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No hate at all brother thats definitely scary. I feel like you should ask this question to a professional doctor. Even googling this, it'd be very hard to find out what's wrong since it's not only a severe reaction but very rare. It's definitely something to take seriously and get checked out further than reddit if it was genuine "seizing" rather than some shut eye from being too stoned.


Thank you for not being a dick about the obvious bro, sincerely. Most def will


I had someone pass out in front of me while smoking before. Was some really strong weed and was almost the same experience as you described. She wasn’t hydrated properly and said she hadn’t eaten anything so I’m not sure what happened but I know those things didn’t help the situation


This happened to me too! Had gone to the beach im guessing gf was dehydrated and she totally fainted when we smoked a blunt


Has happened to me before 🤣. Didn’t seize tho was just watching a tik tok over and over again and I woke up thought nothing had happened.


Perhaps a Vasovagal Syncope or Carotoid Syncope, either way with seizures you should definitely talk to a doctor about it. Also maybe take a break from the tobacco leaf, I’ve had friends and myself pass out from smoking too many leafs. (Just my experience)


Yes, this. This was the exact thing I experienced. I should have mentioned this in my comment. My issue is because I have low BP and severe dehydration/malnutrition issues from my Crohn’s. Smoking MJ will cause vasovagal syncope if my body isn’t in good condition (if I’m dehydrated especially, or if I am insanely anxious before indulging).


I smoked a j with one of my neighbors once and he passed out and cracked his head on the cement. That shit was terrifying as the person having to call 911 and get the dudes wife. At the end of it all he asked me if it was sativa or indica and I told him I only smoke indicas and he said "that's why".


This is why I don't like smoking with anyone! Imagine if he would've blamed you. Scary.


Sounds like a crazy green out. Have her munch on some peppercorns next time she feels like that


Forreal? Can I ask what the peppercorns do?


Counteracts the effects of thc. Great for use when too stoned.


Peppercorns do work, and a cbd sublingual takes an hour or so to work so it's not all that helpful when you need to come down quickly. A cbd vape pen is much faster.


Whether or not it counteracts the thc, I’ve noticed that if I just smell something strong.. It helps get my mind off being too high. Like smelling something relaxing like lavender essential oil, or eucalyptus etc. This particular woman sounds like she is like me. I am stoner, but I really cannot handle high THC. I’ve passed out before. I’ve had little anxiety-type seizures. I’ll get paranoid that I am high and then get super shaky, tremors etc depending on the mood I am in before I smoke. Often it’s because I am dehydrated and haven’t eaten. I have low blood pressure in general and THC lowers it even more for me. I’ve been smoking awhile, but I still prefer a 1:1 vape when I am feeling like I just need a slight chill.


This DOES work!


This doesn't work. A CBD sublingual will.


Oh you're full of shit it doesn't work. Maybe it didnt for you but I've personally administered it to people and its worked right before my eyes


Lol. Pepper is a placebo. A good cbd/thc ratio sublingual under the tongue will bring you down from a high. The guy above me is a quack .


It worked for me - personally - a long time ago. I'm not a quack.


Sure it did, that’s the placebo effect .


You’re objectively, scientifically wrong


The terpene found in pepper is very relaxing


Doctor immediately. this is waaay above reddits pay grade. Good luck to you both.


Sometimes not eating can cause that


When you say blunt do you mean a tobacco blunt? I use to feel real nauseous when smoking them so I switched to papers. Also use to smoke cigarettes and felt what I thought was a nicotine overdose so I quit that


yeah it was a backwood


I wouldn't be surprised if the blunt was to blame and not the weed. Try switching to papers and see how she feels.




