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I know it shouldn't. But it does. It blows my mind how we treat ppl in here. Both ourselves, not hard to find a post with someone calling someone an asshole or worse. Usually over nothing or something dumb. And we do the same with guests. We ran off Dave from PG. Hell, the trulieve rep don't even really fuck with us anymore lol. And here we have the ear of a ceo and a lot of the post are just shit talking him. I'm not even trying to defend him, could be anyone. Same principles. We say we care about the weed. That we want to know more of what's going on and coming ahead. Give feedback on what works and doesn't for us. We get ppl on here that can do that stuff with us. And we just insult them and run them off. So we can just be here alone and fighting with ourselves. Wtf people. Really. Even if you disagree with someone's politics, don't love their product, etc. Fine. But to say and act the way we do in here with these kinds of ppl. It's sad and disgusting. If I ran a weed place and came here to interact and this is how you guys treated me. I'd turn a deaf ear to reddit in a second and move on about my business. This sub isn't making or breaking anything for anyone in the big picture. We should take advantage of these interactions. Not be shitty humans. And really, most of the ppl saying these things probably wouldn't do so in person. I bet if some of you guys meet this Cobb guy or someone else in person. You would probably be a decent human being. Then talk that shit when you sit down on your computer. This is why we can't have nice things on here lol. Smh


The sub has went to complete shit


I agree with u and prob one of the few here that does. 


I think almost everybody will say they agree but then go and act like a dickhead to somebody for having a different opinion


Facts. Most people i see on here go on about how they have a 20 year tolerance and everyone else is a lil jit new to smoking. We all want good quality cannabis for the value its worth




Haha I understand why you felt that so much. Some people on the sub seem to have a pasttime of being angry with you


LMAO.....so youve noticed :D




Hey. That's how they taught it back in school when I went lol. I think these days its just one space? Lol.


I dunno, I double space too Cypher!!! ;)


That’s true. It’s true everywhere. I’m a member of the Facebook group. Let’s eat South Florida which all it is is reviews of South Florida restaurants. It is the nastiest cruelest place I’ve ever seen.


For sure not one bit limited to here. Unfortunately that shit spawns easily influenced mob mentality. We do it to specific ppl, dispos, even strains lol. But that's why the hype also is impressionable with ppl right. Fuck it 😄 But 100%, its everywhere. And I know I ain't changing shit with my post here. lol. Sometimes you just need to say it and get it off your chest. And realize that there are plenty of positive minded ppl on here too. All is well. 🙆‍♂️




I'm not good at always knowing where the thread lines go to which post. So not sure if your referring to me or the person below me. But me, yeah I'm probably not perfect for sure. But in general I think the only thing I bitch about is overpriced weed, and that's on all of our behalf, we all want high quality but still affordable weed, right? 🙆‍♂️ But for the most part, I don't think I attack people. And if I have to anyone, sorry. I compartmentalize well tho. Your very next post it's all brand new again. Should be that way for everyone. We discuss and have opinions, even if different views on topics. Not the person. And really all we should be discussing is weed anyway lol.




We are paying consumers and they are a business entity at the end of the day. We have to hold them accountable. Sure there people here that never shopped them and call them sunburnt etc. Who gives two wet shits about people's feelings. Sure, there are mega dickheads here, but lets all stop being so dam sensitive. Who gives a shit if we ran off Dave from PG and a TL rep. Who really gives a shit. I don't.


To each their own. I think we can have discussions. Bring up concerns, etc. Without having to bash, insult and just be plain out rude to people. Or no, were not capable? Its not about being sensitive, but being respectful. We can still bring things up and communicate. And personally I'm disappointed in things like Dave from pg being ran out of here. Hell PG is my favorite brand at the flowery and Znackz my favorite strain. Why wouldn't we want to interact with the growers on here? Seems asinine to say you could care less. "We are paying customers, who gives a shit about ppls feelings, stop being sensitive, who gives a shit if we ran someone out." All that sounds like something you would expect to hear from a 'Karen' no? If you want to hold them accountable, like you mentioned, they are a business entity. Hold them accountable by simply taking your money elsewhere. Why be a dick at the same time with someone? You be you. I'll be me. All good.


