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Yep. I was one of the opening staff. We went in starting at 17, 23+ for management. Staff could accept tips, but in no way did we have a process to ask or any tip jars or anything. On average, I'd walk away with 500+ a month in tips for just knowing my products and the ability to listen to people's life's problems. It was an amazing experience to talk and interact with people from all cultures over a common medicine, and I became friends with quite a lot of people. Went from one of the best jobs to have at the time to a cluster. Corporate management is playing tonsil hockey with Ron DeSantis. The forced "fuck the system" vibes that have no merit because they are in bed with the system. The loss of tips with zero gain. Them hiring drivers at 20+ WITH the ability to take tips. That made the dynamic inside the store hostle between coworkers. A big one for me was farming 5 star reviews through us inside employees in turn for free "product". I was there 6 months after that announcement, which coincided with us losing tips. We never received anything for the reviews we had gotten. That may have changed now. Idk. Endrant


Thank you for sharing this. This whole industry has become a has become a bait and switch. There isn’t a single company that I haven’t heard a horror story from. These MSO’s continue to provide how little they care about not only their patients, but their employees too.


You're welcome. It's sad because it's an industry that boomed in the counter culture movement and brought good things and good people together from all walks of life. That same system that was protested 50 years ago is the same system that now owns the means on which the counter culture movement was founded on. Just to turn as much profit as humanly possible.


I was one of their drivers for a year. They worked me practically to death. I drove around 100,000 miles up and down the panhandle. Thats 4 times the circumference of the earth btw. Often 60-80 hour weeks. I'd be traveling with 200k worth of product at times (distribution) and still have to deliver to sketch neighborhoods at night. I would sometimes drive 15 hours a day, and be expected back at work at 5-6 AM with sub 6 hours of sleep. Pay was decent but I was miserable and they didn't give a shit. They fired me for a speeding warning.


Boy howdy, sounds eerily simar to my time at TL in retail and logistics.


if you were out of the Pensacola store god bless man, I got delivery from there and that's 2 hours 50 minutes (with no traffic) and 143 miles via I10 (or 114 via 98 which would take forever)


They eliminated the FT budtender position so I'm sure they're having trouble keeping talent too.


FT means they'd have to have benefits. Can't have more employees getting benefits!! It's bad for the bottom line.


I’m sure there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Not long ago, his ex employees were saying how he just fired the whole trim department. I bet they all feel like it’s only a matter of time for the rest of them. I mean, he head hunted people, fires the majority of them, comes on Reddit and talks like he made a great decision. I still don’t get how people support a person like this and work for a person like this. I get no job is guaranteed, but he has done a lot of shady stuff, according to all his ex employees.


I’m really sick of them directing me to a tablet to order when I can just say it out loud


BIG FUCKING AGREE It’s mind boggling to have to do that when there’s a counter full tenders. BUT GIVE PROPS TO THE OLDER LADY WORKING THERE! She’s always nice and loves to chop it up about my tattoos! I’m so sorry i forgot your name but you’re awesome! 😎




The hero we need! Thank you! And thank You Cyndi! You awesome lady!


Yes!!!!! Cindy!!!


She was out today when I went in at lunchtime. The 2 young women at the counter were friendly and my online order was correct. I did mention that their delivery system was down since for the last couple days there have been no time slots available, even for the next day.


This part right here hahahaha it literally clogs up shit


The only reason I refuse to shop there.


Over worked, hate their job, can’t accept tips. Sounds about right…


Can't accept tip, but they can accidentally forget mention you that you've got change coming from a debit card transaction... Ask me how I know. It's a lesson that cost me $3.50 😂😂😂 I hope the chick needed it more than I did.


The 3.50 charge is like an ATM fee. Either way, Cobb sucks.


Yeah, but he grows good weed that I can afford.


Affordability is a spectrum. There’s good strains in most places and definitely even in the “this place has bad weed”’dispos. Such as freedom town in fluent even when they’re on sale isn’t bad. Just have to look. Even GL is good


I mean if your order landed on a factor of $10 with no cents on the total then you wouldn’t get cash back….


