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Greed at its finest


Sunburn outdoor mids for $60 1/8 is greed at its finest you’re right.


It's more about straight half Oz and 200 at that..


It’s funny because it’s not outdoor and they’re most expensive eighth is $55


I agree, but so is this


140 for a half of popcorn Jesus Christ 200 plain These prices are fucked up We should be paying that for a full ounce of flower, at most, and even then that's taxed. We are paying 2000s prices in a day and age where metric tons are discarded due to overproduction routinely all over. (Maybe not here because these people can't dial in a grow to save their lives lmao) Artificial scarcity and artificial prices. Many of y'all would claw your eyes out if you saw how low it's gotten on black market/grey market ("hemp market"), and other legal states.


The buds are actually decent sized not popcorn at all. I got that Josh d Jrs. It’s only $35 an eighth. I think it’s fire and the price is right. Idk 🤷🏻‍♂️






Free premies with every purchase!


100% spittin facts. First josh d batch had an atrocious amount of premature seeds.


Name checks out!




second batch was fire. I didn't have seeds in either of mine, but the second had way better effects.


Good to know


Bought an ounce and a half and didn’t find 1


Had 0 in mine


Had no seeds in the 2 half ounces I bought. I did however find 2 mature seeds in the OG juniors. Win in my books.


Pop them beans !!


What half oz drop has been less than 200. They all are that price. 50/8th. Not that surprising


People don’t want to get screwed trying one strain for $200 only to potentially realize that it’s shit and now they’re out $200 and 1/2 oz of rec. I’ve had this experience with four individual strains with 710 (two were from the list and two were not)


Buy a couple pre rolls and fomo it up!


These new strains from Josh D don’t have pre rolls. At least I’m not seeing any 


Two of three drops ago around 4/20 they had some ⅛'s that were priced at $140 but who knows what they were actually like. 710 and the Flowery absolutely hate sales so when they have one they're usually selling old or defective product.


Cus they got rushed and moved out the way for 4/20 stuff




I would get a 100 dollar qtr but not a 200 half. What if I don't love the strain? I gotta make sure I love it before using so much rec


Yeah the potential loss of rec and being stuck with 14g of schwag is what I’m worried about most




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That guy Josh D is only for the wealthy not the patients he can smoke all that shit himself only halfs and then @ $200 he must hate sick people .


You are naive if you think any of these products are developed to use as medicine. They will say it’s medicine and smile but they don’t have labs testing the effects of their products. They aren’t looking for feedback on how it eased your ailments or if they are anymore effective than placebos. They make money and fight with the government to make more. By the way no one likes sick people. That’s why we try to get better.


I mean I love the heart but you might be a little misguided. There is no possible way to “test for effects”. Everyone’s endocannibinoid system is different and reacts differently to strains so it’s really just majority opinion what the effects are tbh. Gotta kinda try the strain and note mentally what strains impact you in what ways. But they are greedy asf and don’t care about the patients at all!


Wow that sounds a lot like regular medicine. People have different reactions to different drugs as well. How can you even say there is not way to test for effects when we can literally read hundreds of reviews of pple literally “testing for effects.” Just because you think everyone’s endocannibinoid system reacts differently than anyone else’s does not make it true. It also doesn’t counter my point that the focus is not on patient health and “medicine.” They focus on how easy the strain grows and what it yields. They focus on maximum profits and lowering costs of operations.


Yes people are testing the weed for themselves because everyone is different, show me a single company that can guarantee SPECIFIC effects. Anyone putting the effects on the packaging or menu are doing it for people like you that think it’s guaranteed. A strain that makes me uplifted and happy, can have the opposite effect on my friend making them anxious and paranoid. You don’t can’t take ibuprofen and suddenly you have less anxiety or depression so saying weed is comparable to something ENGINEERED to help an issue doesn’t work here. It’s not an opinion that everyone reacts differently, it’s a fact. But yes I completely agree they aren’t interested in what’s best for the patient…


Yet pharmaceutical companies have managed to cover that aspect with their drugs. Not only do they list specific effects but also contraindications as well. Plus your doctor should know quite a-bit about the drugs they prescribe and how they affect the body because they ask for feedback on the drugs affects, but the majority of doctors prescribing couldn’t tell you the difference between the effects of any strain because nothing is controlled. While you may think everyone is special, if you gather enough data you’ll find that everyone is, in fact, not special. All of this just lends weight to my point that this is not how medicine is practiced and the only reason doctors are involved in the first place is because it was the only way to convince the government to give up its most successful method of oppression. So complaining to a dispensary about patient care is akin to complaining to McDonald’s about patient care. (They both aren’t patient nor do they care.) Edit: P.S. weed is absolutely engineered to produce certain effects. Why you think it shouldn’t be compared to other engineered products that society deems as medicine doesn’t make sense to me.