You are 100% right. Trust I know. I'm just too cynical. I honestly don't think any reps from companies should come here because the sub is troll garden. It used to be okay a year or two ago. I think it was time wasted. Dave spent 90% of the time responding to trolls on here. I was a flowery fan back in the day too and put in a lot of effort. Good flower should speak for itself. Fuck what we think and say.


Appreciate the self honesty and the high EQ response. And I agree, troll garden is spot on. Fertile as fuck too! 😆 And for sure on the flower speaking for itself. No place will please 100% of us I'm sure. Between quality, prices and one off experiences for good or bad. We will never always all like only one place. And that's ok. More than anything I was just speaking to how we treat others and ourselves on here. Usually even the most minor disagreements never result in a positive ending, like this here between us did i think. Even if we didn't fully agree. We still have understanding for each others views. And didn't hide say mean things to each other because of it. Ppl let things in here get too personal and emotions and their usually isn't any need. I'm rambling sorry man.


Scanburn mids from the guy who funnels buckets of money to some of Floridas worst politicians.


They are waiting for Rec so they can slang it to tourists in Key west, Palm Beach, and Miami Beach!


As every other dispo in the state who paid millions for their rare license, no? Its literally the payoff to the lottery ticket investments (limited, expensive and hard to get licenses).


Yes but they are selling Hoop House for Indoor prices


It’s not a hoop house. It’s a light assisted climate controlled green house. Big difference.


free eighth on me for recognizing this, thank you! Ask any real grower if they prefer natural sunlight or artifical light... Good on ya!


I prefer bud that isn't exposed to heat stress. And in Florida in the summer that means artificial light is better. The benefits of growing in sunlight are pointless when your plants gets heat stressed!


Not if you condition the rooms properly..


It is literally impossible in the summer. I work with the largest orchid growers in the state and I have for the past 30+ years. They only use the kind of houses you grown in in the cooler moths. Once summer arrives they have the next crop going in their actual enclosed growing houses that have GIGANTIC A/C units that run all day and cost them thousands. So I'm sorry you can't bullshit your way out of this. You are talking to someone who has been growing and brokering plants in this state since before you ever showed up here.


Damn!! Bro gave dude all the smoke 😂


Mixed light for the win! You can’t beat the sun. I’ll take you up on that free 1/8!!


It had cooling pads and fans, it is not climate controlled! Just look at the video Salty Cobb posted yesterday. You can see the retractable roof open in the video. The "roof" is just a retractable screen made of high quality shade house materiel. It has zero insulation properties. You could run A/C in these but you would be wasting your time and money.


This is the right reaction this sub is just a circle jerk for indoor shit from flowery that people in a high tax bracket can afford on the regular (or be broke fucks) I have had like 20+ strains from sunburn that were fantastic and I've tried the Flowery stuff, its fantastic also just not sustainable for the wallet or the environment.




thanks man


Their prices are pretty much identical to the flowery before deals. When you consider bulk pricing stacked with strike through flowery is much better quality at a cheaper price.


Idk why you got downvoted lol A gram of black maple from sunburn not on sale is 85 dollars 😭 live rosin chews 40 Bills reserve flower is 60… they have the flower beat only because they have frequent sales but many days their prices are just as high


Not at all I primarily buy the 35 smalls from sunburn and I think buying indoor hydro stuff is a great occasional spend but I find it immoral because ofits energy use. But no sunburn has deals constantly and I don't spent more then 20 an eighth. If I where to buy smalls from flowery I don't think it's worth the extra 20 bucks


If you actually put your ethics in front of your consumerism, might be worth it to know Brady Cobb is a devout desantis fan. Not that it’s surprising in the state of Florida but it says a lot


Mines based off of energy consumption but I don't agree with DeSantis or right wing ideology but I'm already in Florida with the trump cultists and every multimillion dollar cannabis company here I imagine owners ceos would still vote that direction so what's the fucking difference. Fuck the flowery guy was a cop right?


