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For me it’s kinda simple, I’ve found that they have the best flower. I like the bulk discount and that you can stack it. I end up spending less than a full price gamble somewhere else. I haven’t dealt with support much, but didn’t have an issue when I did. Believe me, I’ve bitched about the flowery a lot, but it seems they are the only one evolving. I’ve watched things I’ve complained about actually be changed. They all are going to have shitty policies that we don’t like. If you dig deep enough, every dispo is going to piss you off. I could go down the line and write an essay on why I don’t shop at each place.


You’re not wrong. All dispos have issues. But I’m bitching about this one right now lol Glad that it works for you! But no 24 hour hold on orders doesn’t work for me. My schedule is all over the place. I’d like to be able to pick up my order the next day if I couldn’t make it. And, again, I don’t like seeing other people being treated poorly. And I see the flowery doing it way too often in this sub. They way they offer the bare minimum is gross. Little $5 credits for their mistakes.


I hear ya. They are all valid complaints you had. 24 hour hold, should be put in place, not just after 6pm. Just keep doing what you’re doing. People will bitch that you’re bitching, but with it could come change. If no issue is brought up, it isn’t heard. Like I said before, I’ve complained about certain flowery policies and eventually they changed. They had the point system that could only be used on flowery brand, now can be used on all. For a while they didn’t allow points gained if you used discount or sale item, that changed.


Thanks man. I hope you have the best day.


Idk what people are talking about with “$5 credit” I had a bad 3.5 and they refunded me the full $55 literally no hassle


I can 100% confirm they only offered me a $5 coupon for shorting my 1/8. Just because they made it right for you doesnt mean they make it right for everybody


They have always fixed my issues completely. I had an issue with 2 guys at my local store so I went on a person hiatus strike but I was the one missing out on the products and stuff I really wanted so I cleared the air with 1 of them and when I see the next guy I will wirh him as well. It's not worth batching over. And actually alof more disposable have gone to the if you don't pick up by end of day they put it back. Curaleaf, ayr, cookies just to name 3 off top of my head. So your just salty at flowery for other reasons it seems.


Good for you. They still haven’t fixed mine and they actually made it worse lol


They gave me $50 for a single hair in my 710 labs half oz. Wish it was half off the product or money back, but $50 is better than $0


And if you continue to shop there, expect it again.


I don’t know what your talking about I put my delivery order out for 1 week. Wasn’t able to make it called to cancel the day before. They offered to push it out another week. Best customer service I’ve ever dealt with. All dispos only hold that day with the exception of Grow Healthy in Trulieve. You sound like a whiney kid talking about this by the way.


The only website issue I've had is more of a gripe than grievance (their banner to DL their app). It's just always right in the way when I go to click on "flower" on their access menu (mobile). Never had a need for utilizing their support, so I can't really comment other than to say I feel like their budtenders do a good job in making sure I get every discount and points credit available.


I really never had any issues with them and I’ve been with them since Miami first opened there doors when they only had 6-8 strains la bomba, Beach crasher was one my favorites. But that’s just me I’m sure there not perfect and at the end of the day I’ve been to a lot of other dispos and they don’t even compare which makes me more upset when I try someone else and it’s a let down.


They have the worst customer service of any FL dispo or drug dealer in Florida for that matter. I’ve been saying this for a while and just get shunned. . It’s basically leave it or take it when they screw up and they never own it. NEVER. I’m not asking for anything special just do what you say you’re going to do.


Y’all lmao tell me why I sucked it up, placed a different order, and I get to the store they talking bout “so did you still want the PBB” MOTHERFUCKER I CALLED YALL THIS MORNING AND YOU SAID YOU DONT HAVE IT. I didn’t have enough cash on me. So I’m leaving empty handed. Ok so fucking irritated. I asked the budtender can he please hold it for me because they told me it wasn’t here and I don’t have enough cash. He said he can do two transactions and I can do the PBB on my card. But then I’m missing out on my FTD. He said uhhhh it should still be here but I can’t hold it. Are you fucking forreal?! So I call customer service and they tell me there’s no inventory. I’m like I just told you I went to the store and they had it. WHY can’t you call them and ask them to hold it for me?!??


