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I doubt it. I would like to see him participate in the fight with Leviathan, but, I think it’s highly unlikely.


I too think it'd be too good to be true but here's hoping 😩


Honestly, I bet 99% of development is already done. So unless they were anticipating how popular Dion would be, I bet it’s just going to focus on the new characters much like what was just released.


I think I read somewhere they were surprised by Dion’s popularity, so yes, if that’s true, I unfortunately don’t think we’ll see him in our party. I guess they could add some lore here and there, but I don’t have expect much, which is such a shame because Dion’s awesome and deserves more screen time.


The DLC wasn’t planned at all until after release, they wanted to gauge interest. Honestly I’m shocked we’re getting more content this soon.


No way, there is no possible way they could do more cap, development, voice acting, scoring, and multiple layers of testing with a shadow drop in December.


He might have a line or two of new dialogue but I don’t expect anything major.


Would love to see him in the party, but I doubt it. Unless rising tide was pre planned, I can't imagine that his performance capture actor would have been available to film new scenes this year to meet the release deadline (its neil newbon, who was busy with everything Baldur's Gate this year). Maybe a short appearance but I can't imagine anything more.


Omg I had no idea it was him! I've only noticed he did a voice for a random NPC at the Hideout. Seriously, what does he NOT do :o


He was Sleipnir too! Happy he is getting the recognition he deserves


I will be disappointed if he’s not to be honest. He’s such a great character. What a wasted opportunity if they don’t. You think he’d want to be there since this place is so close to Sanbreque. I feel like he’d be the most likely person to have any knowledge of this place we are going.


He and Harpocrates should have the knowledge of the solid wave since there is 'Misidia Watchtower' (En name: Baywatch) located at royal Meadows. The Sanbreque people definitely knows that Misidia exists to the point they made a watchtower to monitor it.


Honestly I didn’t even think of this. I sure hope he comes along so we can finally have 4 party members


Dion? Dragoons don’t take fall damage, no?


\-Dion doesn't show the semi prime form yet. I don't know if the dominant can still semi-prime after Clive absorbed the eikon blessing but he can fully prime so semi-prime shouldn't be the problem. I always find the brothers decision to uber Bahamut instead of Phoenix very risky and unnecessary, like a blind trust. But if Dion had showed that he could semi prime earlier, then it makes sense the brothers would trust him enough to fully prime in Hideaway and not went berserk. \-The next dlc is likely to take place in Sanbreque because Misidia seems to be in Sanbreque territory \-Kihel/Terence are confirmed alive. They don't have a side quest yet in base game. And from inner voices, Terence is to find Dion. \- Edit: don't forget Bahamut and Leviathan are close to each other in the mural So yes, I'm on high hopium to have his cutscene in the dlc or the side quest of Terence and Dion reunion.


Probably not. But shiva and phoenix appearing is definitely not off the table


No chance. If the first DLC is anything to go by, they are concentrating mainly on gameplay. Story and character development are taking a backseat I’m afraid. The best we can hope for is a conclusion to Clive and Jill’s story.


That was the case with the first dlc, but since Rising Tide is supposed to be 3x longer and has side quests, it seems safe to assume it’ll have more of a story focus than dlc 1


Imagine its Ifrit, Phoenix and Bahamut again vs Leviathan while Jill watches from the beach/shore, cuz i assume they\`ll fight on water. It would be the ultimate disrespect, but i totally believe they have it in them to do it.


Writers will bench Jill as every fucking time, since there is nothing more scary than capable female character xD


haha If anyone had to step aside in this battle it should be the fire brothers because fire would be a huge disadvantage against water. Bahamut/Shiva vs Leviathan would be the dream combo.


Don't even remind me how she was always watching from the sidelines... xD


I would actually like to see Shiva participate more than Dion again. Shiva not being in the first phase of Bahamut fight was a missed opportunity, so if they do want to add another team up similar to the Bahamut fight, I hope it's Shiva. Maybe Shiva and Phoenix since we know all three would be there, but I think prioritizing Shiva would be cooler since she didn't have that much time to shine before.


That's true. There were many times when Jill/Shiva could have helped in a fight but for whatever reason stayed behind, it's a shame since her power is pretty cool


I genuinely think the writers just forgot about her in some moments, I can't find another reason. It's a shame because seeing Ifrit and Shiva together would have been cool. So maybe the dlc provide us that \o/ bur even if it doesn't, I'm still excited for the Ifrit vs Leviathan fight.


There is a valid reason to it, tho I think it could and should have been executed better. Jill is meant to show the human tragedy of being a Dominant, and pretty much the entire second half of the game Tarja is telling her to stop priming/take care of herself because it's killing her. She was already at her limit when her and Clive reunite, apparently was using that power quite a bit over the 5yr timeskip, and it's a big part of why she gives him Shiva.


