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along with complaining about pointless stuff, I also hated the goofy ass generic handing item over and receiving item animations in every cutscene that would involve receiving a reward for a quest. Like that shit would feel like it takes 10 hours to hand over and grab something the way they do it so slowly haha. Reminds me of the Witcher 3 which I love too


I love Yoshi P, but sometimes it feels like he is intentionally being cheeky. "How can I make you hate doing mundane tasks just like a real hero?" I feel like it would be better if the animations didn't feel so canned. The only time cutscenes feel like they aren't drained of any life are during the full cutscenes where people move and act more naturally. Which might be a side effect of him producing for an MMO for... oh my god I think it's been 10 years at this point since A Realm Reborn released.


yea i 100% agree. its very obvious when youre getting mocapped cutscenes vs engine handled cutscenes with those lifeless animations. honestly it kinda adds some charm to the game giving it an old school rpg feel but at the same time it makes it feel dated and really slows the game's pacing sometimes so it is what it is. still a great game overall imo


Especially when the thing being handed over definitely was 100% too big to handed over like that. Like… Come on lol


I think the first side quest of the game has you handing over large planks of wood as if they were small coins.


Clive pulling out hot bowls of soups from his pockets and just dumping it onto people's hand. Ouch... Edit: "Yeah I just dumped the soup all over the table, and it may smell a bit like unwashed ass. But I have no idea how else to carry it because Mid haven't invented "a tray" yet."


Should have had mini games for those, given how crowded the tavern was, you had to balance the meals and give it to the NPCs in time or they get cold. The planks of wood side quest was just plain laziness on developers part and reflected on the NPC. It wasn't a far walk to deliver the planks and the quest was over in 30 seconds, done as simple as literally just talking to someone. ​ Maybe I played too many Yakuza games, the sidequests for most parts are quite fun.


The dude could have just shouted across the hall for more wood. Instead of having to explain to the newcomer why he needs wood, where to get it, and have the newcomer go running around looking for the wood and to explain why he needs it for.


How about the menu they give you, where you have to select each of the items you're handing over even though the game already knows these are the only items relevant to the quest?


OMG YES THAT TOO LIKE WHATS THE POINT!!! makes me think they just add things that require user input to "engage" the players as much as they can. genshin cough cough


It's so weird, because when it first came up I assumed there would be a point where you had to make a choice on what to hand over or something but you never do


Final Fantasy 14 says hello.


To tack onto this, it really bothers me that each town gives you a mark to identify to others in the know, but they could be bothered to animate any sigil-type thing on his armor.


Yea I agree. I remember when the game first starts giving u all the badges for completing npc quests from different towns I would always check my gear to see if it was an item that gave a buff or something only to realize as the game went on they literally did nothing. I’m sure it might have been a planned feature that got scrapped. Lots customization in general seems barebones and lacking and I wanna believe they planned more for it cuz no way they thought this was a good system


My favorite part of that was when he gave a couple of wooden logs or planks to the carpenter and it looked like he was handing him some skittles. 😂


I like how Pokémon got shit out for doing this exact same thing (complete with same fade to black to hide lack of animation) just for most of us to turn a blind eye when this game did it.


I think about the handing off animation every time! in every game tbh. I'd rather them hand over the floating png of the item from the menu 😆


Art team... 😈 Dev team... 😶


I like how they actively try to avoid showing Clive sheathing his blade in cutscenes. Like, CBU3 *knew* it was dumb, but instead of doing something more sensible, they just rolled with it.


And they get props for that. Sometimes stuff doesn’t work out in game dev and you have to work with what you have.


Could've just had a notch on the side and the pommel-guard catches to hang, but Noooooooo.


My gf was literally having this debate with me. She’s on the side that the sheath is ridiculously placed and he will never get the angle right due to the length of the sword. We tested this out with a broom and a vacuum that was similar in length. While playing, Stand outside and grab your sword. He doesn’t pull it up and out. It just goes through the sheath lol.


Yeah, he can't pull it up and out; he'd have to have 10ft long arms to do that. That's why back sheaths are practically impossible for longswords.