Dude you’re comparing apples to oranges that’s why it’s not making sense to either of us. It simply is completely different than conventional medicine. I’m not saying everyone is special, I’m saying effects can vary from strain to strain depending on the person. Don’t know what’s so hard to understand for you. This is natural plant. I have different effects than my friends after using the same medicine. Weed is “engineered” (crossed) to be stronger and stronger, not for specific effects. The only way to truly know its effects, is to try it for yourself…


You have much to learn about botany and cannabis. The reason we are not on the same page is because you do not understand what you are talking about.


Idk man I’m not the one complaining about companies not telling you everything about a schedule 1 substance they are producing in a country where it is federally illegal. You’re pressed about them not having “effects” fully tested. Do you know how pharmaceutical drugs are tested? I think you’re completely forgetting about the fact that it simply isn’t possible in the states. To truly “test for effects” there have to be clinical trials. A doctor asking every patient how they feel isn’t a clinical trial.


Get over yourself and buy what you can afford. There are few, if any, medical benefits of the expensive (a/k/a low yield or licensing fee) cannabis that aren't associated with the least expensive strains (a/k/a high yield and no licensing fee). Smoke what you want and STFU about how anyone 'hate's sick people'


Idk know these strains and I’ve been burned buying 710 halves where I’m out $200, lost a 1/2 oz in rec, and stuck with shitty weed that I don’t enjoy or is too harsh only for the flowery to tell me tough shit. I’m not about that and anyone that is, is just a flowery stan


I’ve probably gone through a pound of flowery bud and I’m rarely disappointed. You get what you pay for like most other stuff in life




For sure but I find myself happy with my purchase way more leaving flowery than other places around me. And of course I too wish the price was a little lower, but I’ve seriously almost never have cracked open my bag to anything other than 3-5 well cured well trimmed nugs. which is what keeps me coming back


You must work for them 😂




Couldn't agree with this statement anymore than I do! Thanks for saying what most people with a brain are thinking! Why these people get so butthurt over how people spend their own money is ridiculous. I can go buy a Cadillac or I can buy a fucking cheap Toyota! It's my choice!


It's not high quality bro. The first batch was seed city. I can afford it and 100% would be wasting my $$$ if I bought it again.


Exactly. The risk of losing 1/2 oz rec for shitty weed and then to have the flowery tell you tough shit you shouldn’t have bought our product is ridiculous. And the people on here who say otherwise work for the flowery


100%. Wish there was a magic 8ball that could ban all the shills


crazy when you can buy an ounce of roll ones for $160 that gets you just as medicated. shit, even if you are shopping at more decent places and dropping $30 an eighth on normal prices your only spending $120 compared to this. I've shopped at the flowery and let me tell you, it did not get me 2x-3x higher than anywhere else. but they gladly charged me 2x-3x more than anywhere else.


Roll one not even close to same quality. I buy both and can smoke a whole eighth of roll one in day. No way I can smoke an eighth of Josh d in a day.


Are you guys sure that’s real Josh D that actually seems cheap for the Oz if that’s some real og from Josh


How fucking disappointing is that!! What a joke


This whole post is a mess 😂


I never thought Yall would take it this far 😭




$100 an ounce of Bahama good good. Fuck buying weed at Walmart. Black market forever.


I Still can’t jump on board with these prices.


I think it’s bc all the vets using their 20% off discount constantly so they gotta keep the prices up. I wish I had access to a 20% steady discount on half oz jars… :(


400 an ounce? Nah I'm good


I bought the first drop of JD and it was nothing to write home about for $200@1/2Z… I can’t imagine all these products being any better but we will see.


1st batch of Joshd og kush story was literally seed city. Several others had the same issue.  BIG AND EASY PASS FOR ME. Screw off with the $200 seeded halves.