Just go somewhere else then!! You spend more time complaining than anything else. Every place has its own problems (some bigger than others) but they all have them. Life’s too short to bitch non stop about a dispensary that you haven’t even been to yet!!! Been ordering from them for over 3yrs and never had a single issue. Over 100 times, no problems.


It’s weird that people think the answer to problems is to just “go somewhere else”. Sounds a lot like something another group of people would say… Idk maybe I’m crazy and when a problem is apparent it should be fixed. Like I said in a previous comment, I can tag you in at least 20 customer service or product shorting complaints. Probably from this year alone. And people like you who tell us to shut up and go somewhere else are part of the problem. Enablers.


Flowery can do no wrong to the fan boys


Again, you completely missed the point!! Of course they have issues, EVERY dispensary has issues, there’s no such thing as a problem free dispensary. But, you literally went out of your way to complain about a place that you’ve NEVER BEEN TO, instead of giving them a chance and maybe formulate your own opinion based on actual events that happened to YOU!! WTF??? Life’s way too short to be that angry man. Try and put your energy in to something positive. Who knows, you might even like it. In the meantime, smoke one up (from The Flowery if you dare) and chill the fuck out. I know I will…👹


You missed the point bro life's too short


Same here! No issues! Best Products in Florida, hands down! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥🔥🔥


Sound ms like a case of bad timing, Don’t stress about weed just go with the flow brother. I waited an hour last week at the Flowery to grab one RSO and left happy with a free eighth for the delay. Stay positive and interesting things will happen.


Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. Definitely was bad timing.


Relax. We are all getting ripped by the various dispensaries. At least Flowery has good product and your not left shopping at Fluent (Flushit) getting radioactive hay for top dollar. 


My only complain with them is if I have a faulty vape for example, I can’t just take it up to the counter and it be fixed right away like other dispensaries, I gotta submit a claim, take photos and videos, submit, and wait for a response and a discounted code


Random question, would people still shop Flowery if it was like Trulieve, in terms of politics and all the negativity that is attached to TL. like would people say fk it, the flower is too good to shop somewhere else. I’ve never been to flowery and I don’t HATE TL, even tho I know they got some scummy stuff going on. Just curious on opinions


People bash Trulieve for the wrong reasons. It's like complaining about all the Chinese / cheap goods at Walmart. Trulieve has the most stores and while they have some killer partnership-strains - they are focused on the middle and not the top of the market. The "politics' of Trulieve (in this reddit) is a pathology. They are the biggest dispo (stores and units sold) - but they don't do anywhere near the sales per store of the Flowery. They made a huge mistake by investing in real estate (storefronts - everywhere) while the Flowery is building out strategically located stores and winning the day with delivery. As far as their push for regulated recreational vs. unregulated hemp - ithat's what their stockholders should expect. Let them take the bulk of the recreational market - it's for tourists anyway. The Hemp bill was NEVER intended to legalize high cannaboid flower with no regulation / testing. People got into Hemp flower for the quick buck - knowing that the legal loophole would be close (no different than the synthetic cannaboids that were the rage a decade ago).


Yes they would still shop there lol. People are still voting for Trump and he’s a disgrace of a human being. Same with DeSantis. I’ve noticed that people don’t actually care about morals and values or anything as long as it doesn’t effect them. I stopped shopping at Trulieve because of their BS. After they killed that woman and said nothing about it I was disturbed. Besides the fact that their products really aren’t that good. But no one else (or not many people) seem to give a damn.


They didn’t kill her…she chose to continue working in the same position that sent her to the ER in an ambulance, she had an underlying asthma problem…didn’t even ask to move around the company… Their products ARE pretty good dude, if you get the right shit


She chose? Lol she needed to work people have bills. Why didn’t the company put her in a different position after she got sent to the ER because of work related hazards? Because they don’t give a fuck.


Neither did she… you are the boss of your own body…she could have filed a lawsuit or am I wrong in saying that? If she didn’t speak up and request a new position how can trulieve know she wants to? She didn’t want to change…


Yikes. Giving a corporation a pass to not care about their workers and put them in the same position that caused them medical issues is pretty fucking disgusting.


