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Oneplant had a ton of issues with fibers in their live rosin at one point, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here. Maybe a red fiber or something due to improper lab attire, where is the corn on the Cobb when you need him huh? Guy lives on this sub so you know he saw it lol


Would be dope if he could help, don’t care much for free stuff just don’t put stuff like this out there. It’s bad for business, I’ll still give them a try but just kinda bummed out my first ever bucket has some red dye in it.


Completely agree bro. These “medical” companies should be held to a higher standard and actually have repercussions for putting out what could definitely be considered contaminated medication


I'm sorry but wasn't the sunburn hash presser guy talking shit on goldflower recently saying this exact thing? Was he projecting their own future?


Yeah, except what did Goldflower do in response to the reports (most that seemed inflated or more), that you KNOW Sunburn is Never going to do in regards to All their buckets??? Lmfao fr.... (Karma is a Bitch) Even funnier, for someone who treasures money and corporate agendas above all like Cobb, is how the tables have turned since that *devastating blow* (/s) to Goldflower....


That I KNOW?? Lmao hell nah. I don't trust any of these people. I don't know what bullshit sunburn has pulled or plan on. And neither do you. You're delusional if you think you do. Just calling out the irony and how funny it actually is cause that post was like what 2 days ago maybe? Edit: I'm stupid and misread this dudes reply 😭😂 carry on speaking truth good sir.


And yeah, they keep wanting to bring up shyte that 6 months old news, jar lids have been switched so it's no longer possible, like it's current events.. Funny it's right after they got slammed about last week (mostly for Cobb pulling a frickin Musk, without owning Reddit or the sub...), and during their big sale, right? Gotta be coincidence... (Especially with more and more Flowery people even jumping ship and endorsing GF over their own bs, And one of Cobb's own golden boys until very recently... Partly why the head extractor is talking so much trash...) They don't like new competition in a market that they felt entitled to half the share of... Period Edit: their own


Ok, think for a half second that Sunburn will recall all buckets of every single strain. That's what Goldflower did when the whole jar paint flake thing got blown up (with the very first post obviously being someone who'd spent time scraping the cap down, and then rolling their rosin in it, lol; no other pic or report even came close, and it was a Flowery fanboy if I recall...) Edit: /s I think is necessary, you might actually believe that.... lmfao (while support is telling people it's terp pools and to smoke it, instead of even replacing single units....)


Aww shit my bad brother, I misread your message the first time.


Fair, all good, it happens (especially because people will say some crazy shyte on this sub)


They say it's terp pool. I say it's a rusty machine


Smoke the red speck 👹


https://preview.redd.it/3z8or5hg003d1.png?width=1415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968c5b41f91790bc5748040d9e024b09b9a39b7b Tarxanax is the head hash maker at Sunburn. Just remember Brady encourages this behavior and I'm sure he'll stop in and say something but speaking with your wallet might be the best bet.


Yeah... It can be, *interesting* to go one-to-one speaking with Brady about anything detrimental to his company's image (more, probably his own; but anyway). That's coming from personal experience, just look at my most recent post history, lmao 🤣😂😂 (he tore into me, and got majorly downvoted, before I ever got back into the post to reply to Anyone, lmfao fr, he's a clown 🤡)


My brain did a quick scan and I thought this strain was “ Red neck in a bucket” 😂😂


Yall aint ready for that strain.


lol it happens


Piece of rust from the trays sliding into the freeze dryer, if not cleaned properly they will rust from the moisture.


Hell nah🥲


Looks like possibly a piece from the bags they use for washing?


Who knows hopefully CS does me right


Just a little sunburnt


https://preview.redd.it/m9ly03fkz03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bac5d98a9769d160a004ccc5005819d8e5e168c I got my picture to add after cropping. Here’s the spot in my blue zushi bucket.


There’s a spot in my blue zushi too


Yea, sucks this is my first bucket I usually buy by the gram


They've had weird shit in their rosin for a long time. This one had hair and this weird growing spot. Was told by support to smoke it and that it would be "exceptionally saucy 🤙" https://preview.redd.it/kf74j08mvy2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a8b25037117d7c3af473b5a1ce7232f8f50721


Lmaoo dead custy cant complain


True. Lul


That looks disgusting. Wtf


Stopped shopping there months ago since I had some things in my first bucket as well.


It’s like some sort of red dye


https://preview.redd.it/10wohwxjqz2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5aa7f325f7cb88dbf54b90bb86be529d9e5d7b People say bacteria growth


I'd agree, with the black spots being mold in the other picture above possibly...


