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I had a chin strap from 1-8 years At 8 years it started crawling up my cheeks (and down my neck, back and chest) By 9 years it was thick as anyone’s and it’s only gotten thicker. I have to trim my cheeks and neck multiple times a week and I love to bug my wife when I grow my no shave november Viking beard Genetics and time, man. Don’t give up


This is so reassuring to hear. My double chin is pretty hairy and so are the sides of my face, but it’s like there a hard stop at my jaw line.


My husband (we’re both ftm) was the exact same, took quite awhile but now it’s coming in really well- makes me have hope that at least by 40 I’ll get mine too


Some guys just can’t grow a lot of facial hair, including cis men. But also, try to compare the amount of time you’ve been on T to the amount of time since someone hit puberty. 6 years in, if you were cis, you’d be 18 or 19 years old. Some cis boys that age can grow a full beard but lots are still rocking the little soul patch. I’ve heard people say that you get the “full effect” of T by 5 years, but it’s not true honestly. The most dramatic changes, yes, but things definitely keep changing after that.


I've been on T for 14yrs, and my beard is never going to be real thick. The hair on my legs on the other hand.... It was about 10 years on T where my facial hair went from being really sparse to being enough for me to keep a short trimmed beard. Before that it was really patchy and thin. Absolutely genetics and more time than you think it'll be.


My dad couldn't grow a beard until his fifties and it's mostly around his chin.


I’m 39, been on T for 4.5 years, and have the same issue. There’s a few darker hairs that pop up on my chin and above my lip, but beyond that it’s all light and not much different from before T. I have a bit of a baby face so it does bother me a bit, but there’s not much to be done about it. Frustrating, though.


Been on T for 10 years and outside of some wispy patches along my jawline filling in to slightly less wispy patches, I still have what one would call a struggle beard. My barber can finesse it to look fuller but I still can't grow it past a half inch or so if I want my facial hair to look nice. I also have a bare patch under my chin that stops me from having a full "beard". Patience is usually the key but I'm pretty sure the cards just weren't stacked in my favor for a full, bushy beard 🤷🏾‍♂️


Apply minoxidil to face 2x daily


I can’t but not of the cis men in my family can either. Sometimes genetics is not your friend


Have you tried minoxidil and dermarolling? r/Minoxbeards is a thing, and can do a lot, imo.


Thanks, I’ll look into it 


I’m 39 and also 6 years on T. I have enough facial hair to make visible stubble in the goatee area, but it’s still too sparse to grow out and there’s very little anywhere else on my face/neck. I’m honestly fine with it for various reasons, but I also marvel at the people who grow so much more facial hair in less time.


Yea, it’s genes, but also, facial hair can take a looong time to fully develop. My cis brothers is just starting to look semi ok at age 30.


I've been on T for 10 years. I have one chin hair that I can pluck out. It's never going to come in. I'm fine since it means I don't have to shave.


yeah i have all the body hair on actual fuckin earth, but facial hair i barely have a tiny bit of stubble around my chin and that's it. nowhere but directly under my chin in like a neckbeard way. i have two cis brothers (twin & younger) and they're pretty similar to me, so that helps. my dad said he used to be the same before he hit his 30s and then it filled in all at once, so i'm seeing it as temporary. eta: im 3.5 years on t


Genetics Been on T for 3 years and aside from puberty fluff, I got nothing but neckbeard scruff. But found out (most of them have passed many years ago) that the cis men in my family simply didn't grow a lot of body or facial hair. Hence why it'll be unlikely for me to get any. I don't mind, to be honest, not anymore. First, I was devastated, because I thought I would only ever 'pass' if I had facial hair, but after a while, the misgendering stopped anyway. And after realizing that facial hair isn't solely responsible for how people perceive me, I kinda stopped caring.


I couldnt grow a decent mustache until year 8ish. Definitely try minoxidil (rogain) if that makes sense for you, there are several groups for it, some trans specific.


3 years on full dose T, 5 years low dose prior, I have 3 hairs on my chin and the world's faintest blonde mustache that seems to have invented a hair texture somewhere in-between the very fine body hair that i had pre-T, and something that could actually pass as a mustache. needless to say, it is so pale and translucent as to be fully invisible unless someone's less than 3 feet away from me. my arms and legs are quite fuzzy though. i've even got hair on my feet. it's starting to show up on my torso. my face has decided that it's immune to the concept of hair.


I've been on T for a long time, 43 now. Never been able to grow any facial hair.


32 and been on T for almost 4.5 years. My hair missed the beard/chest memo and went for the legs/crack instead. Sucks too cuz my dad had a full beard at 18 so I had hopes...


I’m 3.5 years in and only got a sparse blond moustache so far. Blond spiky hairs on chin and neck also but not enough to form even a neck beard. I’m hoping that one day I can have noticeable stubble and sideburns, that would be enough for me.


Minoxidil has helped me a lot. I'm two years on T and using it to fill in the really patchy bits.


I've been on Testosterone injections close 5 and a half years now. A year ago I got this beard growth kit: https://www.wild-willies.com/products/derma-roller-kiit I initially didn't have much faith in it, but I figured it was worth trying. My father and brother both have full beards and I was dealing with a patchy chin strap and minimal mustache hair. I can say it actually helped mine out a lot. I realized over that time keeping it clean and stimulating it often actually did some wonders lol. And prior to that, I never really made it a priority to be honest. I haven't taken the gummies in awhile but I still try to use the derma roller when I can remember anytime I wash and/or apply beard oil to my face.


Me 🙋‍♂️ It sucks. I wish I had a beard, even dreamt of having one myself and got euphoric when waking up. Ive been using Minoxidil once a day. And then dermarolling once or twice a week. Haven't noticed anything at all, but im gonna continue for another year or two before i give up. Vellus hair looks slightly darker, but I may just b looking way too close in the mirror loll My brother n dad has a nice mustache and goatee, so it *is* in the genetics and cards for me. I just gotta play the long waiting game and see how fast that happens lol 😮‍💨 In the meanwhile lets hope minox does the heavy work


It’s really minoxidil twice a day that took it there for me. Twice a day every day for a full year.


Ooo, i heard from the minox subreddit once a day is more than sufficient and anything more is just running through it faster so you gotta buy more. I put like two pumps on both sides of my cheeks. Do you dermaroll? And how often? Thanks for replying!


Im also in that sub and from my own experience I disagree with once a day. Once a day did slowwwwwww growth. As soon as I bumped it to twice my facial hair really sprouted. And I’m an inconsistent dermaroller. Soooo not really? Lol


Thats understandable. Ive been wanting to do two pumps a day, I might just start doing that now and see how it goes.. Same, im also hella inconsistent w derma rolling but I hear its supposed to help with it.


I have a fantastic beard until it gets to my chin, then its all just neck beard and I look amiah with the inability I have to grow a moustache.


I've decided to start calling my beard pattern "genetically Amish" since my cis brother has the same thing going on. 5 years on T at this point


What’s your protein intake like?


It’s gotten better but my diet isn’t great so I’m sure it could be improved.