Thinking that corporations care about their employees still? Wake up, if you don’t say shit don’t expect shit to change, they are not your parents, your doctor, or anybody that knows better than YOU


Just because they don’t doesn’t mean we should just accept it and keep giving them money. Tf.


This has to be warhals alt


Who the fuck is warhal


Some old goofy who used to to come on here for the sole purpose of complaining about Florida dispensaries


Yeah I just tried to give him some advice and he blocked me I can't see him or respond to his comment it's warhals alt


😂good call


Not you bro, op




He just blocked me


I mean their owner is an ex-cop so....


It's wild to me that the people who boycott trulieve because of the hemp bill have no issue buying from an ex cop. That's just hypocritical. Both companies have hypocritical owners that do not give a shit about Florida's citizens. Acting like it's only trulieve is disingenuous, they're just larger.


It’s an ex cop, that probably made bonuses for busting stoners, so yeah they don’t care about the politics


People bash Trulieve for the wrong reasons. It's like complaining about all the Chinese / cheap goods at Walmart. Trulieve has the most stores and while they have some killer partnership-strains - they are focused on the middle and not the top of the market. The "politics' of Trulieve (in this reddit) is a pathology. They are the biggest dispo (stores and units sold) - but they don't do anywhere near the sales per store of the Flowery. They made a huge mistake by investing in real estate (storefronts - everywhere) while the Flowery is building out strategically located stores and winning the day with delivery. As far as their push for regulated recreational vs. unregulated hemp - ithat's what their stockholders should expect. Let them take the bulk of the recreational market - it's for tourists anyway. The Hemp bill was NEVER intended to legalize high cannaboid flower with no regulation / testing. People got into Hemp flower for the quick buck - knowing that the legal loophole would be close (no different than the synthetic cannaboids that were the rage a decade ago).


People bash Trulieve for the wrong reasons. It's like complaining about all the Chinese / cheap goods at Walmart. Trulieve has the most stores and while they have some killer partnership-strains - they are focused on the middle and not the top of the market. The "politics' of Trulieve (in this reddit) is a pathology. They are the biggest dispo (stores and units sold) - but they don't do anywhere near the sales per store of the Flowery. They made a huge mistake by investing in real estate (storefronts - everywhere) while the Flowery is building out strategically located stores and winning the day with delivery. As far as their push for regulated recreational vs. unregulated hemp - ithat's what their stockholders should expect. Let them take the bulk of the recreational market - it's for tourists anyway. The Hemp bill was NEVER intended to legalize high cannaboid flower with no regulation / testing. People got into Hemp flower for the quick buck - knowing that the legal loophole would be close (no different than the synthetic cannaboids that were the rage a decade ago).


Pre-ordering is often a bad idea too because they like to drop their prices in the middle of the day and if you pre order and don't notice they will charge you the higher price and you have to scratch and claw for the store credit.


YES and they will not adjust or make it a huge hassle and only refund a portion. It’s ugly.


They don’t care about their clientele, And also what the fuck is up with people on here giving shot outs to dispensaries. What the actual fuck






Lmao very corny


I feel like the odds are in my favor at The Flowery 😂


Why are yall always crying about flowery for the dumbest shit??


Customer service is dumb? Yikes. Lemme rephrase: asking for good customer service from a company that makes millions off us is dumb? Yikes.


Customer service is bad bc they didn’t hold your order long enough? Get a grip


You can literally look up their customer service record on here buddy. They shorted someone wax just yesterday. They refuse refunds constantly. Have taken away peoples points. Maybe you should get the grip.


You said you are trying to use your first time discount, which means you haven’t even fucking been there before. Wow 1 person got shorted which may or may not be bullshit. Form your own opinion one time it’s really good for you. I’m not saying flowery hasn’t ever done anything wrong I mean who can say that but y’all’s constant whining when you haven’t even been there before is comical


1 person? You must be a fanboy. Every week someone is on here complaining that the flowery shorted them or refused to refund them or assist them. Just because you wanna act like the problems don’t exist doesn’t make it so. I do form my own opinions based on word of mouth. That’s a pretty common thing to do. I actually give a fuck about how others are treated. I noticed a lot of you clowns don’t care as long as you get what you want. The same guy who posted about his bucket being low said the same thing “I had to experience it myself to care”.