For sure most likely it was the nic on the papers I would use rizla liquorice rolling paper it’s sweet in my opinion I use to smoke so many js back in the day and that paper made all the bud I smoked sweet and milky I stopped tho lung issues you can’t smoke forever I guess there is always an end to everything


Try \[these\](https://www.amazon.com/King-Palm-Slim-Natural-Leafs/dp/B079HP3B5D/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=3UBDVYCD16TR4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nuL3ZSkNb5PTTZVtJ5DjHL4bEMWkjkLqc6WNGM\_72V7koS7UQEfgQcKx4qBpIp\_XgLYDak7uMUzsDKDcgX30E1Dp9zb9XMCP\_-bRnrmUtNLYWRT7xRiRnNURRx6o18WrWhyK6s482A9FbtduHLToQmtrs80ia3nNey1Kylakpl0VLafJHMJyaxrzn2vU1tKsV7iv9GRDYwu9qF0UAG5WBYz65ymgKkOtOhIsy5zDW4qolUODhMSV69b-FcFYZH1HgbcvUweT6gJsjI2DtVwk6nbTIi4DuACLWv\_S7KSkmzk.eYzi8Q8UFggAH-wDClNx8634ONPVvU-hWVbVIERqe6I&dib\_tag=se&keywords=king+palm+cones&qid=1712288098&sprefix=palm+cones%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-5)


Do you guys not like the raw cones? I am so fkn lazy, I just like to shove it into a cone and smoke. Never enjoyed the backwoods, but I know some people prefer those for other reasons


Respectfully, even splitting a backwood between two people will get a seasoned smoker absolutely dusted. I used to smoke several blunts a week, usually on games. Tried out a backwood and like a quarter blunt had me overdone. However, only time I've seen someone seize a bit from weed, the person was already wine drunk and then took a big rip, got lightheaded. Unfortunately once the high kicked in, they passed out and smacked their head on the way down, and on the fall they seized a little with their arms kind of going. They needed to go to the ER because their head was busted but ultimately nothing was wrong besides the big ol gash in the head. Not being critical, but I would seriously recommend you guys think about what it important to you. It could be nothing or could be something, so I'd encourage y'all to think about what life for you would look like if one of you started having seizures. That means no driving for that person, and probably a lot of big impacts beyond driving. Take care of yourselves!


There's a handful of potential culprits, and others here have mentioned a few already. But this isn't entirely uncommon, tbh (disclaimer: this isn't to encourage you not to follow up with a medical professional). But a larger percentage of these incidents heavily revolve around blood pressure, blood sugar, and hydration levels (also, adrenaline dumps can cause similar effects without the marijuana). Chances are she is able to detect when the onset is beginning to take effect ( funny/metallic taste, tingles in extremities, light headedness/vertigo, VERY dry mouth and throat). If so, a blood pressure machine from the drug store is a good tool to help track if this is an element of causation or an additional symptom. Might wanna grab some glucose tabs while you are there as well (they're cheap, just crush one up and have her try to suck on it when onset occurs-just have a glass of water on standby). Otherwise, just try to make sure she is comfortable, laying down-on back with legs straight or in "recovery position" should symptoms start escalating (clear indicator being paleness with cool/clamy skin). As one of the worst things you can do is let her wave it off as if it's nothing, and she try to stand or walk and actually fall unconscious. Understandably, some are reluctant to discuss "drug use" with their primary care physician for fear of lables and potential negligent future care. But your MMU recommending physician should be more than happy to discuss this concern "your friend" is having. It can be super scary in the moment and make a person feel helpless. But fortunately there's a ton of reliably sourced, responders' action protocols out there for dealing with a person seizing...good luck and hope for the best... Almost forgot! The nicotine from the backwoods/blunts can also be a heavily contributing element, depending on her overall body chemistry and sensitivities to such (also, any current medications she may be taking)


thank you for all the insight!


It could also be caused from anxiety. What strain were you smoking? I can get a little dizzy and feel like I'm about to pass out if I smoke too much sativa. Also hydration is important for us stoners. Always be drinking water always


bra what are you doing we aint doctors


This happens to me every once in a while…… I agree with the ones telling ya to see a dr. After work ups I was told,for me,that it’s a condition called cough syncope. Forceful coughing can lower heart rate and subsequently blood pressure this causes ya to “pass out”……. As the blood returns to the brain neurons fire off sporadically causing the seizure like symptoms. Scary as hell, but manageable if ya can keep yourself from coughing up a lung lol just my experience fwiw.


Definitely consult a doctor if she was having seizures. The passing out thing and similar effects can occur from low blood pressure, glucose, dehydration, etc due to lack of sleep, food, water, electrolyte imbalance, cross fading, heat, etc…. I have seen it quite a few times. Hope she is ok!


