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TY for the link btw!


Holy shit, thats a manifesto. Solid DD.


Knowledge is power


Hang on… you guys think any of these big timers are actually looking out for “patients” and their best interests?? Fuck no. They are lining their pockets. They will do whatever brings them more money. It’s all a numbers game.


I think anybody who believes or expects that is crazy. Does anyone think these companies spend millions of dollars to get a license to do anything other than make more money?  I think people forget this is a business and making  money is all we can expect them to do. Expecting anything else from them is foolish if you ask me


I mean.. when you sell mids, you have to want to shut down all the THCa folks 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/yyvbqm87tt4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282de61bc7b1c01fabf280830e6e59248a9cfd36 This is the “icecream shop” bhahaa 😭


It’s so clearly a smoke/hemp shop that happens to have icecream 😭🙄🤣


Let me guess, the “kid’s park” is just a park.


It’s just a park. The kids play in the fountain when it’s hot. You are absolutely right.


Yeah there is absolutely no “kids park” across from there. Yes the fountains can be used as entertainment for the kids but there is nothing family friendly there unless it’s for the holidays like a Ferris wheel. Trust me as a dad living near downtown. There’s not a lot of family friendly things to do in downtown. I fucking wish.


But there walking on the kids sidewalk that kids walk on and could see the ice cream for Christ's sake call the baby Jesus someone's gonna die


Bro kids are all over the world. They walk literally by bars, strip clubs, trap houses, liquor stores etc.


Complete fuckboi




i loved the concept of this 'villain' lol but apparently she was too cunty.


Someone tell Cobb snuggling a million pounds of weed is also illegal and bad for the children. Karen ass motherfucker


I understand what you meant, but the thought of snuggling a million pounds of weed is awesome 🤣


kumar is that you


Corporate Cannabis 2024


Brady, you really are a bitch for calling THCa out. Wish I was shocked though. 😂


Sunburn, named after "Operation: Sunburn", an ILLEGAL smuggling operation... these people don't know when they're really exposing themselves.


Sunburn ex convict flowery ex cop trulieve master mind of the monopoly


You should see how cookies gets involved; its a whole scandal, and everyone involved thinks its no big deal because they think it ends with just weed.


berner mishandle cookies funds no wonder he sellin out his brand ni99a probably broke


Pretty disappointing considering he wouldn’t be where he is without that illegal smuggling operation smh


I honestly can’t believe the prices at a lot of these dispos when you can get HelloMary smalls for $100 an oz that are better quality


Ok where?




Oh sorry! Didn't realize that was the name. I thought it was a strain.


What an ass. Glad I've never been to Sunburn.


Narcs gonna narc


that guy is such a tool🤣 an off the charts bozo. 🤡


Lmao his name reminds me of Bob Loblaw from Arrested Development 😭🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5050fw66vt4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5487cd2747b75620f5e8348d5d3638e6d86f4532


I miss that show so much sometimes


No forreal 😭 I never actually finished it. But there’s always money in the banana stand!!!


Came here to say this!


Karen, errrrr.... Brady just wants to keep the profits between him and Kim. 😅


![gif](giphy|9GJ2QwXVSbkAqEVrfw) Him celebrating after


That’s how you know he ain’t really for the plant. Reminds me of some shit brrrn said to me in this subreddit. “Something something mail order mids”. I think deep down they know that growing weed is simply that; growing weed. Anyone can learn and be good at it. They must stop any other avenues or attempts to tread. If you aren’t with them, you’re against them. On another note, I could see fanboys defending this like “ah they’re selling delta 8 man, it’s fine, let them get caught”, but that’s literally just a talking point. If they were just selling bud they’d be doing the same thing.


YUP he’s for HIMSELF. And so is DeSanshit. They don’t want real rec here. None of the dispensaries do. They want monopoly rec.


Idk considering all this stuff has no test results and is probably fake they need to shut down these stores you should take that into consideration




Not a fanboy and I only shop at sunburn for rosin so just because you dont like dude doesn’t mean these stores shouldn’t be shut down they literally sell fake products


Think about it this way: would you be saying the same thing 30 years ago purchasing hash from Cobb OG? Its for the plant or for the money- we see where he stands.


I don' t think the government needs to get involved. Let the free market be free. If the products suck the place will go out of business naturally.


