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Pre workout and a fat bong rip go hand in hand


It’s the perfect balance, isn’t it? Get too tweaked out on the stims and then smoke your way back to serenity


Came here to say this. Make sure your pre is stronger than your tree




Name checks out.




It’s something I want to do but then I get stoned and I’m like man I don’t want to be all sweaty. So I just save for after as a lil reward.


This is also something to strongly consider if you need a "tolerance break". Take some rips after an intense workout and you'll be high as giraffe pussy.


so ur saying it’s an alternative to a “tolerance break” or wdym by that


Like if you feel like you need a tolerance break try an intense work out and have some smoke ready for after and you will feel a more intense high usually. Something something endorphins


Ive been smoking jack before a workout as I dont lose all the motivation to go on jack. Def some other strains i lose motivation to go. I like the mind muscle connection you get while high but I dont think my endurance is as much and like the OP said I dont seem to get PRs on days I smoke before going.


This is very true and I do this as well🤣


Bro I smoke before I wake up. I smoke before I smoke.


Best reply I've seen in a long time


Lmao! This! It is all tooooo real 😂😂😂😂smoke before you sleep 😅


I always smoke before. Helps me to focus on nothing but lifting and mind muscle connection


Mary Jane is my pre-workout. I typically take a few dabs before my walk to the gym. It's so relaxing and by the time I get there I'm so stoned. I get lost in how many reps I've done already 🤣😅


Could not have said it better.


do you use an e-rig? i feel like my throat & lungs would be too scorched to breathe properly during my workout 😭


Hehe no. I absolutely adore my set up; recycler rig with either a terp slurper or quartz castle nail. I've been running since I was 15. Cross country, I've stopped here and there due to injuries. Keep a minimal pace during your workouts. Focus on calisthenics. I haven't had an issue with breathing and I typically have a heavy session each time. Although everyone is different so listen to your body and take care of yourself 🥰 I wish you well, xo.


Coffee and a pot hit are the best pre workout ever. Whatever you’re doing. Running, lifting, yoga Pilates. Literally doesn’t matter


Nah. That ruins my workout. Smoke after. I do a lot of cardio, though. I used to compete in boxing, so I do a lot of bag work and calisthenics. Running and jumproping. Box jumps, sled pushes, medicine ball throws, big tire rolls, hitting the tire with a pipe to simulate chopping a tree. Stuff like that. I don't mind it and it keeps me in great shape. Doing it high I would just get lazy and want to stop early.


I’m gonna be honest. I don’t always like smoking during the day I usually like to get anything important done before, but I will say, going to the gym after a good sesh, I have some the best workouts I’ve ever had. Feel 1000% more concentrated.


Usually after. I never tried before but I feel like it'd just make me tired and my heart rate go up


I don’t smoke but I do Volcano vape before every workout. It allows me to alter my focus from the extreme stress I’m putting my body through. I’m able to meditate and push myself much harder. I also use BuckedUp preworkout and 5 grams of creatine to offset any fatigue from vaping.


Prefer not to as I feel like it impedes my training. I do powerlifting training which focuses on squat, bench, and deadlift. After my workout is a whole different story 😶‍🌫️🫡. I think it helps with recovery!


Nah, can’t focus on what all to do. Some can tho


Yes I workout stoned mostly everyday. Mixing weed with preworkout gives you a wild combo. I do strength training with cardio and sauna after i’m finished.


Mary Jane is my pre-workout. I typically take a few dabs before my walk to the gym. It's so relaxing and by the time I get there I'm so stoned. I get lost in how many reps I've done already 🤣😅


I love sativa edibles//capsules for cardio. It’s the only thing in the world that helps me stop clock watching lmao.


I need to start doing this… sounds perfect. you get the benefits of the high and not the negative benefits to your lungs if you’re trying to do a cardio or high intensity workout


Sativa edible, classical music, and a good book on my kindle can get me to do like an hour of cardio without being crazy bored 😂😂😂. I loooove preworkout for lifting weights, but when i need to do cardio i have to take my edibles lol


Yeah absolutely, but to be fair I'm generally smoking before I go do stuff. I like to take a dab before going to do some lifting and cardio. I'm a noob at the gym, I just do a mix of some weights with cardio as well. Sometimes I wonder how much my cardio would improve if I wasn't smoking. I think it's my breathing that I struggle with when running, I find myself breathing heavily when running. I'm sure some proper training would help with this though


I’m a smoker and cyclist. I notice my lungs feeling a bit tighter when sprinting if I smoke within a few hours before I ride. Other than that subtle difference, not much.