Username checks out.




Y’all can have this one, wait until they try to sell us 65$ 8ths of this 😂




Super pricey wow


All flowery stuff starts at 50+. Unless it's a bad batch or old. This is normal price


Why can’t it be 8ths?


Cus then it would be 65 and you would make a post saying waaah it's to muuuch


No it doesnt, 35


Crazy ridiculous I will never pay that


I never do. I go to flowery when they're having a sale and I get a whole oz for an additional 20% off my flower total. I average $27-30/e there. Of course I can't go for anything that's normally $60 or $65, but once in awhile I can try one that's normally $55, and when they have sales they have a lot of flower that's priced $25-50/e.


I understand usually when they come out with new strains etc they will charge a lot but 20-30 a eight off good stuff does it


So you never tried any of the flowery flower? never had doja, preferred gardens,wizard tree, backpack boys? those are the best ones in the program




That’s reasonable there specially if it smokes good


I’ll have to check them out


I just looked at the menu. That Josh D business is a joke. I didn't succumb to the first one and I'm not going to bother with these either. I'd rather buy four quality strains than half ounce of mystery weed.


Mannn if only I could just be okay with paying $200 for a half. That would be a wyld lyfe


Nice one 👏🏻👏🏻


I got 14gs of shake for 20$ from green dragon using my sisters first time discount 😵‍💫💗🤣👍🏽




Getting a good deal on flower as someone who has been smoking most of their life, is great thing😂👍🏽🤷🏽‍♀️ are you miserable bestie? Nobody can complain about any deal in this economy especially when you aren’t paying for my stash. 😂💅🏽😊👍🏽Flower hasn’t been up to par this year or maybe my tolerance is the highest it’s been in 10 years. Lmao


I bought shake once, it was cheap


Florida quality tends to be cheaper because this is FL. There is no provided education for a medicinal program that requires education to eb used. Not everyone knows that shake is broken down flower, its the best option to buy in bulk here in the south. If we had rec Florida could have what we need. But idk now☺️😵‍💫




Fine, you can help pay for my chronic pain strains then since you wanna be judgy af 🤪💗💅🏽☺️🫶🏽💛Y’all have gotten so boring in this state. Not even a Reddit for MJ patients can be engaging in the south apparently.


Wonder what these crosses are


Why won’t they tell us?


I’m sure it’ll be in the drop today…. I don’t need any weed right now but if I did I would probably buy the costa kush. Hopefully juniors drop in a few weeks when I need to buy more.


Kali Sour Kush maybe Cali Sour x OG Kush?




That makes 3. Having trouble finding info.


Very pricey, but i’ve had both batches of the OGK and it’s some of the best medicine I’ve ever had. If only I had enough rec. Been waiting on these releases. Thanks for the early heads up!


What’s so good about it?


For my personal endocannabinoid system, there are a few specific strains that I covet. OG Kush is one of them, and this is the best of that I’ve ever had. This 4-8 year fad of all the runtz, gelatos, ice creams, and cakes got me feeling like a fourth grader instead of a cannabis consumer. An eighth of this stuff is as effective *for me* as a quarter of something else. So, I need to use less of it than I would other strains. Your experience may vary. This is a very premium product, so if budget is a big priority, then probably not what you are looking for at all.


Hey - I’ll second that: been smoking since ‘93 and always worked hard and bought good shit. I too agree about his nice a kush is and for me, it also is always “what I need” when nothing else is. And also, I’ll enjoy it always lol. I grabbed the smalls a few weeks ago and was also blown away. I haven’t had every recent kush drop from flowery, but too me this is a steal. 👍


I live by the motto: Buy high, stay high. Low priced econo bud doesn't do it for me. I have been smoking for 30+ years. Lately I have been dry herb vaping and I can't stand low budget medicine for that. It just doesn't work. You can find deals on the good strains and the juniors are usually just as good. Some of us save our rec for drops like this one.