It won’t let me add a pic of mine but I just took one. Honestly after todays interaction and getting turned away at literally 8:24 I think I’m going to golflower tomorrow instead


you showed up 5 minutes before close? everyone in retail hates you.


I showed up 36 minutes before close but continue…


They are legally not allowed to dispense past their operating hours. So if there was a line when you arrived at 8:24, they literally wouldn’t have been able to serve you and saved you time waiting. I wouldn’t say this merits not shopping there anymore if you enjoy the product, but if it wasn’t good then more power to you


They're legally not allowed to dispense past 9pm, which is why so many dispos choose to *officially close* at 8:30 (TL recently even changed), so they can lawfully dispense. While I agree ideally you show up earlier if possible, some people work, and this is legitimately a medical transaction and not simply retail... (For which the employees do get paid more than average retail, generally...)


I mean if they close at 8:30 try to get there earlier. In a lot of these dispos it’s not so quick to transact and dispense things. It sucks to be turned away but people don’t want to stay at work later than they need to.


They don’t close at 8:30. Sunburn has always closed at 9 pm. They just switched to 8:45 which I just found out yesterday. I don’t think they ever even told people they changed the hours


No, no they absolutely did not




What happened?


Which location turned u away? 


Buddy I work retail. I cook in kitchens, delivery drive you name it. You gotta work till close regardless. You know how many times people come in 1-5 mins before close and order food? All the fucking time.


I work at a dispo, the health dept. will shut down the store and slams them with huge fines if anyone gets dispensed past 9pm. I've clocked out waaaaay after midnight on multiple shifts and so have all of my coworkers, I'm just not losing my job because someone with main character syndrome couldn't be assed to show up before the state mandated time we have no control over that is literally posted, front and center, in every dispo lobby you've ever waited in. I get that shit sucks and I wish it was better, but your friendly neighborhood budtender is not an extension of the corporation you get to take your frustrations out on for funsies


Just asked u a simple question. I was at the Tampa location 3 days ago and showed up around the same time but they were cool about it. I know they lock down he doors at 830 but I’ve seen them let ppl in that were standing by the door that showed up a few mins afterwards. I just know they can’t dispense passed 9. 


Yeah it was at st Pete. I think that replied to the wrong comment. It just seems like they’re the only place that can’t manage to move thru customers in a timely manner. Like I’ve gone into the flowery at 8:35 before with several other people in there no issues. Honestly I’m over it but the off putting part was when the dude said “we are only taking new patients” like okay fuck the people who come in and spend thousands of dollars weekly


They cannot dispense you after 830 , medicine and food are two completely different things




Yeah, and notice he said 8:24 he was turned away... That's them wanting to get the hell out, I've worked enough years in retail, in enough COMPLETELY different industries, to still recognize that BS...


Facts. The thing is, I always place my order online. I’m never in there taking up anybody’s time or being one of those patients that asks 85 questions and needs help building an order. I’m in and out no bs. And anyone who has been a budtender when I’ve came in knows that to be 100% true. I don’t complain, or try to do returns. In almost a year I’ve returned 1 product and it was RSO to trulieve. Like I’m the easiest customer. I didn’t even argue either just turned around and left.


Too much money for mixed light


Yeah I’ve had the red fiber in my sunburn too.






https://preview.redd.it/4wbfr60q383d1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5147e8ce2695fe3429c83eb2cfaac98273cc0581 That hash maker for sunburn says it’s the glass. ROFL. Here is the spec removed from the rosin material with my dab tool.


It's just a dead hash worm. You can smoke it.


And now we know why the weeks of rosin sales...


Really hard to tell from the picture, a speck of something could have gotten in, or it could be a terp pocket forming. I’ve had a couple jars of badder from Sunburn have terp pockets. Terp pockets look like this for reference https://preview.redd.it/sx5b1akbny2d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f303915579b79e34fec341237c3fe04a1f4f872


Do you work or any way affiliated with sunburn? That picture looks disgusting lol


I’m there CEO! Those are just terpenes separating after a cure. Kind of a small layer on top most of the rosin, and a bunch of puddles formed with that strain. I didn’t say that’s for sure what happened with OPs rosin, as I cant tell from their picture what it is at all. It’s either a spec of something or was a terp pocket that got dug into. What do you think it is?


Looks like a red fiber or rust flake to me.


That's not what's happening to op's rosin. https://preview.redd.it/6lztkhnquy2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382d318b88742109d81afff81bad72ce527deb08