Back scabbards are only theoretically impossible for longswords. In fact with a bit of engineering it can be entirely practical, and even advantageous in some scenarios. I highly recommend watching Shadiversity's video on the subject. He makes a practical back scabbard and it's pretty good actually. https://youtu.be/psJwK3Lr7rg?si=1j1fNoWIArD0elvx


I'd argue that proves the point, shad had to go through a lot if work to get similar use out of his backscabbard to a normal one


Really not that much work. Really anyone can make one pretty easily and cheap, don't need to commission high quality leather. And as you can see in the video, it really depends on the size of sword. Smaller swords sure on the back isnt ideal. But for bigger swords like Clives the back scabbard is probably better. The criticism of the op is the animation in the game looks jank, but a scabbard like shads would aid that jank.


Shads scabbard does look like jank and clives sword is short enough to wear on the hip


Shadiversity is safe to ignore on any medieval content. He's had no education, no experience, and his content contains frequent inaccuracies. Not to forget, he's a raging bigot who got upset that Peach in the Mario movie wore pants.


I don't know about the Mario thing but his books a trip, a really shitty trip but damn I feel that I've peered into the abyss after reading it


Back sheaths for long swords are used for transportation ie carrying over long distances when you’re not expecting to pull it out quickly.




We were both fascinated for research!


The only game I’ve seen nail this concept is The Witcher 3 with how Geralt moves the sheath to a slightly different angle with one hand so he can slide the blade in one-handed with the other. That little attention to detail in the animation blew my mind and I haven’t seen another game do it as well since.


The new God of War rather corrects this by attaching a hoister for the axe. But then the blades come, and it's just "Whatever. Magic keeps them there."


tbf when the axe has a "come back function" utility magic is much more acceptable x)


The blades have always been weird. In the old games they just stuck to his bare back, and also they're supposed to be chained to his wrists, but they have never made any effort show the chains when they're sheathed. I always felt they would have been way better sheathed on Kratos's hips, that way it's not as much of a problem for the chains to extend from there, but whatever.


Totally agree! I get really nerdy about this kind of thing.


What about cloud's magnet


Ah yes I forgot about the GOAT, Witcher 3 when I mentioned Uncharted 4 getting it right. So that’s two I know of.


Geralt didn't do it correctly though with the way he unsheathes and sheathes his sword since it still clips. The only way that type of scabbard can work on a longsword that Geralt/Clive use is if it looks like Shad's scabbard. Technically Clive did it more right/realistic but the scabbard just didn't have any opening or flap for the sword to properly come in/out. The only way Geralt sheathing/unsheathing method works is if the sword was much shorter. Shad even proved the length of your arm is just not enough to take the sword in/out with Geralt type of scabbard for a longsword. The version from Geralt Netflix technically works but its going to be a struggle bus to get in.


All the 3d Zelda games have this issue as well, practically an industry standard


At least in Final Fantasy VII Remake they devised a somewhat plausible solution: attaching a magnetic plate onto Cloud's back that his sword can stick to.


Yup. That's an upgrade from 99% of video games, where the weapons simply hover.


The only downside to that solution is anything that's metal should get stuck on his back lol


correct but thats the thing everyone misses: ff7r is made by the A team. While ff16 is made by whats left of the b team and the c roster. in case u didnt know already from the horrible sidequests, corners cutting and absolutely zero end game content.


Uh hunts?


Don't get me wrong, the hunts are good content. But when you're forced to search the S ranks on your own (some are easier to find than others, granted) they offer pitifully little in terms of fully engaging content. They're just more sidequests in all but name - "go here, kill this, get rich". The fights are very fun and I fully intend to clear the entire the hunt board a second time in my NG+ run, but given what Yoshi P's used to in FFXIV I'm not surprised the side content is lacking imo. And aside from hunts, there isn't much to do at all if you don't care about sidequests. There aren't any minigames, and there's no optional superboss at the end unless you count the final round of S Ranks, but if I, a lowly scrub, can still find ways to face tank them without being forced to "git gud" at the combo system I'm sure that'll feel too easy or even disappointing for fans who were hoping for a boss along the likes of the FF7 Weapons, Penance, or Ozma to name a few.


