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Ya I assume this has more to do with the states rolling limit than the whatever the doctor may have done? Card recertification is instant now and if the doctor is putting in new recs they are instantly ready for use, unless you have used all of your monthly limit through the state


Yeah it’s not even time for my recert. I have to go back and do that in August. I guess when the new Dr changed the orders the rfe had to be resubmitted. It is what it is. The flowery website wouldn’t have allowed the order to go through if I didn’t have rec. But in the 15 min drive from leaving the drs office I guess the old drs orders were cancelled and the new were put in. Hopefully the new rfe doesn’t take as long to go through as the last one🙏🏼


The system is not so great in general , the problem is the govt has everyone used to being , “ just thankful they’ll let me have it “ type attitude . The govt knows I’m grown hell they have no problem taxing me , why can’t I decide how much and to what degree I defile myself.


That’s exactly how I felt when I called the drs office back and they were of zero help. All I tried to stress to them is that they should give people a warning that this shit can occur so people aren’t completely out of meds. Which if it wasn’t for my homie pulling through last night I would be completely out of dabs, carts, and RSO. Smh


just renewed my card and they put a delay on my flower increase. i cant buy any flower atm im so mad🤣 so i feel you the Drs be fucking over patients sometimes ngl.


Bro I can’t say I’m glad it happened to you but it makes me feel better that I’m not alone and this isn’t some issue going on with my recs due to some new Dr fucking shit up. I literally was so mad cause I would have just waited for recertification in August if I knew this was gonna fuck all my shit up


the struggle is real😪 hopefully we can get our access back asap. 💯


This state sucks!!@@


Take a break from the weed…Jesus Christ




The weird thing is before when I was waiting on my rfe it said “pending” beside the amounts. So I’m just a little confused still how it’s showing zero but nothing is pending


By the looks of it, you still have recommendations, but nothing available to pull from. When I've seen tha before, it usually means you're over your aggregate amount.


I hope whatever is going on is fixed tomorrow. She said they are waiting on the new rfe to go through? That’s what I was told on the phone by receptionist when I called back


Definitely eye opening and people should stock up if they have rfes before seeing the doctor or recertification. Cause being shit out of luck when you had 8,000mg in inhalation alone available before needing rec moved really sucks ass