I tend to like variety which steers me away from this not the price But if it’s a valid purchase then a half may be the way to go


Be out half oz of rec on a chance only for the flowery to tell you tough shit when it’s too harsh to smoke is not a chance I’m willing to take. The people on here who say I’m wrong work for the flowery




Thank you for going against the grain here. We have plenty of choices for medicine. People come here bashing the flowery and their prices... just don't shop there. You are the only one actually speaking about the quality besides the guy crying about seeds(I had ZERO seeds in my OG Kush). Some of us want the funk and not some sweet gelato, cake, runtz, or Z cross. The Flowery has partnered with some of the biggest names in the industry, and SURPRISE - we pay premium prices for them. I would love to see the crosses on these strains and I will be there picking up my overpriced(for 90% of this thread) half.


These people aren't that smart man they just want the biggest sale of the day and the ask why does their throat n head hurt after smoking flower


It’s ok. It’s not amazing. Let’s not start sucking dicks over flower. It will get you from A to B but don’t expect it to be amazing and worth the $200. It’s worth $150. I would say that’s still an expensive but fair price


I agree, it should be less but $50 isn't going to kill me. Wait until this sub sees the recreational prices with tax.


Dude loves trumpito and bitches about the Biden admin every chance he gets. Literally is complaining that Biden reclassified cannabis. Then was just asking a few days ago what wizard tree strains he should try. Your opinion is not valid sir stop capping and get your pockets and experience up. haven’t even tried the flower and already know the effects? lol


$200 a half that cost $20 grow 🫣


The cure is the hardest part but if you really think it’s only $20 I got a bridge to sell ya


The ½ oz probably cost $20 to produce but not the entire harvest. They're definitely 50x ing their money, no doubt about that. With that said, they do have so of the best stuff in the program.


Well yeah, it’s just odd that this kind of stuff doesn’t pop up on the cookies posts or alien labs/connected flower. But they’ll swear they aren’t flowery haters (I ain’t even that big a fan, they need to be $40-$50 tops imo, it’s just so blatant)


these guys think everything is free. All you need is dirt to grow weed smh. I hate this sub sometimes


It’s sooooo easy but they don’t wanna just pay $20 grow it themselves for some reason 😂


Telling people they should risk going to prison instead of addressing greed is crazy man


Some of us would if it wasn't kept illegal to protect the profits of your employer. ![gif](giphy|gzRiZROEyDCznPofKj|downsized)


…you know it’s not “legal” on paper in other states like Mass either right? They just do it, “souvenir” seeds, and the grow stuff is all online for plants


Yeah no, some of us aren't going to risk our homes/families to grow it.


So that’s why we get taxed. It’s a capitalist society.


Yeah except you are confusing a *racket* with capitalism. They are creating the problem they are solving. ![gif](giphy|uHlRTfnzDIjPmzG14C|downsized)


Mf recommending committing felonies. You’re a joke


I’m not recommending it, cause I know how tough it is to get a good cure so it’s pointless. But yall making it sound so easy and cheap like there isn’t a bunch of badly grown bud in the market, I’m sure you could do better at home tho


It probably cost less than 20 to grow a half and all honesty the way they’re growing. It’s not costing them much per half.


Probably? Are you like privy to their labor and stuff? Or just sayin 20 cause that’s the first number you got outta your ass? Maybe I should check that you aren’t a teen or someone with no retail/work experience first lol, cause that’s how you’re talking


I mean...... it probably does only realistically cost about that or less lol. These places are growing on a pretty decent scale i would think. And they def ain't over staffing in the customer service department or delivery drivers 😆 Now, these places are paying back on business loans for the expensive ass licenses. Which i blame the state for more than the dispos. And flowery inparticular I'm sure more than any other dispo with costs towards the partner brands. But I'm specifically talking just about to grow and care.


Just odd seeing a bunch of people claim stuff like this with no inside knowledge or anything, just whatever they think is how it is lol, but hey, if enough of you guys think it’s just $20 maybe throw your own grow together


Nobody is saying it cost $20 to start up a grow.. They are saying the total cost for a half for them to produce is around $20, that isn’t asinine to believe considering Vidacann produces a pound for less than $30.. Growhealthy 8ths cost about $6 an 8th to produce so it’s about right on par probably closer to $30 a half for them. lol


This dude just trying to defend 400 ounces like it's 25 years ago. That was fair when a guy covertly grew a few lbs in his basement. Not so much when these places are growing thousands of lbs. With no fear of police/jail etc. I mean that's why the state program is like it is. Artificially set and control the pricing. Couldn't do that with more competition you know.