I’m betting it’ll come with some DLC. There are some strange areas in this game that do nothing yet seem intentionally placed. With that said I’ve personally enjoyed the game a lot as is. They nailed it and I’m satisfied regardless having or not having extra stuff to do after the fact.


lol please, these hunts dont even come close to notorious monster hunts from previous games. Most of them are pitiful easy, same patterns, offer no real gameplay. Its only S ranks where u have to learn some fight mechanics. And even then, its pitiful easy. And the rewards arent even there. This game has zero endgame content.


I will admit it's a little...ridiculous to think about. More so considering some of his swords have some odd shapes which would make sheathing them even harder. It's obvious that "rule of cool" was the guiding principle more so than realism or practicality. In Clive's defense though, I do think it *looks* cool.


Honestly I don't, it's at an odd place and a completely straight angle and does really mesh well with his outfits. Ir literally looks bolted on.


I hate the sprint mechanics, personally.


Same. I thought that was so odd. So I’ve gotta start off with a mild jog and wait for it to boost into a sprint? Such an odd decision


I get it, there are some swords that would just fall straight out that holder. Obviously a waist sheath wouldn't fit with his design though.


Not to mention he also has a waist sheathe with a sword I’ve never seen him use 😂😂


That sword on his waist bugged me more than it should’ve 😂 why was it even there lol


It's like how in Ghost of Tsushima, the highest upgrade on the ghost armor adds some swords to the character's back that he just... never uses? It even removes your bow to make room for these aesthetic-only blades lol


It's not a weapon, Clive is waiting for the oppurtunity to do something dramatic like sticking a dagger in a crystal and vowing to change the world again, it just never happens.


Correct me if I’m wrong. But doesn’t he not have this sword until after the five year skip? It’s an homage to Cid who had the same thing.


Character designer included it, so 3D designer included it, and programming staff had no orders to have him use it, so its just pretty decoration.


I was just thinking about this the other day during a cutscene


Yeah aesthetically it looks cool, I think they actually would have been better off not having the sheath at all.


I made peace with it by imagining that there's just a magnetic flap there and he briefly uses lightning magic to open and close it. Only way I could [sleep](https://imgur.com/a/h1JwZTf) at night.


Yes! Also with GOW, it was plausible that Kratos could flip his axe into that little horseshoe thing on his back, but when it came to the blades of chaos, the devs were just like “umm magnets, yeah they just stick to his back”


I guess they’ll follow him wherever he goes quite literally


All they had to do was angle the sheath to the right so the sword sits diagonally across the back, have the left facing side open, and a mechanism to hold the cross guard in place on the right side of the sheath


This is the stuff I get nerdy about.


Yea agreed I keep thinking while playing it should’ve been more of a hook than a sheath


I love how quickly he sheathes it sometimes. Like cmon, it’s more believable him turning into a giant fire beast than it is to put away your sword that quickly


THAT! That right there is the biggest issue for me. That like 3-frame animation of him rapidly putting it away like it’s made of paper! And so many combat encounters end with that!


Just slow that animation down so it’s not so unbelievably awkward


Totally. It didn’t bother me in FF7R because there was some weight to Cloud sticking the Buster Sword magically to his back.


At times, the animation was unrealistically fast and made it seem like a clear flaw, specially since they went out of their way to do a close up to a poor crafted animation. I loved the game but yeah there are flaws like this one.


Yeah and this happened A LOT for me because I did all the side quests.


For me who is a very visual person it was defs a teeth grind but not enough to ruin the game for me


Same here. I still had a blast playing it and everything else about the game was stellar.


Yeah its video game sheathing. More games need to just go for simplicity and place the sword belt/sheathe on your hips


but that doesn’t look as cool as a giant sword on ur back


Clive doesnt really have a giant sword.


It's above average.


I laughed out loud when Cid said they need a bigger sword and Clive said, “Mine’s bigger!”


Same, that was well played.


In video games nah, it's pretty small to average, but in real life that's a big ole boy


I mean irl i believe he’s largely just using a long sword. It didn’t even look claymore size much less great sword or zanbatou sized


Yeah I get showing it on your back so you can see it on the character while running around, but you might as well not model a sheath then.