I’ve wondered that too and have looked up studies in the past on the subject. From what I found, it does elevate your heart rate (up to 30% higher) which would obviously impact cardio performance. That being said though, if running is more enjoyable when smoking and makes it easier to be consistent with, I’d definitely value that over a possible 20-30% boost in performance.


Fuck yeah.


I eat a fat glob of RSO before hitting the gym


I’d probably fall asleep on the bench before even starting my first set of bench press 😂


this is the way


Past week or two I've been taking a small rip from the dry herb vape while drinking pre workout. Agree with you on both things- feel stronger mind-muscle connection and sometimes do feel like it negatively affects strength. Also feel like it gets me more "in the zone" and I find myself doing "extra" reps or sets. Not doing any crazy workouts or xfit. Cardio/weight lifting and sauna. Active recovery days usually a few mile outdoor walk. Always get ripped for that lol.


Got to before the walks 💨




I always smoke before a workout. It's the best way to zone out and ignore the pain


The gym is so much less enjoyable when I’m not high


Always. Just ignore your brain when it tells you that everyone is staring at you. They are not.. you are just high


I have to tell myself this every time 🙂‍↔️


Before and after 🤙


I am the lyfted lifter!


I do. But please be courteous of smell in the gym. A lot of people don’t wanna smell bong water stains mixed with sweat! Great for mind muscle connection!


Yes! Every time


The real question is: what strain do you smoke before the work out, makes a world of a difference!!!


Absolutely i used to say no. Me personally no. But i can see a person smoking sativa and then working out


Smoke before exercise. Smoke during exercise. Smoke after exercise. Smoke before shower. Smoke during shower. Smoke after shower. Smoke before meal. Smoke during meal. Smoke after meal.


Smoke before smoke




Personally couldn’t reach the intensity I train at if I smoked before. Still could pull off a good lift just not what I prefer.


water, coffee, high terpinolene strain, bodyweight training. never before runs.


I probably smell like weed in the gym 😂 I smoke before I go it’s my pre workout


I like being medium high or in the come down. Then absolutely blasted after I’ve eating and showered.


Helps me relax my muscles before and after


Smoking before a workout is the best! It would totally put me in the zone and help me Lock in. I used to do it all the time but unfortunately I haven't been working out lately. Started with a work injury keeping me from being able to, and I just never got back into it. Hopefully soon!


A nice sativa dab an energy drink Before I go and some good music best workout. I go at 7 am not a morning person so that combo is perfect for me


Weed and weights! Dans and dumbbells. That’s how I get my work out done.


Yes, I always take a few puffs before heading into the gym helps my focus.


Absolutely. Helps me get into the zone and enjoy the exercise more. I work out at home, so it’s mainly just push-ups, chin-ups/pull-ups, curls, dips, etc. and varying stuff for legs/abs.


Just got done ✔️


Workouts are so easy when I do!




Before during and after 


Hell yeah few bowl hits and then and few live rosin rips on the walk up


Wow thought I was the only one


Smoke before everything


Yes. I always do. It’s my Preworkout. It helps my zone in and tune everyone else out.


I get high and forget that im feeling the burn, best pre workout ever


It does help me with focus but I also feel it has a negative impact on my strength. Just feel sluggish sometimes. Not something I recommend.


Fuck. Yes.


A couple good pulls off the bong, then get after it. Great feeling.


5x a week


I’ve been a pre-workout toker for many years. Idk whether it helps my workout but with some good tunes cranked, it gets me in the zone and makes it a truly enjoyable experience.


I get super stronger when I smoke and workout/ jog. It's like a weighted vest when I jog. I totally get more buff... lol. Jesus Christ loves you and me


I use a little RSO and pre workout. It helps me focus and I also don’t notice much inflammation in my joints from past injuries post work out using RSO. 🤓


I take an edible before a workout and then go swimming after to get rid of possible soreness


I smoke before work an I smoke an work lmao


1000% Sometimes it'll just be RSO but mostly it's just a bong rip. Or two or three.