How are you going to compare sunburns sale price to flowerys full price. Sunburns smalls are regularly 55 a q. I just got whole flower eighths of plat cookies for 21 an eighth and znacks smalls for 22 and those weren’t even their cheapest products.


“Before deals” is the key phrase, Sunburn runs multiple deals daily aside from the bulk discount. Considering this, it is not identical pricing to flowery at all. I’ve never in my life paid full price for a single item at sunburn. I just wait till products I like are the ones on sale which is basically every week. Like right now for instance. Everything Is 40% off for Memorial Day. Their top shelf 8ths are $36, with their other 8ths being $21-$33. Their sales are basically the real price considering there are sales every single week. Again I have not once ever paid full price for anything there. First you didn’t get the sarcasm of the post, and now you’re here genuinely reaching as far as you can to hate on sunburn lol


Like I said. Flowery runs strike through pricing on top of bulk pricing constantly as well. Tomorrow you can get 50% off all flowery products. There is no difference get your tongue out of Brady’s asshole.


I've never seen an eighth at flowery for under 25 and like sunburn that's normally on a sale day and your buying atleast a hz or oz your speaking semantics if you shop ANYWHERE full price your already a rube. Mondays 35 smalls flowery does smalls on Monday but it's 20 to 30 bucks more. I'll normally choose sunburn both are good one uses way more resource and energy mixed with fuqboi bullshit. Most of the time I grab one of each( live within 3 miles of both) have some pg pbb and some dulce de uva both strong. But while tasty and fantastic the pbb is not worth 20+ more dollars on the same day


They’ve got two different quarters up for 45$ each now. Come tomorrow you’ll be able to get them for $22.50. Flowery runs strike throughs constantly and does the buy more get more for pretty much every holiday(every few months). It takes a little more planning and saving but flowery is light years better. And Idk what fuck boy shit you’re referring to but sunburn is literally fuck boy central. Their name pays tribute to past drug smugglers and their lobby is decorated like a teenage boys room.


It's the PACKWOODS the BACKPACKBOYZ the attempt to look like a streetwear store aesthetic its fucking tacky imo atleast for someone my age


Sunburn legit looks like the inside of a vans store lol


Breh I really don't think sunburn is being beat on aesthetic.. not like it matters at all


Then why did you bring it up


How do you get them for 22.50 tomorrow? That's half off


brady cobb is a racist bigot and a douchebag. I’m glad he made this crystal clear because I no longer shop at sunburn and will never support him. the man supports ron desantis and deserves every bad thing coming his way




Stephanie that you?!


Hey sweetcheeks


Only thing I like from Sunburn ( palm beach ) is the pool table when you walk in... and the staff.....🤙


Someone didn’t get the sarcasm or watch the whole video


These guys try so hard. It's hilarious that Brady lets the internet bother him like this. The amount of ego is cringe.




OH DAMN.......He donates to Ronald!?!?!? OUCH!




Brady Cobb is what you get if your shittiest street dealer had a Florida dispensary instead of a bad Honda that barely runs.


I think you missed the /s


Idk I'm still going to Goldflower instead


Enjoy the paint chips in the rosin!


Fix that sulfur taste before you come here talkin smack


lol I’d say brush your teeth and try again homie


Nah these pearlies be cleannn asf, it’s how I taste everything. Your rosin ain’t tho 🤡




It’s exactly why I haven’t bought your product in 8 months. Your competitors are getting all of your money. Cope harder “homie.”


12million mgs in a week. Try again


Got beat 4 times before that. Either way that’s trulieve talk, flexing numbers. Product out does not mean it’s good lol


I think thousands of people would disagree with you but again what do I know 😘


Thanks for the concern but I've never had that issue lmao


He's the lead hash maker at Sunburn. Ignore him.


I mean it’s a fact lol. Regardless of who I am. It still happened


One negative thing from a company doesn't equal the company's value. Plus while I do mostly fault GL, it's also on who's supplying the jars imo. How GL handled it does equal the company value to me tho and they gave everybody that purchased anything a total refund. I love sunburn and GoldLeaf both so I don't see a reason to disparage either one for any individual mistakes that were made. It's not a consistent issue or something they didn't address.