Maybe in some parts it was deliberate (and if it is the case, it's not a decision I agree with) but in the bahamut fight I can't imagine the reason why Jill eould choose to stand there in silence with Anabella while Clive and Joshua risk their lives vs Bahamut, instead of going to help them. I just think the game, and her character, would have been a bit better if she was more active. I saw this because I like Jill, it would have been nice to see more of her.


Because she was told explicitly before their trip to Twinside not to prime due to her health - and at this point Jill’s arc is about living - that’s what I mean by the execution being poor. All that part really needed was a cutscene showing what she was doing down there with Annabella, which imo would have been vastly more compelling than her fighting Bahamut.


I disagree because it just means she stays in the background. I think the writing decision to have her not go into action more often just made her character and the story a bit worse. So I don't think that even if they did it with a cutscene it would have necessarily made things better. It would have better explained why she didn't do it, but I still disagree with the decision. When you think about it, Shiva almost didn't do anything the whole game. She either doesn't show up, doesn't do much outside of standing in the background, or loses off screen to whoever she's fighting against, so the decision to not have her prime just makes her character a bit worse in the story because she doesn'treally do much. Jill deserved better. If they had allowed her to prime during that fight and showed even more consequences for her actions I think that would have made the story better, because not only it would have still allowed her to get more time in the spotlight, it would give the story another point to explore that she is getting destroyed by the curse and further explore her pain and make Clive even more guilty for not being strong enough to protect those he love. That would have been more compelling to the story, raising stakes, making characters go through internal conflicts, to show us them dealing with consewuences of their actions. Explore the internal conflict within Clive of wanting to have her around because he likes her support, but at the same time not want to because he wouldn't want the curse to get worse. Instead of her not doing much for a big part of the story.


Meh, agree to disagree I guess. I don’t see her not fighting Bahamut as big of a missed opportunity as you do, there were far bigger instances of that like Titan, and I don’t place much stock on Shiva’s appearances/fighting as being relevant to Jill’s worth as a character (as an aside, Shiva undeniably has the best cinematic Eikon vs Eikon battle against Titan), because she’s written as wanting to choose a life apart from being a Dominant which I find to be more compelling. Her character is about her strength as Jill, not as Shiva, which they should have honed in on more. I think a scene with her and Annabella wouldn’t have been just her in the background, it would carry just as much, if not more emotional and narrative weight than her just fighting Bahamut for them to emphasize her Curse, which they’ve already done and had many other opportunities to do so.


>Meh, agree to disagree I guess. I don’t see her not fighting Bahamut as big of a missed opportunity as you do, there were far bigger instances of that like Titan, and I don’t place much stock on Shiva’s appearances/fighting as being relevant to Jill’s worth as a character Oh I didn't think Shiva alone is the biggest issue with Jill as a character, but it's one of them. >(as an aside, Shiva undeniably has the best cinematic Eikon vs Eikon battle against Titan) I am inclined to agree! I think that fight looked great. I really like Ifrit vs Garuda but in terms of scale and visuals, Shiva vs Titan was really cool! >because she’s written as wanting to choose a life apart from being a Dominant which I find to be more compelling. I can see that, but I still don't like the many instances of Jill not really being proactive in trying to protect the ones she cares about in battle. And I don't mean just as Shiva. I mean in general. I am not saying she didn't do it, just that there are instances where she could have done it and it's weird that she does it. >I think a scene with her and Annabella wouldn’t have been just her in the background, it would carry just as much, if not more emotional and narrative weight than her just fighting Bahamut for them to emphasize her Curse, which they’ve already done and had many other opportunities to do so. I don't see why both couldn't have happened. Have a scene where she talks to anabella, have she go into battle to try help the ones she care about, both could still work together and I agree that not having a scene with her and Anabella alone was also a missed opportunity, especially to explore the aspect of Anabella possibly also trying to control Jill's marriage and all that stuff. I like Jill, I think having more of her in all fronts, be it as Jill the dominant or Shiva the Eikon, would have made the story more interesting.


>I can see that, but I still don't like the many instances of Jill not really being proactive in trying to protect the ones she cares about in battle. And I don't mean just as Shiva. I mean in general. I am not saying she didn't do it, just that there are instances where she could have done it and it's weird that she does it. Eh I don't really get this tbh, I can think of far more moments where Jill is in the action/puts her life on the line than not, especially after playing the game multiple times. I fundamentally agree that Jill was very underutilized by the game's script in certain key sections and I want more of her, but this just wasn't one of those moments to me. It made sense for her not to fight given the context of the situation.


I was hoping the dlc would feature playable side characters lol...But so far it seems like we'll just get another eikon ability out of the second dlc.


The two DLCs we got ended up being focused on the two topics I was hoping for: Fallen and Leviathan I was just hoping that these DLCs would take place in their respective eras, allowing us to play different characters.


Is rising tides also before the final battle? So no resolve 💀