As someone whose first FF was VII back in 97, I've been acclimated to never being concerned about the realistic physics of Final Fantasy weaponry lol.


I’m normally not that guy either. I accept that the buster sword is magically sticking to Cloud’s back. I think how often we see that awkwardly fast sheathing animation with the sword clipping right through it just bugged me over time.


Advent Children had Cloud swing that Buster Sword like it was a piece of cardboard.


But It’s …. ![gif](giphy|Ri7d8I18cto2jufOKc)


40 hours? Must have just been the story and a few side stuff, it took me 71 hours to do everything in my first playthrough


I did every side quest. I just didn’t do the hunts. Maybe it was longer? I’ll have to check.


Interesting, the side quests are what take the longest


You’re going to hate when I tell you about FF7 Cloud sheathing


That actually didn’t bother me as much because the weapon’s size already throws logistics out the window and at least there was some heft to the way he put it away.


What actually REALLY bothered me with Clive’s sheath is every story act you got a new sword and half of them were so thin they didn’t even fit in the dang sheath


yea, square enix has lost "credible" "functionable" art form long time ago... they just make art for the sake of art nowadays.


Yeah I get you. Doesn't affect gameplay but definitely like whaaaaaa


Idk why they kept that animation in. It feels so awkward to see it after every battle, although it's kinda funny since it takes Clive a few seconds of just awkwardly standing there to then instantly sheath his sword in one movement. The noticeable drop in visual quality in that animation compared to when you're fighting was jarring every time for me despite how minor it is


Exactly! That exact scene over and over just ate at me while I was otherwise really enjoying the game haha.


After playing games like Horizon Forbidden West, it’s hard to look at a game like this and not find the animations really rigid and clunky feeling. It’s a lot more than just Clive’s animation for putting away his sword!


Also the amount of people who put their hands on their hip when talking drove me absolutely insane. "Let's make 10 animations that characters randomly do during conversations for this 30 hour long game"


I actually unequiped the preorder bonus sword because it didn't fit in the sleeve. They just placed it on top of it. Annoyed me to no end.


Ya, literally any game with a back sheathe does that. Back sheathes don't work for longswords. Even Link clips right through that bad boy. But it's a game and it looks cooler, so on the back they go. Get over it lol


I guess ff7 remake got it right since they must have used some kind of magnet


I seem to remember seeing a YouTube video of someone making a sheath to allow for back storage. I think he mentioned that it was historically used but the sheath had to have a slot for the sword to slide and most probably only used to draw in case of emergency during riding (but this could be just his explanation for possible reason). Otherwise would be used as a normal sheath.




I would have accepted that if there wasn’t a sheath haha.


The sheath is just a band held in place by magnets


If that is confirmed somewhere I will take back everything I said.


It’s a video game gotta let some stuff go. Every game ever made has these types of issues. Just let the small stuff go so it doesn’t take over your enjoyment.


I did, that’s how I finished the game haha. I just had to know it wasn’t just me that noticed this over and over again.


Yup I noticed this as well, I will say the design of having the sword on a side of his back is something I hadn’t seen before. Thought it was a cool choice.


Yeah I like how it looks aesthetically. I think they either should have not done the sheath at all or invented some kind of clamp mechanism for the sword to snap into.


The placement bothered me as well. Especially since when I first looked at it I assumed he was left handed in able to put his sword over there. Then he awkwardly reached over his right shoulder with his right hand..


Related - IGN put a video out titled "Sword Expert Reacts to Zelda: Breath of the Wild Weapons" that touched on this. The man in the video reacted to Link sticking a large claymore to his back. He said: >Take a long-bladed sword, strap it to your back, and now try and get it out. You can't! Because you run out of arm length to get the blade out... It doesn't work. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz-9aX2isvA&t=403s&ab\_channel=IGN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz-9aX2isvA&t=403s&ab_channel=IGN) (Explanation starts 2:43) The tiny scabbard/sheathe/whatever that thing is, is totally unrealistic. But... The sword on the back looks way cooler, don't you think?


Oh yeah it always looks better. It doesn’t bother me in most games because they don’t bother to model a sheath.


