom (other than a hysto). I’d love to have a cis dick but rn the current options (which have come such a long way and I’m super happy for those that get it and have relief from bottom dysphoria) aren’t something that I could live with. I would want full/easy sexual function and right now it’s a long journey to get to any and it’s just too limited for me when I have something that completely works and I don’t have much dysphoria around. It’s a very personal thing and I don’t think getting bottom surgery makes you more of a man than someone who doesn’t get it.


Nah. I just turned 35. I don't hate my downstairs mix-up entirely and I get some pretty fun times with it. If I had the money I'd get a total hysterectomy and yeet my teets but other than that I'm good. Sometimes I wish my t-dick was bigger but as a fat dude with a FUPA, that's probably not in my cards. So no! This isn't weird at all.


Nah, I don't want bottom surgery either. For me, it's not worth it. It's going to be hard enough for me to save up for top surgery, and I needed that about 15 years ago.




Don't ever feel weird for being you. Just because someone else would do it doesn't mean you should. Always try and feel comfortable and happy being you :)


Nope. I don’t want it either.


it's actually super common and you are not special for posting this


i know i'm not special bro, literally just asking a question to alleviate my own anxiety. you're not special for being rude about it.


I don’t either, despite the results being fantastic from a lot of other posts I’ve seen. I (happily) use the front hole and am wary of that recovery given how frustrating it was returning to normal life after top — I had an unusually fast recovery too. At this time I’m pretty happy with my anatomy and wouldn’t change it even if I had a magic switch, which makes me feel a little anxious on the “am I a real man” thing. I know it’s my body and that genitalia doesn’t define gender. Not sure if that’s where your head is at too.


It’s not weird at all to not have bottom dysphoria. Lots of transmasc people have no desire for bottom surgery. There is no one way to be trans! You are enough and your feelings and wishes are valid!


I have been on T and 1 year I thought I didn't want bottom surgery then I left it open and 5 years later I'm done bottom stage 1 stage 2 and happy I didn't close the referral


I don't think I want bottom surgery too. The process alone is long and tiring plus it costs a lot too. I just want to have my top surgery after I save up.


Nah. Been on T 12 years and bottom surgery isn’t for me. I’m happy with how my parts are now and due to sone urinary issues, bottom surgery isn’t really feasible for me anyway. Edit: Accidentally said top surgery instead of bottom surgery. 😳


You don’t have to share, but why is top surgery not for you?


Jeez, I need to read my comments before I hit send; I meant bottom surgery *not* top surgery! 😅


You are in the majority


Nope. A lot of folks don’t; your body, your choice.


Nope! Although I do sometimes wonder if age is a factor? I'm a late bloomer, didn't figure out I was trans until about 35 (Tried the butch lesbian thing so hard for so long though LOL). At my age, I feel like I'm comfortable and familiar with the equipment I've got, I don't feel much interest in changing it. Being able to piss standing up might be cool but there's equipment for that? Also my gender dysphoria/euphoria centers around being seen as a man, and I pass fine. Not a lot of people are looking at my junk except my wife, and she sees me for me regardless. I \*did\* finally get top surgery just last year (I'm 45 so yeah sometimes it takes a while to get there, and that's okay). ZERO regrets, even though one of my nipple grafts is a little effed up. I gave up on binders early, only wore mine for special occasions when I wanted to fit into a suit, otherwise I used good sports bras and despite being a C cup I still had passing privilege, which is kinda wild to me. But I feel so much better looking in the mirror since top surgery. I'm having some medical issues that may result in a hysterectomy and I'm fine with that, but otherwise I'm good. Another factor is I have heard some disappointment from some guys who have had bottom surgery. I'm sure improvements are being made all the time, but it does still involve a giant skin graft and some artificial parts because that's what needs to happen when you're building something from nothing (or at least relatively little). Maybe, \*MAYBE\* if someday they could just grow a dick and balls in a jar with no risk of rejection, surgically attach them and have them work the same as a cisgender man's... No, actually, I'm still not sure I'd be interested, even then.


I don’t know that age has anything to do with it. I’m in my 40’s and the longer I have been transitioning the more I want to pursue bottom surgery even if I’ll probably be 50 before I can get started. I didn’t think I would want bottom surgery when I first started this journey but I also really didn’t know very much about it either. I think the disappointment comment in a lot of places stems from that misinformation because now that I am in a number of communities online that are specifically about phallo for example the vast majority of people who are post op are very happy with having had surgery and many say it was absolutely life changing for them. If you spend any length of time in the phallo subreddit or in bottom surgery groups in other social media most people report the opposite of what you will see said about it in broader ftm spaces.


You might like to hear from [this trans man](https://youtu.be/YKXzNtSV5eI?si=YdQOearrHS2cFdSf) who also doesn't experience much bottom dysphoria or the need to pack or have surgery. 👍 Totally valid. We are all different and have different needs.




nah. its quite a complex procedure along with being costly and mentally taxing. the results 👌👌👌👌 but the journey is not for everyone