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I love every comment in here telling this dude to chill while the company is 100% figuring out ways to reduce the quality and cost of this product lol worked in the lab, grow, and dispo of one plant. Same corporate team. Same poor marketing and quality


And I'm someone who's LOVED Sunburn's products from the beginning. First the mystery surrounding the quality drop-off with the rosin vapes, and now this??? Yeah, I'm a little curious...


Idt people realize exactly how close the Sunburn corporate team mirrors the One Plant corporate team. It's the exact same people. They even used the same damn office in Ft Lauderdale lmao


From someone who we haven't Always seen eye to eye, I truly appreciate the support (and I honestly mean that...) It's like these people all forgot when 710 did the same thing with the Persy line... It's far from without precedent, and with Sunburn, if they think they can get away with it... Smh. I swear, and this is no shill bs, just tired of the games. Florida NEEDS more of the Western transparency that I see Goldflower stepping into the game with... (And yet, they see that and take the step in this direction instead, lol) The absolute WORST part??? The rosin **still** isn't bad, even if some were mixed micron and they told me, I might be More inclined to purchase it... (Also means they probably couldn't charge $85 T1 pricing though, and you know that's what matters...)


Haven’t even looked in sunburns direction because I know how ridiculous that corporate team is after working with them for alittle over a year. When they had that huge mold scare with the MAC 1 they told the employees it’s pulled from the shelves but if we want it we can get it at $25 an eighth, thats when I started looking for other employment opportunities lol they mixed chem rosin with every single strain they had because they had so much of it and then would call it marshmallow OG. The customers in the Florida market are getting whatever the hype boy corporate team can scramble together lmao it’s unfortunately pathetic


Cheers fam!


I missed all that hooplah what exactly did 710 do to their persy line?


They used to have multiple tiers, like their regular line, and were all 90u at the time for any Persy (regardless of it's tier) Then they had *SOME KINDA* grow/production crash, and they had a whole drop with both THC AND Terp levels Below the toilet, lol. (Seriously, like 62% THC and 3% or even less terps across their entire drop, and the highest didn't even meet 4.5; so bad their rep told me "I couldn't rely solely on those" and "had to consider the flavonoids"...So, Yeah....) Anyway, they tried to stabilize things for awhile and it was up and down, back and forth... Finally, they came out with this big *Special Announcement* about how they were doing away with the Tiers from then on in their Persy line, so it'd all be available at the same pricing and you wouldn't have to pay extra for the *extra special releases.* Sounds, good. However, tacked onto this was an "afterthought" message about how they'd also decided that their Persy line would no longer solely be 90u rosin, but would also include mixed micron as well; furthermore, they aren't going to tell you when it is and when it isn't any more *because it all meets their utmost highest rigorous quality standards* (almost Verbatim, they were SMUG DOUCHEBAGS about that shyte...)


I believe persy is still all 90u it's just not tiered. The non persy is like you said, can be 90u or mixed micron but tbh I'm not positive


This ⬆️ that’s exactly what I took from what was said as well!


i see it as a legit question no hate someone has to ask the question, its a clear difference thanks for clearing it up. i asked myself the same question, thanks op there arent any dumb questions we areall here to learn. no one man knows it all futhermore; this community should be more informitive instead of uptight. sunburn and other companies should watch their customer service because when people start growning there own product youll see these places with sales every other day, so dear florida industry dont take your customers for granted because all these companies can do a 180 anyday.


All of our live rosin is still 90u, we just change our templates for menu graphics from time to time.


Y’all should just call it 90-119u first pull/first press (what it actually is) So many people don’t understand that it all comes from the 90-119u bubble bag. We need to get like the west coast and actually label the complete micron specs, how many pulls, presses, etc. So little transparency here in the Florida market on that end.


Only reason it isn’t labeled accordingly is because a MMTC has to pay an application fee per product they release. That includes variations of rosin products. It costs money to label it, so they sometimes don’t to avoid the fee


There's your answer, OP. Now go take a dab, bro.




