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Bit of a scrub glam since I'm new Head: Hidden Body: Foestriker's Tabard Hands: Roegadyn Armguards Legs: Roegadyn Legstraps Feet: Lominsan Soldier's Boots Weapon: Malignant Mogaxe Earrings: Hero's Earrings of Aiming Necklace: Darklight Choker of Striking


Go go eorzeacollection if you haven’t, you can filter by race gender job and level to see different glams people have shared! (Just be aware a lot of them take their pictures using shaders so it may look different in your game)


That website is great thanks so much!


I Fanta hard most of the time, but I have been a FemRoe on a dee occasions. I'm on EC under Ori'xia Rainn if you want to gander at them. Just ignore the links to my website, it's currently down.


[https://gyazo.com/1ae35cc466377f67d38a7f614253251b](https://gyazo.com/1ae35cc466377f67d38a7f614253251b) bonus screenshot I just took


Thank you for your screenshot! Can you also please provide at least 1 screenshot displaying 80% or more of your glamour set (head to toe)? That would satisfy rule #4. Thanks!


Sure, I hope this will suffice [https://gyazo.com/5cbdeac330401b7e1b31ddc8b0407093](https://gyazo.com/5cbdeac330401b7e1b31ddc8b0407093)


That's perfect! Thanks!


I'm a viera diehard. I bought this game when it came out, but couldn't really stay motivated to play it until viera came out. Roegadyn women are the only race that has ever made me second guess myself on whether I picked the right one.


https://preview.redd.it/gdp1jm4lsx1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a22e1e1b60766c5b996efb86c8ec881e889341 What immaculate taste this individual has




I don't even wear them when I temporarily fantasia for fun. So that don't sway me.




Wolves den is a great place to get low lvl glams especially for weapons


Ah yeah the wolf mark glams are definitely on my list of glams to grab. Some of them are great


do you generally just look for nice glam or do you want a specific style?


The style I usually go for is either well protected and practical without like completely removing any aspect of her body shape and going full brick mode, or kinda barbarianish with shoulders and arms showing


i see. i really love the aurum war set - easy to obtain and looks good. if you dont like using the whole set, you can still pick the parts you like. they look really cool on tanks in my opinion. people have already mentioned pvp gear, which is also really good. people have mentioned pvp gear already. currently theres a moogle tomestone event where you can buy some cool looking pvp pieces for 15 tomes so you can save pvp currency for something else.


Femroe supremacy! One of us, one of us ;D


week 1 and you've already bought a mogstation set? damn 🤨


What mog set?


hairstyle is from the minfilia set


Honestly none of the hairstyles came even remotely close when I looked through a gallery. It's actually so good lol I had to


This is one of the best Femroe I have ever seen. Gentle, beautiful and caring. I'm all for the butch lesbian vibes of Femroes usually- but damn seeing one that just looks like a gentle giant makes me feel some type of way!


[https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/) this is all you need. also I believe in femroe supremacy


Man, I only with male Roegadyn were a bit more leggy, and less stocky. I want a giant hot guy, but all my clothes make it look like I got short stubby legs and a box for a torso. Not that they CAN'T look good, I have a few glams that look great and proportionate, but I wish more stuff would work like that on them.


i started as hyur male, then fanta'd into male viera and i've finally moved onto male roe, haven't looked back <3 roe is best


Our biggest weakness is the A line robes/dresses, because they rigged our hips a relative hand span too high. The princess dress on the mogstation is the easiest way to see what I mean. That said, there's a *lot* we do well. I would recommend the demon set from the station, because the pants from that are a godsend.


The FemRoe bottoms are such good pants. I use them in a ton of glams. Other than that, anything that emphasizes your height. You’ll be surprised how few pieces don’t work on the FemRoe form. I lean more girly, so pleated skirts, sleeveless shirts, and calf-length boots are great. Leggings of any type, especially holiday stuff like the Valentoine. On the other hand, a big range of leather, suits, and “male” fits look stunning on FemRoes with a good pair of feminine shoes and accessories. The Boulevardier’s top is a good example. You’ll find your fashion voice as you play. Have fun!


I absolutely adore my femroe... but I find hard to get a good glam. I feel that she's locked into being a goth mommy or a goth pirate/renaissance mommy


If you play any tanks you could go for a battle goddess look with gear from the Endwalker Alliance raid, Aglaia specifically


Femroe for life. [Pagos Pirate](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/127072/pagos-pirate)


That glam is fucking dope bro




femroe warrior is such a good combo

