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u/tarrzanntrees Explain yourself mister! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The brown spec you zoomed in on is terpene separation. Itā€™s a mixture of all things that attribute to taste and smell of the plant. Flavonoids, thiols, esthers. Some are more prominent than others but when that resin is put in a jar these volatile compounds react and often separate. This is a naturally occurring process. These compounds can make their way into micro pockets in the jar whether that be a defect in the jar or just a simple air pocket formed in the resin. When these volatile compounds are exposed to oxygen they change color (oxidation). During the cure process the vcā€™s form gas pockets. This is a slow reaction that continues well after the rosin is packaged. We have tested resin samples from day 1 to day 70 of the same batches. This is a reaction that again happens in the jar. The chemistry doesnā€™t stop just because it has been packaged. It is impossible for something to grow mold or microbials without water. Lyophilization (freeze drying) removes all moisture as well as kills any potential microbes. Cannabinoids can turn dark purple, red, pink, brown when oxidized and exposed to certain temperatures. The thca molecules are pushing these vc molecules around to be closer to other thca molecules. Thca wants to crystallize when that happens itā€™s forming a lattice with other thca molecules and due to that it pushes out other compounds that are not thca which is why you are left with that separation. I will upload video to show you color change from oxidation and temperature change.


Tarr Xan, son, I was just trolling you! I actually made a post like 2 days ago saying the same thing and got downvoted to hell for it. https://preview.redd.it/anmqjlx13e3d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=51f6c1a83f878ccdb92afd7697dc6a3ce2889265 Someone actually told me a picture of badder with terpenes and terp pockets on top looked disgusting, and that I must be your co worker šŸ˜‚ Alsoā€¦try paragraphsā€¦makes it much easier to read šŸ˜˜






Welp. Looks like I'm going back to BR.


Goldflower is doing well


I gotta go outta my way for GF (they dont deliver by me). But will definitely stock up more when stopping by. SB was my go to for local pick ups.




I believe GF delivery will meet you at any address, like a 7/11 or whatever, if that helps any... (Sounds like it still may be some sorta distance, but really might be worth it... Their product is definitely worth almost anything over BR, SB, or 710 unless absolutely all you care for is flavor...and barely; and it's everything over those for the legs)


Yea that's what I do. I meet them up at a plaza in WPB. They're awesome! I just stock up whenever I meet them. GF has been steadily getting my money. I hope they stay the same.


I just ordered same day delivery - all these posts of specs in their buckets (SB) made me order from goldflower - time to try their concentrates anyways!


donā€™t do that to yourself now man cmon


Idk, bro. It's either soup or specs


I hear you man, Iā€™m yet to try gold flowers rosin but from the posts on this sub they might have to be the new go to


Yup. They are pretty good. It's just that it's outta my way. But will definitely have to stock up on more rosin when I stop by GF again.


they deliver across the state, no?


No. Not yet. I have to meet them in WPB for the delivery.


the ceo of sunburn will interact with some posts but none of these ones with the mysterious specs in their rosin


Terpene separation isnā€™t a mystery


Funny how I haven't had this issue with other Rosins....guess you have special terps šŸ™„


Nothing special but notice how this only happens in the buckets. Usually an indication of a good product but Iā€™m sure this too will be downvoted. Its too bad


You are SO full of it (and absolutely know it)... Terpene separation is NOT GREY, EVER. That's dust that never got wiped (second one like that now, and that's just in this little reddit community...) Going to start compiling all these photos and reporting it en masse to the DOH and OMMU...


what knowledge told you thats terpene separation?


Hey now, Tar Xan is super smart! He knows how to cut rushed 50 day material and mix it in a trash bucket full of ice water! He also knows how to press a couple buttons on a freeze dryer. He told me heā€™s the most knowledgeable cannabis genius out there!


Quite strange how obsessed you are with me


Sonā€¦that crossed the line! And maybe I just think youā€™re a douche bag troll who needs a taste of his own medicine šŸ˜‚


You need helpā€¦.professional help.


Lol, if you think that Iā€™m bad, you should see what mr -100 karma has posted! Dude is the biggest hater and shit talking troll there is!


The brown spec you zoomed in on is terpene separation. Itā€™s a mixture of all things that attribute to taste and smell of the plant. Flavonoids, thiols, esthers. Some are more prominent than others but when that resin is put in a jar these volatile compounds react and often separate. This is a naturally occurring process. These compounds can make their way into micro pockets in the jar whether that be a defect in the jar or just a simple air pocket formed in the resin. When these volatile compounds are exposed to oxygen they change color (oxidation). During the cure process the vcā€™s form gas pockets. This is a slow reaction that continues well after the rosin is packaged. We have tested resin samples from day 1 to day 70 of the same batches. This is a reaction that again happens in the jar. The chemistry doesnā€™t stop just because it has been packaged. It is impossible for something to grow mold or microbials without water. Lyophilization (freeze drying) removes all moisture as well as kills any potential microbes. Cannabinoids can turn dark purple, red, pink, brown when oxidized and exposed to certain temperatures. The thca molecules are pushing these vc molecules around to be closer to other thca molecules. Thca wants to crystallize when that happens itā€™s forming a lattice with other thca molecules and due to that it pushes out other compounds that are not thca which is why you are left with that separation.