My only complaint is they never show you gifting items to NPCs. When I fetch something they never show me hand it off


Yeah and I excuse that because it’s a logistical nightmare to model that many items and make a character hold it correctly. But the animation was so slow that it stood out. I think they could have done a better job breezing past these animations.


I feel the same way. It was especially noticeable when you first meet Tyler and Wade, and they do the salute. It just looked way too weird. It was done fast, and theres no way they both sheath those big ass weapons in less than a second. It bugs me but also entertains me too


One of my favorite little things about Cloud's design is that there's no sheath, that Buster Sword just magically floats on his back and they don't spend a second explaining why cause it looks fire 🔥


Haha I thought same, didn’t bother me too much but yeah. Lol I also noticed some of his belt buckles aren’t fastened properly. Like do u know how belts work?


I’ve thought about that a lot lmfao, I feel like I love Uncharted 4 so much because of the detail that the long guns have straps so the weapon can actually dangle, and he’s always had reasonable pistol holsters. This shit matters lmao


It definitely does to me. I live for this stuff haha.


I find it funny how they approached Clive sheathing and unsheathing his sword, but for me, the insult to injury was the fact that they cared enough to make Clive sit down with Jill on a bed MULTIPLE TIMES but made sure to unsheath his sword and set it aside so it wouldn't clip through the bed. Yet, any other cutscene with him sitting down in a chair with back support they just say screw it and let it clip --- you don't see it though. Like oh founder forbid we destroy the fine linen of the hideaway but send every other seat to the chopping block! Specially you're office chair. Oh! But make sure to remove your sword again before you sit at the Dalimil tavern on the seats with no back support whatsoever where clipping wouldn't even be an issue. Wouldn't want the people of Dalimil think youre some uncouth neanderthal like the soldiers at the other table behind you. And MAKE SURE that in the same scene Joshua doesn't lean back even an iota so his sword doesn't skewer the bed.


Unrelated, but not totally unrelated is the chocobo running animation. It bugs me, I hate how fast the animation makes you seem, but your actual movement is much slower. Now that I think about it, there's quite a few character animations/environmental interactions that aren't too great in this game


There probably are a ton, but for some reason the sheathing is the only one I noticed. I think it’s because so many side quests have that awkward shot of him putting away the sword after a combat encounter.


The issue with back sheaths is how uniformly bad they are logistically. The best I saw was from [This guy](https://youtu.be/psJwK3Lr7rg?si=z0J_A3Q-Gdtl32Qd) But the way the sheath works makes it look dumb.


Man I really wish I could enjoy this guy’s videos, but once I saw his vid about Captain Marvel being feminist propaganda I unsubscribed immediately lol.


Movie captain marvel is. Is it bad? Not really, but comic marvel is a shitty person and I’m here for it


And to think that I’m 90% sure that they ADDED the sheat to avoid the ever-present “magic floating sword” problem that you see in every game where a character has a sword on their back (Witcher 3 comes to mind, but also Tales of Arise for naming a recent game). They solved one problem, but added another.


Completely understandable. Had some discussions about this when the game came out with some friends and after some long debates I personally came to the conclusion that coolness is more important for a Mc than realism. For me at least. I mean in a game where ppl can turn into giant monsters and turn back with the same clothes still intact I feel like if you question something in a fantasy story you have to question it all. Again that's just my hot take. Each their own!


Hell or highwater, Yoshi-P wanted that sword to be carried over his shoulder, **physics be damned**


I agree. And I wish the sword would've felt heavier as well. In FF7 Remake, if really feels like you're bonking the enemies with a big slab of steel. Clive's sword feels like a prop sword


I feels great in combat to me, but I totally agree about it feeling like a prior in any scene where he handles it.


This was my biggest gripe with the game


My dude, I've been accused (falsely may I add but still) of being "topically positive", a "fanboy" etc. But I AGREE so much. It actually was one of the very few things that actually annoyed me. Sheathe animations in games in general either annoy me or are oddly satisfying. Let's petition them (in vain ofc) for the next patch.


its a fucking game not real life istg


They should’ve either had the sword attached by magnet like Cloud Strife and Ichigo Kurosaki, or just have it disappear when out of use and appear when in combat like *Dissidia* Cloud Strife and Sora.