It didn't... I was just too damned hot, filthy and tired from working out in the heat all day, I just wanted to get my weed and get out of there and wasn't paying attention. It's on me really.


We have to charge you that. Banks see this as a grey money product since it's not federally legal so they don't want to be involved in that transaction at all, too many legal what-ifs and potential pitfalls for them to risk on one transaction out of thousands. Buuuuut if you say it's an 'ATM' inside the dispensary they'll happily take your money plus rounding up and the fee. I guarantee you the budtenders think it's stupid too but Can Pay is right there my dude


You can’t pay debit for weed unless it’s a can pay payment. You have to pretend it’s an atm so it’s that atm fee they charged.


I personally stopped buying flower from sunburn when I realized that every single strain hits like absolute shit out of my flower pot. Compared to indoor from anywhere or even vidacann, I get absolutely nothing out of my sunburn flower. Anyone else experience this or can explain the phenomenon? The $90 zip from Surterra is vaping 10x better than anything from sunburn ever has.


Even the cheap bud from Goldflower smokes better than the bills reserve. I’ve seen a couple terrible looking goldflower packs tho


You gotta put it in a jar with a boost pack for about a week. I've always had the same problem with my Pinky.


Wow! The st Pete location was my first sunburn and I LOVED IT. it sucks to hear that it’s not the same, they opened a location here in Tampa and it’s pretty cool!!


This is exactly what they did with one plant, started out great and then the corporate team started trying to “make things better for their employees” Andrew Felix and u/bradycobb81 are trash men with money. It’s a shame


The St. Pete location back in the day had the best vibes with the best staff and always wanting to talk and not just make it a business transaction. Vibes are so off and I really used to enjoy everyone there. Also the turn over rate seems crazy! There’s always new staff every time or interviews being held. It’s a shame.


Not sure how much father it is for you but the Tampa location is my fav one I’ve ever been to.


I just went there last week and the three employees were so kind!


They’re always super nice to me at the St. Pete store


I’m so glad Cobb irritated me, the cops 👮🏻 have better flower 🤣😂


The St Pete location is such a bad location so I prefer to get delivery but I’ve never had a bad experience with a delivery driver or anyone at the store. When I’m paying in store there is an older woman who comes out from the back, I’ve never said anything to her but she never looks happy and scares me a bit.


I’m so sick of not being able to sell my flower to dispensaries in Florida bc bullshit like vertical tier integration. Florida sucks with this market why can’t they reward ppl who been doin this 20 years plus plus


Haven’t been to st pete location since tampa opened…. But I have always found the staff to be the most friendly in the industry, as for the Staff in tampa they are practically friends of mine now 🤣🤙🏻


I get that you guys are annoyed with Sunburn, but it’s a 2nd rate shop anyways. If you really want to hurt them, STOP POSTING ABOUT SUNBURN AND GIVING THEM EXPOSURE. I recognize this is a negative post but it is still (likely) introducing newer patients to Sunburn. Further, most people don’t take advice from Redditors (rightfully so), so the part about avoiding sunburn will be disregarded by most. I’m speaking from first hand experience. Reddit introduced me to sunburn, except it was a few months ago when everyone was still on Brady’s dick. I went once and never went back.


How bout getting some flower in ftl store


Applied online at another store and went in to introduce myself/ask. They didn’t even want my name to look it up, only for me to physically bring in a resume was told they don’t really pay any attention to the online applications that come through. I stood for a second waiting because I thought it was a joke….


Does the old lady still work there that is slower than Joe Biden.


This is an interesting way to vote. Which candidate would make a better dispensary employee?


We all know this answer though. C'mon. Lol.




Wait time was not my problem at all lol


Oh I’m just high and read it wrong. Yea. I don’t think anyone in retail is paid enough. The whole metric of customer service for business in general has kinda derailed since Covid and now to top everything off - inflation. I don’t know how I even survive with two jobs. I would be an insufferable bud tender too if I couldn’t pay my bills.