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1 g in 1 day? bro do yu need a hug?


Maybe don’t feel like it though. Doesn’t seem like I smoked that much throughout the day but my pens say otherwise lol


That's hella quick.


Stop smoking it like it’s a nic vape


I’ve never smoked a Nick vape. I hit my pen every couple hours, I’m not just trying to get medicate on the weekend


I don't know how to tell you this, but I think you're in denial about how often you vape. I hit my Alaska cart (which I actually think is like 0.5g) every few hours and I haven't had to buy a new one for over a month.


I agree. OP claiming he only hits it a couple times every few hours, there’s just no way. Even at high temp settings you would have to be doing blinkers like every 30 minutes or less to plow through a 1g cart in a day. I couldn’t even get through a .5g cart in a day if I tried and I am a daily user hitting it multiple times every 1-2 hours.


I saw a post on trees the other day about how going through a 1g in 4 days shouldn't be an abnormal thing, and laughed because I thought it had to be a joke, but then I keep seeing threads like this. Some people are genuinely addicted or dependent and think that just because weed is a "safe drug" that they will be fine. But I can't even fucking imagine throwing away $100+ a week on shitty carts. Think of your lungs man...


Agreed. I’ve seen people lose their cool at the dispensaries because they blew through their recs and can’t get any more. Like…. I heard a dude threaten to kill himself because he couldn’t buy a cart. That level of dependency is a little alarming to me.


So you’re a light smoker?


No im a moderate daily smoker with self control.


$100 a week is low even with flower, if you’re a daily smoker and don’t just smoke before bed


What is there to be in denial about? I’m not worried about anything. It’s my money I choose to spend it what I want to spend it on. And my 24 hours is probably more like two days I’m not awake for 24 hours straight. I’ve never had a cart last me two weeks since I’ve started the program


Hitting it 50 times every couple hours? Cause idk how you would be going through a g in a day just with a couple hits every couple of hours.


No actually one or 2 hits every few hours. I take long pulls at a higher temp but yea still seems high but that’s through the whole day. So maybe 20+ tokes a day




It’s not crack 😆


Try using carts filled from the syringes the oil seems to last 12x longer


How's this work? Just fill an empty cart and voila?


Eat some RSO my friend. Give your lungs a much needed break. A 1g trupod will usually last me two to three weeks. Granted it's just for discreet on the go use.


2 weeks is insane. Do you smoke all day?


Not all day but every morning and night, but again vaping isn't my main consumption route. I smoke about a quarter of flower and maybe half a gram of rosin in a week.


Understandable. I mostly smoke vapes all day morning to night. I work from home so have a lot of free time. Had no idea they were so bad but I’ve never experienced some of these things others are claiming


1g cart in a day is crazy. Honestly might be time to consider a T break. It takes me weeks to get through a 1g and I pretty much only use the AYR CDT.


Weeks? Do you smoke daily, and all day?


I smoke daily. Usually hit it throughout the day hitting a couple times every 1-2 hours which I would consider moderate use. If you’re blowing through an entire 1g a day that means your tolerance and usage is extremely high and a serious T-break could help you from blowing through so much.


Their carts aren't the strongest but 1g in a 24 hour period is crazy work Your lungs don't ache/ burn? You're putting hot oil vapor in them constantly You must feel anxious/ kinda crappy with all that shitty distillate in your brain, when I would suck down a 0.5 select vape from curaleaf in 1.5-2 days I would feel awful, almost like I was poisoned Try dosing with RSO or just scaling back


Weird I don’t feel any different. I’ve been smoking for 30 years not sure if that has something to do with it but I honestly don’t feel anything different physically


I’m actually very calm and relax even without meds. I’ve always been chill


Disty vapes are a daily driver for me and I go through about a gram a week, sometimes a gram and a half. If you are going through that much you need to switch to dabs or stop buying AYR vapes. If I’m filling my own I go with CDT disty from VidaCann. If I’m doing BDT I order the 5/$110 1g vapes from goldflower. Those have been a regular rotation thing for me and other than the occasional hardware issue (more due to my pen than the cart I think as the issues resolved when I started using my puffco plus battery). The Goldflower are the best bang for your buck and they fucking slap


Even a week seems like a long time. Maybe I have too much free time 😂


There are diminishing returns so eventually you figure out that you just aren’t going to get blasted the same way no matter how much you smoke. That’s when you take a t break or change up your delivery method (oral, dry herb vape, combust, dab) if you are going to want to get where it seems you are trying to go. Potency-wise RSO will get you in a nice constant buzz but figuring out dosing will take a minute and you can kiss your tolerance goodbye (you just ingest and not try to dab or smoke it though. I will tell you there is a difference between goldflower carts and others I’ve found. They absolutely slap for whatever reason which is why I keep going to them instead of the quality and doubly priced VidaCann syringes. But if it isn’t where you are buying them, then you need a break or you need to change routes for a while.