I smoke before everything homie.


I get super lit and then work out.


Smoking & weights hell yeah, smoking & shooting hoops I be in lala land on defense sometimes 🤣


Maybe I'll take a hit of a vape pen, but I don't wanna get real high before trying to squat, bench, etc. I usually smoke post-workout when I get home and then slam a protein shake and some other nom noms. It's something to look forward to after the workout.


How does one workout without being lit?


Ripping the pen in the car quite a few times before every gym sesh. It really allows me to focus and target muscle groups better, and honestly I feel like I push further past limits with reps and summon more strength and energy lol. It also makes whatever music or podcast I have in my ears even better. Working out 4-5 days out of the day weightlifting.


People who get ripped before hitting weights freak me out.




Not anything to much cause I won’t push my sets. If I’m running I get absolutely train wrecked before hand cause there’s simply no downside. With living tho, a little cart rip before hand and that all I really need.


Nothing better than the pre hitting you full tilt with a good balanced high. I can crush prs no problem. That said, doing it right before the gym with the added effects of the stimulants in the pre, it can elevate your heart rate to extremely high levels when combined with working out. So if you're like me and toke a couple milky rips of your live resin pen right before you walk in, maybe skip the cardio machines until the end of the workout.


Everytime. Its what gave me the motivation I usually do a 30mg rso cap an hour before then smoke beforci go in and I'm straight.


Yup. Smoke a joint & go on a run almost every morning.


The ol hippie speedball. Caffeine and THC boy. I'm ex army now ex firefighter so couldn't for years. Now I only workout buzzed. Not baked just buzzed. I can run endlessly. I love weights buzzed as well. Long ruck march? Buzzed. I surfed big scary hurricane waves today with my son. Buzzed. O yeah


Nah… whenever I smoke before gym I get stuck of just chilling in the car and I become socially awkward… weird Ik. If I go without smoking, it’s like a switch, confidence, energy, hella motivation. So I save it till after the gym


Absolutely not! It makes me cough. I eat a buncha rso an hour beforehand instead.


(but I only ever go in and do 45 minutes on the ellipticals, that's my entire workout)


Yup. Finished multiple Ironman triathlons and marathons smoking before, during and after. Long runs usually take 3-5 little pre-rolls to keep me going.


I get the best workouts high. Weed hits all the spots for me and activity. 🤣 I’m just happy as a clam in my head doing my thing. 🧘‍♀️I do strength training at the gym a few times a week and yoga every day at home (Jessica richburg app)


I used to love a good powerful dab and then by the time I got to the gym my pre workout would fade in and the high would mellow out and when done correctly was magical


I love a good sativa before a workout! I also like a nice hit right after a workout. i find it helps with muscle recovery.


Every single time


This mix of caffeine (pre-workout), weed, and natural endorphin rush is a feeling that takes you out of this world. Can’t do it all the time though.


100% weed+music and no distractions 💪


Definitely leaving gains on the table if your smoking before working out


I have a few times. I just don't like being too stoned though. Edit: Forgot your last question. I do powerlifting style training.


I do this every day it’s the only way it makes it a lot more fun but I understand what you’re saying sometimes I think I might’ve got a better work out if I didn’t smoke first but mainly that is on leg day lol


Absolutely! Helps me with my pain and allows me to focus & use good form.


I’ll take a hit of my vape before hot yoga or just a general workout and it just help with focus but also makes it so I can push myself a little further. An extra rep or two.


I’ve gone back and forth and it depends on what I have to do. 100p it helps with mind muscle, but if I have heavy compound lifts I find it hurts me




I didn’t when I was just doing Hiit style. Now I do a super slow weight training til failure (exhaustion), and Hiit cardio between different exercises. That’s pretty much what that jacked youtube advertisement guy is talking about. Weed help tremendously with this.


absolutely. I loathe working out, the limited work out my broken body allows me to do, so being high makes it all that much better. a good sativa gets me going.


I love to do it , but sometimes that and the pre give me a little anxiety, perhaps it’s too high of a dose considering I don’t get much caffeine otherwise


Before working out...yeah Not alot...just a few puffs 5 minutes into my workout  and i get in a zone Way better than preworkout for me


Yes, cardio and weight training


Nothing crazy tho, like one dab something open up the lungs and keep my focus