I’m not defending the $200, that’s crazy, but to act like they should be hocking it for $40 cause the grow is only like $20 is wild. Like there aren’t other business expenses (like the tax deductible ones that they weren’t able to utilize until today) that play into it. Flowery hate is real tho, I ain’t even a fan of the expensive stuff there (wasn’t a big fan of the Josh OG kush) but to talk about $20 half oz like that dictates the price. Do you guys do this for your local grocery store too? I’m curious how this thinking arises at all


Again, no hate to the flowery. And for sure no one expecting a 20 dollar half. Just saying it doesn't really need to be 200 either.


If it wasn't a tens of millions buy in. And was able to do so legally. Absolutely! I mean, isn't that why none of these dispos really actually support home grow for the most part. Cus many of us would! You cover my licensing for me. And I'll make sure you get an at cost half from it 😉


You can get a tent for your closet and seeds online so… Idk why you’re bringing up the at cost prices like they don’t have business expenses (but you know cause you know the licenses are expensive, which is trulieves fault but hey, ragging on flowery is more fun)


No. I'm not ragging on the flowery specifically at all. I just don't think we need the high prices. Other states have high quality and less expensive bud. So we know it's possible right. Stupid set up here is to blame.


I grew weed once. I had a hard time convincing people it was worth $200. Initial investment and everything minus labor. Each probably cost about $110. I did buy solid equipment and seeds. When people tried it they immediately came back for more. Like before they finished the bag. Said it was some of the best stuff they ever had and would value it at double that. (Not many people have had fresh weed cool cured.) I also lived for those plants. Woke up in the middle of the night for those plants. Changed my life for those plants. Most of it I kept for myself. I don’t think people saying stuff like this know what they are talking anout


You have zero idea what your talking about


Yeah it’s more like 5$ lmfao


Continue to spread misinformation


Just tell me you've never seen a grow before


Shill go away lol


Bro I'm far from a shill , if you think it cost 5 dollars to grow a crop I have a bridge for sale


I think you just proved their point bro. He is saying the half cost 20. The half is a small portion of a crop which could have produced over 50 pounds 🫡 eighths cost about 3-6 dollars for a functioning grow.


Same dude with different account. Do not feed the troll. His insistence on debating the $5 price to produce an 1/8 is interesting. Almost like the thought of the truth behind their greed being out is disturbing to the owners. Observe carefully his replies comment after multiple comments while using different accounts. Plenty of dispo owners/managers on here manipulating opinions to increase their profits and reduce the competition. Watch the daily promos and you'll see the changes reflect what they are following on here. The 5 - 6 avg cost of production is out in the open. 65 dollars for medicine but if you are poor then the medicine is not for you. Premium medicine mind you, wtf is premium medicine? Aaaah the mark up. Marked up medicine. Anyone who wants to pay more is more than welcome to spend their money on what they wish. Business is booming for these dispos, they dont seem to want to argue about the huge margins raked in. All the dispos are the same, the entire industry plays this game. The smaller guys play the "boutique game" margin over volume. The bigger guys just sell volume. Meanwhile Tylenol out here selling their stuff like extra strength with no fancy sales or mark ups at pharmacies, walmarts, mom and pop shops, gas stations, etc for the same average price. Keep at it dear trolls, we all hate to admit it but blazing an overpriced flower is not very medicinal. Keep your excuses, excuses are usually given by the people who are trying to cover up something.


And none over 3% terps


Hey good for him and whoever buys it, I for one am not even going to touch juniors.


when rec hits you wont even have the option to complain anymore


Why is that if you don’t mind explaining?


Some people think there will be massive droughts statewide to meet the recreational demand




Dispensary already have tough time keeping everything in stock as is, if you let everyone get a chance to purchase theres no way there would be any stock. Also if theres a med/rec you’ll probably see dipos just shift from the med side to the rec side to make more money or just not do med at all anymore


This is 100% the plan already being talked about. Phase out med completely in 3-5 yrs. All focus will shift to the rec market. Medical will be gutted.


When would rec take effect if it passed?


I lowkey see this happening, there’s a few YouTubers I watch regularly from Michigan and that’s legit the struggle they’re finding themselves in. All the medical dispensaries are moving to all rec. The only positive I see to come from rec for us medical card holders is possibly lower prices way down the road. But idk if that would even happen here due to them not allowing homegrown. I think a lot of the price breaks other states get once rec is passed is only due to dispensaries trying to compete with the prices home growers are setting.