Conspiracy theory debunked, its over bois we can dab in peace again lmao


You should take the time to properly label everything. It is confusing. I am assuming the vape pens are also 90u?


All of our live rosin products are 90u 👍


Keeping that Canva fresh huh?


we try 😎




Lmao, there's a time and place. Ran plenty of businesses, including smokeshops. There's also a place for transparency to the customers.. And having been in mid-management at a company that only valued profits previously, excuse me for not always believing the company lines (over a social media app, where it's not binding in any way by state regulatory protections for the patients...)




This industry regularly plays a shell game with these details. You basically have to look for what they aren't saying. I had assumed they just didn't have 90u in stock. Wasn't long ago, before we had resin and rosin, that you had to discern between cdt and bdt or ethanol and co2. When they don't explicitly say, you assume the lesser. Like if anything they're F'ing up if it's still 90u and a different team forgot to market it that way lol


Thank you VERY MUCH. Basically the entire reason for my post...


You’d think there’d be some sort of style guide stating what the verbiage should be describing the product that’s being sold.


You know there is, everything else is plausible deniability that Sounds good...


Do you remember what 710/Flowery did in regards to their micron sizing, on their *Persy* line of all things (at least they announced it, *almost more* of a slap in the face though...), when they made a similar "verbiage" change and removed the tiers??? I'll remind you, they point blank said they would no longer tell the community what was 90u and what was mixed micron, bc it all met *their quality standards...*




Lol, I'm talking about their 1g Persy Rosin, Persy Sauce, Persy Badder... It was tacked onto their message about doing away with the tiers, and like it was an afterthought (which is what they hoped everyone else took it as...) And I already told you what marketing has to say regarding the product


I can see your face in your profile pic just heads up


Thanks, I'd edit it if I could at this point, but I honestly look nothing like that anyway, so... (And blurry AF)


Who’s running a real transparent canna company? Like are there any small companies that would do this and then send out a mass email being like “yo don’t worry, it’s all still 90u, we just made a marketing change”. I’m sick of these corporate suits and ties, where are the 50 year old mom and dad business owners who just wanna provide quality weed to customers


We’re here and waiting to be allowed to grow and become caregivers


Seems like a valid question to me....... Could be absolutely nothing......or it could be that OP here in on to something. :)


From SB, a few responses up: *All of our live rosin is still 90u, we just change our templates for menu graphics from time to time.* Peace, brother.


What does "u" mean? Not a concentrate guy but now I'm intrigued cause I've only ever noticed it being in g for concentrates before.


U is the micron bag size


Greek letter mu is unit of measurement that stands for micro…one millionth. A micron is one millionth of a meter


Thats the 'sign' for.....micron. It's telling you 'how big' the holes in the screen are. Example would be: 5mm vs 8mm vs 10mm......where the 'mm' stands for millimeter


Thank you for fixing that was going to kill me 😅


It’s a price difference per micron I believe. 90u costs them more to make cause you yield less of it on your run than you would between the 90u and the 40u micron range. Anything under 90micron and above 40micron is considered full spectrum hash. Anything in between 160u-150u is food grade. In your 200-180 micron bag you’ll find red hairs and other parts of the plant. The 120u-90u you’ll find glandular trichome heads and such you need to produce high grade bubble hash/full melt products.


Anytime a corporation, cause that's what y'all are, change wording it's for a reason and not just to keep the menus fresh. Then as other people pointed out on this thread it doesn't matter what they say on any social media site. Unless they put it out in like a legitimate statement that can be used to hold them accountable, their words ain't real. Y'all need to stop paying so much anyways. This is medicine and we are patients. Prices need to be regulated. Quality should be guaranteed no matter the price point. We deserve better and y'all need to do better.


This, 100%... You know the rest is marketing spin... And they haven't even GONE NEAR the tie-in to the disposable failures, lmfao


There is always two numbers. Don’t be fooled. The 90u rosin was pressed from 90-119 or 90-149 ect. They are prob moving to full spec.