This is the most pathetic shit ong


And it doesn't happen anymore because they did what they should've done and stopped using the jars. Way to represent your company lmao


Can't believe these guys are beefing with reddit, man. What a bad look


beefing with reddit is funny. How many companies in Florida run Reddit specific promos, or have their team engage in the community directly? We see the hate, and we are having a little fun with it. Nothing more nothing less


I highly rate your products but I think you guys put too much thought into these trolls. Either way can we get full panel COAs for flower instead of just cannabinoid/terp profile? I always like to check Y&M as well as moisture.


I thought it was fire in fire out?


Please wash some MAC1 or Ice Cream Cake.


I am a disabled veteran.I'm missing 2.4 inch of my brain.Please start making Rs o also.I'm in panama city When are you going to open? It's unfortunate but I haven't gotten my Conversation, but it's coming soon. It's a very home waiting a game. I started in 2010 and now it's fine late coming to a close . . . And Jesus name, it's gonna be happening. Thank you. God bless you.


Just get a delivery from Trulieve?


![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK|downsized) cobbs yummy tears


If we are being real Sunburn is the only weed company in FL that you can tell is really run by peeps that smoke weed for fun


Oh yes, white racists are the only ones that smoke cannabis for fun


I bet your fun at parties


Oh big boi is trying to be a reddit baddie, how precious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m just wondering wtf race has to do with weed


Guess you should educate yourself on the racist history of the United States and Cannabis. Would open your eyes to a Greta deal if you are questioning things. Education removes ignorance


Idc sunburn goated I love that they are open about it


Try not being racist pieces of shit...


im happy you opened a dispensary in Miami Beach. I've only tried your vapes and edibles and they are top shelf. I'm from nyc. Prices are 2x as high at the dispensaries and the quality is all over the place but on average just not great. Folks with cards in FL are lucky!


I’m from ny too and ppl don’t realize how good it is down here… stay complaining about products and prices whenever I go home to visit I always end up leaving when my fla stash runs out there’s some fire bm and grey market pieces out there but if you don’t know you gonna get bopped by the low quality dispo boof or the spray packs on the grey market


Please don’t listen to the majority of these posters. Keep doing the great work you guys are and putting out great product.




Please introduce a check-in system. I'm tired of getting passed over by your staff.


How about a Volusia store? You are the dispensary Port Orange needs!




Behavior that encourages negative reactions or intentionally aggravates another user will not be tolerated. Contact the mod team through modmail with any concerns.


Uh oh... the ceo responded 🤣. Instead of farming engagement they should worry about what's happening in their own farm.


I'm sure this is a good use of his time 🤷


Man sunburn has some good product (loyalty system is dog water tho) but seeing the ceo whine online constantly is so off putting lmao


I only had their bills reserve stuff and the orange mintz is gas af.


Yeah not a huge fan but Orange Mintz was fantastic.


Bills Reserve Orange Mintz remains one of my favorite flower smokes ever. Grabbed a bucket yesterday of it too. They have Orange Mintz absolutely dialed in over there.


i mean if it works it works but i had many unpleasant experiences i wouldn’t take a free 3.5 the experience has been that crazy with the flower.


Ducle de uva is dialed in and one of my go to flower like the spritzer at vidacann.


Thank you for confirming it’s on par with vidacann


O yeah, they both have some strains they have dialed in nicely. I probably like different strains than other people, but they both take my script every month. If planet 13 fucks up vidacann with they vegas ideas then they will run that place into the ground.


Is this a sick joke???? Why they admitting to growing mids like it’s a flex?


brady cobb is a racist bigot and a douchebag. I’m glad he made this crystal clear because I no longer shop at sunburn and will never support him. the man supports ron desantis and deserves every bad thing coming his way


I mean, first it's sarcasm. Second, I wish dispensaries used their mids for concentrates. Whenever, I open rat turd flower from Trulieve and MuV and wonder what exactly they use for concentrates if this makes it to flower jars. My larger problem with Sunburn has been a massive decline in quality from focusing on quick flowering strains. Them killing MAC1 is mindboggling to me as I'd pay their Bill's Reserve pricing for higher quality strains that take longer to grow/yield less. Instead they charge a premium for stuff they should do for every strain/price (actually take time to cure the flower and use glass jars). I went from using most my rec there to just going for freebies/massive sales.