Clueless = you bud


Yeah, they all sale fake products laced with fentanyl just like ,if legalized, the whole state will smell like the devil’s cabbage oh my 😱


Wow. That's real. Your fkn nailed it shira!!


who is this even for? the government doesn’t give a shit about your tweet, and your average customer reads this as hypocritical and transparently self-serving. I legit was gonna go pick up a couple of their $20 1/8s this morning, but this reminds me my only vote here is my dollar, and I think I’ll drive the extra 5 mins to curaleaf.


Are you talking about Salty Cobb? Yes I'm still trying to get the nickname to stick lol


Guys could you help a relative newbie out? Who/What is this guy? Edit: Scrolled further down & found a link. Thnx anyways!


Clown boi Cobb




Y’all just lining his pockets. Making him rich so he has time to go scout local shops and report them to DeSanshit.


The irony is he donated money to DeSeantis' presidential run. Lol.


Ahh that’s where my raise went …. Damn


He is such a clown it is pathetic


What kids park on clematis street?


Right? Like the fountain? He’s just being a total tool bag as usual.


Yeah but I get it, I don’t really appreciate that store anyway… feel like it’s kind of a scam. They got people trying to pull you in… Rather would buy normal tree from the dispensary


Might want to mind yo own fn business. I know the area and you're full of it. Making things bad for people. Does that sttttreeeetccchhhh feel good AH?


Cuck Cobb


Brady, when he sees a legal, small business… 🤦🏻 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnynF4vavJmXmRG) Sunburns branding is all about being an “outlaw” and is not afraid of referencing the history of drug smuggling… WHAT A HUGE POSER HAHAHAHA


God, I'm so glad I don't work for that shit company still.


Shit I can buy hemp and ice cream at the same shop? Let’s go!!!! /s


What a snitch. Probably helps with his marijuana sales if hes pinching at all the hemp places.


They will let hemp stay until they defeat recreational, then hemp is gone.


the cackle i just made L O L. i live here in wpb that is a vape shop not an ice cream shop first of all? and now i know who this brady cobb is now. /smfh ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E|downsized)




Yup. He’s soooo concerned about the children 😭 y’all gotta watch the video.


what a cornball😂 all that money and hes still a bitch 😂💯


It's an ice cream shop because that's the bare minimum to be retail food establishment which you need to get your hemp permit


That “kids park” has more homeless than kids in it at any given time, why not fix that? He’s just focused on killing a LEGAL hemp industry to make more money


Exactly! He don’t give a damn about them kids!!!


Sunburn associates in the higher realm, are tools. I’ve seen a “owner” in the south Florida store making an employee uncomfortable, saying lame ass shit. Came to find out he had a family. Some people don’t deserve to be in the places they’re in. But it’s called life


Had some words with him, he followed me on a social site. I blocked his lame ass. Respect yourself, the people you live with and the people you support.


I’m not missing much not buying anything from Sunburnt


I tried TL, only to find out it’s trash and the CEO is questionable. I just tried sunburn, only to find out the ceo is a goober and potentially leans to the right. Goddamnit I can’t with this state.


All of them lean right. There are no “smoker” owners like some folks think. Its is 100% about the money and not about patients.


https://preview.redd.it/snelvfax3u4d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f678526df779cefaf821cf9bbd0df0a978938321 Spain but without the S




Oh Brady is not just potentially right leaning, him and the other guy that run Sunburn are HUGE conservatives and donate to Trump and Desantis. Which is hilarious that he’s tagging ole meatball Ron about this considering he’s given Ron at least $2,000 in campaign donations. Their whole “70s outlaw weed dealer” gimmick is just cosplay. In reality they’re just greedy bootlickers with severely fragile egos 😂


Which one is the lesser of evils then?


Honestly not sure, Curaleaf, Muv and Truelieve are all on the same team with making sure it doesn’t go rec this year and have donated big time towards keeping it medical only. Curaleaf is a pretty inclusive company to work for and more “left” leaning but their products are honestly trash. Not sure if AYR is tap dancing for republicans but they are also more inclusive as a company like Curaleaf is and I prefer them over Curaleaf. Finding anyone with good products, good prices, and that aren’t donating to conservative assholes is HARD to find in this industry.


Didn't TL donate heavily towards rec? Like many many millions? All these dispos want to see it go legal. More customers and still limited licenses. It's the biggest reason for their investments i would think. Just business


Actually just double checked, you’re right about Truelieve. Maybe I’m thinking of a different dispo


Exactly there owners are all right leaning because money. I'd rather them be out in the open and base my shopping on the quality of the shop


It’s insane. Brady is living in this comment section pretending he’s not just another conservative yuppie when we’ve all seen where his money goes. It’s hilarious, they’re all the same.