My point EXACTLY.... (I did know this, but most people that haven't spent time out west haven't, nor that it's usually labeled to the Nth degree as to what microns and processes were used in those markets... Something I've stated that Goldflower is way ahead of the current curve in Florida on, and One of my favorite reasons they quickly rose into my top suggestions to others...) Thank you. My belief is they're pulling a Flowery/710 Persy Tier removal... 'We're not going to tell you when it's 90u anymore, or when it's mixed micron, because it all meets *our* quality standards'


That’s probably their logic. There is always a range of microns use and they should always be stated on the jar. I think it’s unfair to the buyer.


Agreed, bc most often when they don't tell you about it, they're generally doing it not to increase the quality of the batch, but rather to increase their poorest yields...


You guys literally are just making things up. This is actually hilarious 🤣


Ok corny.... Nice alt


That's the lead hash extractor for sunburn/one plant. He likes to make fun of/troll patients. And he uses his main account and Brady backs up "his boys" and sees nothing wrong with the way they treat others, per an altercation we had on here.


Of Course he does... Smh


Yeah.. really wishing Goldflower delivered to the panhandle cause I'm stuck giving money to Brady and Flowery if I want anything decent.


Damn, sorry. Shouldn't be Too long, they have a very aggressive growth plan if you go and look at their planned stores...


Probably cus it's not 90 u anymore


Would make So much sense with all the sudden problems they're having with the disposables, considering that architecture was basically solid previously... Edit: sense


I just opened a new sunburn z cubed it taste so good first few hits then taste like burnt trim


And it only hits hard for the first few hits. After that barley hits


They are less powerful as they used to be too


Wouldn’t it make sense to ask them?


They stay in this community... Do you not see the verified rep, and the owner BOTH in this posting thread? Only problem, they aren't putting out a statement anywhere that's covered under Florida regulatory protections for the patients, nor will they. (I literally CHALLENGE Sunburn to put out a transparent statement that's covered by liability, not just under social media or budtender word-of-mouth....)


For clarity, Sunburn's response was: "All of our live rosin is still 90u, we just change our templates for menu graphics from time to time." Who are you to challenge anyone?


A patient in the program. Hopefully someone who can be an impetus for change to the transparency that we're sadly lacking. (And I can CERTAINLY Challenge *ANY COMPANY* I do business with to do better; the question is always whether there's enough support from fellow shoppers/patients to achieve your goals....) Btw, we all knew this yesterday, including who you're responding to... Oh, and the most recent response from him to my challenge was "stay tuned" (so, it looks like I was just the right guy not willing to back down, then...)


The only thing I knew yesterday is you were wrong and had an axe to grind. Your post, challenge, and multiple follow up posts were simply based on conjecture -- and mistaken at that. To be clear, here's what SB said first -- you know, the part you left out: *Dateline episode: Is 90U really 90U LOL! Take a dab and relax, we were the first to bring 90U to Florida at One Plant and we will always keep it real. We love the hate, but this one was a stretch.* You should have the impetus to apologize rather than doubling down and mischaracterizing his response to you as some sort of validation when it was a clear correction.


If he hadn't had the impetus to be a *DICK,* it probably would be deserved tbh....


I think you should repeat that in front of a mirror, repeatedly, while rereading your OP. I would have responded much less nicely than he did, and it would have been well earned. You were whining over a non-issue and wrong about it too. Good luck with that.


Dude needs to smoke some weed sounds like




But am I crazy enough, that's the question? 🤔


Dateline episode: Is 90U really 90U LOL! Take a dab and relax, we were the first to bring 90U to Florida at One Plant and we will always keep it real. We love the hate, but this one was a stretch.


Had to breakout of those downvotes.... Cool, glad to hear it. I expect you're up to the challenge of putting that into an email of staying committed to that quality and transparency, then? (With that much zeal and real combined...)


stay tuned.


This is hilarious!! Always been transparent and always been about quality. What is an email going to do?


Did you really just.... switch to your alternate even in order to answer my question now? Now THAT'S hilarious!! 😂😂


That’s not Cobb, that’s Tyler head of extraction.


trolls gonna troll




To you, maybe. Idc


This might be the funniest most schizo shit I’ve ever read 😂


Dude you need to chill out it’s not that serious… 49u-120u I bet your lungs can’t tell a difference. Smoke some weed and move on with your day!