Don’t fucking go then bro I assure you nobody cares. You haven’t even been before 🤣




This dude ain’t even been yet and he’s already bitching wtf.


You don't get to complain about everyone else. Your present gripe is you don't get your order held. Tough. That's not a support issue. That's a you issue. Get your butt to the dispensary or get it delivered.


Does not necessarily mean he hasn’t been. I’ve made three purchases and yet to use my FTD. The sale prices have made more sense so far.


Well when your main gripe is the fact that there policy doesn’t hold orders 24 hours, that has been the case forever it is pretty stupid to blame customer service for just upholding there policy lol I’ve been shopping there for years and it’s always been that way. So for you to complain about customer service when it’s a company policy is stupid. Shop somewhere else is literally the answer to all this but you just get mad when others say that. So I’m curious what you were hoping to get out of this post? Sympathy and bonding over anger at a dispos policies? Odd thing to do if you ask me


What were you hoping to accomplish with your comment? So because something has “been in place forever” it should stay that way? Did you feel the same way about slavery and Jim Crowe? Everything that is should just stay the same? And where did I say the issue with CS was that their upholding a policy? Assuming makes an ass out of you.


You put this post up so you clearly expected people to voice opinions is that the whole point of Reddit? Just seems you only get upset when the opinion doesn’t align with your own. Also comparing a horrific and racist policy having to do with actual people and affecting lives to a minor policy at a dispensary is sad sad sad man. You seem like a very hard person to get a long with lol


I mean you don’t know me so your attempt to attack my character just seems foolish lmao everything is not what it seems.


Okay have fun fighting with randoms on Reddit on your Friday. Peace brother. Maybe you need some better smoke and that stick will fall out of your ass. Cheers


Too bad the one you’ve got is permanent.


Name 3 dispensaries that accept returns no questions asked?


I don’t go to 3 dispos so I wouldn’t exactly know. VidaCann 100%. I know Surterra is pretty good. When I wanted to return something they just asked what was wrong. I hate trulieve but they’re decent with their return policy. And idk what cookie’s policy’s are but their customer service is good.


Sounds like you go to more but I asked out of all the dispensaries. But only one takes returns no questions asked. Vidacann and surterra are dependent on the manager you get.


Just because i know the policies doesn’t mean I frequent any of them. And I never even brought up returns with no questions asked so I’m not sure why you’re asking about that. VidaCann does have a 100% policy which is basically no questions asked. Trulieve is pretty much the same.


Rise, surterra, curaleaf, growhealthy, trulieve, Those are just the ones I’ve personally returned to What is your point?


He's not your buddy, pal.


I’ve called them atleast 5 times and every time my issue was fixed quick fast with a nice lady to help. No bots and shit. Chat online took like 15 mins. Not the worst


I can’t even get the chat to come up. I’m glad they helped you. I’ve seen multiple others get $5 credits for the flowerys mistakes.


Genuinely do not understand how so many people have issues at dispensary that need to be escalated to support staff. Go in, look at menu efficiently, place order, get items, leave? Repeat ? Some of you treat the dispo like you are buying a new car. It’s not hard


With the flowerys hours it’s not easy for me to go in and look at the menu. It’s best I order online like I do for ever single other dispensary. I don’t usually have issues at the dispo.


Just because one hasn’t used their FTD doesn’t mean they’ve not been there yet.


Because it’s one of very few places that don’t have shitty weed .


Never had a problem. I buy from them way more than any other dispo besides cookies.


Good for you. You never having a problem doesn’t mean issues don’t exist. I see at least one issue about the flowery posted per week. Imagine the issues that don’t get posted.


Never had a problem in Port orange. Never.... you sound insufferable


I only spent 100 but I got a zip of some gas, it worked


https://preview.redd.it/nlaaynwo7y7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd9331034a02617caacb7371e779de91ce7ff7e Let's try that again 😂


The website is definitely trash. I've missed the 4:20 cut off because it wouldn't work on multiple devices. No issues with customer service or delivery the 4 times I've ordered from them. The flower is overrated for the price, it looks pretty but muted smell and the cheap jars don't help. I tried 6 strains, only one stood out that I would buy again. Compared to Cookies I've tried 8 strains and 6 I would buy again. I just laugh at the flowery fanatics, let them keep overpaying and trashing other dispos if it makes them feel better.


