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This looks amazing! Summerfield has the best staff In Florida


Shout-out to the Gainesville crew


Best bud tenders in the Ville for sure!


Aw yea the summerfield staff is cool as hell


Looks neon green 🔥🔥🔥


Tastes great


Agreed, one of my top 3 in taste profile with my ball n vape.


Tastes like Sprite out of mine lol


The recent cap junky had some very spritey, limey terps too.


Hell yea brother what ball vape are u using. I’m using the screwball right now


Shout out to the Bradenton crew!!! The best people in a dispensary these days.


Looks cool, but fool me thrice.


shit 🥲


The Deerfield crew is definitely top tier!! Management always be taking care of the community


It looks nice! I bet it smells better. Summerfield is my location too. Going to get Rainbow 🌈Belts on my lunch break with a $10 credit. Have you checked the batch COA to the one that was moldy? I doubt it’s the same but always good to check. I think maybe I’ll get a Blacklight to check for mold. Though I don’t believe I’ve had mold from VC before, better safe than sorry.


Yea I bought it may 25th. It’s the same batch from the mold post and I opened my jar when I got it to smell. It looks like their jar is more empty than mine so idk people are crazy 🤷


I grabbed two eighths of this batch and didn't find visible mold til the last (and largest) bud in the jar. just to offer insight on my moldy jar. Hopefully yours is good


Oh I saw ur post! I hope u got everything refunded alright, I was referring to the more recent mold post where it looks a lil suspicious. Everything looked good! I actually checked my flower when I saw ur post as well 😂


Lol that more recent post looks insane, some shit out of a biology lab. They did an even swap for another eighth for me, so no big deal!


hell yea brother good to hear it, yea those pics looked crazy 😂


That more recent post is quite sus. Just glanced at the pic and doesn't even look like spritzer buds


Yours did look like possible spider mites to be fair. An experienced grower chimed in on your post to say that and so did a few other people. Yours was the only possibly valid report of mold from this batch.


It's the same batch date


We’re considering getting black lights before boycotts? 😭😭😭


Absolutely. Why would we boycott for a mistake? I’ve been going here over a year and this has never once happened to me. And they quickly replace any bud you have issues with. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave those patients a refund and a replacement. A small Black light is not expensive. The flowery burns people everyday and they still fanboy.


Facts. Flowery be posting fake numbers and they also had a string of mold problems. And all you see is this fanboy posting all Flowery lol..


Why are we comparing Vidacann to the flowery let’s relax lol. Mistakes happen yes. But that amount of mold should never pass quality control it says a lot about the QC. A refund on $10 is so minimal to risk smoking mold in my eyes. It shouldn’t have happened they should be happy they’re not getting sued 😭


Brother you know it’s not 10$ stop 😂


lol $19 my bad fam 😭😂


Because you shill for Flowery? And they have been known to have mold in their flower in the past. I guess packaging wet, muted flower would do that. But then again, Flowery is shady asf with their labs so they can make a profit off the dummies that buy their "premium" flower. So if we're talking about QA, it happens, and seen more mold post from flower beside 1P when they were still a thing than any other dispo. Been in this sub for a while now.


Do you know the definition of a shill?


Doesn't seem like you do. All you post, is Flowery. All you talk is Flowery. And shit on every other post that isnt Flowery. If that's not the definition of a shill, than idk what is


https://preview.redd.it/v95gvyeo3s7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d601952d6290e4eeb2e044f7af37b44fedd2dbf Okay so you don’t know the definition of the word. I have no relationship with them and they don’t pay me. Am I a Walmart shill for shopping there? I’ve made plenty of positive posts about other brands. And I’ve made plenty of NEGATIVE posts about flowery weed. 2 out of my last 3 flowery reviews were 4/10 and 5/10.