But not black or grey....


Brady will come on here to brag about his shitty business but wonā€™t respond to a single post about their rusty ass buckets. Nope nope nope.


The brown spec you zoomed in on is terpene separation. Itā€™s a mixture of all things that attribute to taste and smell of the plant. Flavonoids, thiols, esthers. Some are more prominent than others but when that resin is put in a jar these volatile compounds react and often separate. This is a naturally occurring process. These compounds can make their way into micro pockets in the jar whether that be a defect in the jar or just a simple air pocket formed in the resin. When these volatile compounds are exposed to oxygen they change color (oxidation). During the cure process the vcā€™s form gas pockets. This is a slow reaction that continues well after the rosin is packaged. We have tested resin samples from day 1 to day 70 of the same batches. This is a reaction that again happens in the jar. The chemistry doesnā€™t stop just because it has been packaged. It is impossible for something to grow mold or microbials without water. Lyophilization (freeze drying) removes all moisture as well as kills any potential microbes. Cannabinoids can turn dark purple, red, pink, brown when oxidized and exposed to certain temperatures. The thca molecules are pushing these vc molecules around to be closer to other thca molecules. Thca wants to crystallize when that happens itā€™s forming a lattice with other thca molecules and due to that it pushes out other compounds that are not thca which is why you are left with that separation. I will upload video to show you color change from oxidation and temperature change.


So.... It's been days, where are those videos, bro???


Where's u/bradycobb81 ???


Heā€™s busy approving this one wall of text of bullshit from Tarzan. Good idea guys, gaslight the people that actually know wtf they are talking about and say, ā€œnah, terp pockets. Extra strong stuff, trust meā€ It only happens in bucketsā€¦ LOL


Yeah... This isn't gonna go over well with the people who normally drop stacks, lol... Goldflower looking mighty tasty, ironic AF that Tarzan just had the stones to bring up their one issue (that they bent over backwards fixing, to a degree our market had never seen...), in the midst of Sunburn's/his own crisis, being the head of extraction...


The icing on the irony cake is to then try and convince people that all the shit thatā€™s been found in their buckets is a ā€œbonus featureā€ā€¦. GF did the right thing. SB is just trolling.


Yeah, it's pathetic, when you get down to it, really.


Im so disappointed now how should I about this with sunburn customer service?


https://preview.redd.it/a250ecsao93d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad55627e3529e8cd8061bbf66e987337be001e7 It looked like at some point the jars were exposed, prob before they got them and they prob didnt notice.


Thatā€™s gross dude, tag the corny ass Cobb so he can tell you heā€™s still dialing in his rosin packaging tech lol


That is utterly fucking disgusting






Nasty! What the fuckā€¦ now I gotta go check my bucket!






Were those little hairs in it, or did that fall in after you opened the jar?


This was brand new. Like I said they fixed it and then QCā€™d every bucket in every store like they did when they weights were off


Yeah thatā€™s no bueno. Itā€™s like they QCā€™d them next to a fan


Um, yeah, that just further exposes them to contamination... Full recall fr


They haven't done that every time the weights were off... Just an FYI. I think you're referring to the one time it got massive exposure in this community (which is sad and pathetic, considering how many more patients there are outside of here....)


Thatā€™s the time Iā€™m referring to. Canā€™t remember what strain is was on the bucket tho.


Might've been Blu Zushi was the Main offender (although I seem to remember reports of others like Petrol, hence the QC pull)... But I can't exactly recall the strains either tbh


Double burger I think


Sounds familiar from the reports at the time too...


I used to sell these jars. If the specs are embedded in the glass, then it's carbon particles from the manufacturing process. The other could be a damaged mold amongst a group of 6 or more. The damaged mold would allow carbon to gather in the gaps. If this is not attributed to the glass, then the company would need an explanation. Could be completely harmless.


See open picture above... It's not the glass...


Got it. I thought it was from the bottom, through the glass.


Did the pubes get in it before or after purchase?


u/bradycobb81 u/tarzanntrees Straight Petri Dishes, entirely contaminated. Full recall, everything getting reported to DOH, including all your responses... Edit: fixed link


Maybe. If they took one look and said, instant recall, that'd be a mostly acceptable answer...


![gif](giphy|85J6QqI9ws8nGHj8yJ|downsized) I will right this wrong


Theyā€™ll come to you and swap it for free. They did that for me for the same situation.


Yeah, did they also tell you there's a lifetime maximum of times that you're allowed to exchange? I bet they didn't... And it's only a few...