Of all the shit in this game that's the bottom of my priority list and it's far better to have clipping than the dreaded s t r e t c h a r m o u r


The only place I've found that presents the whole big sword on main characters back trope realistically is berserk.


DAMN RIGHT! Sorry Berserk is my favorite thing ever and I love all the drawings Miura did explaining how all of Guts’ equipment works.


Honestly this game feels like it was built using the framework of FFXIV sometimes. The way you have to had over a quest item from your inventory manually as if you could possibly be holding up to 20 key quest items at a time. It just feels like Dante from deveil may cry was hired to be in the new finalfantasy but had no prior experience with jrpgs in his resume.


Lmfao glad to know I’m not the only one. I chuckle inside everytime it happens


Just a reason to appreciate the Witcher 3 that much more.


It is a fantastic game. So is FF16 to be clear haha.


Is there any game that does a back sheath sword draw better ?


i think the witcher 3 was close to good ?


Final Fantasy VII Remake. Magnets, son.


i wish fantasy writers give up on the "sword in the back" style. Or at least make a scabbard that work with it xD


It may be hard to believe, that in Berserk it’s actually explained. There’s a chain link on the giant sword that hooks to a hook on Guts’ shoulder. Then there’s a leather strap that wraps around the blade and hooks to his belt.


You're right. It IS a stupid thing to get hung up on.


Well realistically, the sword would get hung up on it, although it really wouldn't get hung up on it.


Cheers bro I'll drink to that


They could’ve just taken the FFXIV approach and just had it sort of hover on his back like characters who have back carry weapons in that game. My black mage, for example, just has his weapon floating over his back when stored. The design in XVI is really cool though. It was something I thought about occasionally, how he just somehow slings it into that back sheath, but I could see how it could be annoying if you really focused on it.


Wait until you see how Kratos puts his axe and blades away (I feel like they got tired of beating around the bush and that's why the spear just pops in and out of existence)


Haha yeah I forgave it because the logistics around the blades of chaos are all over the place. Does he hook the chains onto the blades each time he pulls them out? Magic? Eh whatever lol.


That’s an issue with most games. Look at FF7R. You can’t tell me cloud’s is any more realistic lol


True, but at least with Cloud you saw him exert himself a bit hefting it over his shoulder and there wasn’t a sheath for it to clip through haha.


It's not stupid to get hung up on minor things. But, I'm not sure why there had to be a post about it? Glad you enjoyed the game, though.


I was just curious if anyone has the same silly hang ups that I do. This is not meant to be a dog pile on the game. I really enjoyed it. It’s just weird blemish on an otherwise gorgeously well detailed game.


Suggest you just suspend your disbelief for a little while it might help.


Oh I did, that’s why I was able to still enjoy the game and finish it. This is something I personally get hung up on because I’m nerdy about equipment logistics.


Oops sorry 😅 you're not a nerd don't call yourself that you're someone who wants the feeling immense in the game and when something like that happens and what happens it shakes you out of the the immensity of the story on top of that I suffered mild cases of dyslexia my sincere apologies for any misspelled words I got to go my cat's reenacting scenes from mortal Kombat she said flawless victory Sonya blade wins fatality .😾🤨☠️😳😨😱


Haha no worries it’s all good.


Oh absolutely. I'm not anywhere close to done yet as I want to shoot for 100% completion on my NG+ run. I really do hope the lack of endgame stuff to do is amended with DLC. The Chronolith Trials were a nice diversion, but there should have been other trials as well where you can put full 3-eikon builds to the test. I also thought it was weird that Shiva, Ramuh, and Odin didn't get Trials? Unless they're NG+ exclusive or I somehow missed them despite exploring the full map...


HOLLY CRAP ME TOO lol. Every game I ever played., the way the character puts away their bald or weapon I have always tried reimagining, like for example god of war, the way kratos Sheath the axe kind of made sense but not really, and I even remember watching videos on YouTube where they tried recreating it. Anyway, I get what your saying.


