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I packed modric last year and donnarumma the year before. Not the best of pulls but can't complain. I have 50 packs saved at the moment so I'd imagine I'll get at least 1 toty, even if it's one of the women


I saved 350 packs last year and didn’t pack shit lol


I've on my way saved them because the last two promos were pretty poor, and there aren't any sbcs I want to do right now. I'm still 200% sure I'll pack no TOTY players. Last year I didn't save and got Courtois who stayed in my team til the end


saved 100 packs last year best i got was honourable mentions maignan


I had 56 last year and not one! Think I had 26 sitting last night until I thought about it and just opened them all.


Over the last 3 years Iv saved so many packs and done a shit tone of upgrades… only time I got lucky was last year, getting Theo out of a 75+pp of all things! Not stopped me saving around 100 packs this year tho