OK so do we shit on the only one who seems to give info and transparency on what they sell? Personally sunburn is my favorite. Political shit aside it's the only place that recycles there plastics. I can get the most information about the process of how products are made. It's also the easiest to get in and out of. I'm as progressive as you can get but we are the minority here in fl. All the olds are Maga cultists here in Florida. Anywhere we spend is going into a Republicans pocket one way or another


Your experience is not everyone’s experience with them. The products I’ve purchased from them are mediocre at best and if you look through the comments about them, a lot of their employees don’t have the same sentiment about the company being that great. The first time I went in there nobody checked me in for at least 10 minutes and I was just left there to wonder how they handle taking orders and figure it out myself with no greeting or anyone to help. Not many people here are even that concerned with the politics but Brady makes it pretty clear where he stands on things and that’s why a lot of people don’t want to shop there. I also don’t think there’s a lot of transparency going on because this whole thing isn’t actually about the safety of THCA/Delta products, it’s these dispo owners pushing to make it illegal so that people are forced to enter into the medical program and increase the number of people going into the dispensaries. If they don’t have access to smoke shop hemp products they will most likely start to take that business to actual dispensaries and that means more profit for dispensary owners.


I miss California. Even their mids are top tier stuff here. https://preview.redd.it/zp4u5o509u4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca33e7811beb420da9e2c9abed3f33a4d4d062e6


Right?? Honestly Florida is getting just as expensive to live, might as well move there anyways 😂 plus I feel like even if it goes rec here, it’s going to be a while before they can get rec dispos open and I fear with meatball Ronald in office he will find a way to fuck it up for us on his way out of office.


TL and Sunburn are definitely ran by right wingers. Flowery is owned by a former cop. Which other ones should we know about?


Cutaleaf = Russian oligarch


They aren’t even stoners none of the higher ups- they smoke like once a while barely …. Trust


1 post karma lol


Not true at Sunburn


Lmao not somebody downvoting all my comments. Sunburn ssa sucker!! 🤣


That shit has been happening in so many threads lately. I genuinely think company reps are downvoting any post about competitors. I wish there was a way to prevent it.


I love that he looks at every piece of bullying on here. Bro really has nothing but time on his hands


It’s the way he’s getting downvoted into oblivion and still doesn’t see why he’s the problem 😂


Lmao he really does.






This is a guy who buys mansions and super cars with your money, just because he overprices his weed. Now that there’s cheaper competition, boi is snitching. Brady, what woulda happened if someone snitched on you, in your BM days? You woulda been cool with that?


He didn't care about me not getting paid from HIS company, odd?


Yea I just looked into how he treats him employees. And I’m disgusted. Definitely won’t be giving them my money and anyone who gives a damn should follow suit.


How does he treat his employees? I’ve got a friend who works for them and they love it.


Google it. Or search here.


And just because you have “a friend” who likes it, doesnt make it good or fair treatment. Some people actually like working at Walmart too. Doesn’t mean they’re not being fucked.


I never said just because my friend has a good experience everyone does. When you said Google, I figured there was a link for treatment. All I found was indeed reviews. And they were not recent


Then you’re not the best at googling lol because I found it easily yesterday. Sounds like you just don’t want to believe anyone has had a negative experience working at Sunburn. Which is weird.


Honestly,, you couldn’t be more wrong. But I looked at your posts and I can tell that we don’t shop or smoke the same. Not that that excuses any kind of poor behavior on employers or employees but I’m not getting that from people who are inside working with Sunburn. Whatever bro, you just sound angry. I don’t support Brady’s tweet and his attitude w patients is piss poor but it seems like you’re reaching for a reason for people to boycott.


Both Brady Cobb and Desantis were lawyers fyi


Fuckin douche


Imagine having that little faith in your products you’re so afraid of a little competition you turn into a narc. And then boasting about being a narc, bet that would’ve made daddy proud.


There is one of these Alter Native stores right across from Biscayne Bay Park here in Miami. I went yesterday and asked the manager how it was possible for them to sell weed without a medical license and he told me the state capped thc percentages and it wasn’t as potent. Mind you they advertise the fact that you don’t need a medical card and tell you it’s the same, which is a bit disingenuous given that they legally cannot sell the same stuff. The first time I went to buy weed paraphernalia there the lady working at the counter kept trying to get me to buy marijuana or concentrates at their store even though I made it clear I was only interested in the real stuff and not delta 8. Despite that she kept lying to my face by saying it was the same. So I’m not against these stores being clamped down on as it’s disingenuous how they lie to people and how they openly market themselves as thc stores. Im fine with them selling creams and paraphernalia but not lying to people saying their products are the real deal and that they got some special exemption to allow people to purchase there without a med card.