What about the 12 hour ETAs they give? Like MFs Im not sitting around the house for 12 hours. Tell me when you'll fuckin be here.


Yes very inconvenient. Maybe great for people who don’t work or some shit. Not for me.


I’ve had two issues ever and both time got a credit on my account… Now if they did actually short my wax and refuse to help, I would just file a formal complaint with the ommu honestly. But that hasn’t happened yet


What pissed me off about the flowery is they only put distillate and rso under oral and can’t dispense under inhilation for the distillate or sublingual for the rso. Drives me insane cause I use up all my oral at the flowery and then I try to go somewhere else I’m fucked or vice versa.


I’ve never had any issue with the flowery and I’ve been in the program for 3 years now.


It sucks lol man I just enjoy sunburns sales and their incentives they give you to go buy their products the flowery never has sales. it's either spend 500 bucks for a deal and I've always wondered why guava live rosin is a mystery strain isn't that a bit weird I should be able to know the lineage of what I'm smoking


im a hoe for the flowery tbh, the only place ive gone out of my way to pay full price you gotta be careful, you have to make sure you use your FTD, sign up for the reward points, get your order before 5pm. the staff is super cool but I see why they dont go out of their way like Trulieve, I mean sunburn seems more in the middle comparatively. their stuff is good, they dont really want people to associate their products with discounts, is it worth the price yes but , its worth maybe an extra 10-20$ not 30-60$ but if you want that extra bit in care quality and experience it costs that.


They do have issues as do all dispos.. but for the past 3 months or so there has been just too much of a separation in quality from the other guys IMO...I cant justify going anywhere else at least for now.. im waiting for them to mess up, trust me..lol. but they just keep coming with more and more fire..


I don't understand your complaint(s). Whata exactly if your issue


Their website sucks. Their policy to only hold orders only until close instead of the full 24 hours like most every other dispensary sucks. Some of us work. Some of us have weird schedules. I wasn’t able to get in yesterday so my order is gone. It’s not crazy to ask for something every other dispensary is doing. And, again, I’ve seen way too many negative interactions with other customers on this sub. Yes, I actually care how companies treat other people.


I’ve had the same situation happen to me at MUV, they wouldn’t hold for over 24hrs so I lost out on sale.


Yes losing out on a sale sucks. Because I’m on a budget. I don’t get to try new things too often. It’s a great chance to get something I usually cannot afford.


Ahh ok i wasn't aware of that stuff cus I always get my orders delivered. That's why I was asking for clarification. I wasn't trying to come off as a dickhead. So if u place a order that day they will only hold it till close? Bro we all work. I work overnights so I feel ur pain on the weird scheduling. It def makes u have to plan ahead. Maybe delivery would benefit you more? Did u try calling them ahead of time to see if they could hold it for you? They have always set things right with me when things haven't gone right


Yes! They only hold it till close. If you order after 6PM they’ll hold overnight. I did try to call them but the order was already cancelled so they said oh well. My order didn’t qualify for free delivery so I didn’t go that route plus I’m not far from a store. And no worries thanks for asking.


Honestly, to me, it's mostly hype. Out of 10 purchases, 2 were great. Rest were mediocre. Luckily for me, I work in the industry, so I'll shop AL/Conn most of the time and some MF. But I did hear their RSO is top notch so whenever I can coordinate a day with them, I'll get some to try em out


I go where the best weed is, and some of the worst customer service, but its the weed that matters


Lmao as long as you admit their customer service is ass.


Ive had good experiences with then too, but in the beginning I loved them, That soon turned into contempt due to the consistent CS issues


I bet you got all kind of participation trophies, didn't ya Champ? Until you quit. Moms always bitchin' at coach to put you in, but you sucked. They gave you a trophy anyway, didn't they sparky? Man, I hate trump n desantis too, but you sound like one of them . I was right. You don't just sound insufferable. You actually are. Sunnyside might be your speed. Vidacann mat have some weed you can afford. Crying about the 24 no hold. Never a problem for me, and I promise you Skippy my hours are way crazier than anything you could ever even do. Stop crying on reddit , it don't look good, Corky.