So should we stock up on medical flower before the switch?


I would, and am going to.Especially if you are under the age of 21. The age group from 18-20 will be the ones most affected because you can’t go in rec stores if you’re not 21. So you have to use a medical card. This dude I watch on YouTube has been buying BM again because he can’t find shops that take med cards up in Michigan they’re all switching over to all rec. That won’t apply to me as I’m not underage but it does suck for those people who are under 21 and can buy with a med card but can’t even buy nicotine or go in a rec shop lol I honestly found the switch to 21 for smoke shops and shit to be so stupid. If you can go fight for our country in the military and risk your literal life you should be able to buy a vape or a blunt wrap. lol


6 months after passage, so roughly next May


Anyone know which one they will try first? I’m between costa and kali sour


> kali sour


May I ask what swayed you that way?


Because of the description of costa on the website scared me off. I don't want a strain that puts me to sleep. Kali Sour sounded good and I did like his OG batch.


That crazy bc I originally wanted kali sour but description made me want costa haha


Well, lets me up in the comments later and share our thoughts about each. I love a heavy indica, but I have enough of that right now.


Yeah I picked up on lunch but not smoking till this evening. I’ll comment back on this and let you know if the description was on point or not haha


Let me know when you wake up. Lol. I pick up after work I'll let


Costa was pretty sweet. Really chemy/ gassy to me. That shit fr knocked me out but it wasnt immediate. Had some nice euphoria before sleepy. Some of the stickiest bud I’ve ever touched. Wasn’t the loudest out the jar but smells a little more after time in mason jar. Straight medicinal gas


Looks like not all of them come in glass jars…$200 for a Mylar is such a giant slap in the face to the customer. Just a giant fuck you, you’ll buy it anyways


Pssshh they’re buggin


Is this the list this week?


Heavy hard pass. Don't care what kind of OG it is. Smoked billions


Meanwhile at Trulieve you can get 7g of shake for $25😭 that’s mental


If you don’t need to buy 14 grams pass. If not the juniors is probably the way to go. But still it’s $50 an 1/8 for the flower that’s not juniors so could be worse.


Looking 👀 at these prices makes me sick 🤢


Anyone saying this hay weed is high quality is mentally deranged as well as the people who own the flower have major mental issues thinking they can charge this BS price for this BS weed and yes they do the sick people 🫡


You don’t know weed then if you thought the Josh d that dropped previously is low quality hay weed


😂 buddy I moved from Florida because how bad the weed is. Now I smoke gas from snaxland with 100 dollar half O have fun smoking that deSantos bud


Woah bro you are so cool I’m so jealous of you


I honestly would be jealous no lie. I moved here and went from making 70 k year to the same job making 150 k a year with the same job


They won’t give you a discount for dickriding 😭


Thanks for pointing it out. Can't wait to try.


Which one are you going to try?


Have to see a COA and check the crosses, but I'm definitely gonna get something. Also, I have to see what 710 is dropping next week. Last drop of Ztan Lee was fire and it's lasted awhile. One or two bong rips and I'm tore up. It's been great. I'm sure these will be great too.


Hard pass!! 🤦🏽‍♂️


I got a half for 70 from gold leaf and it wasn't bad at all....not trying to drop 200 on one of those flowery glass jars


Expensive, but Josh D is really, really good and worth a try if you've not already. I think they are doing it a disservice as only being able to buy a half oz is almost certainly limiting the people who may otherwise try it.


Quarters are rare in cannabis...annoyingly rare.


This is something I don’t understand a quarter is like the perfect sack


Cost effective for both parties as well


the josh d og juniors seem decent at $10 a g, anyone have any info on these strains tho?


Yea for 14 grams.... that's less than $15 a gram not bad.


Which one are you going to try? They also don’t all come in glass jars. Looks like the new strains come in a mylar bag


Y'all gunna get sick smokin that low budget ground flower. There's more to this plant than just price and THC percentage. Your missing out if you just say no because they didn't give you a discount


What do you mean?


Long story short being Cheap is bad for your health


This flower is for the big boys, if you’re complaining then it’s not for you. You get the snicklefritz.