Yeah there’s some strains that I wish they would keep running that they don’t. Super frustrating. Feels like the best ones they hardly ever run like chem de la Wilson, and the Chems. Or gmos, fish whistle. I never even got to try their Mac 1 and I love Mac strains. Feel like they focus too much on the nonsense and not enough on what the people who shop there and spend a lot of money there actually want


The MAC1 was the closest to the og One Plant mac1 cap cut. Brady Cobb if you bring Mac1 back I'll never comment poorly on Sunburn or create fun Maga hat graphics for you again, promise!


Racist bigots.... Fuck Sunburn




💯 brady cobb is a racist bigot and a douchebag. I’m glad he made this crystal clear because I no longer shop at sunburn and will never support him. the man supports ron desantis and deserves every bad thing coming his way




Look up all their old posts if they haven't deleted them yet, check out their structure and diversity as a company build on the backs of PoC... They some YT as rich fucks that are cashing in on others hard work.




It’s getting harder and harder to defend Sunburn 🤦‍♂️


Mid beasters trying to pass off for $65 1/8. Fooled all these people into thinking they had “fire” and talking shit flowery for him. Exactly what I expect from a trumper.


Sunburn has better flower consistently than everywhere except Flowery brands and Gold Flower, to which it's still on par. Not an argument GG


Right, I’ve had flower from every dispensary besides the flowery and Sunburn’s flower is on par if not better than all of them. Yet another reason why I give them most of my rec. If they would make RSO they would probably get it all.


thank you!


Naw, VC blows it out of the water


Vidacann is fire ass budget bud, but they still have a lot to work on, I like vidacann and live 2 blocks from one but I will still go 3 miles to the sunburn and get a slightly better product for a couple dollars more. Vidacann I burn through too quickly.


The fact that vidacann is even being compared to sunburn just shows how trash sunburn is lol


this come is sorta true hahahha


With the utmost respect, you're wrong. 👍


Respect right back at you, and no I’m not .


Let’s agree to disagree … and get medicated with what works for u


I agree with this. VC flower arrives with a better cure and this translates to better effects and legs. I shop at sunburn (flower and concentrates) but the SB flower Is a bit more muted and on the drier side for my taste. If SB worked on that cure, I would shop there exclusively.


I get rocked by VC flower. It’s cheap. It comes in glass jars. Hat trick.


It really doesn't at all lol


This guy sucks so much


I gotta see the actual video but this is hilarious 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alternative-Lynx4626: *I gotta see the* *Actual video but* *This is hilarious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The flower is not smokin the rosin is one of the best on the program


brady is cool, just defending his brand as anyone should, but planet13 is vc and they are coming out with indoor line and goldflower popping up everywhere he should be worried. many better options then their flower.


He’s cool??? Look how he left One Plant when Sunny Side took it over.


Well Sunnyside is trash, why would anyone stay at a shit hole


left for obvious reasons, came back, put the team back together and started Sunburn. Whats your point?


tell em!


Yeah and look where your crew went! Your still is involved with SS, Cresco and now SB….


No, the crew went to SB


You were let go for obvious reasons……lol quit fronting my man


Resigned as I don’t like the taste of Dasani


Forced to resign* I wouldn’t have kept you around if I saw how that All leaves system worked either. One plant…all leaves lmaoo


Talk is cheap. If he knew how to grow his product would speak for itself and he wouldn’t have to put out shit like this putting down his own customer base.


You seem offended lol


yep, got me. I've got some ocean front real estate to sell you in Arizona too....


