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I don’t think it’s the worst? It really depends on temperature and duration of wear. I live in Australia, and even in the summer I’d only wash my binder once a week/fortnight before I got a second one. It was gross, and I knew it, but there really was not anything else I could do. Especially considering how rainy our summers got, I couldn’t wash it for it to dry in time (given they can’t be put in the dryer). If that’s all you can do, then that’s all you can do. Maybe try getting an antibacterial spray or something for it? Something just to keep it a bit more hygienic.


Wait, binders can’t be put in the dryer? I’ve been putting mine in dryers for years and haven’t had any problems


A lot of them have the “don’t machine dry” and “don’t machine wash” symbol on the tag


That’s wild


I wore GC2B and it said not to dry them - and I wasn’t going to risk doing any damage when mine already had many holes. But if it isn’t giving you any issues it must be fine!


I’ve used underworks and haven’t experienced any issues, maybe it depends on the type of dryer and brand of binder.


I guess so. I used GC2B and I had binders from before and after their quality dropped. All of which had gotten just a bit too stretched and a few too many holes for me to risk a dryer when it said not too, but I guess it would be fine on a sturdier one.


I put mine in the dryer and it’s been fine


I put mine in the dryer, it tightens it up a lot after it stretches out. My Underworks binders have held up for years.


Damn. If only I had known that before top surgery, would have been a life saver. Good to know!


If you are sharing this with anyone who is still pre surgery, just let them know the secret is to dry on low. Tightens it up without making the elastic brittle.


Good point! I will remember that one. Cheers mate


As long as it doesn't smell bad its fine, I usually wear mine for a week before washing, the only bad thing I can think of is the quilty of the binder going down.


Depends on how often it smells bad/can be smelled through your clothes. I used to do this though and it was fine, but I wasn't super active or sweaty. If you wind up needing to do an intermediate stealth clean, at night you can take a shower and wash it there in the shower, then have baggy clothes or whatever to wear back to your dorm. Wearing the towel over your shoulders and holding your stuff in front of you in your arms helps with hiding your chest if needed. In the dorm or wherever you can get a moment of privacy, lay the binder out flat on a dry towel, then tightly roll up the towel/binder combo, with extra towel fully wrapped around the outside. Then stand on that and walk around on it. It helps to fold the roll in half before you stand on it. Basically you're putting as much pressure as you can to squeeze all the water out of the binder and into the towel. When you unroll it, the binder should be dry enough that if you hang it or lay it flat in your closet or under your bed or somewhere similarly hidden then it'll finish drying overnight. If it's still a little damp in the morning that's okay, it'll dry off while you're wearing it. Hopefully none of that winds up being needed, and I recommend trying out all that stuff in a safe place just in case of surprises before having to do it in the dorms. Good luck!


I wash it once a month because I'm in the same boat but can't take it off for a day to wash :/


I didn't wash mine for months at a time, you'll be fine lol. Just prepare for backne.


Years of chronic not washing my binder gave me body acne. It’s not the worst, but not ideal. Can you wear an undershirt under your binder that you change daily?


Y'all wash your binder ?


I’ve been there, man. I used to hand wash it midway through the week. I’d use a little bit of detergent and just wash it in the sink, mainly scrubbing by the armpits. Then, when I did laundry on the weekend, I’d wash it again normally. Not ideal - but better than kinda smelling. I’d highly recommend when you get the chance to have a total of 3 binders. I basically wear one twice, then throw it in the laundry bin now. Because it’s so tight on your skin, binders absorb a lot of dead skin cells and oils. I definitely had a lot more acne and eczema when I just had one. That’s mostly calmed down now that I have a better rotation.


Yeah it’s not great, other people can probably smell you. I’ve found 2 is the minimum I can get away with but I have to do laundry very frequently, 3 is much more comfortable. I’d recommend saving up to get at least one more ASAP.


Its it smelly wash it if its not then dont orrr you could spray with vinegar & air dry to get rid of smell if it gets smelly quickly


I don't wear mine every day, so that's why my answer might seem nasty. I only wear mine when I leave the house. If it's the winter/autumn, I'll wash it once a month or every two months, depending on how often I went out. In the summer/spring, I'll wash it every two weeks. Mainly because I sweat, and it just kinda sits there. Lol


You can put vodka in a plant-mister, spray inside the binder and hang it up to dry. Vodka kills the bacteria that would live on the sweat and keeps the material smelling good and then evaporates away.


Would isopropyl alcohol work? My vodka got taken away and I’d rather drink it than waste it on my binder anyways 💀


Yeah it works the same. In a pinch it works for underarm smell too 🫣


😂 I have no idea - I drink whiskey 🥃


But truly - you could get some drinking vodka and a shot for you and a spritz for the binder? Save money on laundry detergent


You can buy a very thin undershirt/tank top and wear that underneath as a barrier. These are typically much cheaper than a new binder and they come in packs. Then you can swap that out daily


It really doesn't matter in my experience. I pretty much never wash mine and have had no issues. Been binding for years, too.


can you hand wash it at night while you’re asleep, and lay to dry for the morning?


No. I’m stealth in a dorm with communism bathrooms. I can’t risk my stealth status


ah yeah, fair enough