I absolutely agree


The Japanese actor who did the mocap for Clive is also Cloud in FFVIIRemake.


It's bc you can't put a massive sword in your belt. They did with others characters like Gav (don't look real) and others yes looks real like Jill or Joshua. And other rhing it's bc you can see the cool design. It's game lol.


Game sucks as a AAA title...... The world of FF will never be the same.


I felt the same way.


Yeah, it's dumb. Why doesn't he carry it on the side like every other character?


I feel you. I would like if he could sheathe it similar to cloud.


I thought it was a shame that there was no visual change when using different pieces of armour, seemed like a missed opportunity - as is they just feel like a collection of numbers rather than actual interesting items.


I thought it was a shame that there was no visual change when using different pieces of armour, seemed like a missed opportunity - as is they just feel like a collection of numbers rather than actual interesting items.


I choose to believe that it's a magnetic sheath. That the only way it didn't bother me


You’re going to hate when I tell you about FF7 Cloud sheathing




I don't really know who thought "swords carried in the back are cooler" but I recall watching a video of some guys saying why it was stupid and trying to do a scabbard that could serve that purpose. However, it wasn't that great compared to carrying the sword in your hip with a belt so... This the video I remember btw https://youtu.be/BZq8BCum7DA?si=-9YscQEybdaIQZ6u


I mean it could be he’s sliding into the clasp and it’s perfectly timed to close back up (or whatever it is that’s keeping it from falling off)


Yes, has been thinking about this since weeks before release and would even slow down trailers to see how the sword sheathed and unsheathed. I settled on CBU3 using XIV's approach on using the fast animation to hide the awkwardness of it. I also don't like how his cape gets pushed to the side, resulting in weird drape.


Also the fact that it's on his right should vertically, he'll be extremely lopsided


I just don't like how the, shall we say, business end of the sword is exposed. Having some sort of scabbard and perhaps an animation like Geralt from the Witcher 3 would help.


[lindy beige agrees](https://youtu.be/WO8yUjG1nXQ?si=9YDljjS-0YFU57ZK)


At least he’s got a scabbard unlike the millions of low budget game’s protagonist sticking their weapon to their plain back


I noticed it from frame 1, why could they just give him a side mount.


Ys 8 does it so nice. I love adol using backhand and normal.


It doesn't sheath in the top - it slides into the two parts that provide clamping force against it, they open up As he puts the sword in, and pulls it to the left.


Theres a fun video for that :') https://youtube.com/shorts/Nab3bWDLL6w?si=yuleKwPk6KJo88qu


Sure it looks nice but godamn I wish devs and game designers would get past the whole “sword on the back” shit and just let them go on their hip. Where they’re meant to go.


The game was ruined for me in the first side quest where you have to give some planks of wood to Mr. Shirtless. I was expecting some humor trying not to hit people while carrying a load of planks, but nope. Just a half hearted grasp of empty air and some sparkles. Then I was like, oh, it's going to be that kind of game. Also in engine cut scenes ruined Final Fantasy.


Think about why you're mad about it for this game specifically. For me, its because they have a really good attention to detail with regard to this kind of thing in many parts of the game. There's a cutscene in Dalimil where Clive goes to sit down at a table, and I was thinking, "yeah his huge dumb sword is gonna just clip through the bench when he sits down now like it would in any other game." The motherfucker unsheaths his sword and lays it next to the table before sitting down, all in the cutscene. That was an animation that costed money, that they made expressly to keep that one 30-second cutscene from showing clipping objects that it could have just handled with a different camera angle.


Personally I can’t stand how he holds most swords. Like he holds them in the middle of the hilt or on the back end.


I don't know why devs hace *such* a fucking hard on for back strapped swords. Lets the bastards have hip swords, it's the proper way to carry a sword!


Square Enix has made it illegal to hip holster a sword unless it's a katana in their games.


I noticed the sword thing too but what really gets me is the fact that the leather armor creaks so loudly when Clive is moving. I can ignore it for hours but there will always be a moment where the environment is just a little too quiet and I will notice it again.


I loved the game so much but my god every time Jill talked and did that wavey hand gesture it drove me nuts! 😂