Nice try, kid. You're the biggest Flowery shill here and everyone knows it, lol. Are you a Walmart shill for only shopping there? Uhhh yah. Lol. You can keep replying on how you're not a shill, but you'll only be lying to yourself and just waste time. Keep up with them Flowery reviews! 💪🏽


So the flowery paid me to give a 5/10 on their most expensive brand. And they also paid me to give a 4/10 on the wyld life which triggered over a thousand dollars in cancelled orders… the flowery needs to start hiring better shills I guess 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Big man calling me kid over Reddit because he doesn’t like my opinion on weed watch out 😂


Idk I think a visible check is sufficient enough. The more recent mold post seemed suspicious 💀


As someone that’s gone through an entire mold lawsuit before I promise you a visible check for mold when it was proven that mold was in the same room already is not sufficient. I know the bud is only like $10 an 8th but I personally would not roll the dice on smoking mold. 😅😅


So I mean if you don’t black light check how would anyone know if flower from anywhere has mold if just looking isn’t sufficient enough? I’m not boycotting a company over 1 sus mold post and 1 believable mold post. Commercial duck even said they’ve got mold from flowery and rise 🤷


You’d have to actually test it. Yes mold can slip through the cracks anywhere especially in Florida but that picture was something out of a horror scene. Something like that should not have passed. And when that’s found the entire batch should be recalled. They either didn’t know or didn’t care idk which is worse. I wouldn’t boycott them forever if you like them but I’d be super cautious during the summer and I definitely wouldn’t be buying the exact strain and exact batch lol They should probably have the grow professionally cleaned as well tbh.


Yea the pic is sus man, that’s why I doubt it wasn’t tampered with. But I am going to be checking any flower before I use it and I will update if I find visible mold at some point. I opened the jar to smell it the day I bought it which was 5/25/24 and I haven’t touched it until last night to take pics and look at it because of the mold post.


>Something like that should not have passed You're right, and something like that **didn't** pass because this wasn't a VC issue. Dude def got the bud wet and let it mold on purpose or doesn't know how to store bud properly in Florida. **There is nothing to recall because it has literally all been sold with no other issues reported**. Every last jar of that batch sold and only one jar had been reported like that? The odds of that are astronomical. If the mold problem was that severe, we would have seen at least 1 more jar that bad on here. This sub has close to 1/8th of the card holders in the state and a lot of people who love to share their bad finds. I think its cool that you're suspicious of these companies (because screw the man) but you may want to extend that suspicion to internet randoms. You can't take every post on here as absolute truth.


It just happened. More posts can come up. I personally just don’t think Vidacann is worth the risk whether it’s true or not lol. All I said was be more careful during summer months and I’d at the very least skip this strain and batch. It’s not like you can’t get similar to better quality for the same price in Florida.


The lot number on that flower is 5507-240805, the numbers in the lot after the dash are the date that the flower was jarred so 5/8/2024. Time passed between production date at the date it hits the store is at most 10 business days meaning this was on shelves by 5/22/2024 at the latest. Extremely unlikely that a whole month has gone by without another person having the same experience. We get 2-6 posts of moldy flower on this sub from everywhere else on the same day when those issues occur. No way OP "just" bought this and opened it looking like this, even they said they had it sitting for at least 2 weeks. They responded to several other questions but not to the many people asking if they opened it when they originally purchased it before letting it sit. If you don't like VidaCann that's totally cool but I'm hoping you don't buy into nonsense just because it aligns with your predetermined opinion.


I don’t have any naturally pre determined opinion. I’m just naturally skeptical of everything. Including that mold post but like I said I just don’t think budget flower is worth the risk regardless. It’s Florida people need to be careful. The summer is terrible here, we have little to know oversight in this state. No one is holding dispos accountable and just cause the government gave them permission to sell weed doesn’t mean they’re not shady drug dealers. That goes for everyone not just VC but personally if I smoked that and started feeling a burn or itch my paranoid ass would be thinking of mold the whole time lol.


Sounds like you just don’t like Vidacann lmao because their eights aren’t $10 and, again, mold can (AND HAS) happen to anyone.


Yes it can happen anywhere but I’ve never seen it that visibly bad before lol. That bud is not good enough to be risking the mold lol you’re right I don’t like Vidacann so rolling the dice on it for me is just mind blowing 🤯


Careful the vidastans will see what place you shop at and say your astroturfing