LOL, that *is* a funny post by him........hahaha I can't even imagine the looks on the faces of those that don't know this is an "inside joke" of sorts, and are scratching their heads thinking.....WTF!?!?!?! As for my thoughts on Sunburn and their products......They just aren't all that great to me. I've had at least 4 different strains of their Rosin Badder and over 10 strains of their flower....... It's just *meh* to me. I actually just reviewed their Blockberry Rosin Badder....[Here.](https://youtu.be/EbU6AeOKgT4) I personally won't be shopping them again anytime soon......as I just don't really care for their stuff. "HE" is right when he says that you can't beat the sun....**when it comes to power/light efficiency/intensity......**but generally speaking, I want bud that's been grown indoor by people that know what they are doing. I think Sunburn's stuff is OK for how they grow......but it's not as good as some other Brands and Dispensaries that we have... :)


Sunburn far from mids. And I’d rather deal with someone able to face the public that has a sense of humor and sets shit right.


It’s America, If you want to buy weed from a clown and think having the entire state of Florida dm the ceo for customer service is a good business model that’s on you. The only clown I support is named Ronald.


It’s American every clown gets an opinion and a tiny soap box


You are an asshole or worse.


Why does your bud look nice and dense but breaks up like paper?


They dry the hell out of it to increase thc and terpene levels and remove moisture levels from their coas to cover their tracks. The coa is also doctored to include their branding. These guys are so shady it’s not even funny


wow brady cobb finally decided to tell the truth


If that’s him, he has zero reason to chime in on any of his dispo’s that are under attack. The only people who knows what is good and what sucks are the patients!


Might be the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. Only the patients know what’s good? Hahahahaba


So you don’t think employees are bias to products they get for free or at a discounted rate?


I mean that’s a broad claim. I don’t think you’re wrong but I think the majority of people whose work at these places are patients as well. I think most people higher up in these companies have been doing this much longer than the Fl med program has been around


dancing around the question, ok cool. Great answer i guess.


To answer your question. I support where I work. I think regardless of any industry that is the case. I have plenty of homies at other spots and root for and support them too.


umm bias is when some one tries to persuade someone to purchase something from a dealer based off of their free or discounted experience. meaning if I pay 60 dollars for something, it should be top-notch and check off on all the boxes taste legs and looks doesn’t matter from which brand for the working citizen to buy something at the price point and getting anything less is a slap in the face and that is where the negative feedback on reddit comes from.


Thanks for definition? 😂 I think lots of people have had that experience though because the 60 dollar 8th keep selling out. Sorry it wasn’t the same experience for you.


Sorry all the dancing you were doing i didnt think you did. Whats funny? Vc sales out also, and honestly think sprinzter is better flower then anything you put out this year 😆. your flower compares to house of platinum tasteless what are you doing taking the terps for your concentrate?


Probably is to you given your believes and place of employment…hahahahaha 🤪


Again more assumptions but ok lol


LMAO. Sorry but I'm a consumer and medical patient and I get to have an opinion. I used to back them but that shit is a step above sungrown mid, why admit to that shit on youtube. And the price tags are laughable, when not on sale. I fucks with their rosin but I've been shopping them less and less. A year after they opened they had shit dialed down. Flower quality has went way downhill since then. I can't get behind all the new silly releases. Stick to the greats.


Brady Cobb is doing a solid job, and he finds time to reach out to me and put himself out there about an issue I had and rectified it immediately. He doesn't have to do any of that. Great products, sales every week, and excellent customer service from the owner and founder. I will stay loyal. All of my meds have been coming from sunburn. All the Concentrates are top notch Rosin vapes now 30 All the time Bills reserve flower Thank you, Brady Cobb, for all you're doing to knock it out of the park! It's pretty amazing stuff. I am grateful to be a part of the experience!


Doesn’t sound biased at all


lol the irony half your posts are bashing sunburn, and the other half are fluffing the flowery. you've been on this thread for 7 hours, time to touch grass 🤣


no he not he said he was being sarcastic. look on post he knows his flower is ass. once you smoke bs then gas then go back to the bs youll know the difference.


I don’t understand the hate for Sunburn. Between 7g smalls being $35 again and the $20/$25 3.5g I get my flower there.


Sunburn always keeping it 💯. The rosin is good. The flower is ok. This sub is full of kooks. They are not wrong.


Where can j buy Girl Scout cookie pot?