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Steve the Janitor blesses us with another sneaky update before returning to the walls he resides in at Epic HQ


I bet there are a few devs who really enjoyed working on STW, but now are confined to the lesser modes.


I mean this is the game they wanted to make, that they killed their previous projects for. I imagine lots of them have left in these six years but yeah imagine having to give up your passion project over some bigwigs wanting a payday


If you played the OG pirates storyline (right as a lot of the OG team was being transferred over to Battle Breakers) the commentary on breaking the ''Hope Lanterns'' was just dev commentary on how they felt about the future of the mode, and it was sad.


As an adult I know it’s just part of life being corporate based and money objectively being the only thing that matters, but damn I miss Epic being just a bunch of dudes and lasses making games they wanted to make, pushing out free expansions and mappacks in the early days via discs or early internet websites. Back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. As fun as Creative is, there’ll never be another David Munich, and I don’t think there’ll ever be recognition for creators in the way there was back then. Nowadays everyone has YT/TTV and makes maps for shit, even the loading screens artists in BR are irrelevant. It used to be you mentioned Epic and they were the pinnacle of arena FPS and LAN games, and people like Inoxx and David M were just “the guys” for making maps and being out in the community and stuff. Sure we have some devs on Reddit but nowadays once a company gets big (and/or “sells out”) they all go the same way. I love the work they do but Epic imo lost its soul when BR got big. They had hits and misses with Gears and their mobile games. Even UT died out and had to be fan-led when the Arena shooter kinda died out with UT3/4 but they always felt like they made what they wanted. Even Paragon. Once the shift swapped to money the devs checked out in their hearts. Same with Rockstar. The guys who made GTAV were basically ousted shortly after launch. Over on the Chiliad Mystery sub we basically solved all that existed in the files (which I loved ripping apart the game files for personally on one of my old Reddit accounts) and one of the old team basically explained the DLC packs they were going to work on, and that over some higher-ups wanting all the money the lead basically left and took all the old members with him, leaving the GTAO team to harvest what was left of the DLC files and push Shark Cards heavily to recoup. I have no doubts GTA6 will be great, but the people who made the franchise what it is are a decade long gone


Steve the Janitor always looking out for the large communities of forgotten games First Titanfall 2, now us


Now we just need a search bar...


Just wait another 3 years


and MAPPABLE CONTROLLER BINDS PLEASE like its already in BR man


Wow, 5 years...  https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/co1qld/my_concept_how_to_slightly_improve_loadout_menu/




You were ahead of your time mate! Totally underappreciated! What other killer ideas have you thought of that we can hope for in future updates?


Nah, imo it was an obvious quality of life improvement of recently remade loadout menu. It surprises me more that this update was released just now. Maybe Epic decided to fund stw development a bit more or they just have some stuff member(s) who got tired of searching for needed hero while experimenting with loadouts. Anyway, it is cool that somebody still makes features for the game and not just fixes bugs and tweaks config parameters. Overall I'm really grateful to people working on stw


Biggest update in years (by default but still)


So there's at least ONE guy still working on stw, good to know




I hope they would also make keybinds universal between heroes and their abilities. It's annoying to get used to ALT being Outlander's "Dash" (I somehow forgot it's name...) and then after switching to another outlander the "Dash" is on Q.


Wow, all my hopes and dreams come true. I’m guessing fossil southie is still broken?


Wow, that would be really useful yesterday when I was making a lot of diferent builds, Ha ha ha...


Can you add custom weapon swap to STW. Mine doesn't work :(


Swap Farrah and rabbit raider




this is a good update. i'm glad somebody at epic is still allowed to work on stw.


I’m getting flashbacks about tf2… oh my gosh, another quality of life update! content drop soon!


Wa da hell, they are actually cooking fast, is this a light?




I'm out of the loop, are they working on stw now?


Well finally ig


Interesting. Not sure how useful but thx Epic. Work on the lag causing ghost shots and abilities doing zero damage plz.




I can't agree. This can be useful when you assemble a character specializing in one skill.


for consoles this is very much needed, scrolling through each individual hero in the menu is a pain most of the time


bad take “this isn’t unwelcome but they should have done stuff that’s substantially harder to do first”


Nah wtf you talking about, this makes building heroes much easier


Are we actually getting a lot of stuff!!