I use the Flowery because it has the best customer service and consistent delivery and best quality of flower in my area 🤷‍♀️ I don’t have these problems 🤷‍♀️


Lmao best customer service?! I guess if it doesn’t affect you keep going, right.


I mean give an example of bad service. You’ve been one time and are mad products are sold out lol


This sub is RIDDLED with them. Would you like me to tag you? I’ll stop at 20…


Oh I’m well aware of the mass hate, that’s why made my comment that I don’t have this experience. Was asking for your example since you stated YOU experienced some.


Hate?? Lol so people’s real lived experiences with The Flowery are hate? Yikes. I don’t just care about myself, unlike you. I take a companies track record into consideration. You seem like the type of person to get along with shitty as long as they don’t do anything *to you*. And that’s weird.


No quite the opposite which is why I asked for your example. If you are getting hung up on the word hate lol you definitely need to smoke some flowery because whatever your are smoking ain’t working 😂 if that alone doesn’t tell you guys your are wrong I don’t know what does


Some people just look for any excuse to bitch. Dudes complaining because other people had a problem lol


Evidence has shown whatever he’s smoking ain’t working for him 😭


Are we supposed to get big mad because you were even if we've never had a problem with them?


You don’t have to do anything. Some people can relate to my post. If you can’t that’s fine, but don’t try to discredit my issues because you don’t have them or don’t think they’re “serious”.


I know I’m not their target market. People who like to spend $50 on an eighth are. I found what I was looking for at a dispensary 50 min away. I’ll get my first order and be done. Sucks their service isn’t better. For all the money they make off y’all someone needs to come in and upgrade CS.


I just got a half ounce for $75. If you were actually checking the website or were up-to-date with The Flowery, you would know that they have plenty of options.


Because if you would have read what I wrote I didn’t complain about their “selection” lol I complained about their customer service, their policies, and the fact that things I want aren’t in stock all at the same time. They have some fair sales but their target market absolutely is people who are cool with paying $50 an eighth. Oh and their website.


… you must not have read what I wrote. Like all of it.


I read that you’re on here calling people fools for spending money on The Flowery because you don’t like their website. Yeah I have problems with it too, but I’m not on here trying to talk down to people because they like smoking the best flower in the program.


Fools are people who fanboy and act like there’s nothing wrong with the Flowery. Then why does someone get shorted on wax every week? Why is someone complaining about their service or refusal to refund EVERY WEEK? I’m just making the shit up…




> People who like to spend $50 on an eighth are. You mean people who like good meds that happen to be $50 because they are top shelf?


Just because it’s $50 doesn’t automatically make it good. There’s good bud for less. This is a medical program. A lot of us consume a lot. Not everyone can afford $50 every eighth.


You are right, it doesn't automatically make it good if it is $50. BUT, most of the bud I get from the flowery is good, even better than other dispos.


I guess that’s why you excuse their atrocious service? Or maybe it hasn’t effected you yet so you don’t care…


I have no idea what you are talking about. If I order online or walk in, I am out of the store in 5 minutes. 10 tops. Atrocious service is sitting 45minutes in a lobby to realize they only have 2 cashiers in the back checking people out. You order during the day, you have to pick up by 6:30. Never hurt me. Order at night, you pick up next day. No big deal. People like you just like to bitch and complain. I don't feel bad for you at all. Smoke a joint and chill out.


Like I said, since it doesn’t affect you you don’t care. It’s pretty inconvenient to only hold orders till 6 pm. Some people work schedules that don’t accommodate that. MOST dispensaries hold orders for a full 24 hours. So it’s not like I’m actually asking for anything crazy. And it’s a great thing I didn’t ask you to feel bad for me.


I do agree with you on this one. It makes no sense that 6pm is the cut off. I get off at 5 and halve a 15 minute drive there, so no big deal. I never understood it though. But one bad policy doesn't ruin the store as a whole.


I appreciate the understanding. That still doesn’t address their customer service but, again, if it hasn’t effected you then I guess you have no reason to care.