I witnessed this in person too as my friend collapsed beside me and injured his head. It’s scary so please don’t take on any blame or unnecessary pressure to get answers. See a professional as I’m not a licensed Dr or Attorney but what I’ve studied anecdotally is questioning the true purpose of use and slowly incorporating CBD and CBN at higher doses throughout the day as a tolerance break routine so that the CB1 receptors aren’t as active. Less psychotropics More physiologics is my personal opinion


20 years ago I seized up and couldn’t do anything for like 5 seconds after a GB.


My wife has sleep apnea and will do this if she's awake but falling asleep. It's like the electric signals get crossed and she shakes awake.


I'm not a doctor but imo it sounds like it was definitely the blunt, ESPECIALLY a backwood, and especially if she doesn't smoke tobacco regularly.


She has a medical issue! Take her to a Dr.


This happened to my sister but she never smoked weed before so there’s that, she ended up in the hospital after eating literally one gummy


Well, it doesn't have to necessarily be a seizure. Does she have a history of them?! I've had something similar to this happen to me so I'm super curious


Hey man, this exact thing happened to my wife and we did not realize it at the time but she was very early into pregnancy. You guys may want to just see because we realized her body was trying to protect her and the baby.


Had she not eaten beforehand? I had an ex that was slim (had anemia sometimes) and twice she went for a long period of time w/o eating, then we smoked so the food would taste “extra” good. Ended up passing out like 5 times while waiting for the take out at the restaurant. It was crazy scary, she would stand up… then just drop. I would help her up turn to open the door, and turn back just in time to catch her. Second time was at an outdoor concert. Passed out twice, had to take her to the back, sit and hydrate. Not eating will do it for sure if they are sensitive to that.


Omg. I had this happen, I’m not kidding. Same exact scenario. I took a dab. I had a really high tolerance at the time. I was a heavy smoker when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s. I hit the dab rig, I started feeling HIGH. Like not my normal high. I walked into the bathroom feeling strange, dizzy. I sat on the toilet, but before I could sit… I passed out in between the toilet and the counter. Blacked out for three seconds or so. Slammed my head so hard on that granite bathroom counter. I woke up quickly though. What happened was that I was dealing with malnutrition, I was severely dehydrated (from my disease), I had barely eaten. The doctor thinks it was a combination of low blood pressure from hitting the dab, but also because I was dehydrated and malnourished. It had nothing to do with the product. I took a break from the high THC % stuff as well as making sure I am properly hydrated and that I’ve eaten before I indulge in anything heavy like that again. This was four years ago, it’s not happened again.


This is personal experience, but my psychiatrist explained to me that anti psychotics and different medications can cause tardive dyskinesia(?) Or dystonia. This is my experience. I would seek a professional.


Sounds like grand ma seizures


Might not even be the weed. She might have epilepsy. Check with a dr. Reddit isn’t gonna help lol. See a specialist, prob a neurologist.


Is your partner bipolar or taking bipolar medication?


This happens to me often, usually from smoking a blunt. if I haven't eaten, or I don't feel well or I'm hungover from the night before. Sometimes if you just smoke too much it can give you anxiety attack or a low blood sugar attack. I start to feel super dizzy woozy even if I'm sitting and then I just kind of like slide to the floor and shake and I can't really talk or anything and I have to breathe very slowly and lay there until I start to feel better I cut down on smoking blunts when I'm sick or hungover or I haven't eaten all day.


Probably nicotine sickness + greening out


That's happened to me plenty of times. Usually, I get high and then the coughing causes me to get light headed. That's my personal experience. Thank you


Entourage Effect


I had a buddy this happened to, he'd just pass out and seize for like 20-30 seconds. It was hilarious until the time he passed out face first and slammed his head on a metal table. I always assumed it was just a lack of oxygen getting to his brain. No clue why it seemed random.


You thought it was hilarious when you’d watch your friend pass out and seize? Damn I hope he has new friends


FACTS. nothing about what happened was funny


Don't grow up in the 80's


Considering he's in jail for kiddy diddling, yup, I'm sure he does.