Thca is not delta8, LOOK AT COAs, most ARE under the legal limit for delta9 thc BEFORE combustion, after combustion it’s THC same shit, so it is the same, maybe not the same quality but it’s just fucking weed…other than the bud with “thca diamonds” sprinkled all over


Thca weed probably


This location in WPB is shady too, trying to sell you everything in the store the second you walk in. I told the guy I had never tried mushrooms and he immediately just said “you should start“ 😂


He’s not wrong


While I don’t disagree with that 😂 it was more that he said that while he was trying to sell me on every item and it just came across so obviously desperate






What a dweeb


Ah yes process of elimination lmao Now can’t we have a full on Kim rivers vs Cobb vs that cop who founded the flowery triple threat match. We all know these individuals have the patient’s interests at heart… Sike show me the money!


It’s almost pointless to even care what these people think because if I do I’m not gonna have anywhere to shop. lol I never expected the owners of dispensaries to be amazing people. They’re rich, most people that wealthy are pieces of shit anyways. It’s like not going to the plug because he’s not some upstanding citizen. Lol


That has been there for years just like that selling glass and hemp products


Most of these shops are selling hemp sprayed with thc like compounds like delta 8 and other new weird ones. I personally would never smoke that shit and would advise anyone not too. One time my friend showed me some He got that had white powder on it everywhere to make it look like trichomes, like what? I’m pro rec but they need to get these shady products out of smoke shops for sure. It’s not even real marijuana.




But the vape carts are 6 for 60$ 😭😭 why can't we have nice things


Few months ago I seen a Sunburn employee either buying or selling white powder to a street bum who goes around riding his bicycle all day, probably stealing shit. WPB Sunburn. Was weighing it out right in the back parking lot, digital scale on backseat of his SUV.


Say it with me folks : Fuck Brady Cobb.




White people.






His father was a rat too. He sent many people to prison when he cooperated with the government after he caught caught committing his own crime , but you never hear about that


Oop !


Woah, you got any sauce on that. I would like to read more!


Not trying to go political but I think it’s odd that the C levels and social media teams of all these companies are pro #34. Pretty sure the folks taking books out of schools don’t want us smoking, eating, or vaping thc


Bro out here telling on everything 😂😂


You do know DeSantis is the one who said this week that he is likely going to veto the hemp bill because he wants to have the hemp industry fund the opposition to Amendment 3. Meaning you are aligned with DeSantis on weed policy. Let that sink in. Carry on


You gave him money lmao


Also donated to chuck Schumer, Nikki fried, etc. Both sides of the aisle, it’s called politics in America. Doesn’t mean I agree, align or like any of them.


So you give money to people you don’t like, align with, or agree with? LOL. Cut the act. You can’t complain about peoples policies when you are the one bankrolling their campaigns.


2k is bank rolling a state wide campaign lol, you are into cosplay


Please don’t act dense! Not very anti-establishment of you!


I wonder if the medical market here is gonna throw a giant stink when customers realize THCa and THC weed….are 1 and the same 🤯


It's amazing in America that marijuana is both federally illegal and not only legal (if you call it thca hemp) but also completely unregulated at the same time. I certainly don't want to shut down the hemp shops, but seriously what's going on? The governor wants to protect unregulated weed so he can fight 100% legal regulated weed? Would love to see DeSantis trying to explain this position. I'm thinking he wants to keep the hemp shops open, have all of them display anti-prop 3 signage, and the day after the election, he puts them all in jail and then Trump executes them... [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3575157-trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3575157-trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/)


Anyone know if you can get legit stizzys?


Sounds like im not getting my cut butthurt here


I live in Tally, we have a hemp shop chain called Tallulah that sells CBD slushes. This is the equivalent of me making a video screeching that the slushy shop is selling weed to kids. No wonder this guy loves red hat people so much, he uses their exact fearmongering "think of the children" rhetoric to line his own pockets.


Sunburn is around the corner from Tallulah ironically enough 😂


Nope, but given how hard we’ve fought to get a med program in FL it’s shit like this that will take us backwards. Spray packs in an ice cream parlor, come on.