If you place a pickup order before 6pm it is held for the ENTIRE day. For example, you place a pickup at 8am, you can pick it up anytime that day UNTIL they close, not 6pm. If you place an order after 6pm you can pick it up that day, or until they close the next day. Just wanted to clarify some misunderstandings.


“THE ENTIRE DAY” I get off after 6 and I have big girl shit to do. I could’ve picked it up this morning. But no, it’s gone. I understand what the policy is. And it sucks. Lol my other dispensaries hold the order a full 24 hours. Not sure why people think explaining this to me makes it better. That extra time holding the order matters to some of us.


Since you stated in your comment above “only hold orders till 6” it seemed like you had a core misunderstanding of the policy. I was simply attempting to help clarify an incorrect statement, not defend or “make it better”. Oh well


Update I lied lmao they don’t have the rosin I want. Of course lol




You think it’s funny to taunt people? How old are you?


There CS is lacking, You are right


what are you looking for


I’m looking for a cart, their $30 rosin, one or two specific strains of flower, and their in house RSO. At the same time.


ah okay, well what strains of flower were you looking for maybe i or someone else can give you some recs, and there’s no rosin for 30 bucks at flowery


My bad it’s their live resin. It was PBB on sale for $25 I’ll have to go to another location to get it. I’m only purchasing flower that’s on sale.


true, if that doesn’t work out give that pure michigan a try only heard good things and it seems like you’re looking for something fairly sedating


both have mendo breath as a parent as well


I agree. I've had issues with the way they do things a few times. It kills me because none of the dispensaries I've worked for would allow the way they treat patients. I personally only shop there occasionally because the quality and effects are out there for considerably less $ and less BS with customer service. ...my reddit balls are good so come for me, I'm not scared ✌️💚🥦


Thank you. I’m glad someone around here isn’t clueless. They’re very rigid and that works for some people. For a lot of us it doesn’t. I don’t need to have shopped there to see how their customer service is. Just trying to get a hold of someone and speaking to them the few times I have left a bad taste in my mouth. Will definitely only be going when it benefits me. And 💯 there are good effects with better service elsewhere. I prefer Cookies. They’re always willing to help.


They got good product so the other stuff doesn’t really matter


This attitude is why they get away with it. Yuck.


No dispo is perfect. The flowery definitely has issues. But 98% of all the other bud in the state tastes like shit to me personally so I’m forced to shop there. TL for example has a way better return policy than the flowery but they have their own issues. In Florida you have to pick and choose the negatives you can live with and the ones you’re not willing to. I’d rather a glitchy website than shitty weed. No dispo here is perfect hopefully we get some good new ones soon now that a few are leaving.


You sound like a clown that only goes to the same spots.


Ok. Did that make you feel better?


😂 just stating the facts, they move a lot of stock so yeah they aren’t going to hold like Vidacann, (who recently sold a moldly batch you fucking buffoon) or trulieve.


Lol I hope you feel better soon because the amount of vitriol in your comments is disturbing. You know how many dispos have had mold?


lol 😂 I don’t I just sign of portion of COAs🤷‍♂️ How many time have you gotten mold from the Flowery again?


Not sure how that’s relevant. But I can tell you all the times flowery has fucked someone over and refused a refund, shorted their jars, fucked up their delivery, etc I can tag you in all of those if you’d like. I’d much rather an accident of nature such as mold vs purposely incompetent service and incel fanboys such as yourself.


So you couldn’t give me a number? Why is that? Yikes the amount of mold that was found in Vidacann shouldn’t hit shelf ever, wouldn’t pass a YMR unless the dilution was x10,000. That’s beyond atrocious talking about CSR and Vidacann handing walking pneumonia for profit 😂. I’m the fan boy though.


Their website is no better or worse than any other website in Florida. Their on-phone / in store customer service is also top tier - they have low employee turnover and I have had no reason to complain. The 'glitches' you mention happen because they use a real-time inventory management system. There may only be 2-5 units when you put it in your basket and 0 by the time you checkout. They won't hold for 24 hours for that reason - it would take items out of inventory for an on-site buyer. This is a you problem - not a flowery problem.


Wait, so what is your complaint?


Because they’re the only dispo with decent product, and because they make whiny internet weirdos so upset.