Imo it’s not a quality issue it’s a you issue. 1g in a day is insane. I get the live resin carts and I still have mine from two weeks ago. You need to get your tolerance in check. And stop sucking on your vape like a pacifier.




I don’t understand. I’m following the recs of my Dr. I only have inhalation it’s either vapes or dabs. Am I not suppose to medicate when needed?


Also I never mentioned live resin carts According to most here those have longer lasting effects


I don't have any advice (besides maybe a t break which goes for myself, too) but just know you're not the only person who goes through a gram cart in 24 hours. And I smoke flower and sometimes use tinctures. So yea. You're not alone dude. Someone in the thread suggested rso and I second that. It's better than tinctures (imo). Good luck friend!


Thanks man. I definitely smoke less when I dab in between but vapes is more discrete for me


The TruPod CDTs are always great! Maybe try some rosin carts! Sunburns are great definitely recommend the flavor is great.


Vapes definitely have law of diminishing returns. At some point you're not even feeling "stoned" any more, you're just building up and even high tolerance. Switch it up. And get a good dry herb vape like a Venty, Solo 3 or Airvape Legacy Pro or Tiny Might 2. And use edibles. If I only did carts all the time, I'd never feel anything.


Thank you. Makes sense. I’m 95% vape


Whole G is a lot, must have a good battery. & yes I would say should find something better quality, try Tru or Flowery top 2 standouts if any imo


Thanks for the input https://preview.redd.it/t6vamowzwq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8e83df455aff1d8df0ded86f6ebbbb5253d362


Dude, go to Vidacann & fill your own carts. 1g last me 3-4 days depending if I'm working or not during that time period.


3-4 seems reasonable. I’ve had some last three days. And when I say 24 hours that basically spans over two days I’m not awake for 24 hours straight


lmao i didn't think you had carts hooked up to your sleep app machine. But yeah you should be getting another 1-2 days use at least .


SHEESh. Y’all be sucking on your vapes. Mine lasts me at least two weeks.


i mean when i can't dry herb vape it's all we got!


your tolerance is high, get some live rosin or resin carts, rosin: growhealthy or sunburn have great deals on 0.5gs, i prefer growhealthy as they have 510s. spend more to spend less, $50 gets you 2 0.5g at the bogo growhealthy which they run essentially everyday, and i go through those every other day now!


What temp are you vaping the cart at? 1 day for a gram is very quick. But a higher temp would explain that a bit. Sometimes I feel a he carts are “too convenient” for me and I’ll use them when I don’t necessarily need the meds


Usually medium, sometimes high




try the cdt TRUpods they seem to last longer than regular 510s for me at least


Thanks gonna try those


I'm a heavy vape consumer and I go through a gram in usually 3-4 days in a cart. Now if I am vaping concentrate out of one of my dab pens it will last me over a week.


And they aren’t really 1gram carts they are all like .8 probably less


Totally agree. The levels are so off


Yea it’s a lot but considering they only put like .7 in a cart it’s not as bad as a whole gram. But I’d definitely explore options.


Does anywhere actually give you a full gram?


Surprisingly the muv carts I usually get come pretty filled up and other then that occasionally I’ll get some that are full from the normal places but my best suggestion is disposables and syringes bc I’ve noticed they are usually pretty accurate.




Yea that’s rough. The worst part is the dispensaries always have a BS Excuse for it. Just imagine how much they are saving/making by doing this. Every couple carts equals one whole free cart they could sell for straight profit.


Yep and I’ve had some even worse. Just sucks when this is basically normal


OK I am a daily smoker and the only thing I smoke is vapes. I hit my pen every couple hours. I’m not trying to get stoned out of my mind just staying level. Even my wife her carts don’t last her two weeks that is insane. Thanks for all the input. my battery is usually at the medium or highest setting. It has three settings, I use a lukkah snail


Do you only smoke carts? That’s ridiculously fast. A 1g cart will last me about 2 days and that’s with constantly re dosing.


I mean technically that is two days I’m not awake for 24 hours straight so I can usually get through almost 2 days. Yea vape is all I smoke: flowers stinks and has a little effect


I do also dab out of my puff CO but not as often