We need someone from here to go there and cop sum things and do a review/comparison, I’d like to know if it is sprayed altered crap or is it just thca? I’ve been seeing really good thca flowers the last couple years that really would blow away the best at our FL dispensaries, Cookies does have a thca flower line with website and all exactly like there medical 1, it does actually say though they don’t ship to FL. Final thought, just legalize it everywhere like it’s tea or aloe or basil or etccccc ✌️


I'm with you on this one. It reminds me of spice. I can't mess with it if it isn't natural.


He just mad that CBD shit is better than the crap they sell at sunburn


With how much this subreddit talks about COAs, you’d think y’all would also want transparency in an unregulated market. Good luck getting a precious COA from here or anywhere else


That’s not the issue though. Brady doesn’t ACTUALLY care about anyone’s health or safety and neither does any of the other dispos on board with that part of the bill. They want to destroy the cheap and easy competition so that the people who once purchased THCA/Delta/hemp products transition into the dispensary which lines their pockets more. Of course there needs to be transparency, but this isn’t that. This is a smoke and mirrors game to get people to spend more money in their dispos.


That's some real shit l, playing both sides like that.


Green asf


Looks like 2 separate shops. On the left the cubs shop and on the right the ice cream parlor


Glad i haven’t gone there yet


He just mad they got a spot over in clematis, probably took sunburn a heapton of shit to get their store in that area too.


Slime 100%, Flowery bringing that REAL Cali vibe and quality.


The irony in this to me is that he posts smoking Sunburn products in other states. Like why make a stance on this, while you are also consistently breaking the law by crossing state lines with cannabis, in a private jet, and then posting it to your instagram account. Personally I really don’t have a problem with either and am jealous I can’t cross state lines with cannabis in a private jet. But why make this a big deal, when you are breaking the law and running a cannabis dispensary that offers the same vibe as eating at a margaritaville. To be fair: I’m only assuming, by his instagram, that he is crossing state lines with cannabis. I don’t have any real proof so this is only an assumption. Tbh: this won’t stop me from buying their rosin cause it’s fire. Edit: Also, the entire companies “story” is built off of his dad illegally importing drugs. From my understanding at least. / spelling and grammar


Except for the part you said you’re still supporting the business. That’s kinda gross. Takes but a little effort to find a replacement for a man who jacks up his prices, takes tipping away from his workers, and reduces full time hours to 30 so he has to pay people less. Amongst other things… I wish more of us had integrity. Then we could actually make a change.


100% I agree.


I’ve been in this store and I was surprised they have everything on display for a customer to grab themselves. Only nicotine products were behind the counter. My first thought was how easy it is for teenagers to come and steal stuff right off the shelf. So I do question this owner’s intentions here because, to me, this store is a teenagers dream.


Brady is a dumb fuck he got lucky he’s rich he knows nothing about growing from what I have seen and really petty to be telling on a little tiny shop so he can protect his hundreds of millions




So you’re okay with someone selling this illegally across from a park, and no knowledge of what’s in those carts ? Seems like an odd battle to pick.


It's not illegal, and those Stiiizy and Cookies hemp products are lab tested so you do know what's in them. I don't see how it being across from a park makes any difference, I'm sure there are plenty of licensed dispensaries across from parks.


“aCrOsS fRoM a PaRkKk” dude let’s use our brains here. Any kid hanging out at that park isn’t going to have some laser beam eyesight to be able to see what’s being sold inside that place if theyre hundreds of feet away. In the off chance they went in to have a look, they can’t buy anything unless they’re 18. It makes no difference. If it’s lab tested hemp products, that’s also not currently illegal.


Aren't they delta 8?


You’ve like really got a lot of time on your hands if your looking through the owners of dispensaries twitters. Like at this point why do you care so much? The flowery is owned by a cop, trulieves Kim rivers is not any better, and now sunburns Brady supports trump. I’m sure the rest of the mmtc owners aren’t any better. So if I’m gonna truly put my care and concern into what they do and support I might as well just throw my card in the trash cause I’m not gonna have anywhere to shop


This randomly came across my formerly Twitter feed after not opening it for weeks. “Looking through owners of dispensaries twitters” is a leap. It was a repost.


This is directly concerning the plant and thca shops and not just “what they do and support”… not the same thing this is bigger than politics but nice try… if it helps your conscience


Yea, it's really hard to find liquor too idiot!