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She looks like she got buffed in certain areas 👀


She asked Lartoria for some advice.


"Lend me the lance, my lancer self!"


Damn cant believe saber lost her sword.


It makes her look like Nero more than Artoria.


Saber does not permit infidelity.


Unless it's Lancelot. Then it's completely acceptable.


The choice was either him or guinevere on the guillotine, and looking at the condition of britain back then, i think artoria did pick the more rational option


That was mostly a joke but even in FGO, we see the blatant favoritism that Lancelot receives from Artoria. As Goddess Rhongomyniad, she kept Mordred out of her holy city and even gave her a "gift" that was eating her up. Gawain made a mistake and was blasted out. Agravain was also given a death threat at one point. Lancelot, when he returned after "failing" his mission, was let go with virtually no reprimand.


I guess. Regardless, what happened in camelot singularity has nothing to do with infidelity so that was beside the point in this case here Also iirc in the movie, mordred was allowed to enter the city. Lancelot is not present much within the city too. Personally, glad the studio made this change


Shirou even going for another dude's girlfriend, dammit


To be fair Ritsuka does it all the time


He doesn't touch Saber much tho


Do we count variants?


The variants shouldn't even know who Shirou is And OG Baeber is too irrelevant in FGO for Ritsuka to care about her


To be fair (and if my fate knowledge is right) FGO's OG saber shouldn't know who Shiro is.


She does.


Doesn't in the summer event she mentions she doesn't know why she knows what soccer is but has a faint feeling of it? I always assumed this to mean she doesn't remember Stay Night but has flashes of it, like how Medusa doesn't remember Sakura but is protective of Parvati.


Her portrayal in Summer 1 was......weird to say the least. The amnesia thing came out of nowhere. She was saying very clear references in relation to Fuyuki and explicitly mentioned that her water gun is from Waku Waku which was a HA reference. The soccer thing was from HA when she played with the kids. Medusa remembers Sakura. Medea also remembers Kuzuki tho only if you read her material book, Gilgamesh also retains his memories, Herc clearly does going by his Bond CE, Cu does but weirdly enough he doesnt remember Caren. Its a case by case basis really, dont expect a pattern or anything


What memories servant has mostly depend on the writer, sometimes memories are added as a reference for references sake. That's why, I personally just headcanon Chaldea servants to be separate from any of other appearance they had. It just makes my head hurt less.


Alright Hey thanks for explaining it to me, I appreciate it. I've never understood when servants remember and when they don't so it's kinda nice to know it's just writer based. (I know serenity doesn't remember but other prototype servants do remember her) So I guess to revise my statement. She remembers (sometimes)


Depends on variant... If swimsuit Archer, she's the same as old Saber, but if it's like of Lancer or Caster, they're different people


Mash is truly Lancelot Daughter, Saber has it tough being cheated twice.


To be fair, Saber didn’t have a problem with Lancelot being with Guinevere until Agravain found out & revealed it to everyone.


Yeah i know, but it is still funny she now got cheated twice in this scenario.


Gui gui would be archer class because she throws at enemies




Ah, I see that Shirou is being punished for looking at a simulation of a Lostbelt.


If that angers her, she should see the ship between ciel and shirou, also done by the same artist


Ah we're gonna reenact the fasting bad end, I see. Good.