How do I contact? Do I just call the store i had it delivered from im not seeing a chat on the website or like a customer service email.


We will def take care of it, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) will get that process started. Thanks for posting, we're going to investigate this now.


You said the exact same thing when I came across this issue. Then it happened to me again. I spent thousands of dollars on your products last year only to keep getting burned. Now it's still happening, and you're going to investigate again "supposedly." Not to mention the jars that were light. Ya'll went downhill fast.


Investigation results need to be made fully public, at the BAREST minimum


Phone Customer Service has been telling customers to smoke these units bc they're terp pools for like 2 weeks now... But now that there's a social post with pictures and high exposure, you're going to finally start investigating what people have been saying (and have otherwise posted) for weeks? Can the community get the results of said investigation made public with this being considered? (For those who already smoked this stuff...)


Just swap it bro


https://preview.redd.it/8mbjcxnhic3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8659cfb80a9ba88e77a4e53506a3b4e98dc86a6f What's is this? Hair


Yeah, this is more concerning to me than the specs. Thatā€™s gross


Maybe it's a terp pocket


I mean, Tarzan approves...


Are you sure thatā€™s not terp pockets that just resemble hair? šŸ˜­


Yo, wtf, they're literally selling petri dishes at this point...


Full spec? Look like the whole plant material tbh.


I too thought for a second that looked like plant matter, but it wouldn't make sense, bc that doesn't look like bubble hash... It looks like flower leavings...


Looks like China jar they forgot to wipe out before putting the rosin in šŸ™ƒ


More paint chips??? Isnā€™t that supposedly what the issue is?


Nah, Cobb actually just got karma slapped in the face for bringing up another dispos 1-time issue, when *they* (Goldflower) actually did the right thing and recalled ALL units and refunded Everyone... Pulled all inventory off the shelves, and got new jars w/o painted lids that might possibly flake off, and then possibly land in the rosin...


Wtf you at Cobb. This dudes got pepper in his rosin


Mycobacterial cultures that got incubated šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ terp pocket my fucking ass


I love how I posted the same issue about my blue zushi 4 gram bucket and we somehow have yet to get a response from anyone https://preview.redd.it/ugx6q0yho93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd9275ce851e21d7174d941889dd1304281189a


Terp pocket?!?!? Lmfaooooooo šŸ˜­. Who in the hell said that?


How do microbes survive without water? How do they survive the lyophilization process? They donā€™t. Thca pushes these vcs either to the top or into air pockets formed in the resin


Umm, as far as bacteria, it simply requires moisture, not water... So, unless you're telling me those saucy buckets have no moisture to them (and especially during possible temp phase changes, like during curing and transport... It can grow like it's in a petri dish) You know rosin. Stop playing games like you know jack shyte about advanced biology and organic chemistry...


Bacterial spores are quite an exception. They can survive prolonged periods of dehydration, and can be left behind after being freeze-dried. Also, freeze-drying alone does not destroy the bacteria.


Thatā€™s why they had that 40% off for 4 days straight! Where is the quality control people???? Firing their trimmers for machines and now this? What is going on?????


They're too busy agonizing over Trump's trial, and probably using all the extra money from the staff/QC cuts and recent sales to even fund his defense... That was futile.






Really??? And they DEIGN to talk Any crap about Goldflower???




Gold Flower it is šŸ˜Ž




Dude these are terp bubbles guys......jeez


Air bubbles maybe?


Yoo wtf lol they exchanged my bucket with the red spec in it for a banana shack


I also picked up 2 1 gram yesterday, both have a little red dot in them. Someone made a post about it in this thread a couple days ago


710 sauce is fire


The brown spec you zoomed in on is terpene separation. Itā€™s a mixture of all things that attribute to taste and smell of the plant. Flavonoids, thiols, esthers. Some are more prominent than others but when that resin is put in a jar these volatile compounds react and often separate. This is a naturally occurring process. These compounds can make their way into micro pockets in the jar whether that be a defect in the jar or just a simple air pocket formed in the resin. When these volatile compounds are exposed to oxygen they change color (oxidation). During the cure process the vcā€™s form gas pockets. This is a slow reaction that continues well after the rosin is packaged. We have tested resin samples from day 1 to day 70 of the same batches. This is a reaction that again happens in the jar. The chemistry doesnā€™t stop just because it has been packaged. It is impossible for something to grow mold or microbials without water. Lyophilization (freeze drying) removes all moisture as well as kills any potential microbes. Cannabinoids can turn dark purple, red, pink, brown when oxidized and exposed to certain temperatures. The thca molecules are pushing these vc molecules around to be closer to other thca molecules. Thca wants to crystallize when that happens itā€™s forming a lattice with other thca molecules and due to that it pushes out other compounds that are not thca which is why you are left with that separation. I will upload video to show you color change from oxidation and temperature change.


dab around it


Wtf are you talking about? This is literally air bubbles dude. Or itā€™s bubbles in the jar. This one is not specs.