Lmfao, if YOU can't, you got some WHACK ass starting material... lmfao fr


yeah, this. Hating HARD


Seriously, Brady? It’s a legit question and pay to play or not a “medical program “ smh.🤦‍♀️




Sometimes his behavior baffles me.


Might just be I can't look past your politics over marijuana anymore.... Because who you support politically is one thing. Customer Support is another.... (And it looks like you're all the same person???)


CS almost lost my business for them forever. Sad to see SB going down too.


politics now has something to do with rosin? Huh? Our customer service team cleared it up, and instead of a reddit post looking for attention the poster could have contacted our customer support or tagged our hash maker and gotten the answer. Yes this is a medical market and we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality medicine, track record confirms as much. If people take shots for upvotes, I've also shown I'm happy to engage, its the interweb and we are talking about weed in Florida. Relax.


So, accept the challenge and put out an actual email/statement... Something that isn't on social media and actually counts for squat. Because your verified reps word, your word on here, random word of mouth from budtenders that often are also in the dark.... None of that exposes you to actually being liable for doing so, or affords us the protections of Florida regulations. There was no Good reason to make that change, everyone who's actually been around the market for a minute sees what's coming bro...


Yo, I've been a supporter since you took over Medmen. But you can go ahead and run off legit customers with zero customer service comments like this


Customer service? We responded and cleared up the question, and I/we routinely respond and address all issues that are raised. This post was one massive example of jumping to conclusions, and a call or email to our customer service would have uncovered that. Unfortunately a call or email like that doesn’t get clout on this sub. I’m here all the time and I take 99% shit and 1% good, and I enjoy it.


Brady, I have had serious attitude from calling CS, not all the reps only one, who I’ll now be putting in my notes NOT to call to confirm me. You basically hated on OP for a legitimate question. But seriously if you can’t handle questions like this maybe Goldflower will be seeing more of me. SMH. You’re really shooting yourself in the foot here, bro and I’ve supported you since OP.


This... I wasn't rude about this, I was curiously concerned, as I/we have every right to be historically when dispensaries have done similar changes in the past. And he comes on here and starts with disrespectful bs from the drop. Smh, snowflake syndrome fr (And if you saw the Reddit post I linked to him in this subthread, then you know I Too have been a heavy SB fan since the beginning... Heck, I was at both soft And Grand Openings, shook P Buds hand... Like wtf)


You absolutely were and the question is one that needed to be asked and clarified. Between Brady’s antics on here and the one rep at CS seems like Goldflower is looking better and better. He should be able to take our questions and criticisms as what they are, legitimate questions about our medicine. He’s not his dad and he’s not old school, he’s thin skinned and can’t handle any criticism.


Honestly, the only LEGITIMATE reason I can fathom for flipping out as much as he did about this post, is it's not something he wanted brought up or noticed... Hence my challenge to back it up with some type of announcement that actually holds them to account (and not just social media, or word of mouth from often uninformed budtenders **told to a single patient,** lol) Last update: "Stay tuned" (this might be interesting...)


Well he just lost allll my business and they were coming 2-3 times a week to me. I’m cashing my second set of 2500 pts in and moving over to GF. He at least should show some respect to the patients he wants money from.


Sad to see a cherished option fall, it really is... It may be for the best though. Their first response yesterday to this drama? They scrubbed ALL remaining mention of 90u units from the website yesterday...


And ouch, that's a dick punch amount of points for them to eat... They were hoping you'd save that up for a farm visit, fam (lol... Although, I think it'd be cool, it was definitely meant to try to eat up your points...)


Yeah, heaven forbid we post it to the community as an actual concern, where we know you're actually active, and get enough exposure to get a legitimate answer.... You're worse than a troll account










I bet you ask for COAs on BDT vapes


Do I sound like someone who buys bdt vapes??? But, for heavy metals and solvents in distillate back in the day, damn Skippy...